What's everybody doing today?

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Probably should be a rant, but here goes. After blowing a work day earlier in the week to get a windshield that never showed up. Today I had a Dr appt. 9:30 labs, 10:30 appt. I got caught in a 30 minute traffic jam near my house( this never happens), got to the office at 9:45. Girl tells me my appt was at 10:30. Oh no that was with the old dr, new dr schedule is different. Never bothered to call and let me know about it. Would take me today, so I've gotta take more time off next Friday.

I think I might just start drinking today. ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก
Well, Pastor Rick from the Cowboy Church came through, and he sent a hand to help me shift this furniture from the metal shop building to my home... now I realize how detached I had become, with all my stuff being stored for so long. Looking at my leather sofa and TV finally in place, I realize how far I drifted off course... I lost a couple of months there when I burned out on home rehab and figured I was gonna hafta flip this home, but now I can actually start to reclaim my life, 10-4? I had a vision for this home, and I still have one now, I just got sidetracked (or derailed or whatever) with all the bad news in the last two months. Ugh. :oops:

But this is a turning point... now that it looks as if I'll be staying here, I can pick up where I left off and make this home what I always wanted it to be. Just seeing my comfortable leather reclining sofa opposite the 65" curved screen again is a boost to morale, soon I can watch old Westerns and start working my way through the large DVD collection at the local library. I'll get my Roku Streaming Stick up and running as well, but I promised myself that I would watch my own 'JAWS' DVD first, as soon as I set up my TV for real. The TV has been here the whole time, I haven't been using it because I couldn't get it into position by myself. :confused:

I've been watching music videos & skateboarding videos on the laptop, but that's about it... seeing my beloved 65" curved screen again is like seeing an old flame, lol. Y'all know I'm NOT into modern TV programming or media, it's ALL globalist propaganda, but at least I can start watching some cool movies again, AYE? Older flicks with 'The Duke' & Clint Eastwood & Steve McQueen (and other good actors), films made for entertainment instead of political propaganda purposes. I took some shots of my TV, leather sofa, and the cats Tiger & Crackhead, they are gonna be happy to scratch the furniture again to their hearts' content, lol. ;)




Cowboy Churches are good things to have around, glad they could help. There is one about 15 miles from us.
Got the morning chores done, lots of limbs down from the storm last night. Put a few more tomato plants from the greenhouse into the ground this morning. Went into the big town with husband and little granddaughter, and shopped for the twins birthday tomorrow. They will be 17 already. I know when we took them in at age 10, this age seemed far off. Here already. Next year is the big one. They are both working all day today. Having a birthday meal for them tomorrow and they're inviting their "special friends". Sunday afternoon I think they're meeting up with a bunch of friends for the day at the bowling alley.
Little granddaughter and I will be going to our little farmers market in a few minutes. That, the post office, the thrift store, and our small amish salvage store. Maybe a soft serve cone since granddaughter is working. We are easily entertained.
This weekend is the annual festival in the town I live in, so tonight we'll be heading in and grabbing dinner from the food trucks/stalls there and seeing if any of our friends/neighbors have booths selling their wares. Tomorrow will be the parade. I'm not a parade kind of guy if my kids aren't in it, so the whole morning will be seeing if I can get stuff done without heading to the store, as the parade will keep us locked in our road for the better part of the morning.

Latest batch of quail started hatching today. We've got 6 of 24 already which is a great sign! Candled all the chicken eggs and not a single one was fertile, so time to dig out an old dog cage and give Mr. Rooster a weekend away from the hens. Hopefully absence will make his heart grow fonder and he starts getting to work again, or it's off to freezer camp. Found a neighbor selling fertilized eggs for $1/ea, which will be plan "B". Can you even buy unfertilized eggs for that price at the store these days?

Finally I need to do something about my clothing situation. I've lost 65 lbs in the last 6 months, and seem to be successful in keeping it off, so it's time to take all the 3XL sized clothes off to charity. I've also started working out and working in the yard more, and all the medium-sized shirts I've bought are a little too tight for a man of my advancing years to get away wearing, so it's time to do some clothes shopping - probably my least favorite thing in the world... I guess it beats going naked though ;)
Cowboy Churches are good things to have around, glad they could help. There is one about 15 miles from us.
Got the morning chores done, lots of limbs down from the storm last night. Put a few more tomato plants from the greenhouse into the ground this morning. Went into the big town with husband and little granddaughter, and shopped for the twins birthday tomorrow. They will be 17 already. I know when we took them in at age 10, this age seemed far off. Here already. Next year is the big one. They are both working all day today. Having a birthday meal for them tomorrow and they're inviting their "special friends". Sunday afternoon I think they're meeting up with a bunch of friends for the day at the bowling alley.
Little granddaughter and I will be going to our little farmers market in a few minutes. That, the post office, the thrift store, and our small amish salvage store. Maybe a soft serve cone since granddaughter is working. We are easily entertained.
Congratulations on getting the twins to 17!

