One more hot day, 88°, windy! High fire danger! It's February, not June! Temps drop tomorrow and a very slight rain chance Thursday.
That’s actually good Pearl. You having fires already is not cool.The weather people missed the high by 10 degrees, only made it to 78°! Also didn't have much wind, that's ok with me! Big cold front tonight, 40°, very windy. Only in the 50's tomorrow!
I think you are out of the delivery zone this time SuperV!!It is 52° COLDER THAN two days ago! Monday-95° , today- 43°!!![]()
Hope they all died!!It was in the mid 30s here overnight. Overcast. Which season is it? Saw lots of little snakes the other day and poisonous looking spiders as we were cleaning up the yard.
Just keep flashing that forecast and your KoolAid might taste a little funny! Lol! But really, SEND BACK MY 90's!!I hope so.
I have been totally loving our 'global-warming' February winter-weather!
78° right now.
Don't pee in my kool-aid!
Edit: My kind of winter weather:
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I only found one very still lizard while getting firewood. I just put the wood back over it , poor thing was cold!@Pearl Son in law was tossing the snakes, I think they were simple yard snakes that don’t even reach a foot long in size. Wouldn’t do to call them foot snakes!
The spiders we were killing as fast as we could. Didn’t see any scorpions.
It's still only 35° out my way! We even had sleet this morning!! Glad for any moisture!!Rain, glorious rain. Still cold for us. Praying for rain where it’s needed.