What Are You Having For Dinner

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Sunday morning is my favorite!, While I was working on the chicken house Alexandra did an artisan style bread in the Dutch oven with eggs, bacon and fried potatoes all cooked over seasoned cherry wood. Jakes girlfriend is coming over tonight and we will be cooking brauts out there tonight.

My mother used to say that one secret to good biscuits was to use goat's milk instead of cow's milk. Her biscuits were good, but I never did any kind of taste test of one against the other.

I do remember one time as a kid when my aunt, uncle, and cousins were visiting. My uncle was going on and on about how those were the best biscuits until she let it slip that they used goat's milk instead of cow's milk. After that, he got upset. It is almost as if he thought she was trying to poison him.

Of course, you have to get the basic biscuit making down good before worrying about making the best biscuits.
My biscuits don’t rise very well and they are often dry.
The neighbors stopped in for a visit. Hubby as usual, without checking with me, invited them to stay for dinner.

Dinner was mushroom risotto with braised chicken gizzards and hearts. They liked it right up until she asked for the recipe.
I make my Dad’s turkey stuffing everything thanksgiving. I use the turkey liver and put in some extra chicken livers. For a few years we couldn’t tell my daughter-in-law there was liver in there. She knows now but still likes the stuffing anyway.
I was planning hamburger steak with extra mushroom gravy and onions, slaw and a baked potato.
I got up too late, so I had a midnight breakfast of cheese grits and a whiteclaw.
What is a white law?
I had steamed liver with caramelized onions, peppers and mushrooms, seared garlic bread and chick fil a sweet dip.
Guys, this stuff is the condiment of the 21st century! chicken, liver, hot dogs, burgers, you name it, YUM! Maybe even
a veggie dip? Anyway, it pisses libtards off so give it a go! You know, IT MIGHT just make a heck of a salad dressing.
chicky sause!.jpeg

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