What's everybody doing today?

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Welcome MAY!, This morning is church but I have until 09:00 to do a little work:
I have applied a second coat of stripper to an old rifle stock.
I am trying to do a little work in the garden, adding irrigation lines.
I am on my second load of laundry.

After church I need to mow the lawn...

I need to check if we have a medical thread, I have a little issue.
It's 5:07 AM on a Sunday morning, and I'm just about to head out from the hotel. The weather is supposed to be cold, below freezing this morning but in the 60s this afternoon. I'm hoping for a good day at work, because if we're far enough ahead of schedule the boss might let us go home tomorrow morning and it's supposed to be cold and raining all day tomorrow.

The Cabela's headquarters store is right across the road from my hotel and I think maybe I'll go visit it tonight...
Welcome MAY!, This morning is church but I have until 09:00 to do a little work:
I have applied a second coat of stripper to an old rifle stock.
I am trying to do a little work in the garden, adding irrigation lines.
I am on my second load of laundry.

After church I need to mow the lawn...

I need to check if we have a medical thread, I have a little issue.
There's a health and fitness section you can post in.
I hate fooling with dead trees, and this one had lots of limbs which tend to break away pretty easy. It had me worried to say the least. But nothing fell out and it dropped right where I wanted it.

Hope your weather stays calm. Don't need more nado's dropping out.
I've fallen a lot of dead trees in the past and sometimes they do not want to fall the way they look like they should, hated it when they decide to pinch the bar. I used to have plastic wedges that helped resolved that problem but come-alongs and a long nylon rope work pretty good. At times dead trees do all kinds of weird things that can be life threatening.
I've fallen a lot of dead trees in the past and sometimes they do not want to fall the way they look like they should, hated it when they decide to pinch the bar. I used to have plastic wedges that helped resolved that problem but come-alongs and a long nylon rope work pretty good. At times dead trees do all kinds of weird things that can be life threatening.
My hubby took down a large dead tree for an elderly friend this week. It was next to her house, fence, and a/c. He took it down in sections, all went well!! I don't like when he does those types of jobs by himself!
Starting work on the goose run today. It'll be 20 feet by 6 feet with a top and reinforced bottom so we don't get diggers trying to get in. Would of liked to go bigger but no runs available at any of the stores around here, just chain link that I'd have to stretch and panel myself. The twins have been gone/busy since Friday, and are home today and tomorrow (no school tomorrow), and I told little granddaughter's mom that we were too busy to visit, so I have some help today and tomorrow. My favorite cousin is making a traditional dinner tonight for Sunday dinner: fried mush with tomato gravy and liverwurst, so we're excited about that.
Fed animals, heartworm meds to dogs and heading to Sunday school and church in 10 minutes. Clothes washed and in dryer. Dishwasher not getting water so hand washing, dishes put away. Haven’t inspected garden for damage. Hail from pea to golf all size last night. Potatoes look rough but most of corn still standing I think. Will check this afternoon when I hope to mow yard.
Fed animals, heartworm meds to dogs and heading to Sunday school and church in 10 minutes. Clothes washed and in dryer. Dishwasher not getting water so hand washing, dishes put away. Haven’t inspected garden for damage. Hail from pea to golf all size last night. Potatoes look rough but most of corn still standing I think. Will check this afternoon when I hope to mow yard.
We got no bad weather last night, but we will tonight! Hail is horrible!!
Ended up late to SS as huge tree totally across county road. Backed up and had to take another route. Took me 40 minutes to get to church versus 20 minutes normally. Called commissioner for that road and said he would get someone out there. Took a chance after church and went that way and road clear. I drive on 3 different roads to go to town. 2 in one precinct and 1 in another. My private road right, then Left, right, left. Ready to try mowing again
I went grocery shopping then to my parents' to visit and help out with chores. Dad got new truck and I'm jealous. Came home, planted lettuce and spinach, split up my chives then weeded and added manure to two garden beds and raked leaves from around them. Made macaroni salad for DH then did a pile of dishes. About done now.
Same here! It was supposed to thunderstorm, so we got the barn done early and then it didn't rain, so we just did nothing
Well, I made lunch and did dishes and watered the garden after it didn't rain
we had a nice storm roll thru this morning so I just slept in. We took a little road trip and got some Mexican from a new place we found last fall. It wasn't quite as good this time
we had a nice storm roll thru this morning so I just slept in. We took a little road trip and got some Mexican from a new place we found last fall. It wasn't quite as good this time

The storm went around us. It does that a lot, must be the way the mountains are.
I wished we had a good restaurant anywhere near here , to go to occasionally but we don't. But that's ok I like cooking
We mowed and weedeated the place today and I cut a little brush. Smacked my self in the shin with a sling blade, some folks call them a Kiaser axe. 🤣

Nice... at least ya had the sock to soak up some blood, lol. I would've pulled it up and carried on, as I've probably already done once or twice in the past. ;)

Ah, weed-whacking, my favorite outdoor pastime... getting my shins peppered as boulders the size of Rhode Island bounce off my face & sunglasses!!! Very pleasant, lol. :oops:
Packing up tonight. It's supposed to be about 35° and raining tomorrow so I hope the boss lets us go early. I know he wants to leave early. I just don't want to work in the cold rain. There's nothing more miserable than getting wet when it's just above freezing.

