What's everybody doing today?

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It's funny because I love dusting and polishing furniture.....at other people's houses!! When I've done that all day I just want to get outside when I get home!!
The ol' Cobbler's kids have no shoes ~

I think we might do some mushroom hunting this morning after breakfast then go get larger materials for in the raised beds so we can then go get compost.
Hope you guys enjoy the outing Urban

Say a prayer for me. I. Fix8ng to take down a big dead white pine up near the road. Been putting it off, but today is the day
Tree is on the ground. Full of carpenter ants
Now to saw it up and get it outta the way.. Got a nice sugar maple to plant and been waiting to get the pine down and outta the way
Am relaxing after a day in town. The feed store, the hardware store, and the discount grocery were all doing free lunch cookouts. Other places were doing free maple filled longjohns, cotton candy, popcorn. We are stuffed to the gills, had a great time visiting with the town people, most are cousins. Bought another 5 gallon waterer for the goslings. Found some odds and ends at the thrift store. Little granddaughter goes in there and plays the piano while I shop. That thing is huge and ancient, and she's always laughing I should buy it. $100. She has a keyboard, takes up less space. We need to head out to the bigger town to pickup wire for the gosling run build. But feet up and coffee first.
Took some extra goats and 1 sheep to the auction today. I hope they get decent prices, we didn't wait for it to start since we weren't buying anything. It was raining and there weren't a lot of people there. Usually a long line of trailers but only a few today
Got some celery plants at TP on the way back , I tried growing from seed once but they turned out really thin and not good tasting. Maybe this will work. I only got a few
I am very tired, and feel like I over did it yesterday planting a ton of stuff, digging in the garden and putting fence around it . Really do need to take a day and not do much
Went to the Boudin Festival in Scott, LA today.
On the mileage thing, if you wanted beer at the festival, you needed tickets.
$10 will get you 10 tickets. (they are only sold in groups of 5 :()
3 tickets will get you a 10-oz beer. (ya' see what we did there? ;))
How many can you get for $10?
The answer is 3, plus one souvenir/donation ticket to keep :):
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We went to the International Festival in Lafayette today.
No tickets needed this time for beer, you get a free, reloadable digital bracelet for 'scan & pay' instead. :)
So I got one and had them put $10 on it.
The good news: they had 12-oz beers:D for $3.50 each.
How many can you get for $10?
The answer is 2, plus a $3 donation and a souvenir bracelet to keep.:mad:
I'm getting pretty good at this stuff, so I got DW a 16oz coke for $3 and hit PERFECT ZERO!:woo hoo:

