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I hate the healthcare racket... that's all it is, a racket, and ObamaCare made it worse. :mad:

Thankfully I've enjoyed pretty good health over the decades, so I haven't had to deal with those Third World quacks. :confused:

And don't even get me started on Big Pharma, that whole scene is designed to kill people... :oops:

Agree with you. The only time I go to the doctor if I have a problem I can't deal with or bad injury. I refuse to get any sort of "tests" ( if it ain't broke dont fix it) and I refuse to take any more drugs than a cheap minimal blood pressure meds that has been around for a long time and big pharma makes little money on. They make their money off new expensive drugs
So...we are on vacation believe it or not...visiting daughter and her husband in Virginia Beach. Our son is taking care of the farm while we are gone ( just a few days). It is 8.30 am and I am already a little bored lol! Not used to doing NOTHING in the morning. We are going to the beach today but they are still sleeping.
I tried so hard to route our trip to avoid the tunnels....and all of a sudden , no warning I am on the interstate and there is a sign "tunnel up ahead" !! I had my prescription sunglasses on and scambled to take them off while driving ( traffic jam so it was slow) and put on clear ones. The tunnel was actually no big deal. It was shorter, wider and better lit than the ones in our area we drive through all the time.....
It was nice having someone else cook and do dishes. Daughter made some awesome stuffed pork chops last night.
I hope the beach is nice, she hasn't been to the beach here either ( no time and they just moved here not long ago, plus it was cold until recently)
Hope you have fun! As much as we need breaks from everyday life, it's hard NOT doing the usual work!
@Pearl you brought a smile to my face with 'night pool'. :) When I was in jr./sr. high (and the only child left at home), my dad and I had a "date" every night at 10pm for a swim in the pool. I grew up in a very dysfunctional family, but those pool dates have become sweet memories with time.

