What's everybody doing today?

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Where did this weekend go? Got all the fallen limbs from this winter's storms of the yard and got it mowed - super grateful that the lawn mower that sat with old gas in it all winter fired right up for me.

Had my first 0% hatch rate from the eggs I've been incubating this go round. I think it's been too cold overnight and the eggs are freezing before I get them collected. I've started collecting them 2x a day, the ones collected in the morning go in the fridge and the ones collected in the afternoon will be heading into the incubator. Hopefully we have better luck the second time around - I've never had below a 75% hatch rate, even with eggs that have been shipped.
Hopefully next time is the right time!!
Sonya, I'm so sorry about your doggy. It's always hard. If your other dog is lonely, another companion might help. Maybe you can rescue a dog from a shelter? Do they let you bring your other pet with you to see how they get along?
I'm still trying to find a good home for the coonhounds but its looking like they might end up staying. They are so spoiled! Not as spoiled as the older dogs, but way better than being on the streets.

DrJenner, I'm sorry to hear about your FIL's declining health. It's always tough when that happens. My uncle and his wife live in an assisted living place in Virginia. Seems to take pretty good care of them but my uncle is still somewhat self-sufficient.

Havasu, sending you virtual hugs. I hope your shoulder gets feeling better soon. Did they give you any lydocane patches to put on it? Not sure if they help or not.

I ate something that didn't agree with me & had digestive issues last night and most of the morning. Took some Pepto and had to take Namir (one of my youngest cats) to he vet because he got in a fight and had a swollen sore lump on his chest/side. Vet said it is precursor to an abscess. And man, the antibiotics went from being $16 to $50 now. He was a little angel on the way there, back, and in the office at least. Didn't make a peep and didn't struggle.

Stopped at the post office. Mom got cards from her 2nd oldest sister and from Uncle Jim (dad's brother). Mom's other two sisters called her- the 2nd oldest has hearing problems so she doesn't call.

Took my brother to the courthouse to see his probation officer and pay his court fees. He's still going to talk to a lawyer about the situation. Even if they can't help him, maybe they can get a class action suit together for rights violations of multiple defendants and perhaps stop some of the bs in the future.

On the way in to town a beautiful hawk swooped down and perched on a tree nearby and stared at us. They fly around up high all the time but this was the closest I've seen one in years.
The hawk was a nice way to wrap up a busy day!!
That's a long haul in a uhaul! Glad you made it home.

@DrJenner Just a thought that sorta helped in a similar situation (they are each their own aren't they?) If it was the same person from hospice each day, could he or she be introduced as someone who will stop by to check on him and give him a hand if he needs it? Sometimes labeling them as a hospice worker initiates distrust but if son or daughter introduces Mary as someone to come and help??? That's the only thing I have that might remotely be of any help. We had a family member who we had to be especially careful of how we worded things. Shoot, even my dad - can't tell him surgery but a "procedure" is okay :rolleyes:

@zannej Glad your mom is getting happy greetings - probably perks up her spirit.
Yeah I tried that too.
just someone to come in to help him shower once a day and do other things… we talked about this and he refused. Told us to put a bar in the shower- except he can’t get to the shower!
He needs help to get to the bathroom but can still wipe himself thankfully.
Now I know why people would drop their parents off at the ER and leave them as they couldn’t take care of them and couldn’t get help at all. I mean it sounds terrible but I can’t imagine dealing with this if hubs and I didn’t have a medical background. Ugh
Well if anything it tells me how not to be for my kids.
Home finally! What a circus! Pickup died in Ely, NV so we rented a U-Haul to get home. Loaded it up, hooked on the trailer for the four-wheeler and away we went. We stopped in Billings to pick up 8 new batteries for the solar system at home. No one else had that many and it was only about 20 miles out of the way. Got them put in and got the U-Haul returned. Picked up my sawmill and brought it home (it was at our son's house). Been putting away stuff and catching up on paperwork. Will have to go get the truck and 5th wheel sometime later this summer I guess. We will probably just cart it home where I can work on it.
It is so rare for you to post anymore, not like on PS. I used to read your blog, but don't know if you still keep that updated. You and Sue must be still doing well. I do remember that it takes 3 days of fires in the stove to heat up the cabin after it has been vacant for so long. And I don't know if you still take care of your grandson. He must be getting up there in age, maybe 10 years old now.
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Yeah I tried that too.
just someone to come in to help him shower once a day and do other things… we talked about this and he refused. Told us to put a bar in the shower- except he can’t get to the shower!
He needs help to get to the bathroom but can still wipe himself thankfully.
Now I know why people would drop their parents off at the ER and leave them as they couldn’t take care of them and couldn’t get help at all. I mean it sounds terrible but I can’t imagine dealing with this if hubs and I didn’t have a medical background. Ugh
Well if anything it tells me how not to be for my kids.
The grandmother who was the main one to raise me, was never kind to me, never liked me and couldn't speak kindly to me, ever. When I was in my mid 20's I stopped at her place on my way to North Dakota. Still could not speak to me in a kindly way. I realized at that time that she was not doing well independently, but who was I to try to figure it out for her? I tried. She didn't take her meds like she should, didn't take care of her apartment well, was driving and shouldn't have been. It was good that she was in a small town so no highways or freeways to deal with. She was narcissistic, and like many of them, thrived on attention. Thankfully, her two daughters and one son were coming to town and they made the decision to take her to California to live with one of the daughters. If her children hadn't been on the scene, it wouldn't have been good. She eventually was bed bound and had a nurse take care of her during the day, and aunt, uncle and other family take care of her the rest of the time.

Almost everyone gets to a time in their life where they need help, but deciding what to do and when is never easy. Now my lovely and kind grandmother lived independently until the very end. She had one surgery a number of years before she died. She went to bed one night and never woke up. We should all be so lucky to go this way.
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Home finally! What a circus! Pickup died in Ely, NV so we rented a U-Haul to get home. Loaded it up, hooked on the trailer for the four-wheeler and away we went. We stopped in Billings to pick up 8 new batteries for the solar system at home. No one else had that many and it was only about 20 miles out of the way. Got them put in and got the U-Haul returned. Picked up my sawmill and brought it home (it was at our son's house). Been putting away stuff and catching up on paperwork. Will have to go get the truck and 5th wheel sometime later this summer I guess. We will probably just cart it home where I can work on it.

Happy you're home, good to see you around these parts!
I've thought alot about what my mom has been teaching me, like your dad, Dr Jenner.
Number one is don't retire and sit in a recliner and watch "your shows". Also, try to be a nice person, be nice to your husband, and don't live on junk food. Also, don't let the husband do all the driving right when you retire. Keep your car. Drive it. Of course mom is now too old to drive a car, but by age 70 she had not driven for 5 years, and wasn't capable any more. Don't think things are more important than people. These are lessons I've learned from her the past few years. That being said, I'll have to be old enough and nuts enough to not know what's going on before I am drug off the farm. Ha.
We went to little granddaughter's spring program at her school. It was adorable. She did a solo on the bells (large xylophone), Fur Elyse. She was so nervous, but did a great job. The K thru 4th kids did some funny songs; their principle is Mr Atherton, and they did Old McAtherton Had a Farm. Their school is an agricultural charter school, so this was kinda funny. Little granddaughter and the 5th thru 8th graders did the bucket drums, too. And she played the snare drum when they did, "Ring of Fire". So cute. There are about 45 students in the school, K thru 8th grade.
Dealing with K having a killer of a chest cold. He took a 'vid test so at the least I knew what we were dealing with and he is negative. He has had a choking cough where he can't catch his breath. Last time he had this he was smoking heavily and not taking care of himself. He over used my inhaler to the point he was blowing through my meds in weeks/days. He swears he hasn't been smoking but he killed my stash of emergency asthma meds in a week (suppose to last a year) without telling me and one entire inhaler in 2 days. I am p-o-ed! That is over $300 in medication in my name!

