What's everybody doing today?

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Well, I'm on day 4 or 5 of watching the tree trimming guy down the road trying to get his bucket truck unstuck from my neighbors lawn. He was stupid enough to back it down into their yard after we have had lots of rain and sunk both duallys right down to the pig and he is trying to pull it out with his Dodge pickup, lol.

Oh the drama!
Mo, that sounds incredibly frustrating. I'm glad you were able to go to a different doctor instead of wasting your time with the old one. Had the no call no show thing happen when we took an elderly friend to the VA a few times. He was livid.
Peanut, I feel you on this and hope you get feeling better soon. Glad you lost 40lbs. I need to lose that much and more.
Jim, that food looks delicious!
Montanabill, I miss having chicks but I don't have the energy to take care of them properly these days. I love the sounds they make and I've been cooing at the ones in TSC when I go in and look at them. We don't have honeybees around but we have a ton of carpenter bees that are loving the blackberry flowers.
Urbanhunter, Yikes! I hope your hands will clear up quickly.
Curmudgeon, you'd think people would be more careful with heavy machinery like that. I want to see pics or video of this drama! LOL.

Mom woke me up after midnight for something. Can't remember what. Then I started having stomach issues. She had them the day before and now I've got the stomach bug. I also started sneezing really hard and went to take some allergy meds but when I went to wash it down with water, I started to sneeze again which caused me to suck in air and subsequently water so I had a coughing fit and my dinner came up a bit so I spent 20min coughing and spitting up. Then I started having stomach issues.

At least Mom was happy about my efforts to clean up. I still have more to do but stomach feels bad and I feel dehydrated.

I've started marking on my calendar when I take my medicines so I can keep better track and try to get on some sort of schedule.

I'm hoping my sister will call today since she forgot to call on Mom's birthday yesterday. At least two of my aunts called. Mom's other sister has hearing problems and doesn't talk on the phone much.

Hope everyone else is having a good day.
Well, I'm on day 4 or 5 of watching the tree trimming guy down the road trying to get his bucket truck unstuck from my neighbors lawn. He was stupid enough to back it down into their yard after we have had lots of rain and sunk both duallys right down to the pig and he is trying to pull it out with his Dodge pickup, lol.

Oh the drama!
Well that'll leave a mark
Well that'll leave a mark

Oh, it already has, he has dug trenches with his pickup. He gets to the end of that strap and starts throwing rooster tails before the strap slingshots him back.

One would think after several hours of doing this and it not working he might try a different approach. I'm sure he doesn't want to call a big rig tow truck as that would cost him several hundreds of dollars.

