What's everybody doing today?

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LadyLocust, I love that chicknic table thing. That is awesome. My dad would have built one and added a roof over it like umbrellas or something. LOL. Makes me wish I had chickens again.

Not doing much today. Feeling exhausted. Not sure if my progesterone stopped working or what the deal is. Pharmacy changed my thyroid meds again (to yet another generic) and this one does not feel as effective as the last one. I had more energy with the previous one. At least I haven't been getting the eye muscle twitch side effect from this one-- yet.

I plan to do some light cleaning today. already spread the carpet powder around in the front room more bc it didn't soak up all the dog stink yet. Might need to put more down in some areas and then do some vacuuming (if I can find a working plug for the vacuum).
Well, I've got 3 days under my belt now for my new position at work. It's definitely different from what I was doing before. It's almost all manual labor out in the elements. I'm filthy, sunburned, stiff and sore, and I'm actually kind of enjoying it.

I doubt I'll be staying in this job for long. If I know me, I'll see a position come open for a piece of equipment that I want to learn to operate and I'll have to bid it. But for right now, this job is just about right...
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I hope you'll be able to find a better job soon, Spikedriver.

I went outside to play with the puppies. I discovered if I got their new toys to bounce they will chase them and run back in my general direction. Closest I've gotten to get dogs to fetch. I had a cat who fetched. Used to demand I play fetch with her actually. She would bring me something and bat my ankle until I threw it for her then she'd bring it back, drop it on my lap, and wait for me to throw it again. She loved the clear plastic caps from sports bottles.

Fedex claimed they dropped off my package during the time I was playing with them so I know they were mistaken/lying about the delivery. Not sure who they delivered it to though. So frustrating.

I was extra hungry so I ate two pork chops, ritz cheese cracker sandwiches, pistachios, a banana, and two pb&j sandwiches.

I put the puppies up early because they wanted to get in the front room. Found some spoiled leftovers in the fridge and gave some to them and the other two dogs.

Watched the new episode of Father Brown and am about to nap.

I need to be more productive tomorrow.
Well, I've got 3 days under my belt now for my new position at work. It's definitely different from what I was doing before. It's almost all manual labor out in the elements. I'm filthy, sunburned, stiff and sore, and I'm actually kind of enjoying it.

I doubt I'll be staying in this job for long. If I know me, I'll se a position come open for a piece of equipment that I want to learn to operate and I'll have to bid it. But for right now, this job is just about right...
I think it's nice for a time to have "grunt work" to do and let the mind do it's own thing. It gets old after a while, but can sure be a nice break from the stresses of less labor intensive jobs.
I think it's nice for a time to have "grunt work" to do and let the mind do it's own thing. It gets old after a while, but can sure be a nice break from the stresses of less labor intensive jobs.
You're absolutely right about that. My back and shoulders are screaming at me because I've been carrying 80 pound bags of material around, moving railroad ties by hand, and swinging a sledgehammer. It's been a few years since I did much of that stuff. I can tell I'm older now! But I am enjoying it, in a weird way...
Today is finish the back fence day, I lack 150ft of fence to stretch!! Took today off to get it done. New owners take over the 50 acres behind us, do not want a shared fence. That worked with the great neighbors we had there for the past 30 years, but not taking chances with people we don't know. Hoping to meet the new neighbors today!! Bought the old neighbor's log splitter yesterday and they gave us a bunch roof metal, they didn't want to leave behind. So hubby and I moved that yesterday evening! So getting a good workout as always!! Hope everyone has a great day!!😊
Busy day today.
First off , I'm so stinking tire I can't get going.
Like @Spikedriver , hard manual labor is getting this old body down , but it feels good .

Gotta have Eli at the Vet at 11am for shot.

Then lunch.
I think we're staying in today with all beef hot dogs, cuz I want to put up the picket fence and new mailbox.
Gotta dig 6 small holes for wife's flowers inside fence.

Need to go buy tomatoes plants , get them in the ground.
Make a run to the dump.

At3pm go look at a little car , local , possibly for my middle granddaughter.
He dad is a total idiot .(about everything)
Knows nothing about cars and the one he helped her get last fall for $5k has died , engine dead.
So my daughter wants me to help her. She still owes us money on the dead one. Poor kid.

Y'all try to pray that I don't get into his nasty self today , he's also a jerk.


