Been a while since I have checked in here, I have felt like crap for a few months and haven't done much of anything. Blood pressure came down to a tolerable level a while back but then had no energy and couldn't sleep Got some sleep meds and finally got caught up and felt rested but still no energy. Doctor said I am too normal to get something for the thyroid but suggested a supplement. Well, the supplements I was taking weren't helping that is why I asked about a mild medication. Well, that lead to a deeper search for thyroid supplements and got something called GTA. I have been using that for about 3 weeks and it has helped. Last week Thursday I started taking something for adrenal support to get more energy. Well, that night after work I felt lousy but thought it was due to the sugar free Monster energy drink I had on the way to work. Never had a problem with them before but it had been a while and thought my body had changed and didn't like it. Felt lousy Thursday night, Friday, Saturday and this morning. The Monster shouldn't be causing a problem that long, maybe a day at most. Today right AFTER I took the adrenal support I realized that is probably the problem. Fortunately I only took 2 instead of the recommended 3. And, fortunately I am not feeling as bad this evening as I have the past few days. I am learning, but everything we try may or may not work and everyone is different so it is trial and error.
Anyways, yesterday we bought a bunch or parts to upgrade the irrigation around the property. Timers for the watering, 1/2" irrigation tubing, fittings, drip emitters, some sprinkler heads to water where we need to grow a variety of grasses and wheat and barley and other stuff for the chickens and ducks to graze. Our biggest worry if things get stupid (or stupider) is feeding the birds so they can feed us. Planting feed sources for the birds is a priority this year.
Today I went for a walk around the neighborhood and after relaxing a while I pieced together the parts for 2 sprinkler heads to water the new raised bed area. It is about 10' by 22' and filled with wood chips, composted wood chips and debris from the chicken run, and old chicken and horse manure. Two sprinkler heads worked great for watering the new raised bed so hopefully tomorrow I can stake it in place and connect it to a water source. The plan is to use the 1/2" irrigation tubing to run water from the frost free hydrant about 75 feet across the property and secure it to a tree where I can split it off in 4 directions with each system having it's own timer. Eventually the irrigation tubing will be buried about 8 inches so we wont trip on it but that will be a later project after a good rain soaks the ground enough to dig. Who am I kidding, I will probably have to do it while it is actually raining.
Still haven't made any progress on the house. Maybe one day.
Thanks for those who were concerned about me not being around as much. I appreciate you.