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My central unit kept freezing up when we first moved in this place, when I took off the top cover thing only took a second to see why....the coils were absolutely filthy, but after cleaning them and straightening the fins it works like a new one lol
I am very religious about cleaning the coils on the inside unit.
Did preliminary voltage tests up to, and thru the contactor going to the compressor, all good. On the phone with 'the guy' I told him of the tests I had done and he said: "it's probably the capacitor" and I told him that the top of it looked bowed up, and he said: "Yep! :thumbs:". He will visit tomorrow morning.
I blame @zannej !:waiting:gaah
Eww, pretty simple fix but I'm kinda scared of capacitors especially on AC units and Microwaves
I could easily change it, but I left my 'cap stash' in Bama when we moved.
Didn't think I would ever need them after I hung up my tools.
I worked with a lot of capacitors when I worked. Know all about them.
When they put a 'warning label' on them, they are serious :oops:.
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I could easily change it, but I left my 'cap stash' in Bama when we moved.
Didn't think I would ever need them after I hung up my tools.
I worked with a lot of capacitors when I worked. Know all about them.
When they put a 'warning label' on them, they are serious :oops:.
As a heart attack lol, I'm all about taking broken things apart, figuring out how they work (or trying to), and seeing if I can fix it lol but I leave discharging the big caps to the hubster lol
I could easily change it, but I left my 'cap stash' in Bama when we moved.
Didn't think I would ever need them after I hung up my tools.
I worked with a lot of capacitors when I worked. Know all about them.
When they put a 'warning label' on them, they are serious :oops:.
Have you ever made a "Jacob's ladder"? fun stuff. I'll bet Tesla was a riot at parties!
In other weather news... our outside A/C unit stopped working at 4pm. ...he said: "it's probably the capacitor" and I told him that the top of it looked bowed up, and he said: "Yep! :thumbs:". He will visit tomorrow morning.
I blame @zannej !:waiting:gaah
We are back up and running! :woo hoo:
He got here at 7:25am:oops:...
Was done and left at 7:40am:).
...An obvious case of @zannej fever:

We have a very 'good' guy. :thumbs:
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Hotter!! Wow! Can we top yesterday's 112°??? Updates later!!
Going in Pearl's weather book as 112° for today. It couldn't quite top yesterday's high. Less humidity today, just came in from refreshing waters (deer and Buddy) and gave Bud some more hay under the big tree, not bad out there today!
Apparently I need to find "a guy" in my neck of the woods my ac is struggling lately, and freezing up again, the hubster says it's low on Freon I just nod my head and agree cuz I've reached the limit of my ac knowledge LMAO
If it is...
See this POST.
Especially if it is over 15 years old and losing refrigerant.:(
A new system that is *free, is just waiting to take it's place. Mine was/(is by now).
Stop sending an extra $100 each month to the greedy power company, (oh wait, that would be me, Super owns stock in the company that supplies your power👹).
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Lol well thanks for keeping my Daddy in a job till he retired lmao, he worked for TVA, and I'll check it out
If it is...
See this POST.
Especially if it is over 15 years old and losing refrigerant.:(
A new system that is *free, is just waiting to take it's place. Mine was/(is by now).
Stop sending an extra $100 each month to the greedy power power company, (oh wait, that would be me, Super owns stock in the company that supplies your power👹).
69 here at the moment, was 63 when I got up. Supposed to be breezy and high 70s today.
Got a quarter inch of rain and and rainbow yesterday but down by Flint they had a few tornadoes go through. Nobody hurt from the news reports so far.

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