Looks like rain this afternoon, which suits me fine... I'm merely reading a book. Might watch a movie later and make a good dinner this evening. Early start tomorrow on what may be the final day of the Goathead War! I pulled a tour of inspection in the yard this morning, and I only have a few small areas of younger puncturevines to blast with the flamethrower... this is PROGRESS!!! I'll still have to keep an eye on any latecomers this season, but I can scuff them out with my Vibram soles, or use the hoe to scrape 'em at ground level. As long as I continue to interrupt the life cycle of these miserable goathead vines, there should be WAY less goatheads in my yard next year. That will be the big payoff, lol... 
I never did answer Neb's question about using baking soda... I'm not gonna use any chemicals whatsoever in my yard, not even baking soda, as I don't wanna alter the soil composition and make it more difficult to grow things here (besides friggin' puncturevines, lol). I saw on the web where some folks use Epsom salts & vinegar to combat puncturevines, but I don't want that salt in the soil either, not to mention the acetic acid in vinegar. That stuff ain't gonna help my wildflowers grow, or my veggie garden... better to stick with the methods I'm using, even though the war is a monumental PITA, lol. Specific targeting of goatheads with these methods will leave all other plants unaffected, and the soil won't be ruined, aye?
I never did answer Neb's question about using baking soda... I'm not gonna use any chemicals whatsoever in my yard, not even baking soda, as I don't wanna alter the soil composition and make it more difficult to grow things here (besides friggin' puncturevines, lol). I saw on the web where some folks use Epsom salts & vinegar to combat puncturevines, but I don't want that salt in the soil either, not to mention the acetic acid in vinegar. That stuff ain't gonna help my wildflowers grow, or my veggie garden... better to stick with the methods I'm using, even though the war is a monumental PITA, lol. Specific targeting of goatheads with these methods will leave all other plants unaffected, and the soil won't be ruined, aye?