Love it! :LOL:
We had to build a structure to house the filter--it's about 8' x 8'. When the filter needed cleaning one of us kids was lowered into it to do the job.
Good luck with the fig trees! My little citrus trees have recovered from the sheep eating some of the leaves and growing new ones. One thing, those trees that are only root clumps and a stump you can buy at various places like TSP never grow. I bought a kumquat tree and a rasberry bush there and I am pretty sure they are just dead stumps. This has happened before and I will not buy those again. I ordered the citrus trees online.
I got mine from Baker Creek, so far everything they have sent arrives in good shape, and grows well:
Started the day looking up how-to's for charging the AC on the GF's Acadia. The charging port is on the bottom between the radiator and the engine and getting the connector on from the top didn't work and my hand was too big to fit in the gap from the bottom so had one of the girls reach up and put it in place while I reached down and pushed it and locked it in place. Used about 3/4 of the can to bring it from low "normal" to mid normal and it is blowing frosty again. Drove it to work tonight and with it being almost 100 in the city the air was quite cold so we should be good.
Made up the last sprinkler line for the yard and soaked the area for about 45 minutes, and just went out now at midnight and turned it on for another half hour. The drip line does OK for most of the plants but with the desert heat I will soak the area once a week to keep the ground moist. The plants need to grow but the area is built up about 3 feet with lots of wood chips and horse manure and chicken area compost and it will need water to keep breaking it down into good garden soil.
The above ground pool was officially opened today and in only 2 weeks with the solar cover the water temp jumped up to about 85* and was very comfortable on this 95* day. In about a half hour I was cooled down to a comfortable chill and felt refreshed before going to work.
GF made me egg sandwiches using 4" round chaffles, egg and cheese and something else blended up into a batter for zero (or close to zero carb waffles. I had the idea before but today was the first time and they were delicious so I asked her to make up more chaffles and put them in the fridge so I can toast them and make my own sandwiches this weekend. She heads out in a couple hours for a 3 day work trip. I suppose one of these days I will have her show me how to make them myself.
This weekend is gonna be a hot one in Utah, kinda early for my area to be reaching the mid-90's. But, all my water lines for the yard are done, the pool is open, and I have some projects to do inside if I want to escape the heat.
Have a great weekend, be safe.
Glad you got the AC working in your car - it's definitely not going to be a weekend to be without A/C in Utah, that's for sure! I've got an old '93 Ford Club Wagon (one of those big 16 seater vans) with a V10 that I've been unable to find the charging port on. I've been over every inch of the engine I can see, and scoured the internet but those engines aren't very common so no one has posted that ingo online AFAIK. Not a huge deal because we mainly use it for hauling stuff to conventions in the early spring & late fall and stuff to the dump year round - but it would be nice to be able to charge it since I installed a new compressor in it last year. I'll probably have to break down and pay someone to do it for me which just rubs me the wrong way.... Like you said stupid engineers making these darn things hard to work on...
Glad you got the AC working in your car - it's definitely not going to be a weekend to be without A/C in Utah, that's for sure! I've got an old '93 Ford Club Wagon (one of those big 16 seater vans) with a V10 that I've been unable to find the charging port on. I've been over every inch of the engine I can see, and scoured the internet but those engines aren't very common so no one has posted that ingo online AFAIK. Not a huge deal because we mainly use it for hauling stuff to conventions in the early spring & late fall and stuff to the dump year round - but it would be nice to be able to charge it since I installed a new compressor in it last year. I'll probably have to break down and pay someone to do it for me which just rubs me the wrong way.... Like you said stupid engineers making these darn things hard to work on...
This might help
Watered trees and filled the trash bin with yard debris, I'm still cleaning up the organic debris in the yard. Too hot to burn it in the stone fire ring, otherwise that's where it would go. Vacuumed the new carpet for the first time, I let it slide when I thought I was gonna flip the home. Gotta make a store run as soon as I'm cleaned up, it's gonna be a hot day and I want to be in the A/C this afternoon. Triple digits, for sure... wish I could just fast forward to fall. Got all my entertainment center wiring hooked up, I hope it's correct because I did it from memory, and my memory ain't what it used to be, lol. Didn't feel like watching anything last night, but I might watch 'JAWS' tonight, I promised myself that I'd watch that DVD first once the TV was set up again. No huge Great White Sharks here in the high desert, just a few tweakin' crackerheads to avoid... they're nowhere near as fierce, but they can still be a PITA, lol. :oops:
Little granddaughter has been busy decorating for the twins birthday dinner. It's a cow theme. Looks very cute. I made the cake, and talked her into decorating it. She's a pro at it at ten yrs old. Good enough. Just stopped for lunch, too hot and humid to work out, and glad I got most of it done this morning. Came in dripping wet, and decided to turn on the dehumidifier in the main part of the house. AC doesn't make much difference when the humidity is so high. On to present wrapping and finishing dinner stuff up. Husband and grandson went out to our unmanned pumps and topped off our fuel and diesel for mowing and for the tractor. Thankful to get the farm diesel at a cheaper rate.
You might be looking at the HIGH Pressure port, you want to charge to the low pressure port, they usually hide them so you go to the dealer.....
Thank you, that is exactly what happened. I found it yesterday morning when the engine was cool, needed the young girl to reach up to the port because my hand couldn't fit through the small gap underneath. It is blowing nice and cold again. It was on the low side of normal, now it is in the middle of normal.
I went to an Estate sale first thing this morning. Bought 2 old cook books. A BH&G that says First Edition 1953 and a Household Discoveries book Copyright and printed 1914. First one is in fairly good condition. The second is fairly rough but seems to be all there. I will probably be selling them. I'm looking for old canning books for me, but there were none this morning.
Came home, then went and got a haircut.
Came home and walked myself, then walked the dogs.
Re-staked a couple of tomatoes and a sunchoke blown down by the rain and wind yesterday.
Came in and washed all 3 dogs.
I think I am done for the day--at least feel like it!
Hot and windy today, perfect weather for a wildfire in southern Utah. Hopefully that doesn't happen. Checked the areas in the yard with the new sprinklers and everything perked up and probably grew a bunch overnight. I will probably water every day for a week to get the ground soaked then just water once or twice a week.
I took a short walk, did I mention it is hot out there? I will probably take a long walk tonight, I need the exercise.
The girls mentioned a wild turkey was in the side yard just outside our bird run. She has been there all morning and she is still there. I think we will go out in a bit, lock the chickens and ducks in the bottom half and let our Narragansett turkeys out in the top half. Hoping she jumps the fence and joins our flock, at least long enough to give us a few eggs we can hatch. I believe she is a Merriam which are reportedly in this area, the Rio Grande supposedly doesn't roam in this area.
Apparently she approves of the feed grass I have planted outside the bird enclosure. And I am sure she enjoyed the drink of fresh water when the sprinklers went on this morning.
Waiting for the corn on the cob and the bratwurst to be done to feed the birthday twins and their "dates". No date is allowed upstairs, so they keep avoiding the other couple by one couple hanging out outside and the other inside the family room. Then the other couple goes outside. We sent little granddaughter to go out and spy on them and report back. Told her not to let her know they are being spied on. She said, "Duh, Granny".
I went to an Estate sale first thing this morning. Bought 2 old cook books.

