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@Haertig you could try putting a loudspeaker out there and blast some rap music at him. That would make me leave in a hurry and never come back...
Won't work.
Skunks are black.
There, I stated the obvious, call me a rascist now. :p

I could easily take him out with even a pellet gun. We see him on our Ring cameras and he really follows a strict travel routine in the middle of the night. He even trips the motion sensor lights (for easy targeting and aiming). But then, what do you do with a dead stinking skunk? I don't want to touch the putrid thing. If he'll just leave on his own due to annoyance, I'm happy enough with that.

(I did think about using that EMT pipe as a ten foot nozzle for a homemade flame thrower, but figured that was probably a really bad idea.)
Got any MACE? maybe a smoke bomb?
Skunks don't stink unless they spray. if you can kill it instantly, no problem. just throw an old blanket or a trash bag over him and transfer him to a dumpster.
This morning I have wasted about an hour catching up on old posts, I guess this week I have been so busy that other than an early morning glance I just didn't have the time to stay current. I am off today and have lots of work around the house to do. We had an old compost tumbler that the doors wouldn't stay shut on, so one evening I put real hinges on each door, that fixed that. The wife is excited that I can now start using table scraps in it, I have 6 contractor bags of grass/leave that can be processed in it. Lots of work to do in the garden. Just no time to rest.....
Think I'll be parking myself at mom's for awhile today and going through stuff. Husband is going to be bored out of his mind. I really don't want to move trash the next weekend. I know she has a set of pots and pans that she wants me to take and she can't cook in her new apartment (no stove or oven) but she doesn't even cook now and hasn't for a few years. Was going to work on this tomorrow, but we've got old friends passing through here that want to meet up. Although he put on his facebook page a while back that unvaxxed needed to unfriend him. Hmm. Maybe husband should just go. Maybe I should just not talk.
Researching how to incubate eggs. Looks like we aren’t getting roosters anywhere locally this Year. Have never incubated eggs before. Always let a broody hen do it. We don’t know if our extremely old guy is even getting the job done anymore but we’re thinking about giving some eggs a go to see if we get lucky. would love a replacement rooster from him. He’s done well for us over the years.
Our local classifieds always has tons of free roosters listed in it - many with the provision that they not be eaten :) Most suburbs that allow chickens don't allow roosters, so every spring there's tons of freebies available...
We don’t for eating either. Just want to be sure we’re doing it right for incubation. Usually we just put all eggs under 1 hen till the nest is full enough.
I've always heard that you want to store eggs around 55 degrees F for hatching, and get best results starting them before they are 7-10 days old. I have a cool corner of the house with an AC vent that is almost always between 55-60. I stage my eggs there, and have had great success with older eggs.

I hope you have good results with your hatching! I find when the eggs are "barnyard mix" that we get our fare share of roosters!
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Had a kit go exploring twice this evening. 'He' was able to get out of the nesting box twice and started crawling around the hutch. I saw him both times and put him back. He doesn't like being moved and let me know by 'boinging' in my hands as I placed him in the kit pile. I call this litter the "Wiggle Wiggle Boing" bunnies. I have never seen week old babies move like that before! Bouncing all over the place like they are jumping!
Some day! I will have a pet skunk and his friend will be my future pet bunny. Someday! Someday I will have both! But. . . I have 10 cats right now, so that day is a ways off.

Murdoch did well at the vet. For 12 1/2 the vet said he's really healthy and doing well. ^.^ In fact, right before we left he had disappeared so I went outside and called him and he came tearing up from the neighbors. I was like, wow, he's really agile still for 12.

Went shopping after we cleaned the doctor's office and ran into a conspiracy theorist in the cat food aisle. My sister's boss said our town was full of conspiracy theorist and I guess he was right. She had a few more wild conspiracy theories than I did, but that was okay! She was pleasant and she knows what's going on in the world.

Currently, I'm eating a home-made cinnamon roll. Mom's trying to fatten me up again cause I lost weight with this Crohn's flare. Going to do some writing now. Then probably watch Christopher Robin with the family and eat some hamburgers.
@Bacpacker you just described my weekend plans. I've got two new 4x8x3' beds and it's amazing how much debris it takes to fill them in and be ready for compost & soil!

