What's everybody doing today?

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I got a few chores out of the twins this morning. They did get five rabbit cages cleaned out. Then grouchy granddaughter took off to get her corsage, and to have hair and make up done. She is supposed to be home to get dressed and be ready in about an hour. Haven't seen her yet. That was four hrs ago. Ha.
Grandson just ate lunch, is lounging around, and has decided he doesn't need to get in the shower or get dressed till 2:00.
Packing more boxes today, getting rid of stuff I don't wear or doesn't fit. I've dropped about 20 lbs, so alot of stuff too big.
Helping hubby with his. He's got 3 closets to my 1. LOL I think we are backwards.
I packed a lot of the kitchen stuff yesterday.
We weren't able to get my daughter a dorm room at her college. They were all spoken for within 10 mins of them opening for reservations! I just don't have time to be monitoring my email every 20 seconds.
We decided if she can't find a roomie, we will get her a one bedroom apt close to college. I actually lived there with the kids right after my divorce in 2005. Very safe complex, and is gated. At that time, a 2 bdrm was 1200/mo. Now it's 2085/mo for a 1 bedroom! Ugh. It does come with a garage though, and would like that for her so her car doesn't get broken into. Her coach is reaching out to the other volleyball girls plus the other coaches for girls teams to see if there are any other athletes who need a roommate. Sure hoping we can find one so that the cost can be split. (2400/mo for a 2 bdrm).
Going to the local college with my daughter to watch WSU vs UW girls volleyball here in a couple hours. Should be pretty fun.
Hope everyone is having a good day!
Ouch on those rent prices! When child #3 and #4 were both at NMSU we ended up buying a very old 4 bedroom rental house. They had two bedrooms and we rented out two. It worked out ok financially, but what a pain when the roommates would move out and leave a mess. Sold it after #3 and #4. Number 5 got a full ride scholarship and it included the dorm room and meal plan. Finally lucky after how much we paid.
The twins are off to the prom. Granddaughter came home with no explanation and 15 minutes to get dressed. Her date arrived with his mom. That was very weird. The mom pinned his flower on for him. That was weirder yet. We took photos and they left. We brought grandson to the HS to meet the limo with his buddies. Up pulls in granddaughter, the date, and the mom. That mom is a little too much. Her date is a senior. They are all sharing two limos and going into Wichita for more photos before the prom and dinner. Maybe the mom will stay all night long. She creeps me out.
Ouch on those rent prices! When child #3 and #4 were both at NMSU we ended up buying a very old 4 bedroom rental house. They had two bedrooms and we rented out two. It worked out ok financially, but what a pain when the roommates would move out and leave a mess. Sold it after #3 and #4. Number 5 got a full ride scholarship and it included the dorm room and meal plan. Finally lucky after how much we paid.
The twins are off to the prom. Granddaughter came home with no explanation and 15 minutes to get dressed. Her date arrived with his mom. That was very weird. The mom pinned his flower on for him. That was weirder yet. We took photos and they left. We brought grandson to the HS to meet the limo with his buddies. Up pulls in granddaughter, the date, and the mom. That mom is a little too much. Her date is a senior. They are all sharing two limos and going into Wichita for more photos before the prom and dinner. Maybe the mom will stay all night long. She creeps me out.
Poor kid having mom tag along!! If he ever gets married she'll not make a good mother-in-law!
I went to vote (state website said it was early municipal voting) but found it was only for a small part of Kinder. So I went on my merry way and got some groceries. I made a new online friend from a Sims4 forum. We both like D&D, Sims, & medieval themed stuff. I did some mild cleaning and played with the puppies a bit.
I need to put some leftovers away. They are on "keep warm" setting in the pressure cooker.
Granddaughter is a junior and has been dating this young man for a year, but not really seriously. At least I hope not. The mom is a problem. In my opinion he like video games and not working a little much. He is full of himself as to how good he is at baseball, and doesn't say much else without checking in with mom.
We stopped for a soft serve cone (little granddaughter insisted, ha), and also to our neighbor's greenhouse sales. My red cabbage did not come up well, so I bought some large ones, more strawberry plants, and sweet potato slips. Just rewatered the baby geese....they are going through at least 3 gallons a day. Chick #9 just hatched.
… Up pulls in granddaughter, the date, and the mom. That mom is a little too much. Her date is a senior. They are all sharing two limos and going into Wichita for more photos before the prom and dinner. Maybe the mom will stay all night long. She creeps me out.

