What's everybody doing today?

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It's 0653 on Easter Sunday morning. I shouldn't be up yet, but here I am! 😁 I wish my kid was little again so I could hide some plastic eggs full of candy and quarters. Hope all of you have a great day, and remember: RISEN!

I miss the little kid stuff! I miss the part when they acted like they actually liked you.
Going to Church this morning.
Then to daughters for Sunday Easter dinner

All the GKs have outgrown the Easter festivities.

I'm gonna hide a few eggs ( actually baby carrots) for Eli to find .
He loves carrots . He can find anything. Actually he finds too much stuff.

Then I'll rest.
Start laying floor tomorrow...I believe that's that tunnel light.

Going to look at a Golf Cart tomorrow evening.
Switching from electric to gas. It has a dump bed. Mine don't.

Happy Resurrection Day to all my friends ( and emenies) ,have a blessed day

This bright Easter Sunday I slept in till 06:30, fried up some beacon for topping the deviled eggs. Then I went outside and removed the old plastic and any weed roots in the walkways around my garden, then I unloaded a truck load of sand into the walkways (the wheelbarrow is tired ;) ). I ended up being a couple hundred pounds light on the sand, I am debating on if it is worth while to break Sabbath after Easter dinner to pick some up. It would allow me to finish leveling tonight and be ready to start applying plastic and replacing stones on Monday night....

I stopped garden work and took a shower and got dressed for Sunday services.

Wishing everyone a safe healthy Easter Sunday.... If you don't believe, then double the wishes for the best to you. ;)

Happy Easter everyone! I miss the little kid stuff too (my youngest is almost 19), but I'm grateful it's not expected because I ran out yesterday afternoon to grab a bag of jelly beans and there was none to be found in 4 stores! Found some Peeps so we've got a little sugar for those who want it. We'll actually have plenty - one of my sons and daughter in law have birthdays next week so we'll be having cake & ice cream as well to celebrate tonight while we're all together. :)
When I lived on the coast, I'd go to sunday service held out in the redwoods by this huge cluster of redwood trees. It's on private property n a big deck and seating was built around part of it. Rain or fog..it was usually packed and I could bring my dog.
I really liked that service. So today I will go on my favorite trail with the dog n take some time to be thankful.
Other than that I will get ready for the work week n work on my rug. I'd love to get in the garden but since all the snow is gone it's still too wet.
Headed up to friend's cabin yesterday. It was blizzardy - snowing like crazy & absolutely beautiful! Built a fire and sat and enjoyed the quiet. This morning, we got the hearth installed. Friend arrived about the time we were finishing up so he and Hubby zipped down to the river to see if there was a fish. Hubby had a take but didn't land it. Snow was melting off pretty good. Made it home, ate, Hubby mowed the lawn and I got some garlic planted. Catching up here then will go hop in the shower.
Hope everyone is having a blessed Easter.
We had a somewhat unusual Easter service. Pastor Rob only preached a little about the actual resurrection story. He preached more on why it's important to each and every one of us. Then he had the elders pass out a 3x5 card and a pencil to each of us and he asked us to write a name or two of the people closest to us who aren't believers. Then he had the ushers bring in a cross made of 6" pine beams, and set out a couple hammers and a tub of nails, and we each nailed our card to that cross. And then he said, there's over 100 cards nailed up there, and those cards represent over 100 souls. Pray for the person whose name you nailed up there every day this week. Let God handle the rest.

I've never seen a sermon quite like that before, and it made an impression on me.
That is a different type of sermon, I like that. The mennonite church minister we hear talked about the time period now (resurrection to the second coming) is like the period between D Day and Victory Day (which took a year). Saying times are tough, but we know that good is coming.
We had mom all day, and she wore me out. Took her to church, and then back to our place. Made a big dinner and cousins Wanda and Bob came for dinner, too. The kids ate too much chocolate this morning and felt gross all day. Hid eggs for them to find. Took a walk with mom, Wanda, and Bob around the farm for an animal tour after dinner. Everyone is home now, I'm decompressing.
We had 2 guests for Easter Dinner. The wife had her friend over and they talked me right to sleep. The son and his friend finished the dinner that the wife had started, he rushes and tends to over cook (blacken) most meats. We had lamb, a corn dish the wife created, asparagus, layered salad mostly from the garden, 7 layer dip and chips, potatoes, and carrot cake for desert. It was good but taking a nap was a mistake for me, I woke up 3 times last night and finally got up around 04:00. I have watered all the indoor plants and am trying to make my plans for this week. I ran out of materials for the garden job, so I will pickup what I know I need at the HD store as they open. I have projects due for work every day this week so I will be very busy every day, but with it not getting dark till 19:30, I will still get about 3 hours of working outside every day. Before the son's friend left she told the wife that she was looking forward to coming back when she can spend more time here.... The wife thinks that there are long term plans being made, I think it is just wishful thinking... (The girl is really nice).
Needing to take little granddaughter to a park to visit her mom in the bigger town around lunchtime today. We'll eat some sandwiches in the car and keep an eye out while they visit. Husband knocked out his temp crown, but luckily his permanent crown is ready today, so he'll be going in for that this afternoon. Kids are off school today, so they can help with some chores this morning. My squash is ready to plant in bigger containers, so I need to get going on that today
Yesterday, went to Sunday School and Church first.
Walked dogs.
Made stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy and pear crumble to go with the crockpot chicken made Saturday. DH's friend was a no show. Didn't even let us know he changed his mind until we texted him at dinner time. That's a good way to not be invited in the future. We will see.

