Look up Tombstone Metallic Cartridge Company for all your ammo needs... when the store shelves are empty, Eric the Ammo Loader will hook you up with BETTER cartridges than you can find on any store shelf. Reasonable prices too, and he'll ship to most states, though a few like NY and CA are off the list, lol. Eric's the man when it comes to ammo, and he uses top components, all fresh too, these aren't reloads. However, the Starline Brass in his cartridges CAN be reused by those of you who reload your ammo. Anyway, look up the outfit, I'll probably never buy cartridges anywhere else again.
LL, thanks for your comment, it DOES feel as if I'm coming home, or coming out of a long dark tunnel, lol... I really got sidetracked there for a bit, and NOT in a good way. I was talking to my friend Tommy about it, his family used to run the first & oldest surf shop in Coronado for decades, and he said it's like 'PsyWar' with all the negative cr@p in the media today. Neither one of us even watches the "news" anymore, and haven't for a long time, but there's still a trickle-down effect through the web, and of course all the price hikes affect us directly... anyway, I'm thankful to be out of that slump.
I'm not the kind of guy who suffers from depression, but I was starting to feel DOWN there, lol... I'm usually pretty strong, mentally & physically, but I just dealt with too much cr@p there for a while. These dirty globalist swine really pile it on, I'll tell ya... the rotten trash. Meh, there'll be more of it, no doubt, but I'm just gonna focus upon my own little corner of the world right now, lol. After shifting that furniture this morning, I ate lunch (or late breakfast) and grew sleepy, so I lay down and BOOM! Out went the lights, lol. Just woke up an hour ago, and I've been cleaning the shelf unit under the TV...
All of my stuff is dusty from storage, you understand, even though the metal shop building in the yard is reasonably weatherproof. But this is the Tularosa Basin, dusty as can be due to the gypsum out there in White Sands. Fine dust, it gets EVERYWHERE, but that's the price for dwelling here, and life could be worse... I could be living in Compton, North Philly or the Lower Bronx, lol. Meh, "I'LL TAKE ALAMOGORDO FOR $500, ALEX!!!" Despite the drought conditions and the dust, natural beauty & elemental power can be found here: that thunderstorm the other night is a good example, lol.
My poor cats were terrified by the loud thunderclaps... they don't much like the sonic booms out of Holloman AFB either, lol. Tiger went under the bed in Guinness World Record time, and Crackhead wasn't far behind him. That's alright, they can dwell there for a while, won't hurt my feelings any since I'm not a libtard. Jeez, I just wrote about sonic booms and a LOUD one hit our home... those things shake the house. Anyway, time for another beer and some electronic gear assembly, I need to hook up my DVD player now that the shelf unit is clean. The shelf unit acts as a TV stand, but I store stuff on it too.