I HAD a farther-in-law like that. He died about 10 years into my marriage.
My daughter and I are at my brother's house. Somebody found a box full of slides from the late 40s to the early 70s, that my dad had taken. They're all before my time but my brothers are in some of them. Some are from his days in the Air Force from '54 to '57. We saw a pic of the day he first soloed and the other student pilots threw him in the swimming pool in his flight suit. My daughter is having a hard time staying interested in the family history. I'm getting a kick out of it though...
Wow! I hadn't been on here since yesterday morning, and I had 3 pages to catch up on. Got a little cleaned up in the summer kitchen, mowed the lawn, a few bulbs planted. It's kinda right on the edge as to being able to plant in the ground here. This morning we went for a drive in hopes of morels but found that cold white stuff instead. It shouldn't be long though. Beautiful day - chilly up there. Made it home & made a quiche for supper. I got some Scottish moss planted and evened out where the broccoli is going to go. Most of what that means is getting rid of weeds. Weeded most of the rhubarb also. Have the tail end yet to do, but it was dry and long grass roots so I need to water it really well then try pulling. I'm getting antsy to be out there getting things done. It feels good to get my hands in the dirt.
Have friends in ND who are under blizzard storm warnings and 65 mph winds - she said their weather was sideways.
Weed eated most everything, including around the raised beds. Mowed quite a bit, worked in the lower gardens to get them ready to plant. I think one of them is going to get buckwheat cycled a couple times this year, then annual rye thru the winter.
Didn't get near as much accomplished as I had planned. I'm not happy with the way that is working out the last few months
Weed eated most everything, including around the raised beds. Mowed quite a bit, worked in the lower gardens to get them ready to plant. I think one of them is going to get buckwheat cycled a couple times this year, then annual rye thru the winter.
Didn't get near as much accomplished as I had planned. I'm not happy with the way that is working out the last few months
Not feeling good is the pits. Don't be to tough oh yourself. You've taken on more at work and it's winter to spring transition - not exactly a boring time of year. Get good rest and you'll feel better. Let the tweety birds cheer you on 🐦
Not feeling good is the pits. Don't be to tough oh yourself. You've taken on more at work and it's winter to spring transition - not exactly a boring time of year. Get good rest and you'll feel better. Let the tweety birds cheer you on 🐦

I just don't feel the same since I was sick in 2019/2020. Just complete lack of energy. I did feel like I was coming back a little this winter with all the chain saw, grubbing work, and buildng some beds. But this recent sickness has knocked me back down. Just seems like I don't get nearly done what I plan for.

We did see our first humming bird today.
I forgot to mention that when I went to the store I got Seafoam motor cleaner. I guess the junkies these days misuse it or something because it required age verification & the cashier had a hard time getting the system to accept that I was over 18. She said it asked if I was over 40 and I showed my ID to confirm than I am. She then asked to see the "beer". I said "It's motor cleaner, I'm about to put it in my tank". She looked slightly surprised but nodded. Not sure why she wanted to see it, but I showed her. Then I went to the gas station and put it in. Got a car wash on the way home. The previous highest price for a car wash is now the lowest price for a car wash. Only a $2 increase so not a big deal. I do need to get car washes and clearcoat more often on my truck. Good news is that the squealing sound from my rear tire (that my friend thought was a bad wheelbearing) stopped after the wash.