I still have me dear departed mum's copy of JOY OF COOKING, it must be an original edition, lol. I kept it for sentimental value, but I like to occasionally 'go old school' and follow a recipe in the book. I kept the modern book stand as well, that way I can leave the book open at the page I want. The book has some handwritten notes in it, written by me mum, so that's another reason why I keep it. I'm no fan of Wikipedia, but it says the book has sold 20 million copies, and for once I believe it, lol. That was a popular book among housewives in the '60s & '70s. :)
The joy of cooking is a very good cookbook; for recipes and information. My kids all had a copy when they went to university along with their kiddie baking cookbooks. They all know their way around a kitchen.

The back bacon is out of the smoker resting. It smells so good. Cut up a big block of gouda and one of havarti cheese and put those in the smoker as well for the last two hours. (Cold smoking) Breakfast is going to be good tomorrow.
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My daughter's boyfriend said the smoke alarm in the shop was going off and he couldn't stop it.
I went to look and quickly realized it was the freezer door not closed completely. There is an alarm that lets you know the freezer isn't cold enough. There is also a light that flashes to let you know.
It was going off last night and he just ignored it thinking it was a faulty smoke alarm.
Everything is still pretty cold so I just shut the door and it's cooling down.
I took a roast out for dinner tomorrow.
Not sure how much we will lose. I'll let my wife figure it out when she gets back from Seattle tomorrow.
My daughter's boyfriend said the smoke alarm in the shop was going off and he couldn't stop it.
I went to look and quickly realized it was the freezer door not closed completely. There is an alarm that lets you know the freezer isn't cold enough. There is also a light that flashes to let you know.
It was going off last night and he just ignored it thinking it was a faulty smoke alarm.
Everything is still pretty cold so I just shut the door and it's cooling down.
I took a roast out for dinner tomorrow.
Not sure how much we will lose. I'll let my wife figure it out when she gets back from Seattle tomorrow.
That is one thing I really like about my little older freezer. It has a lock. The key hangs on the door but when I get into it, I unlock, get what I need, then relock it.
Just got back from down below ..it was hot and windy n the traffic was terrible.
Home depot looked well stocked..I get overwhelmed by all the crap ..some tempting project type crap everywhere...that was my first stop.
Second stop was walmart..I picked up a few veggie plants to plant. I noticed both home depot n W. Had a ton of tomatoes n herbs but very few nutrient dense plants like winter squashs .
HD had one variety of decorative mini pumpkin..
W Had 2 normal size pumpkin plants..I snagged them.

