What's everybody doing today?

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7.5 acres, that's a nice chunk of land... I'm on barely half an acre, and it's big enough to suit me. :cool:

When I lived in Show Low, AZ, I met an old man who told me that he bought 80 acres many years ago, then built a home right in the middle of the property, so he wouldn't have to deal with any neighbors, lol. ;)

His classic line was: "ACREAGE IS YOUR BEST NEIGHBOR!!!" He was a pretty funny guy, old as he was... :)
Feeling lucky this trip...no snow, no road delays, the suite was upgraded, and it's basically 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, family room, and small kitchen. They are serving breakfast, and you only have to clean your own room if you want. You have to give 24 hr notice if you want them to come in. So we'll see if this works, I told them to come in Mon and Tues.
Noticing lots on the 7 and a half hour drive thru Western Kansas and Eastern Colorado. Kansas had lots of fields that hadn't even had the corn stalks plowed under from last summer harvest. I guess they aren't growing. With the exception of one area where there are lots of Brethrens. Even Dunkard Brethrens. Their farms and fields looked alot like where I live. Heading to the Colorado/Kansas border towns (on 70), tons of wind farms. Dumpy old houses with wind turbines all around. Not a pretty sight.
I had a busy weekend, at work now, looks to be a quiet day. Hopefully.

Friday I get out at 1500 so I rushed home and made chocolate chip cookies and peanut butter cookies for Sat. At 1900 DH and I headed out to the drive in to see the new Top Gun movie, which we very much enjoyed and stayed for the second movie The Lost City, which was cute and funny. So we didn't get home and into bed until 0230.

Saturday I got up at 0800 and made snickerdoodles, cleaned up the kitchen and at noon headed to my brother's for my niece's graduation party. We stayed there until around 2000 and had a lot of fun just hanging out and chatting. I crashed when I got home.

Sunday I got up at 0645, went grocery shopping then to my parents' to visit and help with chores as usual. Mom put on a couple more pounds and is a bit steadier and barely using the walker so I was glad to see that. I'd like her to get up to 135lbs. Then I went home and planted the ten sweet pepper seedlings my SIL gave me into grow bags. I lost an eggplant and a tomato (possibly two more tomatoes, I'm hoping the two will take the replanting). It looks like an animal just bit the stems in the half but didn't even eat them. It just left the severed seedling on the dirt. :mad: I cleaned up and showered and when DH came home from appt, he wanted to try an Italian place we haven't been to before so I said Heck yeah, I haven't eaten since yesterday. We went out to an early dinner, which was delicious. I ate too much and just crashed when we got home, I think I was asleep on the couch by 2000. lol
Had trouble falling asleep last night, but I didn't take my shots of "sleep aid". I did sleep well and felt good when I woke up.
Paid a few bills online. One of the smoke detectors started beeping in the middle of the night, the one with the cheap battery from Family Dollar. I needed it silenced and didn't want to drive to the city so hit the Family Dollar in the small town and all they had was another cheap battery, the only 9 volt in the entire store. Hoping it last 6 months and I will swap them all out with name brand batteries the end of the year. While in town I begrudgingly bought a fishing license so I can go fishing with the old widower across the street. It looks like fishing here will suck again this year but he needs to get out more often now that his wife passed.
GF and her younger daughters are still on vacation in Michigan visiting family and friends, so lots of quiet time here.
I need her oldest daughter to print out a return label for an Amazon package that had the wrong stuff in the box. The last 2 things I ordered from Amazon were wrong, one was the fault of the company that ships direct and this last one was the fault of the Amazon Distribution Center. I ordered a 3 pack kit of whole house water filters and they only sent me one filter. Of course they are resending the (hopefully) correct package but even tough the one filter I have is correct I have to return it so they can send me all 3 filters. What a waste of time and (their) money.
Was gonna work outside, but after lunch I heard thunder and "here comes the rain again". work postponed to next nice morning.
Quit bragging. We haven't seen a drop of rain in months. If we don't get rain here soon it is gonna be a bad summer for wild fires in southern Utah.
I think I just wasted $38 on a fishing license this year. I only bought it to go fishing with the old guy across the street, so going out with him will be good but I fear we wont catch much this year.
Listening to music before I head to the Gym:

Remixes of US 90s pop:

And I also love remixes of 80 British Pop classics:
Frankie Goes to Hollywood - Relax (Moreno J Remix)

I always thought a duet with her and Aaron Neville would be cool if it was the right song.
We hit the parade this morning. It was in a little bitty town and it was kind of short. It doesn't seem like people around here enter parades like they used to. Truckers would shine up their tractor trailers, farmers would pull out their antique tractors, there would be classic cars, and every little club or organization would make a float. People are doing that less and less. There weren't even any horses in this parade. My daughter did get a bunch of candy thrown at her though, which still puts a smile on her face even though she's almost 16. She let her little half sister have a lot of it. At least the parade entries still throw the candy. One float had a 5 gallon bucket full of little rubber ducks and tossed those to the little kids. One came right to my daughter and she giggled like a little child.