Edit: Oh, I forgot, thousands of people there... and not a single mask did I see.
MIL thought she saw one and I could see the guy was chewing. Sorry grandma, it's just white facial hair.:cry:<--MIL. (She loves to prove me wrong.):rolleyes:
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Visited mother in law this morning and went to other town to pick up meds for husband. Trying a new medicine steroid type med that hope works. One that works is 400 dollar’s. Next one tried was 200 but did not work. New med is 225 but he tried it for past few weeks and has felt great. Got prescription Tuesday from his primary. Crazy that cholesterol and blood pressure meds are so affordable but not breathing. Medicare can be a joke. I got a letter saying my lab work not covered and I may owe 350. Lol not going to happen. Probably have to be recoded by dr office. Trying to mow now but thundering like crazy. Push mower is self propelled which helps, but humidity not helping. Have a great day
Spent my day working in 40 to 60 mph wind. My gang is building switches to replace old ones on the original Intercontinental Railroad route. These are the biggest switches I've ever seen, each one is nearly 240 feet long. According to the bigwigs, we're supposed to build one switch every two days. In 5 days we've built 2 and nearly finished the third so we're almost 11 hours ahead of schedule. I haven't felt this beat up in several years - this is mostly hard labor. But it's good to know I can still do it if I have to. Tomorrow we will finish the 3rd switch and probably start on the 4th. If all goes well the boss will cut us loose early on Monday and I'll be home that evening. Then I'll have 7 days off for a little R&R...
Same old rut😊👍! Heading to work! Doing whatever needs to be done outside, leaving inside projects for Sunday when it may actually be raining😮🙂! Have barely had to mow because it's SO dry here, so soon I'll be griping about mowing, enjoying the break!
I'm seeing the grass and weeds growing like crazy in what I call the Tsunami of spring, it's a window of opportunity we get here in our region to get weed eating, mowing and tree trimming done before the fire season starts, what I don't like is when I do a major mowing, it rains and the whole process has to be done again, rains at this time of year cause weeds and grass to grow like mad.
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Spent my day working in 40 to 60 mph wind. My gang is building switches to replace old ones on the original Intercontinental Railroad route. These are the biggest switches I've ever seen, each one is nearly 240 feet long. According to the bigwigs, we're supposed to build one switch every two days. In 5 days we've built 2 and nearly finished the third so we're almost 11 hours ahead of schedule. I haven't felt this beat up in several years - this is mostly hard labor. But it's good to know I can still do it if I have to. Tomorrow we will finish the 3rd switch and probably start on the 4th. If all goes well the boss will cut us loose early on Monday and I'll be home that evening. Then I'll have 7 days off for a little R&R...
This past week the rail crew came by and picked up all the short rails after replacing them with 1,500' new rails, those new rails sure make for a lot less noise, some of those old rails were dated to 1920 and had some pretty bad joint wear.
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ITS DONE!!! My fence is finally finished!! A lot of sweat, a little blood, no tears!!! I AM WOMAN HEAR ME ROAR!! A few little things to do around the yard and it's beer on the pool float time!!
It always seems to take a bit of blood in getting everything done for your own property, I can't tell you the times I've scared my wife half to death, coming in with blood flowing out of a wound.
This past week the rail crew came by and picked up all the sort rails after replacing them with 1,500' new rails, those new rails sure make for a lot less noise, some of those old rails were dated to 1920 and had some pretty bad joint wear.
Do you know which railroad that is? From your description it sounds like that was jointed rail, which is usually only seen on low traffic lines. Railroads don't usually like to spend the money to replace that rail with continuously welded rail. And right now, with all the cost cutting measures in the industry, I'm kind of surprised it happened. Perhaps it is a short line?
Do you know which railroad that is? From your description it sounds like that was jointed rail, which is usually only seen on low traffic lines. Railroads don't usually like to spend the money to replace that rail with continuously welded rail. And right now, with all the cost cutting measures in the industry, I'm kind of surprised it happened. Perhaps it is a short line?
It's a pretty short line, I think the furtherest north it goes is to Roseburg and it used to go into Northern California, but some idiot lit a fire in a tunnel and I don't think the railroad ever fixed the tunnel and so I believe the trains only go to Medford. At one time the rail went out to the coast, but some not so smart people tore out rails, not realizing that there were contracts in effect to provide rail service, I think to Bandon. The logging industry as been in a lot of turmoil ever since the Spotted Owl stopped a whole lot of logging, most all of the rails around here were only hauling timber industry things, it wouldn't surprise me to see the rails shut down soon. That's about par for the course, put in new ties and rails then shut everything down. The local sawmill shut down it's lumber mill and I don't know how long the plywood mill will last, pretty soon our little local town may become a ghost town, as it is the high school only has graduation classes amounting to only in the teens, 16 a few years back. A lot of hemp growers have come to the area and a couple of them were caught growing MJ and had there crops ripped out by DINT, DEA and the sheriff, I think we're basically becoming a retirement area, pretty sad when one considers that logging is what made Oregon great, now all we are is part of "The left coast" and Portland has become, the San Francisco of the north.
Hubby and I went on a little hike today. Walked in a few miles looking for mushrooms - probably 1 more week. Looky what we saw~

She was probably just a yearling but not exactly common in these parts. She was on the same narrow trail we were on so decided we didn't need to keep walking up hill so turned around ;) Made it back to the pickup just in time. It's been pouring down rain most of the day which we very much need. A beautiful day!
Went to the range this morning — hadn’t been in about a month — shot o-kay but could have been better, this is why we practice. Toured around one of the local nurseries and did not go home with a bunch of cherry trees (not in the budget or the plan), but thought about it for next year. Spent the afternoon working on drip irrigation for the berry pots, and I think I finally got that all squared away.
I'm seeing the grass and weeds growing like crazy in shat I call the Tsunami of spring, it's a window of opportunity we get here in our region to get weed eating, mowing and tree trimming done before the fire season starts, what I don't like is when I do a major mowing, it rains and the whole process has to be done again, rains at this time of year cause weeds and grass to grow like mad.

I just ran the weedeater last weekend. That is probably my least favorite chore, well second to painting anyway. I usually dont get to it ebfore 4th of july and again once the leaves turn in October. May try and run it a little more often this year and stay ahead of the grass.

I got the downed tree cut up, and enough of it moved to load the latest bed. But I swear I was wore plumb out and didn't get the rest of the compost moved from the trailer to the bed. I've got maybe 2/3rds enough wood to load up the last bed I have to build. I'll drop another small maple to get enough to load it up. Just hope I can find compost to fill it up. Guy I've been getting mine from looked to be out yesterday when I came by after work.

Gotta give kuddo's to the wife for today. She was on the porch keepin an eye on me while I took down the dead pine. She knew I was worried about it and wasn't gonna leave me alone with it. I ran a cable from the tree about 12' up out to my tractor and ran it through a pulley and over to the truck. I cut a good notch and cut tree on the back side a bit. Pulled the tractor up to tension the cable. Then cut a little more, then moved the tractor a few more inches. Did that 3 times and wife said the tree was moving the right direction. I was worried about the tree falling into the road, and at times the wind was against me when it gusted. I maid one more small cut and then pulled some more, tree came right on over where I intended to drop it. Several limbs exploded when the tree landed. It was rotten. Worried me greatly, but all for nothing. God was looking out for me today.
@Bacpacker Glad it worked out with the tree, read your earlier post about it. Wondered if you were okay. 50% of the weight of a living tree is water. I really dislike cutting dead trees because things happen much much quicker. Quick enough to hurt you.

