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Sonya, I am so sorry about your dog! It helps me to get another friend fairly soon, rather than waiting.

I have Sunday School, Church and then a "potato bar" youth fundraiser this morning.
Will come home and walk dogs.
Hopefully, plant a few more starts of peppers that I got yesterday and weed in garden this afternoon.
That's a rough week S. :confused:

Also, I don't know how it is there, but here, it is ridiculous if you want to try to sell at a farmers market (food). Have to have all the same food handlers, kitchen inspections, no personal food in conjunction w/ food that will be sold, 1 million dollar insurance bond (yes, you read that correctly), etc. When the ins. thing went into effect, our FM's about died. They are now essentially commercial farmers or food trucks - no hobby farms etc.

We do have to have liability insurance. It is $300 a year but for people that have home owners insurance it is much less as a add on. We also have to have our meat we sell USDA inspected. My bread has to be labeled with all ingredients and must say " not for resale, baked in uninspected home kitchen" . You can't sell cooked food unless you get inspected and have a license but I don't do that. You have to grow the food locally and if you are a farmer have a growers permit ( free from ag extension office)
My daughter and I are at my brother's house. Somebody found a box full of slides from the late 40s to the early 70s, that my dad had taken. They're all before my time but my brothers are in some of them. Some are from his days in the Air Force from '54 to '57. We saw a pic of the day he first soloed and the other student pilots threw him in the swimming pool in his flight suit. My daughter is having a hard time staying interested in the family history. I'm getting a kick out of it though...
She will enjoy it when she’s older.
I remember sitting around when I was a tween/teen bored out of my mind when my aunt and uncle would get together with my parents and talk. I couldn’t wait to get out of there. And then they wanted to go to antique stores… the horror!
Now I’m into genealogy and antiques. Haha
@sonya123 I’m sorry about your doggo. That is so hard.
My day just got flipped around. Got a call from my sister in law - she lives in our same town that her dad/my father in law is not doing well and his girlfriend can no longer take care of him.
He was married over 60 years before his wife died and then he took up with a widowed neighbor, more for companionship.
Anyway he stopped eating, has heart failure and we are trying to figure out what to do. My preference would be to bring him here so we can take care of him between the 4 of us, otherwise we will all have to take turns traveling to his house which is about a 8-9 hour drive one way. He’s so stubborn I’m sure he won’t want to leave his house, and wouldn’t care if he died from starvation there.
I was trying to get him into hospice but he refused. I think we are just going to have to get assertive. So much for packing this week before I go back to work 🥴
I love the guy he’s just so dang stubborn and doesn’t listen. We have been trying to just get his pain treated and help him be comfortable but it’s like he’s hell bent on suffering or something.
Sorry for him, Dr Jenner. My mom was starting to kinda whisp away, and her brain is not working right. Putting her in the assisted living apartment was a total fight, and I was called some not so nice things, but she loves it there now.
Yeah I wish we could do that. I think unfortunately he needs more care than assisted living though and if we tried to get him in a nursing home he would freak out.
Hubs and I would be fine to take care of him, but it would be really difficult to get out there all the time, so much easier if we could bring him here. I doubt he will listen to reason though.
At church this morning, pastor Rob and his wife were gone for the weekend so one of the elders named Matt gave the sermon. I always have a hard time thinking of him as an elder because he's my age. Anyway Matt has given sermons before and he's rather entertaining. You can always count on two things when he speaks - you're going to laugh, and at some point he's going to break down in tears. Today the lesson was about spiritual freedom and he shut off the live internet feed because he knew he was going to turn into a blubbering mess. It was still a good message though.

