What's everybody doing today?

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Cooking a 22lb turkey today, we'll have some for dinner and freeze the rest of the meat for other meals. Getting ready to work outside for an hr. I need to follow husband into the bigger town so he can drop off our truck for a check up and oil change. Maybe stop in on mom while we're waiting on the truck. Last day of being the amish school driver. My gift today was a plate for of cookies and a carpet (a woven rug). That little girl cracks me up.
Pearl, I hope things go well at work.

Snappy, it is very sweet of you to help people out. There needs to be more people who do that. I know there are places where it is common, but it isn't here.

Amish_heart I hope the turkey turns out well. I once had a 22lb rooster (as a pet, not to eat). That was sweet that you got a woven rug and cookies. I'm stopping myself from eating the last of the cookies we have because I know they aren't good for me. Maybe after I finish cleaning more. I got one of the puppies put up last night. Other one was hiding so I went to bed since I was exhausted. Woke up with her snuggled up against me. I had to pull her into the room with her brother and lock them in (it's a large room and there is a queen sized bed in there that they sleep on). They also have toys & water. I feed them outside but they didn't even finish what I fed them earlier. I have to put them up to be able to feed the cats bc the pups will eat the cat food. Cats were climbing on me and licking my hands this morning to get me up to feed them. So, they have been fed, I cleaned an old toilet seat and put it away for future use. Cleaned the toilet in Mom's bathroom, and am waiting for cats to finish eating so I can start picking up the spilled trash and all the cardboard boxes my brother has neglected to pick up and throw out (in fairness, he's had a lot of pain from his foot after his fall a few weeks ago).

Still brainstorming on ideas for stabilizing the satellite pole. I wonder if a J-pole on mount on the roof could be sistered up to help give it stability. I found a mount that has stabilizers with it.

Today is Mom's 72nd birthday so I want to get things cleaned up for her before she gets up. But she hasn't been feeling well lately. Some kind of stomach bug and I hope it's not something from samsclub that got recalled again without us knowing.
Cooking a 22lb turkey today, we'll have some for dinner and freeze the rest of the meat for other meals. Getting ready to work outside for an hr. I need to follow husband into the bigger town so he can drop off our truck for a check up and oil change. Maybe stop in on mom while we're waiting on the truck. Last day of being the amish school driver. My gift today was a plate for of cookies and a carpet (a woven rug). That little girl cracks me up.
How sweet of that little girl♥️! I like cooking big turkeys, always good sandwich and salad meat to follow!!
Had a weird day at work. We got a good jump on traveling up to the job site and we were ready to make a final pass through the derailment area, and finally remove the slow order. We got there and Corridor said there was a white hot northbound train coming off the double main line. It was too long to put in any of our sidings so it had to get a straight shot to the yard in Mason City. They said it would be past us by 11 or noon at the latest. Yeah, 1:30 came and went and we hadn't seen the train. We could have done our project twice by then. Instead we're headed home because the train isn't going to get by until after quitting time...

This is why I'm transferring to another position. I can't deal with this level of stupid.
Got the truck brought in, then went to visit mom. I brought some puzzles in for one of the ladies that is always working on one in their dining room there. She had PT this morning, and was getting ready for lunch to be served. She can't find where she put her address book with phone numbers, and took down the one I posted on the wall near the phone, so I made her another. Then off to a mexican restaurant for lunch, and it was very yummy. Talked husband into waiting for me while I shopped the overstock store. Wasn't very hard. After that lunch he wanted to nap in the car. So after all that, our truck is still not ready, so we went home. Will have to drive back to the town when it is.
Spikedriver, it's always frustrating when you're waiting on someone or something else to do something and they let you down and waste your time.

LadyLocust, I'm glad she had fun. You couldn't pay me to go skydiving. LOL.

I'm watching the dog stealing a scented candle. I think she's going to eat it but she's in a place I can't get over to.

I cleaned up in the hallway and kitchen, took a bunch of trash out. Taking a break bc my ankles, legs, and back hurt. Need to grab some food. Jelly is whining for attention. LOL.
Back to the archery storage. Got all of the hooks reformed to fit securely to the bottom of the I beam.


They only have to grip the beam when unloaded. When loaded they are cantilevered hanging from the front edge. I can move them along the beam to where they are needed.


Unfortunately the hooks are not stiff enough to support The Princess's crossbow but worked fine for all of the bows.

The archery target did not fit in my Jeep Liberty. I will tie it down to the roof with Bungie cords tomorrow to take it down to The Ridge tomorrow. I may spend some in the gardens there while I am there.

