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@LadyLocust Funny you should mention it.... lets say only one leg and shoe got it a month ago, AND that water was cold!!!! There is this one river valley, lots of flat rocks in all the feeder creeks. It's easy to slip and bust your Assssk anybody! (my Foster Brooks impersonation)

Here's the river with the water low... miles with sheets of flat slippery rock. Guess I could call it redneck ice skating...

Bridge (2)b.jpg
2" white stuff on the ground and still coming down.

I don't care , I'm going to bed , and ain't leaving the house tomorrow,
Which means ,burgers on the grill on the back porch.

Play with Eli all day....cept he sleeps a lot .

If ya can't beat 'em join 'em!!
What? I must have misunderstood the weatherman. Went out to feed the dogs, they were in there boxes! At this time of night?

It was in the 70's this afternoon, now it's 48 and dropping. Wind is gusting hard and it's started sporadic rain.
Supervisor42 sent it!! Yep, just noticed he was talking about that kind of weather in the weather thread! 😁😁
Good morning early birds, and good morning to everyone who sees this in a bit!! Work, work, work today! Bumped a couple of jobs from yesterday to today for the icy mess that never happened. No day off on the horizon!
Well good morning, our friends just left for home, they live about a 1/4 mile past use, we had them over for cake, it was her birthday yesterday, anyway we played the Doug Hagmann Show for them, always a lot of really good info.
Well, I have been working at my growing transplanting things and such, there is over an inch of snow outside and it still falling and the temperature is dropping, I hope my outside plants survive. I wish we had more of this weather in November... The birds are gathering just outside the basement walkout, I think they are using the awning as protection from the moisture, either that or they can see the bag of bird seed I have just inside the door, either way they don't seem to be bothered by me.
Today was researching how to get rid of a skunk that has apparently taken up residence under a concrete slab back porch foundation.

Apparently the little pests don't like bright light. Many articles say to just turn on your outside lights. But me? No, that's not enough. So I've been researching parts to make a Home Improvement "Binford model" strobe light. Looking at a high intensity LED automotive strobes and a 12v power supply. Look at the video on the Amazon page for this thing. The initial modes at the start of the video are quite unimpressive. But as you move on further into the video, yeah man!, we've got some Binford strobe modes for sure! That should annoy the heck out of the skunk when I drop that down into his lair when he's trying to sleep!

I just saw this article and I don't know if you live in Boulder County, or just close to it.

I don't know if you live in Boulder County, or just close to it.
"Skunk in Boulder county tests positive for rabies"

That was one of their politicians, I presume.

Our house used to be in Boulder county, but then Broomfield turned itself from just a city into both a city and a county, so our same house is now in Broomfield county. Not that it matters - skunks, and Boulderites, don't respect that boundary.
One of our livestock dogs eats skunks , then she stinks for weeks. Good thing she has a rabies shot

Blizzard today , and one of our goats looks like she will have her kids any minute now. I sure hope she waits until tomorrow or day after. The barn iis well protected from the weather but it's still cold in there. We fixed any plastic over the windows that was ripped yesterday ( we take it off in warm weather and put it up in winter)

We organized our food stocks. Need to buy more sugar ...yeah yeah, I know not good for you but I use it for cooking and baking and husband likes his coffee with lots of sugar in it. But we have absolute zero snacks stored. When the covid started, we went overboard on the snacks and all of us gained weight because we ate them. Now I don't buy any except maybe one bag of chips or something.

Also discovered we have a perfectly good fallout shelter ( it is under a building we use to milk goats and stuff). We just need to clean it and stock it. I did some research and found a military target ( ammo plant, yikes!) not too far away. We might get some fallout, or if the nuke lands off target near us, we might lose some windows. Direct hit, well, we will never know.