I have been telling him to take an allergy pill since he is blaming the rabbits. If that were true then he would be better away from them which he is not. I still started vacuuming and heavy hutch cleaning almost daily to make him happy. I think it is the fact his self care has fallen off the past few weeks due to work stress. To be honest I think he is making himself sick to have a reason to take time off but we are stuck here with him coughing and invading the family space hacking a lung. I wish he would stay in bed if he is sick.

Re-homed the mystery mini buck. I spent the day cleaning the hutch to move a couple of the baby does into this weekend. I will be housing the new doe in this hutch once I am sure which we are keeping. I have it narrowed down but I'd like to keep them all. One of the does will go to her new home this weekend. They want a new companion for their rabbit who lost their buddy. She is still small but bonding is possible. I figure the runt would be a good pet and with her gone increase the average amount of meat in my freezer.
It took it easy this morning, this afternoon went out and ran the weedeater until it ran out of string. Cut the areas by the corral, chicken pen and pole barn. Even got the little spot between my truck and the house. New species of medicines seem to come up there every spring. About a dozens species so far, all volunteer.

Then I mowed all the same areas out wider. Mower started acting like is was running out of gas so I drove it to the shop. I was about done, even cut around my elderberry bushes.

Anyway, I checked the fuel tank, it was trash! Looked like small leaves. When I drove the mower up hill the trash would cover the fuel line port in the tank causing it to sputter.
@sonya123 while I agree with the premise of leaving him be, he’s going to sit in his own feces. Hardly passing with dignity. I’m just trying to get him to be able to pass comfortably and with dignity, not in a pile of his own poop his kids have to clean up. He is also in a lot of pain and if he could realize the stress he is creating on his 3 kids he would be mortified. Unfortunately his mind is going too, and this is not what he would’ve wanted.

So sorry you have to deal with this ( and sorry for him too)
My mother was not able to take care of herself last year of her life ( she passed in 2018). She had a bad from or Parkinsons. My father hired a live in Polish person to take care of her. This is in Germany. They hire Polish people for this because they work for much less. They can only stay for like half a year then have to go back to Poland, and a new person comes. The one that was there when I visited was very nice but another one stole all my dad's gold coins ( his fault too for not putting them some place safe) and disappeared so always a risk involved.
Anyway, maybe you can find someone that does this in the U.S.?
Sonya, I'm so sorry about your doggy. It's always hard. If your other dog is lonely, another companion might help. Maybe you can rescue a dog from a shelter? Do they let you bring your other pet with you to see how they get along?
I'm still trying to find a good home for the coonhounds but its looking like they might end up staying. They are so spoiled! Not as spoiled as the older dogs, but way better than being on the streets.

I don''t want a rescue dog ( the other dog is one, and not my favorite...)
I want exactly what I had. Dog breeds are there for a reason. Dogs are bred to do certain jobs and be a certain way. I know that creates some health problems in dogs, especially German Shepherds but I would rather have a good dog for 10 years than a bad dog for 15......
I also only want a puppy so it can be trained properly.
*sigh* I miss her so much
Put up fencing yesterday in the pasture ( temporary electric) it was very hard , pasture is very steep and full of rocks. We put it up where the chicken tractor is going plus I want the blackberry bushes that the goats ate to grow back ( so they can eat them again, we have plenty of blackberries in the woods for picking)

We finally managed to hook up our new washing machine. What a pain that was. I got a hose splitter to hook the back hoses from the machine to the garden hose. We had to do this because this one does not have a manual knob on it where you can forward through the cycle it needs to have the hoses hooked up for. So now we fill the machine with the hose ( faster that way) then hook the hose up to the back and let it finish. It takes forever to fill up this way on the rinse cycle because our pressure is so low, so husband is going to try to make a proper line from the house to hook it up to. We are also almost flooding the room the hydrant is in ( it needs a new washer but we have to shut off everything to fix it) when the hose is attached but not running water. It's complicated....