On the plus side he did get the limbs trimmed that he set out to do. 30 minutes work and day upon day trying to retrieve his truck.
We once had a cement truck driver completely defy direct orders from a contractor who told him to back his truck in to the yard slowly. Guy said "I know what I'm doing! Don't tell me what to do!" then gunned it forward into the yard toward the pond. Realized almost-too-late that there was a pond (bc for some reason he didn't look first) & had to slam on his brakes hard. Weight shifted & the front end of his truck sunk down so hard it broke the steps. He was completely stuck. The contractor was angry-- his men had to build a chute to be able to get the cement out to pour & it took more work & time.
My dad called around seeing if anyone could help. Guy running the Parish backhoe to do roadwork tried to help but couldn't get it unstuck & had to get back to public roads so he didn't get in trouble. Driver's boss got on the phone & screamed at my dad telling him he (my dad) better get the truck unstuck asap or he was going to charge him for extra time & damage to the truck. At that point Dad went from being friendly to his boss mode voice & told the guy "Your driver ignored direct orders & caused this-- its on him & your company, not me". Contractor told us not to worry that he would take care of it and we wouldn't be charged any extra for the driver's screwup. Driver probably lost his job. They had to call a towtruck from Lake Charles (2 hours away) to come try to winch the cement truck out. But it got bogged down and stuck in our barnyard. They then had to call for a 2nd tow truck to dislodge the 1st towtruck and simultaneously dislodge the cement truck. So, that was another 2 hours. I have pics of it somewhere on my computer.
I'm trying to get my motivation up enough to go look at what wood I have available to build a box in the soffit to reinforce the satellite mount.
Made it through lunch with the ladies, barely!!😮 A few dirty jokes, and twice mentioning how heavy some people were, yes, both heard!!😮😮 The 90yr old brought attention to an older guy's fairly short shorts and how he was sitting. She took her phone out and the 92yr old yells, "DON'T TAKE HIS PICTURE"!!!! It got quiet and A LOT of people turned to look!!😲 So the 90yr old says, "I don't want a picture of THAT"!! Of course everyone is looking around to see who she might be referring to!! But lunch was great and not boring!!😉😃
Ha! I'm washing all my jeans tonight, just put the second load in. A couple with rips are going in the rag box. I've dropped 40+lbs since October. I was way to heavy at 200lbs. 170 is my natural weight. 3 days ago I weighed 156. My skinny jeans (40" waist) are a little big. Luckily I found a few pairs tonight with a 38 waist. The dozen pairs with 42" or 44" waist or going in the top of the closet when I get them washed and folded.
Congrats on the weight loss, my natural weight is "OMG, its coming this way"
Successful penning, sorting an loading in trailer of my bull, 2 cows and calf this morning. Sale tomorrow. Went to Brazos county to look at bulls. Came home with 2 yr old Beefmaster bull and 2 Beefmaster 16 month old heifers. Son in law came with trailer and brought them home. Happy animals eating grass and hay. May brand tomorrow. If they breed now, calves start in January. Not good, but can’t afford to keep them stockpen til June. All built well, good color, good bone structure and appears they will be calm.

I've had beef masters before, really liked them.
Got up on The Ridge today. Pear trees are blooming.




Tied the archery target to the old apple tree.


Then I fiddled about straightening up the trees we transplanted last winter. All of the transplants look ok. The apple trees and cherry trees are putting on leaves. One of the cherry trees are starting to bud out. If weather holds out we may get our first cherries this year.

Cleared weds from a couple beds. Found and left 3 wild strawberry plants be to see how they do in the beds. Yet another experiment with letting the wild stuff survive in good conditions.

Always a great time working in the orchards and gardens surrounded by the works of God's hand.

Granddaughters are due this evening. As The Princess and I often say "Look out. In-coming!"

Nice... that's exactly what I wanna do, get more fruit trees planted and put this lousy half-acre to good use, lol. Neighbors of mine have horses & chickens, haven't seen any goats yet but I'm hoping they're "legal" here. My sense of things is that most folks here don't really care either way, as long as the animals aren't problematic. Later, I'll have to ask some of the locals about the ordinances here... in the meantime, it's alright for me to plant more trees, I wanna get started on a vegetable garden as well before it gets too late in the season. :confused:
Spent way to long doing a simple job, on a dry day, rolling logs up onto my rollway is easy and quick, today they just slipped, had to winch them up, what a fuster cluck slippery slimy melty snow is not helpful. ok done whining wood is bucked split and in the house. not quite done whining, had to carry the rubber maids full of wood instead of use my little green wagon, snow again, now I'm done whining maybe i better find some cheese
Been a busy week. Still feel like I'm dragging from being sick. My New guy started at work Monday. I like him a lot and he fits in well with my group.
One of our engineers turned his notice in and will be gone by the end of the month. I'm going to have to take over the RF spectrum manager role from him. That's on top of what I already have on my plate.
Assembled another raised bed and picked up the rest of the wood I needed to finish the last one. Hope to do that tomorrow and get them in place and load them up with what compost I have. Hopefully finish mowing and get the lower garden spot worked up and ready to plant soon.
It's all about the prom tomorrow around this house. I am warning them that chores need to be done in the morning first. Granddaughter is going to go with the boyfriend's mom to pick up the corsage. Why? No idea. But that happens at 10 am. Then she gets picked up from there by a friend who is doing her hair. She'll be home around one ish to get changed. Picked up by her boyfriend at 2:30, photos here, photos at his house. Limo (shared with many friends) a half hour away for a photo session. Back to the school at 6:30 for "red carpet" announcement, and dinner at the school at 7 p.m. Then the dance. Then the after party shut in at the school. They should be home at 4 am. They will sleep all day Sunday, I'm sure. Grandson is easier. We drop him at the school at 3:30, he goes in a different Limo with friends to the same photo place. Then back to the High School. They are juniors, not seniors. I guess this is a practice run.
Got a lot done today, mostly inside. The laundry room was a complete wreck before the freezer failed. Then everything in the room got shoved into 3 other rooms.

