What's everybody doing today?

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Checked on the birds, no turkey poults yet but I guess they are due tomorrow. I need to go out in a bit and rinse and refill the small pool for the ducks. Drove to the small city to drop off the Amazon return, there mistake but I have to drive almost 30 miles round trip. The UPS store website says drop offs before 4pm, I guess I should have asked when I was there if I could have dropped it off later since they are open until 7 and I start work at 7. I tried calling earlier but they didn't answer the phone, they are busy in that place. While in town I picked up some sprinkler heads to finish my last irrigation project for the yard, I still haven't found the ones I bought a couple weeks ago. I think they got put some place special while people were cleaning for the kids graduation party so maybe they will turn up at Christmas.

I am thinking about taking a walk but first I am gonna sit here and cool off a bit in the A/C.
The rain held off so I worked in the backyard garden. Covered the potato box the wild turkeys have taken up residence in with deer netting. There are only 2 small plants that have survived those critters. I don't know if the netting will be enough. I may find out tomorrow. Who knows maybe catch a turkey ?

I harvested my first broccoli today. There is more of that to follow. I also cut out last years canes from the blackberries. The thorns on old canes are mean.

Good times!

Dead tired, and glad husband didn't get stuck in the hospital here, although one doc tried. And another wanted us to stay for a bronchoscopy. Another day, nope. And he came down with a chest infection today and had mucus plugs in his lungs. So more meds. And we are off to home tomorrow morning. Hooray!
Denver has the International Church of Cannabis and Starbuds. This place cracks me up big time. Wheat harvest should be starting at home in a few weeks. And the twins turn 17 this Saturday. I'm sure they've missed us. (ha ha).
Dead tired, and glad husband didn't get stuck in the hospital here, although one doc tried. And another wanted us to stay for a bronchoscopy. Another day, nope. And he came down with a chest infection today and had mucus plugs in his lungs. So more meds. And we are off to home tomorrow morning. Hooray!
Denver has the International Church of Cannabis and Starbuds. This place cracks me up big time. Wheat harvest should be starting at home in a few weeks. And the twins turn 17 this Saturday. I'm sure they've missed us. (ha ha).
Hope ya'll get some rest tonight and have a good start in the morning!!♥️
Already walked and walked dogs.
Been to local grocery for a sale and Post Office.
Put away Squash pickles and froze some ripening tomatoes. Squash still in dehydrator.
Working on switching bookkeeping apps as the current one is retiring it's website.
Will do ebay photos.
Weed a little and water garden and roses tonight.
Been live trapping those furry masked opportunists who are gluttons for cat food. 1 Sunday, 5 Monday, 1 Tuesday and 1 this morning. Last two were caught with fresh pineapple in trap. All I have are 3 left. Have relocated them to spring area by my deer stand about a mile from my house. Hope I moved them far enough.
Been live trapping those furry masked opportunists who are gluttons for cat food. 1 Sunday, 5 Monday, 1 Tuesday and 1 this morning. Last two were caught with fresh pineapple in trap. All I have are 3 left. Have relocated them to spring area by my deer stand about a mile from my house. Hope I moved them far enough.
Best fajita meat I ever had was raccoon trapped and cooked by a cajun guy near Houston. It was tender and delicious.
In case you might be interested.
Been live trapping those furry masked opportunists who are gluttons for cat food. 1 Sunday, 5 Monday, 1 Tuesday and 1 this morning. Last two were caught with fresh pineapple in trap. All I have are 3 left. Have relocated them to spring area by my deer stand about a mile from my house. Hope I moved them far enough.
NO, NOT far enough!! I know someone who relocated a mama coon and her babies to a lake area 8 miles from her house, they were back 2 evenings later. She knew it was them because the mama had only half a tail!!
Denver has the International Church of Cannabis and Starbuds. This place cracks me up big time.
I wonder where it is? It might be interesting to attend a service, just for kicks. Maybe they wouldn't let me in since I only partake of CBD and not anything that can get you high.

Edit: International Church of Cannabis | Elevation Ministries

I know where it is, in a former Lutheran church. " Members of the International Church of Cannabis are known as Elevationists. Through ritual, guided by spiritual practice, church members use the sacred flower to reveal the best version of self, discover a creative voice and enrich their community with the fruits of that creativity. Unlike other belief systems, there is no need to convert to Elevationism. It claims no divine law, no unquestionable doctrine, and no authoritarian structure. "

Not my kind of thing. No Jesus mentioned.
Had about 2 hours at work this am, then drove across town for a meeting on a big comms upgrade proposal. Luckily this will only affect me, not be my responsibility.. Got back to work for half an hour then off to the dentist. Finally made it home.
I think tonight is gonna be a chill out night.
Today I worked on clearing junk from the back porch that is planned to be a greenhouse. I used about 20 contractor trash bags and staged them at the curb for pick-up. Most of the trash was old magazines going back to 1989. I kept each bag down to what I could lift with one hand. No need to make life hard for the trash collectors. ;)

Cleared most of one wall cleared and close to getting at the far corner. Since that half of the house was being rented I never paid any mind to want the tenant stashed out there. Only God knows what I will find as I proceed.

