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Rain at last! Not really heavy, but it's coming down steadily and my trees are loving it! No freeze tonight either, which makes three nights in a row with low temps above freezing. Here's a shot of the Western Rim of the Sacramento Mountains as seen from US-54 on my way home from town, the rain just beginning to fall:

Got some rain last night, enough so that I don't need to water today, and we're slated to have more rain this afternoon and evening... a 30% chance. Partly sunny/cloudy right now, temp is mild... good day to hang out and enjoy a quiet Sunday with the cats. I'd estimate that we'll have a 75% chance of cold beer later, since I went easy yesterday, lol... ;)
Rained again last night... not a whole lot, but enough so I don't have to water the trees & plants today. Skies are clearing, and I'm hoping for nice weather tomorrow so I can go riding in the mountains! Gotta check the forecast, the weather guessers may have updated it. :rolleyes:
Disappointed at first when I saw clouds in the sky, but NOAA says they're just fog patches which should burn off as the day progresses... so my ride may still be on, we'll see how it looks in an hour. Meanwhile, I enjoy my herbal tea and knock out the usual morning chores, maybe make a picnic lunch in case I actually ride. Gotta go back and check the forecast for Cloudcroft... see what it says. :rolleyes:
Looks like crazy weather for many of us over the next few days. Possibilities of severe thunderstorms and tornadoes around here. A dump of snow where a couple of the kids are, not looking good!
It rained hard here last evening and finally let up in the night. Thunderstorms.
Looks like crazy weather for many of us over the next few days. Possibilities of severe thunderstorms and tornadoes around here. A dump of snow where a couple of the kids are, not looking good!
It rained hard here last evening and finally let up in the night. Thunderstorms.
Looks like quite a bit more rain! By next Friday the  cold moves in for a while!! ☹️
Might be sooner than that, Pearl... starting tonight and for the rest of the week, we're gonna have low temps in the low 20s here in Alamo. High temp will be 60* F today, then it drops to the mid-or-high 40s for the next few days, with a forecast high of 50* F on Friday. Definitely a cold front for this part of the country, lol. Meh, it'll pass. Got a strong wind advisory today, that's why I wrote off the morning campfire... maybe sometime in the next few days, I'd like to clear those piles of branches and the last two dried stumps from my yard. Oh, well, they'll get burned soon enough... I'd like to enjoy the campfire, maybe have a BBQ at the same time, but it's already too windy today, I'll have to wait until the weather settles down. :confused:
So it's pretty cold here, been -5 for a few days, and tonight it's dropping to around -9/-10 which we haven't seen in about ten years. It's pretty rare here. Just discovered a dead mouse in one of the hen's buckets on my second trip out to pour hot water to melt the ice. The place looks so pretty during the day, and I'm dying to get out for a good walk, but tied to the house a bit at the minute. The problem here is the damp also, not a dry cold. We had a sprinkling of snow last night also before it froze. There are a few travel issues, due to daylight thawing and then refreezing, so I've organised this week's shopping to be delivered and my husband is doing the kid's taxi-ing. Other than the pipes to my washing machine being frozen (it's out in the garage) all is good. I've filled a bath with water just in case though.

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