You are not wrong. I had a bunch of wood sawed up and thought it would do maybe 2 beds. It didn't even get one.
I've cut enough now to just about fill halfway in one bed. Got enough gathered that need sawn to fill the small bed. Ill be back to bring more up to fill #3.
Then I've got 2 more to build after these 3 are full of compost.

And my butt is draggin
Honestly we’re looking all over at this point. Even staying stuck in Ca which scares me. A lot will depend on if we can figure out the games Morgage companies play. Learned a lot from the last disaster at least. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Just tossing this out there but I know a lady in Tennessee who manages a local owned mortgage company. We went to school together many years ago, aside from that I only know her through facebook but I would say she is honest and straight forward. If Tennessee is on your radar I could get you her contact information.
I know many here are not on FB but this was an interesting short video of wild turkeys circling a dead cat in the road.
Aside from that, slept great last night and woke up at 7:30, watched a few videos on YouTube then rolled over and got a couple more hours of good sleep. I am in my 3rd week of testosterone supplements and although I haven't seen a boost in energy during the day I have been sleeping much better and waking up less during the night. Aside from the occasional night were I had consumed plenty of bourbon I rarely slept good and would usually toss and turn every hour or so. It is strange to wake up thinking it is the middle of the night and seeing the sun shining.
Just tossing this out there but I know a lady in Tennessee who manages a local owned mortgage company. We went to school together many years ago, aside from that I only know her through facebook but I would say she is honest and straight forward. If Tennessee is on your radar I could get you her contact information.

We have looked at a few places in Tennessee. Will get that information from you if we get serious about that state. Much appreciated!
Enjoying a snow day.

Am wiped out after being at mom's place all day. I did take out a trunk full of trash and brought it to our home dumpster. Brought her pots and pans home. Found cash she stashed in two places to put in the wallet I keep for her, and her covid vaxx card. Also found that she's been saving slivers of soap for five years. She's not frugal, just whacked. She also saves (and wraps up like little presents in drawers) the tops of banana peels, the plastic from solid deoderant, the tops of toothpaste, and every bag from everything known to man. Trying to do a bit at a time before we move her next week. More wood being delivered soon and grandson is going on a boy scout thing this weekend and leaving tonight.
Am wiped out after being at mom's place all day. I did take out a trunk full of trash and brought it to our home dumpster. Brought her pots and pans home. Found cash she stashed in two places to put in the wallet I keep for her, and her covid vaxx card. Also found that she's been saving slivers of soap for five years. She's not frugal, just whacked. She also saves (and wraps up like little presents in drawers) the tops of banana peels, the plastic from solid deoderant, the tops of toothpaste, and every bag from everything known to man. Trying to do a bit at a time before we move her next week. More wood being delivered soon and grandson is going on a boy scout thing this weekend and leaving tonight.
That's so difficult when they are "stashers." You have to go through every little thing since one thing might be a piece of banana and the next might be $$$. Though not quite that bad, when we cleaned out the house of some dear friends, we had to do that. Not quite hoarders, but the end of the line on both sides, no children so they had all the family "stuff." She would have things wrapped in bread bags: coupons, insurance papers, recipes, money etc. I actually kept a bread bag because it reminds me of her (only 1 though.) My Gma stashed $5 here & $10 there. She grew up during the depression and I think that was her way of keeping a safety net. Only she'd forget where she put it.
We’ve looked a bit around Hohenwald, Tennessee. There’s a place there that would be an easy transfer for work. But our heart is still dreaming of Missouri
Hubby found a gorgeous place in MO, about 200 acres. I asked him where the nearest ski slope was and he almost cried. He was born on skies & I imagine he will be skiing until he's old and decrepit.
Had to head to a town about 2-2.5 hrs away to take my wedding ring to be repaired. I came back over the mountain the rural way so I could get some bread. It was snowing - just flurries but I enjoyed seeing it in action. Decided we're giving the nieces and kids silver for Christmas this year since none of them actually "need" anything and figure it's better than money. So, I stopped and picked that up in yet another town on the way back. A lot of driving for 1 day.
Made it home, have a chicken in the oven and got some flour ground, then popped on here. Now I need to get busy again.

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