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Froze in another day, everything is covered in ice here today.

Yesterday (Sunday) it was 26 degrees with a windchill of 18 degrees at sunrise when the wife went out to tend to the animals.
And this is Florida!! Well, as far north as you can get without being in Georgia.
Supposed to be 80 by the end of the week.
Yesterday we got a few inches of snow. We drove to town to look at a house the wife's brother is buying. Had a little problem getting out of our driveway, but not too bad. Then the snow turned to rain. It was almost impossible to drive back in. Between our house and the county road it drops almost 800 feet in elevation.
It rained most of the night and this morning everything is solid ice. Right now it's foggy and snowing.
It is a little warmer here today but not that much, the sun is trying to shine, the shop cats are all over the yard , so they must think it is warmer
37 ATM - rained some this morning atop all our packed snow - wahoo!
I almost drove the bronco - probably good I didn't as I would be out having way too much fun 😊
I got to squirrel just a little in my car, but it has studded kix so makes having fun more of a challenge.
it never got sunny today, but lots better than this time last week, supposed to get well above freezing tomorrow, that should make things slippery and sloppy
Lovely blue cloudless sky, and a "refreshing" nineteen below zero.
4 nights ago it was 14f. Tonight it's 59f, might get down to 54f, brrr! 🥶

78F in the house because I have to keep turning on my space heater, one brick, just to keep the humidity below 50% inside house. Either comfortable and clammy or get the oscillating fan from the shop and leave the heat on.

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Wednesday 1/24/2024...
High overcast, damp, calm, at 4pm central time 38F... It must have sprinkled at first light or so this morning because the news is cautioning about slick roads, bridge decks and the like... Forecast mid 40sF through the end of the month... These temps will make for a short ..winter carnival.. and life span of there snow sculptures and ice castle for safety reasons..

Word from friends in Alaska and northern BC saying good seasonal weather and dog sled conditions there... The 2 of the 7 kids I am ...bush grandpa... to that dog sled race are in the ...2 dog... age group now.. Next year they will be in the ..5 dog class.. You go mushers..
Light rain since 1am, 1.61" so far, with "flash-flood" warnings beeping on the TV all day.
They said we were going to get 5", hopefully not in one day, so we don't end up in 'Zannej-world' :(.
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