Tomorrow may be mowing day.


I’m so excited. Hubby and I just put a bid on a ranch house on 7.5 acres of land and it was accepted. We are buying it from a friend from church we’ve known for years. She needs to move into town because of her husband’s multiple health issues. We’ll take our time moving as we’ll not sell our house until we get fully moved out and paint our old house. We’ll also have time to paint the new house before we move in. I’m going to love living there. ❤
That’s the way to do it! Very happy for you. Hope all goes smoothly.
Today I got checked out on the tractor and hayride wagon on a local 501C3 farm ( Gormanfarm.org ) , I get to drive on the 18th for a wedding party. I. passed, didn't knock over any fences :). Came home, went to Red Lobster for my birthday lunch and opened my presents. Now monitoring skywarn and listening to the weather radio scream about Thunderstorm/tornado warnings, luckily they are not near me.
Was there heavy equipment involved in the unearthing of the desk???😁
Nope - just more grey hairs

Actually, I've been getting things put in order at home and here at work which alleviates stress for me. I function better with order - also why I like to declutter.
Today I got checked out on the tractor and hayride wagon on a local 501C3 farm ( Gormanfarm.org ) , I get to drive on the 18th for a wedding party. I. passed, didn't knock over any fences :). Came home, went to Red Lobster for my birthday lunch and opened my presents. Now monitoring skywarn and listening to the weather radio scream about Thunderstorm/tornado warnings, luckily they are not near me.
So who checked you out D? Was she a cutie? Does Mrs. D know this? 😂
So who checked you out D? Was she a cutie? Does Mrs. D know this? 😂
The Farm Manager, Bill. He is not my type :brewing: . Yeah, Lori knows him, knows his wife too. Lori volunteers with the Harness Team there. She has 30+ years of experience dealing with stubborn old mules :p
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Trying to line up some temporary help to shift a few items of furniture from the metal shop building to my living room, or 'great room' or whatever ya wanna call it. These are things I can't move by myself, even with a dolly (which I have), so I gotta find someone to help me. Thing is, I don't want any tweakin' crackerheads or Craigslist Flakes in my home, best choice would be some local hand who just wants to earn a quick $50. I tried asking some employees at the nearby Dollar General, but no dice... maybe I'll check the 'hood to see whether any likely prospects are available. I have some business cards for local handymen too, maybe I'll try calling them. I just don't wanna waste too much money on moving half a dozen items of furniture. No time limit either on this, but the sooner, the better... :confused:

Oh, yeah, I've also been trying to determine who does low-cost spaying & neutering in or near Alamogordo, and so far the results have been negative. I wanna adopt a couple of kittens, but I gotta be careful how I go about it, and I wanna make sure I have enough money to cover it without paying some astronomical vet bills, which I do NOT need. This whole fake 'socialist plandemic' scene has been particularly hard on small domestic animals, no telling how many perfectly sound animals have been put down already because everybody is struggling and services are sketchy... all due to dirty stinking globalist swine and their greed. I really wanna rescue some kittens and give 'em a good home, which I have just waiting for 'em, but I'm not made of money, so I gotta be careful. Wish I could rescue 'em all, but it just ain't in the budget. :(
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Today I got checked out on the tractor and hayride wagon on a local 501C3 farm ( Gormanfarm.org ) , I get to drive on the 18th for a wedding party. I. passed, didn't knock over any fences :). Came home, went to Red Lobster for my birthday lunch and opened my presents. Now monitoring skywarn and listening to the weather radio scream about Thunderstorm/tornado warnings, luckily they are not near me.
When I read the owners manual for our lawn tractor the safety section warned that people over 60 should operate the tractor. Guess who got a "get our of mowing ticket"... ;)

Trying to line up some temporary help to shift a few items of furniture from the metal shop building to my living room, or 'great room' or whatever ya wanna call it. These are things I can't move by myself, even with a dolly (which I have), so I gotta find someone to help me. Thing is, I don't want any tweakin' crackerheads or Craigslist Flakes in my home, best choice would be some local hand who just wants to earn a quick $50. I tried asking some employees at the nearby Dollar General, but no dice... maybe I'll check the 'hood to see whether any likely prospects are available. I have some business cards for local handymen too, maybe I'll try calling them. I just don't wanna waste too much money on moving half a dozen items of furniture. No time limit either on this, but the sooner, the better... :confused:

Oh, yeah, I've also been trying to determine who does low-cost spaying & neutering in or near Alamogordo, and so far the results have been negative. I wanna adopt a couple of kittens, but I gotta be careful how I go about it, and I wanna make sure I have enough money to cover it without paying some astronomical vet bills, which I do NOT need. This whole fake 'socialist plandemic' scene has been particularly hard on small domestic animals, no telling how many perfectly sound animals have been put down already because everybody is struggling and services are sketchy... all due to dirty stinking globalist swine and their greed. I really wanna rescue some kittens and give 'em a good home, which I have just waiting for 'em, but I'm not made of money, so I gotta be careful. Wish I could rescue 'em all, but it just ain't in the budget. :(
Any horse farms around you?

From what I have seen horse bring mice and rats that bring cats. You still have to get them fixed.


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