What's everybody doing today?

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Guess what I ate this evening. . . . give up? I ate crickets! Yep, the little bugs. They were kinda crunchy might be okay for on a salad like croutons. One more thing on the "I've eaten that" list.
The first grasshopper I ever ate was when a girl in 8th grade biology class brought a tin of them into the class and the teacher took it from her and put it on hiis desk, when he went out, I walked up took out a grasshopper and ate it, what's funny is it was boys that made the sickening sounds, actually they tasted pretty good. Every now and then I catch a grasshopper and strip off the outer covering and eat it raw, the only thing that stopped me from doing anymore is that I ran across larva inside of the hoppers, I don't know if it was fly larva or some sort of wasp larva. Anyway, if I had to eat them after the SHTF, I'll check them out before doing it.
Enjoying the twins this morning. Found junk food in pantry after scrambled eggs that they didn’t eat. Realized when my shirt was wet that I needed to change diapers on both. Did get boy to pee outside. Forgot once you change diapers, it’s going to fill up with something that requires wipes to clean up. They have been great and not gotten into too much. Mom will pick up after lunch. Husband went to feed store and picked up feed, fertilizer and few more seeds for garden. Starting 2 nd planting on some things and completely planting garden.
We have twin 3 yo grandsons and they’re awesome but man can they wear us out!
This was a large family, 7 kids and a couple spouses. They were very religious and wanted to sing and pray with him. So after the family meeting when I delivered the bad news with the neurologist, I snuck them into his room two at a time until all 11 of them were in there. Then we shut the curtain and the door. I was waiting to get in trouble but I didn't. Anyway they were so sweet. You kind of learn to disassociate in my line of work, and today was a little rough to do that with this family.
Well done! ❤️ Dignity in the dying process and the family being able to say goodbye as they wish is sooo important. Thank you for doing this for them!
Going to pick up a momma cow with a few week old calf! Our 9 yo son, 8yo granddaughter and 7yo grandson are coming with us. They were out late at a Nerf party last night so we’ll see how this early morning road trip works out!
Hopefully not tired and cranky🥱😃
I am doing some cooking today, need to locate an Easter box with the empty plastic eggs and the easter baskets in our big outbuilding. Kids will be coloring eggs tonight. Getting the house cleaned up and floors done, and planting more lettuce. The twins both have work all day, grandson doing yardwork for a lady, and granddaughter at the burger place. Looks like the wind is down, so that is a great thing.
I am doing some cooking today, need to locate an Easter box with the empty plastic eggs and the easter baskets in our big outbuilding. Kids will be coloring eggs tonight. Getting the house cleaned up and floors done, and planting more lettuce. The twins both have work all day, grandson doing yardwork for a lady, and granddaughter at the burger place. Looks like the wind is down, so that is a great thing.
Any day with less wind is nice!!
Got another inch of rain last night.

probly gonna end up getting the farmer down the road to bail my yard for hay.

Gonna hit the hellhole room with last coat of mud , after sanding.

Watching Wagon Train , drinking my coffee

Eli sleeps and holds it all night.
When were up he has to go out every 30 minutes.
Gonna stop that.

Hope it dries enough to mow later today.

I'm brain dead today, completely exhausted and I have a funeral to go to in a couple hours. An older cousin died couple nights ago. Her oldest son was couple years younger than me, he and I have always been close.

Threw away a lot of old frozen veggies this morning. Anything older than 2012 had to go. The bottom foot of the old freezer were peaches and peas, okra older than '05. The next layer was from '08, lots of squash, peas and okra. I even found 5lbs of bee pollen from '08.

The next layer was 2011/12, peas, okra, 2 gallons of muscadine juice, and some peaches.

The next big year was 2018, kept all of it.

Anyway, dad came down to help me. He hates throwing away anything. It was killing him to throw away all those peaches.

We got the new freezer into position but the old one is still in the room. I can get it out with the frontend loader another day. Throw a strap around it and pull it out.

I like the baskets and rails in the new freezer. I lose a little storage space but it's far more usable. I won't be using a pry bar and a 3lb hammer just to get something out. It'll make it easier to rotate, eat old stuff first.

First 2 pics, throw away veggies.

Freezer 04 2a .JPG
Freezer 04 3a .JPG

Last 2, new freezer.