Daughter wanted Mac 'n' cheese for Sunday lunch. Doesn't seem like much of a meal but whatever. The wind is howling so we won't be having any outdoor activities this afternoon. Later on I'll be packing up to head to western Nebraska for work...
Worked outside most of the day. Got most everything ready for planting. It's still a little early so I'm a bit hesitant to put those tender little greens in the ground. Will see what the week brings. Also, cleaned in the summer kitchen - yard looked like we were having a yard sale. Got things washed put where they belong rather than set in there until finer weather.
Worked outside most of the day. Got most everything ready for planting. It's still a little early so I'm a bit hesitant to put those tender little greens in the ground. Will see what the week brings. Also, cleaned in the summer kitchen - yard looked like we were having a yard sale. Got things washed put where they belong rather than set in there until finer weather.
It's ok unless people stopped to buy stuff from the "yard sale"!!🤪
Dr Jenner..not all assisted living places are created equal. They might be worth a check out. Mom has about a 30 min memory on most things. Her apartment is lovely, two bedrooms, we've helped her decorate nicely. Has a kitchen, but no oven or stove. There are 7 apartments, a full time nurse. All the apartments empty to a common area with a couch, a visiting area. Down the hall a few more steps and its a dining room with a big table. They do 3 meals a day. They come and get you if you forget. There's snacks and coffee anytime. They come in your room and check on you all the time, really sweet staff. They do full vitals every Sunday. PT comes in for each person, handle all the meds, and watch you take what you need at mealtimes. They do the laundry and clean your place. Encourage socializing. No way out, the building is key coded in. They have a nice fenced patio with plants, a swing, outdoor furniture. Even an organ in the couch common area that one of the residents plays. I like it because mom has dementia, wasn't eating, sleeping, not taking her meds. Actually hiding them when they'd bring them to her apartment in independent living. We choose a doc outside of their med staff, so I bring her to appts and just bring them the updates. Visitors just have to buzz in and sign in. It's like a med facility but with an apartment. Price isn't bad, either. It's $3200 a month, includes all that. They even bring her to get her hair done once a week. She was in independent living in an apartment for almost 5 yrs and had too many falls this past year. I needed her checked on, fed, told to shower, all that.
Dr Jenner..not all assisted living places are created equal. They might be worth a check out. Mom has about a 30 min memory on most things. Her apartment is lovely, two bedrooms, we've helped her decorate nicely. Has a kitchen, but no oven or stove. There are 7 apartments, a full time nurse. All the apartments empty to a common area with a couch, a visiting area. Down the hall a few more steps and its a dining room with a big table. They do 3 meals a day. They come and get you if you forget. There's snacks and coffee anytime. They come in your room and check on you all the time, really sweet staff. They do full vitals every Sunday. PT comes in for each person, handle all the meds, and watch you take what you need at mealtimes. They do the laundry and clean your place. Encourage socializing. No way out, the building is key coded in. They have a nice fenced patio with plants, a swing, outdoor furniture. Even an organ in the couch common area that one of the residents plays. I like it because mom has dementia, wasn't eating, sleeping, not taking her meds. Actually hiding them when they'd bring them to her apartment in independent living. We choose a doc outside of their med staff, so I bring her to appts and just bring them the updates. Visitors just have to buzz in and sign in. It's like a med facility but with an apartment. Price isn't bad, either. It's $3200 a month, includes all that. They even bring her to get her hair done once a week. She was in independent living in an apartment for almost 5 yrs and had too many falls this past year. I needed her checked on, fed, told to shower, all that.
That is an AWESOME price for that!! I'M GOING!! No, but really, that is great! What a peace of mind for you!!
It is good. Started by some family members many years ago. It's called Mennonite Friendship Manor, in our nearby bigger town. They've grown since the beginning, and they have independent apartments, duplexes, assisted living, and the medical (hospital type) wing. Uncle Melvin is 98. Started on the independent apartment area years ago with my aunt who passed on. He's in the medical wing now because of a broken hip and is wheelchair bound. Still goes to the men's coffee time, Bible study, singing. Poor aunt Sylvia is on the medical side with dementia and blindness so is bedridden. She is 96. Mom wasn't ready for the medical side, it's like a really big hospital room but you can bring some of your own furniture and decorate how you like. She would have a fit. The assisted living with the illusion of having your own place on your own is what she needed. Although it wasn't easy getting her there. She was in a "leave me alone, I'll do what I want" mood and really took it out on me. I told her she was chosen to get the place, out of tons of people who wanted it, and they decided to give it to her. It worked. She likes to be the special one. Loves it there, and I'm glad that I don't have to worry that she fell overnight and is laying on the floor.
I love the guy he’s just so dang stubborn and doesn’t listen. We have been trying to just get his pain treated and help him be comfortable but it’s like he’s hell bent on suffering or something.

I'm thinking I will be just like him ( if I don't just drop dead first). Maybe just leave him be? I hate the idea of anyone including my kids trying to force me to do something I don't want to do ( like go into a nursing home) . I'm thinking old people have the right to stay put and die where and how they want if that is what they want. Is that so wrong? I don't ever want to hear " it's for your own good" . Its MY business. If I want to live here on this farm and starve or burn the place to the ground around me, or freeze in winter and refuse to let anyone help me by making me move, it should be my business.

My mil got cancer when she was close to 90. My fil had just died ( over 90) . She refused all treatment, and to escape any threat of nursing home or living with us or her daughter's family she moved back to where she came from ( Colombia) to her own house and lived another year until she died. I totally respect her for that
Heading to church to replace the bulbs in the outside security lights. Project I had planned on doing in the past and got put off. Security lights stay on 24x7 wasting electric (IMHO). Replacement bulbs are LED with built in electric-eye, automatically go off during daylight. Bulbs were $3.20 each, time will tell if they were a great deal.
Finally got some sleep last night and it feels like a hangover. I've been running on 4 hours and change for the last week.
Already have laundry started.
Next is to core, peel and slice pineapple for dehydrator.
Get out in the garden and put down a little fertilizer and weed before the rain starts this afternoon.
Take ebay photos for dh.
Where did this weekend go? Got all the fallen limbs from this winter's storms of the yard and got it mowed - super grateful that the lawn mower that sat with old gas in it all winter fired right up for me.