Today, I will call our homeowner's insurance company about the fire next door as we noted smoke damage to our eves, this weekend. They need to inspect and make sure the shingle didn't melt in that area since it is a new roof.
Have to go to Walmart. Yuk!
Walk when I get home.

You all have a good day!
Disassemble my former shop fluorescent light fixtures. Threw the pieces into the dumpster except for the metal bases. Bases might make a nice water trough for a small water wheel generator?

Gave one of the wife's stray cats its medicine. Wife wraps the cat in a blanket then forces its mouth open. Using a needless syringe I quickly a squirt the medicine into its mouth. Respiratory infection, cat can't smell therefore will not eat. After a week of twice a day medicine cat started eating yesterday. Happy wife, happy life.
Guess what I'm doing .


Im so close to being done I can taste it.
Lunch .
Then go check out a golf cart.
Then rest .
Tomorrow maybe Finnish.

Yeah, you are almost there Phideaux!! Beautiful floor!! We got rid of our electric golf cart a few years back. We came across a nice old gas Club Car for $100. It was sitting in a pasture in need of work! Hubby cleaned the carb and gas tank, replaced fuel lines and did some minor wiring touch ups. Bought it a new battery and ran across NICE tires at a salvage yard! I reupholstered the seat and back rests, bought it a windshield and mirrors! Gas is so much nicer!
Today was garbage day so I was out early picking up all the soggy pieces of cardboard the puppy scattered over the yard. Dad was emptying freezer containers into 5g buckets. I dumped 5 buckets full of old veggies in the woods.

I still have to get the old freezer out of the laundry room, won’t be hard. I’ll throw a strap around it and pull it out on the porch with the frontend loader. Then lift it off the porch.

The laundry room is starting to look normal again.

Freezer last 01a.JPG
Jim, floor looks great! Is that vinyl plank? How much of an expansion gap did you leave on the perimeter?

Ben, looks great!

My family hasn't done Easter in over 30 years.

I went to Walmart early to get discount candy. I joked with a friend who works there that we were going o grab a bunch and hiss like feral opossums (which a customer did last year). I don't know if we were too early or too late but didn't find much.

Saw some poor old lady struggling to get in to the store clinging to a shopping cart for dear life and clearly in a lot of pain. I asked her if she needed a riding cart and then brought one over for her and made sure she got in ok. She said her sciatic nerve was giving her trouble. I know how bad that can be.

Grabbed some candy for my friend- he loves the reeses eggs. Stopped at TSC to get sweet feed for the cows. Yesterday the big cow chased me all around my truck because she wanted food and I didn't have any for her. She saw me getting puppy chow out and just about lost her mind. Today I let the smaller cow eat for a few minutes before calling the big one over. Big one came running.

I went over to visit my friend to drop off his candy. He was too tired for company and was in a bad mood. I saw he'd put his ex's stuff out on the porch and some of it was in the garbage can. He'd also thrown the puppy out because she peed on the carpet again. He really shouldn't have pets. The blood clot is apparently giving him a shorter temper. I was tempted to bring the puppy home. He wasn't going to let the mama cat in the house to feed her kittens but my brother and I insisted so he caved. I'm hoping he's feeling at least a little better now.

Meanwhile, the pups I rescued are sitting on my bedroom floor farting so badly the other dog is covering her nose. They are getting spoiled. I got flea collars for them today and need to see if I can get them to hold still long enough for me to put them on.
Done for the day. We sat in the hole from about 8:15 to 2:00 and then worked until 5. Started traveling south to another location but a train came uncoupled in the middle and went dead on the main line between us and the job site, so we put 'em back in the hole and we're in the truck headed home. Should get back around 8:00 and be back to work around 7AM to sit and wait on trains again...
We had a somewhat unusual Easter service. Pastor Rob only preached a little about the actual resurrection story. He preached more on why it's important to each and every one of us. Then he had the elders pass out a 3x5 card and a pencil to each of us and he asked us to write a name or two of the people closest to us who aren't believers. Then he had the ushers bring in a cross made of 6" pine beams, and set out a couple hammers and a tub of nails, and we each nailed our card to that cross. And then he said, there's over 100 cards nailed up there, and those cards represent over 100 souls. Pray for the person whose name you nailed up there every day this week. Let God handle the rest.

I've never seen a sermon quite like that before, and it made an impression on me.

When we went to the LCMS church we used to put an actual nail in the very large wooden cross they dragged into the church on Good Friday , I am sure first time visitors were pretty freaked out about that....

( I am not longer a believer now)
Easter was nice, weather held up but today it is been raining/ ice pellets and sleet most of the day and cold. Animals stayed in and we went shopping for parts to make the new washing machine work. For the money we are spending on just doing laundry, we could have made A LOT of trips to the laundromat. ( but that would be a hassle)
Husband realized we were completely out of layer pellets . He thought we had a few more bags but no, so we got some of that too. Didn't cook today just leftovers
The reason I was up last night, @Pearl ..I had heard from my son and I was excited and waiting to hear more news about the newest grandbaby. He was born this afternoon. All is well as far as I know. Momma did great, thank goodness she got to have him without c-section.
Congratulations on new grandbaby.