Dang, Peanut, that steak looks good, lol. I'm gonna post some pics of tonight's dinner, though I haven't even put together any burritos yet... the mix is done, but it'll stay hot for quite awhile in the pot I use, and I feel like having a cold beer first, as I won't be able to drink once I mack, lol. No worries, this sorta mix not only stays hot for awhile, especially in a covered pot, but all the other ingredients are ready to go during burrito assembly, which doesn't take but 2-3 minutes when the time comes. Making burrito batches is not only a culinary art, it's a process, and I like to stay on top of things as I go, but there are times when I can take a legitimate beer break and nothing suffers in quality, 10-4?
Now, let's begin with my 'kitchen help'---the kittens aren't allowed on the important counter surfaces while I'm cooking, and I ALWAYS wipe down these surfaces before I begin, and even as I'm cooking, as I'm NOT big on botulism or salmonella, lol. That idiot on the 'HELL'S KITCHEN' show has NOTHING on us here, we're FULL-ON "STURM UND DRANG" WAFFEN SS COOKS in the kitchen, and much like Long John Silver in the galley, lol. Careless slobs get cold steel in cutlass form, lol. Or maybe butcher knife form. As my best friend "T-Bone" once said: "Damn, Ev, you run a tight ship!" Best compliment a cook can receive, and the only way to go, IMHO. Anyway, here are shots taken so far:
As you can see, I like big chunks of meat & veggies in my burrito mix, they add texture and bursts of flavor, AYE? The vine-ripened tomatoes will break up into smaller pieces as I stir the mix, but that's okay, their flavor is ever-present, lol. And this particular batch is good, I sample the end product, you understand, lol. Nice heat to this batch, but chock full o' flavor too, just the way it should be... frankly, and I'm NOT boasting here, but I've been cooking for 50 years, and I can make better food than most restaurant cooks or chefs, straight up, yeah? Whether I'm cooking in the kitchen or on the BBQ, it doesn't matter, lol. Like the one idiot rap song says: "I BEEN DOING THIS!!!"
Not only that, y'all know I'm a CHEAP B@STARD, so I'd rather make BETTER FOOD on my own property than WASTE MONEY in some restaurant where the "cook" just wiped his @$$ with his fingers, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Damn, sometimes I slay myself... and this cold beer sure tastes mighty fine, lol. BTW, that cardboard box in the background is NOT permanent, it's for the kittens, and here they are, now that they're done "supervising" in my home kitchen, lol. Trust the knucklehaids to go off once I covered the burrito mix for awhile... and I must say, I LOVE that shot I already posted of little Zorlac smelling the good aroma in my kitchen with his eyes closed, that's a KEEPER, lol.
Dang, I haven't even put up those dragon pieces yet... meh, they'll eventually go up once I get all the painting done. That "GAMES" you see on the box refers to my three favorite board games: TWIXT, PLOY, and FEUDAL, they are so-called "bookshelf games" and they involve pure strategy, no chance with dice or cards or whatever. In other words, NO EXCUSE if ya LOSE, lol. And howzabout that shot of Zorlac on the bar stool? Reminds me of that George Thorogood song, the one that goes: "ONE BOURBON, ONE SCOTCH & ONE BEER!!!" Lol. Maybe I should enroll Zorlac in 'Alkies Anonymous'---he obviously can't handle his liquor, 10-4? The pogue... what a lightweight! Okay, I'm done for now...
I believe I'll start watching 'T3' with Ah-nold Schwarzenegger, I saw it on my streaming stick, and I still have a couple beers in my fridge to drink before I slap together a monster burrito, lol. I gotta run to town manana ANYWAY, might as well finish off what beers I have. That burrito mix will stay hot for an hour, at which point I'll mack and post more shots of my dinner, lol. I already did all dirty dishes too, that way I just wipe my dirty plate, slip it into the sink and call it a night, without having to face a truckload of dishes in the morning, lol. As a bachelor, I've learned a few tricks in my time to make life EASIER, lol. Y'all hang loose, and try not to salivate as you check out these pics, and later pics too! Magus, too bad you aren't here to mack a big ol' burrito plate, it'd solve your problem as it burned ya on both ends, lol. CHEERS!!!
Edit: Hey, I just noticed that the Zorlac shot I like also has the glass bong in the background, lol...
Dang, I'd forgotten how FUNNY this 'T3' flick is, I'm ROTFLMAO!!! SO funny when Ah-nold views the one gal's attire as 'INAPPROPRIATE'---then he stomps those Elton John glasses after trying 'em on, LOL.