I am trying to get ready for a weekend, I hurt my right eye and I have no idea how I did it, it is swelled up and gray under the eye and it hurts to the touch. I have been using a cold compress, but I may need to get an I patch until it heals, rrrrrrrrrr. ;)

Looking forward to some work outdoors this weekend, it is prime gardening time...
It was another great day for getting my hands dirty. I did find room in the boxes for the transplants. I did have to bite the bullet and plant the peppers in a box next to a hedge. There just wasn't any place else left. One would think with 21 4x4' boxes it would be easy but the trees and bushes and plans for sequential harvests I didn't have much choice.

K has a bronchial infection and is on some heavy meds (similar to those given for the 'vid strange enough). He is back at work so the meds are doing their job. He was feeling better after a few hours.

I weighted the bunnies today and got them in the empty hutch til the other cages can be set up. I weighted each one, sexed them and took photos for my ads. 2 of the 3 I wanted to keep turned out to be boys. So I guess I don't have to choose now. I might wait until the next litter this early summer to keep a young doe depending on how this doe grows out. That way I don't have to worry about breeding until after the big move and we are settled. Plus I don't want a slow growing doe as a breeder.

Made arrangements for the runt to be picked up by her new family this weekend. She is the same size as the female I was considering keeping. The runt is going to a home that has a house rabbit that lost their companion bunny. Sounds like the best place for a pet rabbit.

The rest of the rabbits are getting chubby so I will be focusing on putting the weight on them for their trip to freezer camp. I need to check the protein content of the wheat and barley fodder to see if increasing it in their diet is worth the effort. Otherwise I will just give it to the breeders.

This weekend the big purge will begin. I will be giving away all the junk we don't want to move so it is out of my way. I have been selling some stuff but the junk I don't want to bother with will go to the Goodwill or the trash.

In the market for a decent class c motorhome/rv. K and I had the thought that moving the girls and the animals in one of those would be a hell of a lot easier than the wagon and having to load and unload every night at a motel. I want an older one so I don't feel bad redoing the interior to suit my personality and our needs. K wants reliable. I agree.

I am also looking for a pre 1975 VW bus or type 3. A nice air cooled engine would be less stressful to drive for groceries than my wagon with all the computer systems and injector this and sensor that BS. I hate cars with computers that are 20+ years old.


Butterfly, the doe on my possible keep list. Blue and Agouti both turned out to be male.

MINI .jpeg

Miss Mini, the runt who is going to her new family. She is a sweetie with a non standard narrow head but it isn't an issue she just looks slim.
Spent most of the day in the greenhouse repotting seedlings. Brought another table in there and did some cleanout, too. Took a walk with husband to figure out where we want the goose run. And took out all the materials we already have to build one. Was going to pick up another chain link dog run to add to what we have to use, but no stock at all. So we'll figure it out. On tornado watch till 9pm. It's very hot and windy out. Granddaughter at work at the burger place. Grandson left for a boy scout overnight.
Busy day today.
First off , I'm so stinking tire I can't get going.
Like @Spikedriver , hard manual labor is getting this old body down , but it feels good .

Gotta have Eli at the Vet at 11am for shot.

Then lunch.
I think we're staying in today with all beef hot dogs, cuz I want to put up the picket fence and new mailbox.
Gotta dig 6 small holes for wife's flowers inside fence.

Need to go buy tomatoes plants , get them in the ground.
Make a run to the dump.

At3pm go look at a little car , local , possibly for my middle granddaughter.
He dad is a total idiot .(about everything)
Knows nothing about cars and the one he helped her get last fall for $5k has died , engine dead.
So many times, no one tells young people, especially girls, about maintenance of vehicles: oil changes, watching the temperature gauge, tire pressure... I've heard too many stories about people who had no idea about oil changes, etc. I had one mechanic tell me that when I took my car in that I knew more than many men about what was going on. Driver's education could include some maintenance and there could be an optional class in all high schools about car maintenance. "What's that noise?" "I don't know, just turn the music louder and we won't be able to hear it."
Next will be into the garden for more weeding.
This will be daily for me for quite a while, as well as cleaning up dead debris.
Me too @Weedygarden. I'm doing one row a day. 5 rows and the potato patch.
I have a goal to get out and water and to fill up a 55 gallon trash bag with weeds and junk, or do something else! With my back, I can't go out in the morning and spend the day bending over, pulling, hoeing, raking, planting. I'd love to, but the body has never been in agreement with that.
Everything green lives in my lawn, most "hideous weeds" have a use/purpose, ever if I haven't learned it yet. even if if it doesn't, I just mow it. This Year is container gardening, we will see how that works, last year did me in with the weeding around the plants.