Sometimes I want to just not do this anymore and go live in Thailand or some place and sit on the beach :(
Number one is don't retire and sit in a recliner and watch "your shows". Also, try to be a nice person, be nice to your husband, and don't live on junk food.
Those are good lessons that I have learned. That's why I lost the weight I did. Have never been a sit around type of girl. I can't imagine if I were now in the same shape as DH is. Talk about double trouble!

Today, I will go into town to local grocery.
Maybe a thrift store.
Come home and walk, then walk dogs.
Weed in garden.
Stay active while I can. I have always thought that if I ever cannot get up and move, then I will sit and watch TV.
Looks like the old golf cart sold last night on Marketplace.
2 hours after listing.
Like cars they're hard to find and are expensive.

Sold for $3800.

Only hitch is , she pays full price if I deliver.
We were going to her town for lunch today, so kill 2 birds.

That's about it for today.

Cool outside in the 40s.

Told y'all I'd put up pic of that room that robbed me of 10years of my life , just in stress. 10 years I don't have.
Notice the closet is full of ONLY SKIRTS. then notice how particular she is with 6 clothes hampers.... bath linen , bed linen, blues ,reds, colors , blacks.
Drives me crazy


Looks great, it's got to be a relief to have done!
Looks like the old golf cart sold last night on Marketplace.
2 hours after listing.
Like cars they're hard to find and are expensive.
View attachment 85243
Sold for $3800.

Only hitch is , she pays full price if I deliver.
We were going to her town for lunch today, so kill 2 birds.

That's about it for today.

Cool outside in the 40s.


Eat lunch BEFORE delivering the cart. That way you don't have $3,800 in your pocket for a more expensivce meal. :D
I finished off the last of the potatoes and still have seed potatoes left over. May plant the extra on The Ridge. Mowed the grass at the remodel. Happy the mower started. Starting a gas powered widget in the spring has always been my bane.

Tonight MAY be the last hard freeze. I am hopeful it will not freeze because so many of the fruit trees have flowers on them now. The seedling starts may go out tomorrow.

While get gas for the mower I heard a news report that prompted an immediate call to The Princess. While watching the Trump rally on Saturday evening she said she said she would like to attend one of his events. She called me back minutes after I called her she called back to let me know we have reservations for the rally a week from Friday. She sounded excited. I suspect she will be practicing her "YMCA" dance moves soon.


I got hooked , sucker punched , on the golf cart delivery.
She told me it was 10 minutes from her house to the restaurant.
I shoulda map it before agreeing to deliver.
It was 15 miles of the narrowest , roughest , crookedest KY back roads , I've ever been on.
We left my house at 12:15 got to her house 1:30,(shoulda been 45 min) unloaded and got to restaurant at 2:20 left restraunt at 3:10 home at 3:55.

I told her if she'd had been honest with me woulda been nice, but also , I would not have agreed to deliver. I had 3 other people wanting the cart.

@The Lazy L , she did drive to my house at 11:15 to see it and pay me, wouldn't even drive it.
Sooo wife grabbed the money and I'll never see it.

Now I'm so exhausted.

Gonna rest.

Lazy L....it's about skirts, not just ladies attire. Just skirts. They are important. I wear one every day.
Had a flat on the lawn tractor, brought that tire in today, just picked it up and grandson is reattaching it. Took forever to get the Aldi and Walmart stuff put away, but it's done. Didn't get to the garden today, but maybe tomorrow. Dinner is almost ready.
Today was a work day, I had lots planned and then around 10:30 HR did a "test" of some of their new software. Only problem was their "test" sent termination notices to half of my contractor staff, I received a cc notice for each too, I guess they wanted me in the loop... :( After a bunch of phone calls and a lot of crying staff, I finally got through to the HR folks responsible for the excitement. They told me that it was a test and to disregard the e-mails that were sent out by mistake.... Like "MY BAD" or "OOPS". By 4PM everyone was breathing again, but my day was shot to heck.....

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