I remember your concerns about raising them up right. Both working is a great sign.

Good job!

Cleaning up a couple of knives for my collection. my neighbor buys them, carries them a month and sells them to me half price to get another one. something ain't all good up in his hood I suspect, but he's rich, I'm thinking he can afford it, he goes through cars like underwear too.
This weekend is the annual festival in the town I live in, so tonight we'll be heading in and grabbing dinner from the food trucks/stalls there and seeing if any of our friends/neighbors have booths selling their wares. Tomorrow will be the parade. I'm not a parade kind of guy if my kids aren't in it, so the whole morning will be seeing if I can get stuff done without heading to the store, as the parade will keep us locked in our road for the better part of the morning.

Latest batch of quail started hatching today. We've got 6 of 24 already which is a great sign! Candled all the chicken eggs and not a single one was fertile, so time to dig out an old dog cage and give Mr. Rooster a weekend away from the hens. Hopefully absence will make his heart grow fonder and he starts getting to work again, or it's off to freezer camp. Found a neighbor selling fertilized eggs for $1/ea, which will be plan "B". Can you even buy unfertilized eggs for that price at the store these days?

Finally I need to do something about my clothing situation. I've lost 65 lbs in the last 6 months, and seem to be successful in keeping it off, so it's time to take all the 3XL sized clothes off to charity. I've also started working out and working in the yard more, and all the medium-sized shirts I've bought are a little too tight for a man of my advancing years to get away wearing, so it's time to do some clothes shopping - probably my least favorite thing in the world... I guess it beats going naked though ;)
Wow, good for you on the weight loss!!!๐Ÿ˜ƒโ™ฅ๏ธ Hope the kiddos have fun tomorrow!! And congrats on the quail!!
Sounds like fun. I love sitting with old folks and soaking up some words of wisdom, the things they've seen, the things they have done..
With these two it's like taking two teenagers out!๐Ÿ˜ฎ We started out getting in the car and the 91 yr old holds open the door and tells the 92 yr old, " here, you get to ride up front you are older"!!! It was actually one of the calmer lunches I've had with them. No hooting at men, or large people jokes!! They are probably saving it up for next month!!๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
"Welcome Home" @Wingnut I don't care where you are, having a few of your own things is comforting.
@TeeJ That's an awesome problem to have - have to go clothes shopping because you're getting healthier ๐Ÿ˜ I too despise clothes shopping. Last time I went looking for jeans (at a thrift shop of course) I found 3 pairs & figured I'd be returning at least 2 of them. All 3 fit - hooray! Hope you have that kind of luck.
@Pearl Good for you for taking them ๐Ÿ’•
It's been pouring down rain. It's beautiful and is wonderful to listen to. Getting some things done in the house that haven't been very high priority for a while.
After my adventure at the Dr's, stopped by the fun store. Ammo was somewhat deeper than last time. They actually had some .38, first revolver ammo they've had in 2+ years. Still no .357 or .44. Still had most of the more common rifle rounds, lots of 7.62 x 39 and x 54. Shotgun ammo was still pretty light.

The Palmetto State AR 10 I saw last time was gone. And not much else to pick from, just a couple of high dollar ones. Owner did say he had ordered some DPMS AR-10's he expected next week.

Anyone have any idea about them???

Got home and mowed about 80% of what I need to do.
Tonight watching UT vs Notre Dame in a Collage Super Regional baseball game.
After working 11 days in a row (argghhh) I have three days off. Dad is still at the cabin and coming home tomorrow so my mini-vacation is going to be over. I went to BJ's today and then off the meet an old friend for lunch. She and her husband had given me my horse eons ago. When he passed, she moved to Colorado with her daughter and son-in-law. Her mom passed last year and they're having the memorial service this weekend so they came out for that. It was really great to see her. We all had such fun riding in the woods, picking wild berries, picnicking--just having fun. It was good to reminisce about all of that. Most of my friends have left the area--cost of living is high, taxes are high. A few others have passed suddenly. It was sad to say goodbye.
Look up Tombstone Metallic Cartridge Company for all your ammo needs... when the store shelves are empty, Eric the Ammo Loader will hook you up with BETTER cartridges than you can find on any store shelf. Reasonable prices too, and he'll ship to most states, though a few like NY and CA are off the list, lol. Eric's the man when it comes to ammo, and he uses top components, all fresh too, these aren't reloads. However, the Starline Brass in his cartridges CAN be reused by those of you who reload your ammo. Anyway, look up the outfit, I'll probably never buy cartridges anywhere else again. ;)

