Lost track of time ... opened a pack of pre-cut steak cubes and threw it in some Cheddar / Broccoli rice (microwavable).
Yes, I slaved over my dinner!!
Yes, I slaved over my dinner!!

No, not drowning. I use a bit of organic sauce on it, fresh eggs from our chickens, homemade bread crumbles, and chopped fresh red onion. That's all. The hamburger was from a cow we knew.Mmmmm, meatloaf! Please tell me your meatloaf isn't drowning in ketchup! @Amish Heart
About once a year we go out for a really nice dinner no special occasion. It was extremely expensive or it seemed that to me. I had a $300 gift certificate but it was still $500 with tip for dinner dessert and drinks. I think it’s really important that my son knows how to act in this type of atmosphere and the steaks were fantastic.Fancy! What is the occasion?