Nothing to watch. No prison romances 4 U! LOL
Bromance ain't high on my priority list... ranks lower than pulling weeds or scraping dog$h!t off my boot, lol.
I'm not wired that way, so I'm still getting used to the globalist-sponsored TV ads with two dudes sucking face...
Funny story: when I was falsely charged and sat in jail for six months waiting for my hearings, my bail jacked to half a million dollars (with no record, go figure, this is what happens when ya fight police & D.A. corruption), the day arrived when some openly-gay dude was assigned to the module (40 inmates per module). I guess the gay dude thought he was in paradise, surrounded by all those men, lol... but the hardcore thugs, gangbangers & murderers were made uneasy by the smaller gay dude staring at them. It was actually pretty funny, hearing some big black thug complain that the little gay guy had a "staring problem." BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
I thought that was hilarious, all those hardened criminals who would've gladly murdered somebody for a few lousy bucks, or possibly the slightest gangland insult, all worked up about some little gay guy eyeballing them, lol. According to Hollywood stereotypes, you'd think they'd be glad to have the fairy in there with 'em, but that was definitely NOT the case... the big black dude actually "ran the module" and he asked the Sheriff's Deputies to send the gay guy on to some other unit, so the gay guy only lasted a few short days. So much for the Hollywood stereotype, even the cons in that module wanted nothing to do with the gay staring guy... goes to show ya, things aren't always as they seem, lol.
P.S. I'm thinking the gay dude's self-esteem probably took a hit when he couldn't even "get lucky" in prison, lol...