LL, thanks for your comment, it DOES feel as if I'm coming home, or coming out of a long dark tunnel, lol... I really got sidetracked there for a bit, and NOT in a good way. I was talking to my friend Tommy about it, his family used to run the first & oldest surf shop in Coronado for decades, and he said it's like 'PsyWar' with all the negative cr@p in the media today. Neither one of us even watches the "news" anymore, and haven't for a long time, but there's still a trickle-down effect through the web, and of course all the price hikes affect us directly... anyway, I'm thankful to be out of that slump. :confused:

I'm not the kind of guy who suffers from depression, but I was starting to feel DOWN there, lol... I'm usually pretty strong, mentally & physically, but I just dealt with too much cr@p there for a while. These dirty globalist swine really pile it on, I'll tell ya... the rotten trash. Meh, there'll be more of it, no doubt, but I'm just gonna focus upon my own little corner of the world right now, lol. After shifting that furniture this morning, I ate lunch (or late breakfast) and grew sleepy, so I lay down and BOOM! Out went the lights, lol. Just woke up an hour ago, and I've been cleaning the shelf unit under the TV... :rolleyes:

All of my stuff is dusty from storage, you understand, even though the metal shop building in the yard is reasonably weatherproof. But this is the Tularosa Basin, dusty as can be due to the gypsum out there in White Sands. Fine dust, it gets EVERYWHERE, but that's the price for dwelling here, and life could be worse... I could be living in Compton, North Philly or the Lower Bronx, lol. Meh, "I'LL TAKE ALAMOGORDO FOR $500, ALEX!!!" Despite the drought conditions and the dust, natural beauty & elemental power can be found here: that thunderstorm the other night is a good example, lol. :oops:

My poor cats were terrified by the loud thunderclaps... they don't much like the sonic booms out of Holloman AFB either, lol. Tiger went under the bed in Guinness World Record time, and Crackhead wasn't far behind him. That's alright, they can dwell there for a while, won't hurt my feelings any since I'm not a libtard. Jeez, I just wrote about sonic booms and a LOUD one hit our home... those things shake the house. Anyway, time for another beer and some electronic gear assembly, I need to hook up my DVD player now that the shelf unit is clean. The shelf unit acts as a TV stand, but I store stuff on it too. :)

Tomorrow I'm headed off to a plant sale. I hope it's everything I dream it will be. ๐Ÿ˜
And if not, I'll still enjoy the change of scenery. It's a little ways away, and on the way back I'll get to stop by some places I haven't been to in a long time.

I told my husband I don't get out much (usually not something I care about). He looked at me funny and said, "You were out today all day at the hospital." Um... no, that doesn't count. LOL

@Wingnut, I appreciate you sharing the funk you've been dealing with, and what moving in your furniture has done for you. Our situations may be different, but I "get" that long, dark tunnel. With everything going on in the world, and then personal family situations piling on the past 4-5 months, it effected me physiologically in a way I'd never experienced before. Really threw me for a loop. So, you're not alone in all that.
And never discount the value of moving stuff around (and purging stuff, too) - it can really change the vibe of your space!
Started the day looking up how-to's for charging the AC on the GF's Acadia. The charging port is on the bottom between the radiator and the engine and getting the connector on from the top didn't work and my hand was too big to fit in the gap from the bottom so had one of the girls reach up and put it in place while I reached down and pushed it and locked it in place. Used about 3/4 of the can to bring it from low "normal" to mid normal and it is blowing frosty again. Drove it to work tonight and with it being almost 100 in the city the air was quite cold so we should be good.
Made up the last sprinkler line for the yard and soaked the area for about 45 minutes, and just went out now at midnight and turned it on for another half hour. The drip line does OK for most of the plants but with the desert heat I will soak the area once a week to keep the ground moist. The plants need to grow but the area is built up about 3 feet with lots of wood chips and horse manure and chicken area compost and it will need water to keep breaking it down into good garden soil.
The above ground pool was officially opened today and in only 2 weeks with the solar cover the water temp jumped up to about 85* and was very comfortable on this 95* day. In about a half hour I was cooled down to a comfortable chill and felt refreshed before going to work.
GF made me egg sandwiches using 4" round chaffles, egg and cheese and something else blended up into a batter for zero (or close to zero carb waffles. I had the idea before but today was the first time and they were delicious so I asked her to make up more chaffles and put them in the fridge so I can toast them and make my own sandwiches this weekend. She heads out in a couple hours for a 3 day work trip. I suppose one of these days I will have her show me how to make them myself.
This weekend is gonna be a hot one in Utah, kinda early for my area to be reaching the mid-90's. But, all my water lines for the yard are done, the pool is open, and I have some projects to do inside if I want to escape the heat.
Have a great weekend, be safe.
Have to work today, which is good!! Not too bad of a day! Pool later!! Probably 'night pool' under the stars!
I miss our pool. We had an inground that was 20' x 40'. A lot of work. When it became just Dad and I trying to keep it up, Mom had it filled in. It was dug, by hand, by Dad, my uncle and grandfather in the late 1950's. The plumbing was a little bit Rube Goldberg and it was a pain in the tushy to take care of. Got a big garden and lawn now, but sometimes I sit out in the yard and think it sure would be nice to take a dip.
No progress in my search for a helper, though I did leave a few messages and I'm giving folks time to respond. Maybe the LDS/Boy Scouts are next, lol... ;)