Got busy today, possible nadoes tonight, bad storms at a minimum. I had to tidy up around the house, porches and around the shop. Make sure there are no projectiles laying around to do damage.

For this evenings chore I picked something stationary, so I can listen to the weather radio and tv. I’m sorting 16 month’s worth of photos, 4731 of them. I’ve deleted almost 1000 and got the rest into temp folders in appropriate categories. Now the real sorting begins. I take far to many plant photos, especially since I’m not a photographer and have a crappy camera.

If the storms get interesting later I’ll put something in the weather thread.
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@Bacpacker Glad it worked out with the tree, read you earlier post about it. Wondered if you were okay. 50% of the weight of a living tree is water. That could be 5 tons in a big hardwood, maybe a ton in a big pine. I really dislike cutting dead trees, things happen much much quicker because there is no water weight involved. Quick enough to hurt you.

Got busy today, possible nadoes tonight, bad storms at a minimum. I had to tidy up around the house, porches and around the shop. Make sure there are no projectiles laying around to do damage.

For this evenings chore I picked something stationary, so I can listen to the weather radio and tv. I’m sorting 16 month’s worth of photos, 4731 of them. I’ve deleted almost 1000 and got the rest into temp folders in appropriate categories. Now the real sorting begins. I take far to many plant photos, especially since I’m not a photographer and have a crappy camera.

If the storms get interesting later I’ll put something in the weather thread.

I hate fooling with dead trees, and this one had lots of limbs which tend to break away pretty easy. It had me worried to say the least. But nothing fell out and it dropped right where I wanted it.

Hope your weather stays calm. Don't need more nado's dropping out.
Today's my lazy day..I slept in until noon n lounged in bed until 3! I never do that..usually only if I'm sick but I'm feeling tired n just wiped.
My machine at work broke down 3 days in a row this week starting on Wednesday. I was down over a hour each time n and were cranking out so much lumber there is no time for lengthy breakdowns. So, it's a mad scramble once I'm up n running again and unless the rest of the mill breaks down ..there was no catching up to a easy steady pace.
Anyways, so im tired. I finally got up and took the dog for a nice walk since it wasnt raining. Then got my weekly grocery shopping done.
Everything is going up in price weekly I noticed.
Best food mayo regular jar was 7 bucks!
I bought a bunch on sale months ago luckily..
Anyways came home did a few things n now in the lazy chair..going to work on my rug n listen to news updates n whatnot.
Oh..just some info..
Belts for some of our machines are around 2 months wait. Chains, gear boxes, motors are 6 to 8 months out. Suppliers n manufacturers whom we source parts from are not keeping inventory due to cost and availability. Friday, we blew through our last belt for one of the machines. What we have is what we have for at least 2 months just for that part.
I know were just one mill..but everyone is in the same boat. So..might wana make sure you got what you need or might need for future projects.
This isnt sustainable..
It always seems to take a bit of blood in getting everything done for your own property, I can't tell you the times I've scared my wife half to death, coming in with blood flowing out of a wound.
Hubby had a busy work week, so it was MY fence! Caught my arm once, leg twice!! Sanitized in the pool!! FYI, ALWAYS shower before I get in the precious pool water!!
Today's my lazy day..I slept in until noon n lounged in bed until 3! I never do that..usually only if I'm sick but I'm feeling tired n just wiped.
My machine at work broke down 3 days in a row this week starting on Wednesday. I was down over a hour each time n and were cranking out so much lumber there is no time for lengthy breakdowns. So, it's a mad scramble once I'm up n running again and unless the rest of the mill breaks down ..there was no catching up to a easy steady pace.
Anyways, so im tired. I finally got up and took the dog for a nice walk since it wasnt raining. Then got my weekly grocery shopping done.
Everything is going up in price weekly I noticed.
Best food mayo regular jar was 7 bucks!
I bought a bunch on sale months ago luckily..
Anyways came home did a few things n now in the lazy chair..going to work on my rug n listen to news updates n whatnot.
Oh..just some info..
Belts for some of our machines are around 2 months wait. Chains, gear boxes, motors are 6 to 8 months out. Suppliers n manufacturers whom we source parts from are not keeping inventory due to cost and availability. Friday, we blew through our last belt for one of the machines. What we have is what we have for at least 2 months just for that part.
I know were just one mill..but everyone is in the same boat. So..might wana make sure you got what you need or might need for future projects.
This isnt sustainable..

I am running into a lot of supply chain problems. I've got 3 different parts that are over a year over due and still don't have a timeline for delivery. A couple of things are starting to get very tight.

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