Had my first 0% hatch rate from the eggs I've been incubating this go round. I think it's been too cold overnight and the eggs are freezing before I get them collected. I've started collecting them 2x a day, the ones collected in the morning go in the fridge and the ones collected in the afternoon will be heading into the incubator. Hopefully we have better luck the second time around - I've never had below a 75% hatch rate, even with eggs that have been shipped.
@sonya123 while I agree with the premise of leaving him be, he’s going to sit in his own feces. Hardly passing with dignity. I’m just trying to get him to be able to pass comfortably and with dignity, not in a pile of his own poop his kids have to clean up. He is also in a lot of pain and if he could realize the stress he is creating on his 3 kids he would be mortified. Unfortunately his mind is going too, and this is not what he would’ve wanted.

@Amish Heart he needs more care than what assisted living can provide unfortunately, although that sounds like a great place. He would rather die than leave his house so we are just trying to figure out the safest and easiest way to keep him home.
Sonya, I'm so sorry about your doggy. It's always hard. If your other dog is lonely, another companion might help. Maybe you can rescue a dog from a shelter? Do they let you bring your other pet with you to see how they get along?
I'm still trying to find a good home for the coonhounds but its looking like they might end up staying. They are so spoiled! Not as spoiled as the older dogs, but way better than being on the streets.

DrJenner, I'm sorry to hear about your FIL's declining health. It's always tough when that happens. My uncle and his wife live in an assisted living place in Virginia. Seems to take pretty good care of them but my uncle is still somewhat self-sufficient.

Havasu, sending you virtual hugs. I hope your shoulder gets feeling better soon. Did they give you any lydocane patches to put on it? Not sure if they help or not.

I ate something that didn't agree with me & had digestive issues last night and most of the morning. Took some Pepto and had to take Namir (one of my youngest cats) to he vet because he got in a fight and had a swollen sore lump on his chest/side. Vet said it is precursor to an abscess. And man, the antibiotics went from being $16 to $50 now. He was a little angel on the way there, back, and in the office at least. Didn't make a peep and didn't struggle.

Stopped at the post office. Mom got cards from her 2nd oldest sister and from Uncle Jim (dad's brother). Mom's other two sisters called her- the 2nd oldest has hearing problems so she doesn't call.

Took my brother to the courthouse to see his probation officer and pay his court fees. He's still going to talk to a lawyer about the situation. Even if they can't help him, maybe they can get a class action suit together for rights violations of multiple defendants and perhaps stop some of the bs in the future.

On the way in to town a beautiful hawk swooped down and perched on a tree nearby and stared at us. They fly around up high all the time but this was the closest I've seen one in years.
Home finally! What a circus! Pickup died in Ely, NV so we rented a U-Haul to get home. Loaded it up, hooked on the trailer for the four-wheeler and away we went. We stopped in Billings to pick up 8 new batteries for the solar system at home. No one else had that many and it was only about 20 miles out of the way. Got them put in and got the U-Haul returned. Picked up my sawmill and brought it home (it was at our son's house). Been putting away stuff and catching up on paperwork. Will have to go get the truck and 5th wheel sometime later this summer I guess. We will probably just cart it home where I can work on it.
Home finally! What a circus! Pickup died in Ely, NV so we rented a U-Haul to get home. Loaded it up, hooked on the trailer for the four-wheeler and away we went. We stopped in Billings to pick up 8 new batteries for the solar system at home. No one else had that many and it was only about 20 miles out of the way. Got them put in and got the U-Haul returned. Picked up my sawmill and brought it home (it was at our son's house). Been putting away stuff and catching up on paperwork. Will have to go get the truck and 5th wheel sometime later this summer I guess. We will probably just cart it home where I can work on it.
That's a long haul in a uhaul! Glad you made it home.

@DrJenner Just a thought that sorta helped in a similar situation (they are each their own aren't they?) If it was the same person from hospice each day, could he or she be introduced as someone who will stop by to check on him and give him a hand if he needs it? Sometimes labeling them as a hospice worker initiates distrust but if son or daughter introduces Mary as someone to come and help??? That's the only thing I have that might remotely be of any help. We had a family member who we had to be especially careful of how we worded things. Shoot, even my dad - can't tell him surgery but a "procedure" is okay :rolleyes:

@zannej Glad your mom is getting happy greetings - probably perks up her spirit.

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