Jeez, didn't think it would be this difficult, but I AM living in the boondocks, and the times they are a-changing... might still go the temp agency route, last resort is the man on the street (think Monty Python here). :confused:

I'd probably get that same guy, lol... John Cleese, I think it was. He was pretty funny in 'SILVERADO' too, as the English sheriff or town marshal or whatever... "Today, my jurisdiction ends here!" ๐Ÿคฃ
Have you though about visiting your local HomeDepot between 7 and 8 in the morning? I see guys sitting in the shade across from ours waiting for someone to offer them some work, you just have to figure out how to communicate with them....
Forgot, here is an update to yesterday....
The past few weeks with the temps rising in southern Utah we have noticed the AC in the GF's GMS Acadia has not been as cold as it should be. We drove down to the city together today/last night and decided to hit the auto part store to get a can of freon to recharge the system. I bought a can of "the good stuff" at about $60 and in the parking lot I opened the hood and saw an AC port up on top staring me in the face. The hose would not connect as the port was too large.

You might be looking at the HIGH Pressure port, you want to charge to the low pressure port, they usually hide them so you go to the dealer.....
@Pearl you brought a smile to my face with 'night pool'. :) When I was in jr./sr. high (and the only child left at home), my dad and I had a "date" every night at 10pm for a swim in the pool. I grew up in a very dysfunctional family, but those pool dates have become sweet memories with time.

It was dug, by hand, by Dad, my uncle and grandfather in the late 1950's. The plumbing was a little bit Rube Goldberg.....
Love it! :LOL:
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With these two it's like taking two teenagers out!๐Ÿ˜ฎ We started out getting in the car and the 91 yr old holds open the door and tells the 92 yr old, " here, you get to ride up front you are older"!!! It was actually one of the calmer lunches I've had with them. No hooting at men, or large people jokes!! They are probably saving it up for next month!!๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Nothin' wrong with that. I'd go party with them, lol.
Sorry, I was soo far behind that as I replied to posts I was a day late and a dollar short. Been very busy lately but I can't say I accomplished anything...

Last night the wife suggested "we" add mushrooms to our gardening endeavors, so I read about it and this morning while running my errands I picked up a couple bags of manure/humus. I need to sterilize them with heat and then create a growing station for the mushrooms. Like everything else I am in way over my head......

I wanted to plant my sweet potatoes this morning but it's raining and I don't want to get wet as I might melt. ;)
So...we are on vacation believe it or not...visiting daughter and her husband in Virginia Beach. Our son is taking care of the farm while we are gone ( just a few days). It is 8.30 am and I am already a little bored lol! Not used to doing NOTHING in the morning. We are going to the beach today but they are still sleeping.
I tried so hard to route our trip to avoid the tunnels....and all of a sudden , no warning I am on the interstate and there is a sign "tunnel up ahead" !! I had my prescription sunglasses on and scambled to take them off while driving ( traffic jam so it was slow) and put on clear ones. The tunnel was actually no big deal. It was shorter, wider and better lit than the ones in our area we drive through all the time.....
It was nice having someone else cook and do dishes. Daughter made some awesome stuffed pork chops last night.
I hope the beach is nice, she hasn't been to the beach here either ( no time and they just moved here not long ago, plus it was cold until recently)
The post office just delivered 2 little fig trees, so tomorrow I get to pick their new homes and prepare the planting sites.

I am now 30+ years into my 5 year plan :p

Good luck with the fig trees! My little citrus trees have recovered from the sheep eating some of the leaves and growing new ones. One thing, those trees that are only root clumps and a stump you can buy at various places like TSP never grow. I bought a kumquat tree and a rasberry bush there and I am pretty sure they are just dead stumps. This has happened before and I will not buy those again. I ordered the citrus trees online.

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