I got Mom some food, put away some K-cup coffee stuff my brother got, put puppies to bed for the night, watched more Midsomer Murders, and am winding down for the night. Might watch another episode. I hear frogs outside right now and that makes me happy.
Horrible week last week after the nice Easter. It's typical, the universe doesn't want us to be happy
My beloved GSD died. She was almost 10 so average age for a GS and not been doing great lately. I knew it was coming but it was still extremely hard when it happened. I will miss this dog so much, best dog ever.

Had our first farmers market, and sold a ton of everything we had. We had to up our meat prices because everything got more expensive for us but people didn't even blink paying $10-$15 per pound of lamb
Sold all my bread in a few hours, and people that came later came looking for my bread...( they bought from us last year) . There is only so much I can do and I was not in a good frame of mind baking it so I thought it all looked less than perfect but didn't stop people from buying it.
Then I started crying every time someone with a dog came by:(
A market manager from a town nearby came asking if we want to be vendors there also for free ( no set up fee) and we told him we can't produce any more than we do since we only have a small farm, meat processors are booked up until next year already ( I have my appointments) and there is only 2 of us.
This makes me think there really will be food shortages coming.
We have more vendors at our market this year, but less selling actual food. It's all crafts and other stuff , and there are only 2 vendors now ( us and one more) selling meat.

I am now wondering how long I should wait to get a puppy. Our other house dog is very sad also and hasn't been eating much. I also wonder where to get it from. The breeder I got my GSD from was in Florida and no longer has a website. They were really old 10 years ago so maybe gone or retired. I am also debating on girl or boy.

Photo is from last fall, last time we hiked up our mountain together

I had hoped that you could shake things up and institute changes!
You should have seen the “king‘s” expression as he looked at the results! Priceless! King realized he wasn’t as secured as he thought. My running was just my shot across the bow. My real attempt is the next election cycle.
I just don't feel the same since I was sick in 2019/2020. Just complete lack of energy. I did feel like I was coming back a little this winter with all the chain saw, grubbing work, and buildng some beds. But this recent sickness has knocked me back down. Just seems like I don't get nearly done what I plan for.

We did see our first humming bird today.

Hey buddy I have the same problem.
Mine is if 2manyyears disease.,🙄

Horrible week last week after the nice Easter. It's typical, the universe doesn't want us to be happy
My beloved GSD died. She was almost 10 so average age for a GS and not been doing great lately. I knew it was coming but it was still extremely hard when it happened. I will miss this dog so much, best dog ever.

Had our first farmers market, and sold a ton of everything we had. We had to up our meat prices because everything got more expensive for us but people didn't even blink paying $10-$15 per pound of lamb
Sold all my bread in a few hours, and people that came later came looking for my bread...( they bought from us last year) . There is only so much I can do and I was not in a good frame of mind baking it so I thought it all looked less than perfect but didn't stop people from buying it.
Then I started crying every time someone with a dog came by:(
A market manager from a town nearby came asking if we want to be vendors there also for free ( no set up fee) and we told him we can't produce any more than we do since we only have a small farm, meat processors are booked up until next year already ( I have my appointments) and there is only 2 of us.
This makes me think there really will be food shortages coming.
We have more vendors at our market this year, but less selling actual food. It's all crafts and other stuff , and there are only 2 vendors now ( us and one more) selling meat.

I am now wondering how long I should wait to get a puppy. Our other house dog is very sad also and hasn't been eating much. I also wonder where to get it from. The breeder I got my GSD from was in Florida and no longer has a website. They were really old 10 years ago so maybe gone or retired. I am also debating on girl or boy.

Photo is from last fall, last time we hiked up our mountain together

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That's a rough week S. :confused:

Also, I don't know how it is there, but here, it is ridiculous if you want to try to sell at a farmers market (food). Have to have all the same food handlers, kitchen inspections, no personal food in conjunction w/ food that will be sold, 1 million dollar insurance bond (yes, you read that correctly), etc. When the ins. thing went into effect, our FM's about died. They are now essentially commercial farmers or food trucks - no hobby farms etc.

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