It's an 8 hour drive home. It'd be nice to be off by noon so I can get home before the grocery store closes. I'd like to have some food in my fridge Tuesday morning when I get up...
Been a while since I have checked in here, I have felt like crap for a few months and haven't done much of anything. Blood pressure came down to a tolerable level a while back but then had no energy and couldn't sleep Got some sleep meds and finally got caught up and felt rested but still no energy. Doctor said I am too normal to get something for the thyroid but suggested a supplement. Well, the supplements I was taking weren't helping that is why I asked about a mild medication. Well, that lead to a deeper search for thyroid supplements and got something called GTA. I have been using that for about 3 weeks and it has helped. Last week Thursday I started taking something for adrenal support to get more energy. Well, that night after work I felt lousy but thought it was due to the sugar free Monster energy drink I had on the way to work. Never had a problem with them before but it had been a while and thought my body had changed and didn't like it. Felt lousy Thursday night, Friday, Saturday and this morning. The Monster shouldn't be causing a problem that long, maybe a day at most. Today right AFTER I took the adrenal support I realized that is probably the problem. Fortunately I only took 2 instead of the recommended 3. And, fortunately I am not feeling as bad this evening as I have the past few days. I am learning, but everything we try may or may not work and everyone is different so it is trial and error.

Anyways, yesterday we bought a bunch or parts to upgrade the irrigation around the property. Timers for the watering, 1/2" irrigation tubing, fittings, drip emitters, some sprinkler heads to water where we need to grow a variety of grasses and wheat and barley and other stuff for the chickens and ducks to graze. Our biggest worry if things get stupid (or stupider) is feeding the birds so they can feed us. Planting feed sources for the birds is a priority this year.

Today I went for a walk around the neighborhood and after relaxing a while I pieced together the parts for 2 sprinkler heads to water the new raised bed area. It is about 10' by 22' and filled with wood chips, composted wood chips and debris from the chicken run, and old chicken and horse manure. Two sprinkler heads worked great for watering the new raised bed so hopefully tomorrow I can stake it in place and connect it to a water source. The plan is to use the 1/2" irrigation tubing to run water from the frost free hydrant about 75 feet across the property and secure it to a tree where I can split it off in 4 directions with each system having it's own timer. Eventually the irrigation tubing will be buried about 8 inches so we wont trip on it but that will be a later project after a good rain soaks the ground enough to dig. Who am I kidding, I will probably have to do it while it is actually raining.

Still haven't made any progress on the house. Maybe one day.

Thanks for those who were concerned about me not being around as much. I appreciate you.
Went into town last night to have dinner with my son and DIL who were driving by, sort of. He is taking a surgical course for cesareans and was on his way up north to a hospital to do one month in the sticks before a final month at the teaching hospital.

Anyways, he says there is a good chance I can watch him do one during the final month. If the patient agrees, I can sit in the viewing room. I have my fingers crossed. It would be interesting.
Anymore it seems I can't get out and work on stuff without bleeding a little. Had it all over my arm yesterday.

In AZ and NM, but especially AZ, yard work is a combat mission... with all the cactus spines & thorny brush, ya don't get out of there without SOMETHING being all torn up, lol. :oops:

Back to my 'PROPELLER' skate video, it's worth watching... you'll see some blood and bashed-up riders in that movie, lol. Free on the Internet, of course... SOCIALISM!!! LOL... ;)
Today's my lazy day..I slept in until noon n lounged in bed until 3! I never do that..usually only if I'm sick but I'm feeling tired n just wiped.
My machine at work broke down 3 days in a row this week starting on Wednesday. I was down over a hour each time n and were cranking out so much lumber there is no time for lengthy breakdowns. So, it's a mad scramble once I'm up n running again and unless the rest of the mill breaks down ..there was no catching up to a easy steady pace.
Anyways, so im tired. I finally got up and took the dog for a nice walk since it wasnt raining. Then got my weekly grocery shopping done.
Everything is going up in price weekly I noticed.
Best food mayo regular jar was 7 bucks!
I bought a bunch on sale months ago luckily..
Anyways came home did a few things n now in the lazy chair..going to work on my rug n listen to news updates n whatnot.
Oh..just some info..
Belts for some of our machines are around 2 months wait. Chains, gear boxes, motors are 6 to 8 months out. Suppliers n manufacturers whom we source parts from are not keeping inventory due to cost and availability. Friday, we blew through our last belt for one of the machines. What we have is what we have for at least 2 months just for that part.
I know were just one mill..but everyone is in the same boat. So..might wana make sure you got what you need or might need for future projects.
This isnt sustainable..
Our blades have still been available 🙏 but are apt to come from 2 different places when we order. I've been ordering "extra" when I do order.
(Metal saw blades aren't something you run to the 5 and dime for 😉)
We drove over the mountain today to a little place about an hour away. There is a nursery there that we've gone to for a few years now. Nice plants and they are at a colder/higher elevation so do well when we bring them home. We stopped along the way at an antique shop we hadn't been in for years. It used to be way over priced. The old fella has retired and his niece is now running it. The same old price tags are still on there but if something isn't marked, it was reasonable. I got a "new" part for my cultivator for $5. While there, there was an older fella munching on something. He asked if we'd been down to the grange - they were having a sale and the baked goods were delicious. So when we were done, we headed that way and stopped. Ended up with some goodies, Hubby got an egg salad sandwich with homemade relish which he loved. Most items were by donation. Tons of free seeds so I found a few things I might have to try out. Made it up to the nursery & got what we could there. On the way home, we stopped so Hubs could swing a fly. He caught 10 trout in about 1 1/2 hrs so he was happy. Came on home and had left over Mexican food from a very authentic place just down the road (we'd picked it up on the way home from mushrooming yesterday.) Now I might need to stitch a little - wow just looked at the time. We have to work tomorrow, oy! I need another day.
Happy May Day 💐

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