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More thunderstorms here.

Supervisor, I wish I were super rich so I could pay powerlines to be put underground instead of up in the air where they get hit with trees and snagged by wind. Would make life so much easier (so long as they were all properly sealed up to keep water out).

Power flickered off very briefly during the storm. It seems to have let up for now but is still cloudy.
My town has underground lines, but that doesn't stop the outages occurring outside the town from knocking out our power.
It's 97 degrees here & the temp is going up. Every day this week is project to be 100 or above. Now I'm going to go trim a tree.
Now You 🐝 losing some Shade so it will get Hotter...!!! Does that make sense...?!?
Calling for Rain to Hit berry berry soon but as usual, it'll go around US here...!!! Mowed the whole yard Yesturday and didn't water after I finished so it won't rain...!! :facepalm:
Unseasonably warm was 118 on my back patio in the shade. (Yes the thermometer is accurate.) I don't like to drive my cars or even go out when it's this hot. And we probably won't go below 110 until the end of August. :(
Unseasonably warm was 118 on my back patio in the shade. (Yes the thermometer is accurate.) I don't like to drive my cars or even go out when it's this hot. And we probably won't go below 110 until the end of August. :(
When I have had enough of cold Texas weather I will head your way!!
96° again, a little breezy! Time for hot sun, warm pool, and ice cold beer!!🌞🏝️🍺
I finally got my favorite 93° today! :woo hoo:
And it ain't even July yet! Al Gore Rulz!