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Yeah, I'm cooking (and eating) more to make sure the house stays warm!!😉😃 One must do what one must do
DW is gonna draw a bathtub of water so we will have water to flush with.
The water pressure won't drop because of people dripping their faucets during a freeze, but when people's broken pipes thaw and start spraying water after the thaw. :(
I noticed the temp dropped to 30 so i went out to feed the dog. Saw precipitation, tiny flakes of snow! Happy dance!!! It's snow and not sleet! :thumbs:

I'm thinking tonight's ice storm will be well south of me. That means i shouldn't lose power and have to take the folks to a hotel. (just checked on them, both sound asleep in front a blaring tv).

Sadly, gonna be in the boundary area for the rest of the week. (where the low and high pressure meet). The freezing rain or snow line will drift south, then north, then... I'll be sweating an ice storm til Saturday at least. :(
Currently -10. I just came in from my 4th walk with the Aussie. Her owner was supposed to get home yesterday, but her flight was cancelled, and the next one was cancelled, and the next one. She is on her way home now and in fact should be on the ground.
Wife has been dog sitting since Friday. The family had the MIL's funeral in Houston. They called earlier, flight cancelled. Not sure when they are returning.
Louie (dog we are sitting) is good. he gets along well with out mutt Zeus
its cold.
its freakin cold
its damn cold

it was -4 today. got the wood stve blazing away 24/7, got a pot roast in the oven to help heat the place up too. wearing fleece jacket, scarf, cap and gloves sitting here sipping hot tea. im seriously thinking of adding some brandy to the tea. . its rare when the inside om place is that cold

one thing ive been noticing for a couple years now---accuweather lies about temps to make things look warmer than they really were. last night was -7, verified by 4 different thermometers placed in greenhouse, on porch, chicken coop and back door. they all reported a temp within 2-3 degress of one another outside. accuweather first posted the temp was 9 then changed it to 21 degrees. the temp station isnt that far from me.

ive been praying for all in the south being hit with this, i grew up in the south-people dont have the insulation or average protections more northern folks see as standard. lot of people gonna be hurt.
A few years ago there was a weather prediction that the metro area was supposed to get a good snow, something like 8 inches maybe. Well, the metro area got something like 10 more inches than predicted. I don't know the science about how they predict it, but in fact, it came out that they knew there was probably going to be many more inches than predicted. Why weren't they honest about it? They didn't want people to freak out about it! Well, people should know so that they can decide if they really need to go and do something, or if they would be better off staying home. Let people freak out, do a grocery run to prepare, and stay home from school and from work. And let them not be stuck in a ditch, spinning out, caught up in a big pile up.
Friends of mine were told they could stay home from work today if they wanted to. That is a smart decision to make! Let people stay home, rest, relax, and not have to deal with the cold, the snow packed roads, the people who haven't figured out that they need to drive slower when the roads are like they are.
Freezing rain! gaah
Pearl, couldn't you just keep that stuff to yourself?:(
The tailgate of my truck:

Glad I made my beer & smokes run earlier today:thumbs:.
Still have snow flurries here... reminds me... what I really disliked about living up north wasn’t the snow or the cold. It was being cooped up all winter! I’m an outside person, always have been. But when its 30below and a snow drift is up to the eves the only smart thing to do is sit by the fire, trapped!

One winter, bored out of my mind, I bought a wrist rocket slingshot. Had a 50ft basement and set up a box with soda cans on top. Got pretty good by spring! And got rid of the squirrel problem by summer. 🤣

But I climbed the walls every winter!!! hated it!!! gaah Stir crazy is a real thing! 😁
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I moved my 4 potted plants in the house for a few days... don't want to lose them. All the rest of my plants are wild, they do fine all by themselves. :)

They have them on the Zit... calf, cow, horse...
You would be wasting your money. They would eat and/or pull off the blankets, trompel what's left and crap on them. They need a wind break first and foremost and shelter from cold rain.
Good point. That's what they did to the blankets we put over the doorway to the pump house.
There is still enough of the barn for them to go into and the two of them can huddle together. I still feel bad for them.

When the younger one was born in 2008 it got really cold shortly after. I went out to check on her and she was on the ground cold. It was too dark and she was a bit too heavy for me to drag to the barn so I laid a blanket out on the ground, pulled her onto it spooned her, and pulled the blanket over us. My foot was sticking out so the horse grabbed my foot. I adjusted the blanket but it slipped off of the calf. The horse then did one of the ony nice things he'd ever done in his life and pulled the blanket back over the calf. We managed to stay warm through the night and next morning I woke up with the blanket and everything around us covered in frost. I was able to get the calf to the barn in the daylight.

Currently 23°F with 87% humidity. Bridges are iced over and there's already been at least one wreck in town. Not sure if the vet will be open in the morning unless the ice melts.
Still have snow flurries here... reminds me... what I really disliked about living up north wasn’t the snow or the cold. It was being cooped up all winter! I’m an outside person, always have been. But when its 30below and a snow drift is up to the eves the only smart thing to do is sit by the fire, trapped!......ll

Thats why they invented snow shoes, toboggans, sleds, skiing, ice skates, dog sled racing, ski dooing and ice fishing.

If that doesn't get you out, the wood shed will.

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A few years ago there was a weather prediction that the metro area was supposed to get a good snow, something like 8 inches maybe. Well, the metro area got something like 10 more inches than predicted. I don't know the science about how they predict it, but in fact, it came out that they knew there was probably going to be many more inches than predicted. Why weren't they honest about it? They didn't want people to freak out about it! Well, people should know so that they can decide if they really need to go and do something, or if they would be better off staying home. Let people freak out, do a grocery run to prepare, and stay home from school and from work. And let them not be stuck in a ditch, spinning out, caught up in a big pile up.
Friends of mine were told they could stay home from work today if they wanted to. That is a smart decision to make! Let people stay home, rest, relax, and not have to deal with the cold, the snow packed roads, the people who haven't figured out that they need to drive slower when the roads are like they are.
In 2009 we got 13" of snow, supposed to have gotten an inch! Don't know how they were so far off on that one?!
Still frigid here. Temps are ingle digit but no precip. Supposed to get back over freezing Wednesday and Thursday, but then another couple of days of single digits. Next week it is supposed to get back into the 40's. It is Winter. :eek:
About the same here! Bottomed out at 9° again, will get above freezing tomorrow! Another shot of artic air Friday ahead of a rainy week. 50's and 60's accompanying the rain! The donkey and outside cats are enjoying the sunshine right now, despite the frigid temps!!
Now this is my kind of snow storm! A light dusting means i don't have to shovel. No road closures in my area either but icy spots reported.

17 degrees this morning, a little chilly outside. High of 28 predicted. Got the water tank ready for the chickens. No plans but stay inside and warm. Might make a pot of chili!

Edit... the next county over has about 6000 without electricity. Power here is fine so i don't have to move the folks to a hotel.

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Low teens overnight. Maybe a couple degrees up from that. Still overcast, I haven't measured yet, but looks like 8 to 10". Pretty wet snow, and got cold enough to crust over on top. Our dog is little, he's having a hard time figuring out the snow.
First pic is this morning. Other 2 from yesterday afternoon when storm was full bore


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