So I got to start fresh yesterday. Cleaned the walls, ceiling and floors. I fixed the big window fan that hasn’t run in 4yrs. The piano needs to go but there is nothing I can do about that. I don't even know how to sell a piano.

Anyway, I moved a few things back in, about half the room is good to go. The other side is still a mess.

I got almost all the clothing in the room washed, resorted, winter stuff out, summer stuff in. Especially my (skinny) jeans. Got 4 pairs good enough for town, dinner out etc. got 4pr good work jeans. A little more faded but no rips, tears or stains. All washed and folded on hangers. The other sizes got got washed and put away in case needed 12pr.

I have to do all my nice shirts next. Everything gets washed then ironed, winter stuff put away. Summer shirts out.

Maybe tomorrow...
Yesterday I spent 4 hours bathing, spit shining the old golf cart.wife said it looks new, let's keep it ,🙄
Nope , don't need 2 carts on 1 acre.
Put it in front yard about 2 pm. Went to fish dinner , at our favorite place to eat , 5 minutes up the road.

Came home and mowed yard....lot easier than 10 acres.

Got 4 calls on the cart.
They were all nice , until I told them the price.
I guess they thought this nice golf cart was only worth $100. 🙄. It's back out by the road . If it don't sell by Monday, I'll put it on classifieds.

Today is a loss. Wedding at 11sm, then reception. Close friends. The lunch somewhere.

Watching Beverly Hillbillies.
Wagon Train ain't on yet.

Another beautiful day in the neighborhood.

@Tank-Girl , your on our mind and prayer list.

Y'all comeback ya yeah.

If you can't beat them, join them (change from within). I'm running for a Board position on a local business. Today is the election. Took my monthly bath early and wearing Sunday go meeting clothes for the special occasion. Got to look the part.

Wash the truck.

Church parsonage has outside lights that are on 24 x 7. Bothers the conservative members. The order of LED screw in bulbs with built in photo-eye arrived yesterday. Plan on heading out to the parsonage to swap bulbs :)

Finish picking up tree debris from the yards. Yards are going to be a needing mowing too soon.

Change oil in mower and the mule.
I second that... good luck, Lazy L! If I weren't so jaded by modern society, I'd run for something myself, lol. As it is, I have too much home rehab work stacked up, in fact I need to go buy more paint roller tubes today at the Depot... I stalled out there for a bit, but I'm gonna try to climb back aboard the home rehab horse this coming week and get those bathrooms and that kitchen done. That's the trouble with home rehab work, it won't do itself... and whoever figures out how to make it do itself, well, that person will be an overnight billionaire, lol. ;)

One thing's for sure, beer will be on the shopping list. At my age, it helps to make a list, otherwise I'll surely forget something. Reminds me of a time when I showed some gal at the store register my list: somehow, BEER had made the list TWICE, lol. The gal & I both thought that was pretty funny... must have been a long week. :D

One thing's for sure, beer will be on the shopping list. At my age, it helps to make a list, otherwise I'll surely forget something. Reminds me of a time when I showed some gal at the store register my list: somehow, BEER had made the list TWICE, lol. The gal & I both thought that was pretty funny... must have been a long week. :D

In my case, that would be the list.

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