Tonight I think I'll make us a pizza and we'll watch a movie. Might go for a bike ride if the rain holds off...
I'm seeing people doing less and less with and for their community - sadly. Glad your daughter had fun.
Spike I have enjoyed parades since I was a little kid. But you are right turn out for them are no where near what they used to be.

I worked in the garden for a while. Wife did some painting on some lattuce panels for the front porch. I assembled a new chicken run we got. Now we need to find a few birds. Lookin forward to some fresh eggs again
@hashbrown might be in abundance of chickens before long. Maybe he could hook you up 😇
I’m so excited. Hubby and I just put a bid on a ranch house on 7.5 acres of land and it was accepted. We are buying it from a friend from church we’ve known for years. She needs to move into town because of her husband’s multiple health issues. We’ll take our time moving as we’ll not sell our house until we get fully moved out and paint our old house. We’ll also have time to paint the new house before we move in. I’m going to love living there. ❤
Congrats!!! Let us know when to break out the bubbly ;)
Dental appointment. I broke a molar eating peanut brittle.
The tooth is broken beyond saving and has to be removed but first I have to see the oral surgeon for a consultation.
Then make an appointment to have it pulled. Just a way for the dentist to pad his bill.
Ouch! That's gotta hurt. Hope they can take care of it sooner rather than later.
Thursday was my crash course in fainting - bahaha. Not pretty.
Friday family in town - nice visit.
Friday PM drove most of the way to the event we were attending Sat.
Sat. pulled in early, Hubby got set up etc. - he was in a blacksmithing competition. Nope he didn't win, but the judge was senile 🤪 Hubby's set was the only set that sold. The challenge was cast-iron cooking theme: a crane, coal tongs, pot holder (trivet like), and lid lifter in 6 hours. It poured down rain and was muddy and not many folks out due to weather - oh well.
Made it home yesterday and did laundry, unpacked, played in the garden. Hubby ran to the shop and unloaded the tools so took my old cultivator and got the new handles put on. Had to use heat to get the rusted bolts/nuts loose. Tried it out on the onions - Love it!
Thursday was my crash course in fainting - bahaha. Not pretty.
Friday family in town - nice visit.
Friday PM drove most of the way to the event we were attending Sat.
Sat. pulled in early, Hubby got set up etc. - he was in a blacksmithing competition. Nope he didn't win, but the judge was senile 🤪 Hubby's set was the only set that sold. The challenge was cast-iron cooking theme: a crane, coal tongs, pot holder (trivet like), and lid lifter in 6 hours. It poured down rain and was muddy and not many folks out due to weather - oh well.
Made it home yesterday and did laundry, unpacked, played in the garden. Hubby ran to the shop and unloaded the tools so took my old cultivator and got the new handles put on. Had to use heat to get the rusted bolts/nuts loose. Tried it out on the onions - Love it!
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If I had dirt I would be envious.
Thursday was my crash course in fainting - bahaha. Not pretty.
Friday family in town - nice visit.
Friday PM drove most of the way to the event we were attending Sat.
Sat. pulled in early, Hubby got set up etc. - he was in a blacksmithing competition. Nope he didn't win, but the judge was senile 🤪 Hubby's set was the only set that sold. The challenge was cast-iron cooking theme: a crane, coal tongs, pot holder (trivet like), and lid lifter in 6 hours. It poured down rain and was muddy and not many folks out due to weather - oh well.
Made it home yesterday and did laundry, unpacked, played in the garden. Hubby ran to the shop and unloaded the tools so took my old cultivator and got the new handles put on. Had to use heat to get the rusted bolts/nuts loose. Tried it out on the onions - Love it!
View attachment 87523
Good to see you around LL!!♥️
Received a shipment of PM and merged it in with the rest. Dropped off the extra modem at UPS. Caught up with a buddy that used to the other half of the duplex. Then off to my son's place to trouble shoot a dryer. I suspect something get behind the drum because turning it manually it jammed up. Ran it backward a few turn to inspect the belt. Then turning it forward no issues. Ran fine.

Tomorrow efforts will be directed by rain. I will figure something out.