My yard hasn't seen an insectide, weed control or fertilizer in 25 years
I played outside most of the day. Got the lawn mowed, planted the tomatoes in the ground as well as the scarlet runners and some garlic. Next will be the cabbage and broc. Oh yea, and got the little hollyhock starts in the ground. They got sunburned, but they look like they might pull through. We got out planter boxes/ raised beds put together - heavy (see garden thread.) Not sure what is in store for the weekend.
So many times, no one tells young people, especially girls, about maintenance of vehicles: oil changes, watching the temperature gauge, tire pressure... I've heard too many stories about people who had no idea about oil changes, etc. I had one mechanic tell me that when I took my car in that I knew more than many men about what was going on. Driver's education could include some maintenance and there could be an optional class in all high schools about car maintenance. "What's that noise?" "I don't know, just turn the music louder and we won't be able to hear it."
This will be daily for me for quite a while, as well as cleaning up dead debris.
Thats one of the things my dad did, regardless of gender, and I have actually passed some on to my DW. She may not chose change the oil, fix a flat, etc etc, but she knows how if I am not around.
Got an extra pot and dug the blackberry vines out of my raised beds. There’s something wrong when you dig up blackberry vines and go “are those all the roots? Really? That few?” Hopefully they will like the soil in the pot better. The blackberries we got were tasty, but they were few and really not thriving at all.
88% is better, Bacpacker. Still, sorry for you. Husband has suffered from only one working lung for so long, I listen to how people breathe as a habit. I felt some of that when I got pneumonia last summer for the first time in my life. Thought I was dying when my ox level was reading 92. Husband is 92 on a decent day.
I can't imagine what the yard will look like tomorrow after this windstorm. Glad I didn't bother dusting today inside, would of been a waste of time. Already have the dehumidifier and air running in our bedroom with the door shut, so it should be nice and cool, clean, and dry in there tonight. Tomorrow there is alot of local events. In the small town over is the annual town yard sales. Doubt that I'll get there, but you never know. Our town merchants are having customer appreciation. That means sales, lots of freebies, and the feed store and the amish discount store are having free cookouts for lunch. Hamburgers and sausage burgers and ice cream. I'll bring little granddaughter, she's excited about it.
I played outside most of the day. Got the lawn mowed, planted the tomatoes in the ground as well as the scarlet runners and some garlic. Next will be the cabbage and broc. Oh yea, and got the little hollyhock starts in the ground. They got sunburned, but they look like they might pull through. We got out planter boxes/ raised beds put together - heavy (see garden thread.) Not sure what is in store for the weekend.
You are coming to Texas to "play in my yard"!! Mowing, weeding, whatever else we can find to do/play!! Hurry up, we are starting early in the morning, bring your swimsuit😃!
88% is better, Bacpacker. Still, sorry for you. Husband has suffered from only one working lung for so long, I listen to how people breathe as a habit. I felt some of that when I got pneumonia last summer for the first time in my life. Thought I was dying when my ox level was reading 92. Husband is 92 on a decent day.
I can't imagine what the yard will look like tomorrow after this windstorm. Glad I didn't bother dusting today inside, would of been a waste of time. Already have the dehumidifier and air running in our bedroom with the door shut, so it should be nice and cool, clean, and dry in there tonight. Tomorrow there is alot of local events. In the small town over is the annual town yard sales. Doubt that I'll get there, but you never know. Our town merchants are having customer appreciation. That means sales, lots of freebies, and the feed store and the amish discount store are having free cookouts for lunch. Hamburgers and sausage burgers and ice cream. I'll bring little granddaughter, she's excited about it.
Our windows are open, dusting is necessary but not happening!!
Today I am running my morning errands, the wife is tired of being stuck in the house so she is getting up to go with me. It will be nice we can enjoy the sunrise together as she rolls through a grocery store for the first time in 2 years. I am curious as to how she perceives the changes, I see them every week so I am like a frog who's been in the pot, where she like one just jumping in. Well, need to load up the oxygen and go bag to be able to get out on time. Talk more at you later...

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