With the archery gear cleared from the back porch, I ONLY have deal with this pile.


Before that pile is stowed I will have to get the quad out of the shed and I learn to maintain it...

Remember those slide puzzles where we could slide puzzles pieces around using the one blank spot until the puzzle is solved? I am living in a 3d version of those puzzles!

Good news is the rental property has accumulated enough money for the survey required before I get to put up a big storage shed. That shed would sure be handy about now.

Today is a strange work day. I had meetings and calls most of the day, then a break, then I will have more meetings and calls tonight. I did get a break in between and dug out my wet tile saw to try to cut paving stones for the garden, would work the stones are to thick for safety shield. I finally just removed the saw and started cutting about 3/4 the way through each stone, don't tell OSHA... ;) The wife looked out before I got started and she noticed that I had laid out a checker board pattern in red and grey, she said no it's too busy to see what's going on. So now I will have different sections in different colors (it does make it easier to see steps). But I am now 10 gray stones short... :( Well I need to eat my supper and get back to work work....
I got a call from the VA this morning.
After blowing a fuse on 8 April 2022 at 1100 for "No Call NO Show Doctor" for the ninth time out of 12 appointments lately.
I have a "New Primary Care Doctor in the next town over.
This way I can drive myself to the Doctor at the CBAC VA Clinic.
So my grocery money now can be used for groceries instead of waste of time appointments to KCVA.
Will only go to KCVA to see Specialist from now on.
Already have my new appointment with new Doctor on the 8th of June 2022 at 0930 hours.
Will have to go in and do blood work before Doctor Appointment.
Out of the 26 ladies that all had the Old Primary Care Doctor 16 have been transferred to the new clinic.
The other 10 have opted to stay in Honor Annex with new Doctors.
As of 26 April 2022 my old Doctor is retiring.
Walked several miles yesterday.
Paid Dad's bills.
Got food for him.
Went to oldest son's house to kid sit 9 year old.
Went to oldest son's at 1430 hours.
Got home about 1845 hours last night.
Foggy, raining, drove slowly in the bottoms and over the Missouri River.
I don't see well at night in rainy, foggy road conditions.
Walked today, abit slowly today.
Woke up at 0330 hours haven't been back to sleep yet.
Cooked smokey ham and beans for hot meal today.
My blood pressure is back to my normal 97/58.
My massive headache is finally gone too.
Still tired.
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I got a call from the VA this morning.
After blowing a fuse on 8 April 2022 at 1100 for "No Call NO Show Doctor" for the ninth time out of 12 appointments lately.
I have a "New Primary Care Doctor in the next town over.
This way I can drive myself to the Doctor at the CBAC VA Clinic.
So my grocery money now can be used for groceries instead of waste of time appointments to KCVA.
Will only go to KCVA to see Specialist from now on.
Already have my new appointment with new Doctor on the 8th of June 2022 at 0930 hours.
Will have to go in and do blood work before Doctor Appointment.
Out of the 26 ladies that all had the Old Primary Care Doctor 16 have been transferred to the new clinic.
The other 10 have opted to stay in Honor Annex with new Doctors.
As of 26 April 2022 my old Doctor is retiring.
Walked several miles yesterday.
Paid Dad's bills.
Got food for him.
Went to oldest son's house to kid sit 9 year old.
Went to oldest son's at 1430 hours.
Got home about 1845 hours last night.
Foggy, raining, drove slowly in the bottoms and over the Missouri River.
Walked today, abit slowly today.
Woke up at 0330 hours haven't been back to sleep yet.
Cooked smokey ham and beans for hot meal today.
My blood pressure is back to my normal 97/58.
My massive headache is finally gone too.
Still tired.
Sounds like a victory over bureaucracy.


I'm so tired, cfs has kicked my butt. Last week did me in... 2 nights up with tornadoes. The old freezer dying took 4 days before all the details were completed, a funeral, then more family drama yesterday. I have a dozen outside projects that need my attention but I have no energy.