Ouch! That's gotta hurt. Hope they can take care of it sooner rather than later.
Actually the broken tooth doesn't hurt.
They could have pulled it tomorrow but I am taking my Aunt to the hospital to have her chemo port removed. She should have done it months ago.
Since I couldn't get it pulled tomorrow I am now scheduled for July 11th. I hope it doesn't start giving me problems before then.
Got up.
Watched homesteading stuff on YouTube.
Fed my wormies.
Did my workout.
Checked the garden.
Went to work.
Went to my sister's house so I can house sit and get "Bo sat" until Thursday afternoon.
Tomorrow will be a repeat of today, except for I don't have to check a garden. I'll remind my mom to do that, and I'll tell her if she needs help to let Adrian, Karen or David (neighbors) help.

For clarification, Bo is her orange tabby cat and therefore my furnephew. I also won't have to worry about feeding the wormies. They should be good until I get back.
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Home from work.
Talked with the GF's oldest daughter and got a shopping list for car parts for her car repairs.
Tucked in the guppies in the outdoor 100 gallon horse trough fish pond for the night. The plastic sheeting roof on the greenhouse tore open early this year.
Checked in with a few friends on the interwebs.
Had a few shot of "sleep aid" and about ready for a shower and bed time.
Chilled down the A/C for the night. If I get some good sleep maybe tomorrow (today) will be a good day.
Sweet dreams to some, Good morning to the rest of all ya'all.
Been busy. Got hay at $5 a bale a few days ago, which was fine, but were warned that second cutting will cost $7 this year due to gas prices. We are going to need more hay so it will cost a lot this year.

Looked at how much a hybrid electric vehicle like a Prius costs for son to drive to college. Cheapest used one I saw was still around $15000 wow! You can still buy a lot of gas for that, so no Prius yet....

Trying to get ready to go visit daughter but every day a new things needs to be done.
Took some animals to the meat processor, we sold most of our meat at the market already from the last batch. We only have a few more large enough animals left to put in the freezer except the chickens, so we need to figure out what to keep for us since we have to eat also....

I reserved a rental car for the trip since my SUV is very old and uses a lot of gas. Savings in gas prices for the trip will pay for about half the rental cost. Plus no worries about my SUV breaking down on the way. I haven't driven a car in many years. But we are not driving on the interstate much so should be ok I hope....

Garden is growing and I have not much time for weeding. My citrus trees that the sheep ate the leaves off ( some) are growing new leaves, so thats good.

Hope everyone is well, don't have much time to post at the moment
Will be going to the hospital for another day of doc appts and some tests for husband. Hopefully no one will try to admit him today, one doc did think about it yesterday. Instead she upped his predisolone and gave him a strong antibiotic. His lungs have taken a dive, and the elevation is not helping, but he is using his portable o2 and that does help. So crossing fingers we finish everything today and are good to drive home tomorrow.
Will be going to the hospital for another day of doc appts and some tests for husband. Hopefully no one will try to admit him today, one doc did think about it yesterday. Instead she upped his predisolone and gave him a strong antibiotic. His lungs have taken a dive, and the elevation is not helping, but he is using his portable o2 and that does help. So crossing fingers we finish everything today and are good to drive home tomorrow.
Hope to see you posting on the way HOME tomorrow!! How was dinner with Weedy??
Dinner with Weedy was awesome. Three hours later with a good dinner, I always look forward to it when we're here.
Hopefully you'll see me posting at the end of the day tonight knowing we're going home. #1 today is get through all the appts and tests (while wearing a mask), #2 is getting some food from Trader Joes down the road from our hotel that qualifies as lunch for tomorrow on the road (nothing much out there from here to there except truck stops), and home free.
Library run, gotta keep some good books handy as a form of cheap entertainment... already worked my way through the Hornblower series, I even read THE AFRICAN QUEEN again, that's a pretty good book. Funny how the duo (Rose Sayer & Charlie Allnutt) actually make it down the Ulanga River Gorge. The passages on biting and stinging insects in the bush and down in the marshes were right on the money, lol. Even when the African Queen sinks, the evil German gunboat gets blasted and sunk by the English fast attack craft... precursors to the PT boats, I suppose. Good story, the hardships in the field reminded me of 'epics' back in my climbing days, lol. Well, time to get cleaned up and go before it gets too hot... the steering wheel in my Camry will get too hot to touch if the car sits in the sun for too long. I'm talking the temperature of the sun, lol... ya can't leave your hand on the wheel without it getting burned. That's why I always look for a shady parking spot if there's one available... those are like GOLD in the desert Southwest. ;)
those are like GOLD in the desert Southwest.
And Florida!

I walked first this morning.
Took DH to go vote.
Weeded in garden for half an hour--Not too long, getting up to 93 or so today. picked the veggies that needed picking.
Did four loads of laundry--last one in washer now
Filled dehydrator with squash.
Will water garden this evening and rest.

Our family/ company left at 3:30 yesterday. It's really quiet here today!

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