Freezer 02 4a  .JPG

Freezer 04 4a .JPG

Now I have room for that calf when he gets big enough to slaughter.
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Made it through the storms.
Blood pressure is finally down to my normal.
Dishes are done.
2 loads of laundry is washed, dried.
Will be cooking some today.
Been walking quite a bit in the park.
Averaging about 5000-10000 steps daily.
Riding recumbent bike 5 times a day in 15 intervals, increasing resistance every 5 to 10 minutes.
Working on new weighted knitted and crochet blanket.
Just got to dust floors out yet.
Deep clean bathroom.
Made it through the storms.
Blood pressure is finally down to my normal.
Dishes are done.
2 loads of laundry is washed, dried.
Will be cooking some today.
Been walking quite a bit in the park.
Averaging about 5000-10000 steps daily.
Riding recumbent bike 5 times a day in 15 intervals, increasing resistance every 5 to 10 minutes.
Working on new weighted knitted and crochet blanket.
Just got to dust floors out yet.
Deep clean bathroom.
I got tired reading your post🙂.
Been shopping for 'toys' :) made a loaf of bread, sitting here smelling it is killin' me, lol.

We haven't bought a loaf of bread in two or three weeks. I'm starting to like that. My middle one was complaining the other day that the bread she likes is 4 bucks a loaf, I said make your own. She said "I don't have a bread maker", my response, "you got two hands," lol.
Hey Peanut, too bad you can't dehydrate those throw away frozen veggies.
I'm taking a coffee break. I still have to clean half the downstairs, the brooders (turkey and chicken), mop the floors, make the pie for tomorrow. We went into town and I bought more dry stuff at the amish discount, picked up the mail, and stopped in for a soft serve and fried pickles while granddaughter was working. While I was out picking dandelions this morning for the chickens, I found two newly laid guinea eggs. They'll go in the incubator when the others come out on the 23rd. Maybe I'll be lucky and find a few more.
Hand digging the top of the raised septic bed (20×40) with a potato fork to loosen up the clay they dumped on it, in order to remove the clods of crap grass/runners and weeds.

When that gets done I will put a heavy layer of peat moss on, sprinkle with unsalted cattle minerals, ash, egg shells and dig it all in then cover with black plastic and let it cook till the end of May for planting time. I am half way through the first dig.
woke up to about 3 inches of snow...
I just want to relax today but I had to put some stuff away in the barn, get some groceries and drop off some eggs to hatch to a friend.
The grocery store looked pretty good this weekend. The only section that was wiped out good was cookies, crackers, frozen goods dry pet kibbles and rice. They had a bunch of par boiled rice but other than that not much. Oh, they had some baby formula too.
I'm headed to the hot spring here in a hour or so...cant wait to soak
The reason I was up last night, @Pearl ..I had heard from my son and I was excited and waiting to hear more news about the newest grandbaby. He was born this afternoon. All is well as far as I know. Momma did great, thank goodness she got to have him without c-section.
Congrats Patch
Thank you, @Bacpacker ! Also today, first went to see a friend; got my haircut; went to a quilt shop and bought some fabric to make a crib comforter for the new baby; went to my new favorite garden nursery and bought some flowers and a few vegetable plants; stopped by the barbecue to grab some brisket, a little easier to do since they finally completed the 2 or 3 year road project; another son and his wife came by and we spent a lot of time laughing...hadn't seen them since February since they live a few hours away; swept the porch.
It was a nice funeral this afternoon for my cousin. At a little country church, it was packed. They ran out of seating before I arrived but there was a little bench in the foyer so I got a seat. The lady who usually plays the piano at this church was my cousin’s daughter. She was getting over shoulder surgery so all the songs sung today were done acapella.

There were some great voices in attendance, those folks could rattle the windows. A lady singing alto stood out, I didn’t know who she was. Which was strange because I knew everyone else. I have relatives who were buried at this church as early as the 1840’s, 2 of my grandparents buried there… I know a lot of folks out in these woods.

There was a potluck supper afterwards, I ate way to much. Expected when they had 3 different pots of chicken and dumplings, 3 different trays of deviled eggs, 2 crockpot roasts, 4 trays of chicken dressing, meatloaf, cornbread (not corn cake)… Even chicken fried old school in a cast iron pan. And I had room on my plate for veggies, it was a big plate. There was a whole table of desserts, I passed on those but they looked sooo good.

Mostly I’m exhausted, yesterday wiped me out. Fell asleep in my chair as soon as I got home.
Thank you, @Bacpacker ! Also today, first went to see a friend; got my haircut; went to a quilt shop and bought some fabric to make a crib comforter for the new baby; went to my new favorite garden nursery and bought some flowers and a few vegetable plants; stopped by the barbecue to grab some brisket, a little easier to do since they finally completed the 2 or 3 year road project; another son and his wife came by and we spent a lot of time laughing...hadn't seen them since February since they live a few hours away; swept the porch.
I know where you went, so much nicer with the road work done!! Congratulations on the new addition!!😊😉 What great news!
Hubby's shop was free of vehicles tonight, that's rare when he doesn't have to work on one of ours! So we set up the ping pong table in there! We usually set it up outside behind the shop near a light, but it was nice to play inside! We are both exhausted😃🥱! As if we both didn't work hard today🤪! Lots of fun!!