All I managed today was spring laundry and a pot of chili. I washed all the extra comforters and blankets so I can put them away til fall.
Ha! I'm washing all my jeans tonight, just put the second load in. A couple with rips are going in the rag box. I've dropped 40+lbs since October. I was way to heavy at 200lbs. 170 is my natural weight. 3 days ago I weighed 156. My skinny jeans (40" waist) are a little big. Luckily I found a few pairs tonight with a 38 waist. The dozen pairs with 42" or 44" waist or going in the top of the closet when I get them washed and folded.
Am heading off to bed very soon. Little granddaughter is going on a school day trip to Topeka tomorrow. Have to get her to school an hr earlier (6:45) ugh. Hard to do since I'm retired. She is excited. The 4th through 8th graders are going...they've been studying Kansas state history. They won't be returning till 4:30 or so. A very long drive.
I had a fun time picking up some chicks today. I got 14 of them and got a real mix, should be fun to see what they all look like. I had forgotten how much fun the little peepers are. A neighbor moved back into the neighborhood and wants to take care of the chickens on her place when they get older and we all share the eggs and the grasshopper eradication. The bonus is she is moving back with three healthy bee hives as well. Our garden will get pollinated this year.
Got the old 4 wheeler running and hooked it up to a 5X9 utility trailer and our teenager and his friend thought that was much more fun than using wheelbarrows to move firewood.
I had a fun time picking up some chicks today. I got 14 of them and got a real mix, should be fun to see what they all look like. I had forgotten how much fun the little peepers are. A neighbor moved back into the neighborhood and wants to take care of the chickens on her place when they get older and we all share the eggs and the grasshopper eradication. The bonus is she is moving back with three healthy bee hives as well. Our garden will get pollinated this year.
Got the old 4 wheeler running and hooked it up to a 5X9 utility trailer and our teenager and his friend thought that was much more fun than using wheelbarrows to move firewood.
Good job Fonzi 😉 😂 (little peepers are irresistible aren't they?)
Am heading off to bed very soon. Little granddaughter is going on a school day trip to Topeka tomorrow. Have to get her to school an hr earlier (6:45) ugh. Hard to do since I'm retired. She is excited. The 4th through 8th graders are going...they've been studying Kansas state history. They won't be returning till 4:30 or so. A very long drive.
You are probably snoozing as I type this, but have a good night!!
Last night I pulled a couple of weeds, from the looks of my hands this morning it must have been poison something. I went to get the last of the stones I needed this morning, no bar-code and no one around to help, I had to go to customer service and returns to check out. Stones are home and unloaded, I will wait until after 09:00 to start up the saw as the wife sleeps in.....

I picked up one of those little hand bulb planting tools, I have never used one but it looked like it would be good for making holes for my new transplants. If I can get all the stones cut and laid today I can start working the garden tomorrow. I have lots of plants looking for new homes.
Switching gears today.

Got so much I want to do outside. It's warm , 68 deg, sunny .

Gotta go with priorities.
Leaving the garage stuff,
Back porch cleanup,
Front landscaping.

Gonna spit shine the old electric Golf Cart so I can sell it.
Need it gone, don't really have room for it , now that we have a new one.

Soooo , I'll be busy with that.

Gonna wait till after 4pm to go for fish dinner.
Can't wait.

@Tank-Girl , keep on trucking.

It's my last day of work in this particular position, and it's storming like a sonofagun. Thunder, lightning, high wind, the whole nine yards. We're supposed to get the tracks after one northbound and one southbound go by. It's 9AM now, so I would guess it'll be 11 before we start working.

I'll have the weekend off before I head out to Nebraska on Monday to start the new gig Tuesday morning. I'm not even 100% sure what this gang does! I just know I'll be doing old school work, with sledgehammers and claw bars. I'm kind of looking forward to it, other than I'm terribly out of shape. I haven't done much of that stuff since 2015.

On the plus side, the gig is in Sidney, Nebraska which is the original location of Cabela's. There's still a giant store there and I'm going to have a week to check it out after work. Might get expensive...😉
Watching it snow again, just finished plowing the 18 " dump out of my driveway, shop yard, had to use bigger equipment to finish that. the little tractor just wasn't up to it.
Kind of weird weather this spring, we often get a dump of snow but then a bunch of warm days to follow. the moisture is nice if it soaks in.
Sorting clothes and bed linens this morning. Getting everything washed and folded, winter clothes get put away. Summer stuff comes out. Plus I lost 40lbs this winter so fat clothes get stored and skinny clothes come out.

Strange thing last night when I went to bed. I went through the house checking doors and lights etc. When I turned off the hall light every light in the house went out! Tv, everything off.

The power went off the moment I flipped the hall switch. I was tired so I was confused. Took a moment to realize... What? Like an idiot I was flipping the hall switch to make all the lights come back on. :D

Also, the new freezer reset light was blinking this morning but it was cooling. Must have been the power outage. At least now I know it’ll still cool with that light blinking. I pressed the reset button and the light stopped.
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