What Are You Having For Dinner

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My wife is playing hockey tonight, and she doesn't like to eat before games. So it's just me cooking for myself. I think I'm going to grill some Andouille sausage. Add some mashed potatoes. Maybe a salad. I've grown to really like that spicy Andouille. The problem is the wind is really howling here today, so grilling may be an issue. If so, I might give it a shot in the cast iron frying pan. Never tried that cooking method for it before.
threw some chicken in the oven, will take the other pieces for the freezer. Have mashed spuds and leftover vegs from fridge. Forgot to freeze thanksgiving foods darnit. I don't like tater tots but suffer through a frozen pizza once in a while.
Except liver. Not liver.

I don't usually go for organs of elimination, but there's a trick to cooking liver, you soak it in milk overnight first. No lie, it totally changes the taste and texture of the liver... it's like night & day. Some gal I used to know taught me that trick, and it works! Honestly, try it and see, I always used whole milk to do this and it came out great! :D

As for me, I think I'll try to finish off the last of the turkey soup tonight, not sure if I'll be able to because there's a fair amount left, lol. But I'll make a dent in it, and then there should only be one more bowl to go, lol. It's good, don't get me wrong, but I've had enough turkey soup to last out the year, lol. :oops:
I don't usually go for organs of elimination, but there's a trick to cooking liver, you soak it in milk overnight first. No lie, it totally changes the taste and texture of the liver... it's like night & day. Some gal I used to know taught me that trick, and it works! Honestly, try it and see, I always used whole milk to do this and it came out great! :D

As for me, I think I'll try to finish off the last of the turkey soup tonight, not sure if I'll be able to because there's a fair amount left, lol. But I'll make a dent in it, and then there should only be one more bowl to go, lol. It's good, don't get me wrong, but I've had enough turkey soup to last out the year, lol. :oops:
Exactly right on soaking liver in milk. And cook it VERY slowly. I used to hate the way my mom fixed it, but she cooked it too fast and was tough as leather. Wife makes it tasty and almost falling apart
Tonight I made London Broil, roasted Brussels sprouts, and grilled potato wedges. Everything came out good except the London broil. My jaw is still aching from trying to gnaw my way through it. The taste was fine. But it was tough as leather. I had marinated it for 36 hours and cut it across the grain into thin slices after cooking. Didn't help. The beef jerky I make is more tender.

Our grocery store had advertised London broil, buy one get one free. So I got suckered into that deal. I have since learned that London broil is not a cut of meat, it is a cooking technique. No telling what the store was selling labeled as London broil. But now I know better that to trust them in the future. I was thinking of grinding up the leftovers in my Cuisinart food processor into hamburger and adding that to scrambled eggs or something. But I don't want to damage by Cuisinart. Maybe I'll just throw it in the bed of the truck and use it to patch holes in the tires. Or take it to the range as a target. High power rifle only - I'm afraid handgun bullets would just bounce off and come back as dangerous ricochets.
Everything came out good except the London broil. My jaw is still aching from trying to gnaw my way through it.
Semi-good news. After a night in the refrigerator, the leftovers softened up. Not to the "USDA Prime Tenderloin" category, but at least to the "edible" category. I do not know if this was a result of sitting in the fridge overnight after cooking, or because the meat possibly coming from the other end of the slab. I did not attempt to reheat the leftovers. Microwaving meat is a hard no, and reheating leftovers in the oven will continue cooking them, usually making them even tougher and drier than they were before. So I just munched a few pieces of leftover meat cold. It was edible. Much more so than it was last night immediately after cooking.
Testing my new camera, has a setting for food pictures. Pic wasn't great but better than what I had before. Since I got a deal on bone in breakfast chops and I'll probably have biscuits and a chop for supper...

food breakfast chop.jpg