Birds are going nuts around the 2 bird feeders we put up every winter. There is like a hundred of them literally. We refilled them both yesterday and they are just about empty already.
You’re lucky Sonya to have a possible shelter. I always wanted a root cellar, with a dual purpose. Coulda shoulda woulda, it’s today and to ‘improve’ the basement by blocking the windows, I picked up bags of play sand today. Easily stored in the shed, and I can handle 50lb bags in a hurry if need be. If nothing else, I’ll have a huge sandbox for the kids
The basement has everything needed, but had another oh, darn thought. Dogs are always with us, so I need to figure a spot for them to ‘go’ in. Maybe a few bags of pine shavings next trip to town.
I commented to the store owner that their wood pellet prices are probably the best in the state and she replied, that’s it, can’t get any more. Glad we burn wood, and will have heat. Time for a replacement stove. Sooner, rather than later, on that too.
Met up with our New Mexico friends that were driving through on their way back home. First time they've been here. Went to the local amish restaurant for lunch, and just our luck...a tour bus dropped off a bunch of people, never saw it so busy there. We had lunch, and they were excited about it. Then said it was the first time in two years that they've sat down and ate in a restaurant, because, you know, covid. Geesh. This is not the first time we've heard this from visitors. The friends that came in last November freaked (in a happy way) when we took them to a smorgasboard for lunch. Said those are outlawed after covid. Ha Ha. Am packaging large amounts of flour today, large amounts of powdered potatoes, and soaking 6 lbs of kidney beans to cook tomorrow for the dehydrators. Husband just crashed out after that lunch.
That is a beautiful pool!
I'm trying to catch up a bit. Yesterday was busy. Helped my friend install his new electronic deadbolt. His ex was not happy. She's the reason for the new deadbolt bc she stole the key (after returning it) and had been letting herself in to use his utilities and leave the door open when he wasn't home & didn't want her there (she's only supposed to come get her stuff or watch the baby). After the deadbolt, his ex left work early (pretty sure she's going to get fired soon). So she had to babysit (she considers watching her own child babysitting) while my friend came out to our place to get the TRIA off the satellite and fix up the switch/lever that was jamming on the cistern. He actually used my idea to pry the wooden block the switch was on off the lid and put it on a mount. Worked great. Needs a little tweaking for long term stability & safety but it hasn't jammed yet.
Kidney stones have me feeling like garbage. I grabbed a hedge trimmer on clearance from TSC and got some puppy chow. The puppies prefer cat food though.
Today we got mail and went grocery shopping. Walked the puppies, cooked for Mom, and started cleaning up the living room. My brother initially started it but then expected me to do most of the work. My back wasn't cooperating and I'm feeling tired so I'm about to nap. I wish I had more energy.
Ran out to the bank to pull out some cash then to Target to pick up our order and grab some frozen veggies. Then home for lunch and family time. Saw some deals on basic clothing for the girls and K so we grabbed them while we could. Mostly bigger sizes for the girls. It blew K's mind when he saw Levis were over $60 a pair. When we got married (15+ years ago) they were $20.

Now we are playing our movie game and I have a lemon bundt in the oven. Once it comes out I'll start dinner. I got a beef roast yesterday for cheap so I figured we better eat it now in case it is an old cut.

Paid off the credit cards yesterday so now we are debt free. That is until we move and buy some land.

Gas was $5.55 a gallon this morning when we got back from the bank.
We picked up a new puppy today, an English chocolate lab about 10 weeks old.
We ordered 3 more plate brooders for our new chicks that should start arriving in April.
It warmed up to 48 degrees here today. Never seen it that warm in March before. The snow is melting fast. Some areas of our road is washing out, some areas are muddy and others still have thick ice. While we were driving up to get the puppy there were a lot of rocks and boulders on the highway. I stopped a couple times to roll some off the road so other cars didn't hit them.
Got the majority of our mowing done. I’m guessing with the grass already turning yellow and super short it will probably be the last major mowing for the season. By the road is all done now. Decrease our fire hazards dramatically. Did our elderly neighbors also. Still need to go over and weed eat around their bushes. This is the worst grass year in memory for me. Going to be a rough season for what stock we have left. Hay is already so high. I can only imagine how bad it’s going to get here.
Looks like I won’t be mowing fields at work. That’s going to be a hit towards the trailer payments. Would have really helped.
Fire that’s been smoking the area out is finally out. Can not believe how big that mulch pile turned out to be. They moved the pile to smaller piles as they put it out. It stretches at least 100yds. It would have been months before it was out on its own. There’s still a wood pile bigger than the “abandoned“ house they are working around. Hope that’s the last of the fires but we know better.
Currently sitting on my bum trying to figure out covered ca and what they are wanting. They need us to “prove our income”. Tax lady was super helpful making sense of their ramblings at least.
Think I’m foruming more than working on the health care stuff.🤷🏻‍♀️ I love this forum and all of you who are part of it. Gives me hope there’s still normal people out there. :huggs:
Not that it matters - skunks, and Boulderites, don't respect that boundary.
They are a special group of people. The People's Republic of Boulder
History of The People's Republic of Boulder

TPRB was founded earlier on by a bunch of cowboys. Before the cowboys it was totally natural, native Americans would not reside there. The local natives warned the cowboys not to settle and told of a curse on the area. The first settlement was mostly destroyed by a massive flood event either caused by the natives curse or rain. The cursed rain happens about every 40 years or so.
Around the sixties, a bunch of hippies came and took over the city. Yuppee hordes from the East invaded the Republic in the eighties and burned it to the ground. The Republic also has the known resident Mork, who has a strange look like Robin Williams.