Both had tons of tomato, peppers, herbs, n flowers. A few cucumbers n eggplant and HD had a few onions.
W Had a few peas n string beans but very little variety of veggies.
I usually start stuff from seed..but this year I've have little time.
W had no livestock feed . Pasta n canned goods n baby formula looked slim. But lots of non essential type crap like toys n TV's.
I was pretty tired n frazzled after that n hadent ate all day. As I ate some lunch I noticed alot more homeless n some folks with please donate to a child who has cancer signs. They were working the intersection. I wish folks would just give up the sham n just be honest. I've given food n money to the folks in the past who just had a beat up little cardboard sign that said anything helps or similar. Anyways...
Was glad to find my cheap but good work boots in stock at big 5.
Hit Joanne's for some fabric dye n a little fabric for a special rug I want to make for my friend.
I love that place..
Sorta ran outta steam after that..headed back up towards weiser n a crazy wind storm from the thunderstorms blew thick dust from alot of fields that weren't planted made a interesting drive.
Was going to make my last stop at bimart but by the time I got to weiser I was tired, hot just kept driving.
I still have to unpack. :/ looking forward to some wild thunderstorms tomorrow. It looks like it stormed here n the weather is unstable..so maybe it will start tonight..in the east it looks wicked. Whew hew!
Sorry I haven't been keeping up. Still absolutely exhausted. Took mom for her bloodwork and then to her doctor appointment. He said I should get my thyroid levels checked again and approved my changing to a different medicine when my current rx runs out. Turns out my brother has been taking the same stuff & it may explain why he's been so lethargic the last few months. He looked it up & apparently depression is one of the side effects.

Picked up the new windows for the laundry room and bathroom on the east side of the house. Not much going on. Trying to stay awake.
That is one thing I really like about my little older freezer. It has a lock. The key hangs on the door but when I get into it, I unlock, get what I need, then relock it.
My old freezer had a lock. The new one does not.
I ordered an entry monitor for my security system and will install that on the freezer door. If it gets left open I will be alerted on my phone.
The freezer temp was still well below 40 so I'm hoping things will be OK.
I ate a TV dinner because it was thawed out so I figured I may as well.
It was OK for a TV dinner. My brother liked them is why we have them.
God I miss him.😢
Sorry I haven't been keeping up. Still absolutely exhausted. Took mom for her bloodwork and then to her doctor appointment. He said I should get my thyroid levels checked again and approved my changing to a different medicine when my current rx runs out. Turns out my brother has been taking the same stuff & it may explain why he's been so lethargic the last few months. He looked it up & apparently depression is one of the side effects.

Picked up the new windows for the laundry room and bathroom on the east side of the house. Not much going on. Trying to stay awake.
There you are!
Trying to catch up here.
My daughter graduated last night, was honored for her work in ASB (Associated Student Body) and leadership.
My son flew in from CA that day to visit.
We sold our place, moved out last Monday, paid off our land and are now officially mortgage free!
Tomorrow we head down to CA to take her to college.
Apologies about being MIA, just been extremely busy. Hope everyone is doing ok!
Trying to catch up here.
My daughter graduated last night, was honored for her work in ASB (Associated Student Body) and leadership.
My son flew in from CA that day to visit.
We sold our place, moved out last Monday, paid off our land and are now officially mortgage free!
Tomorrow we head down to CA to take her to college.
Apologies about being MIA, just been extremely busy. Hope everyone is doing ok!
Glad you're well. I thought of you last night about grad time. Congrats on mortgage free! A good feeling, isn't it? Travel safe.
Glad you're well. I thought of you last night about grad time. Congrats on mortgage free! A good feeling, isn't it? Travel safe.
Thank you! Yeah they moved it from the fairgrounds to the gym and then limited the tickets so people were freaking out!
It was so dang hot in there, thankfully our daughter was in the 5th row so we scooted out early!!

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