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I needed to swap out trailers for tomorrow which means changing out the ball and hitch. Sure enough, the locking pin is rusted up tight. Muddy back roads will do that.

Spent all afternoon cleaning it out and derusting it to get the key in, once I figured out I really did have the right key. A few smacks with a hammer and one afternoon wasted.
I needed to swap out trailers for tomorrow which means changing out the ball and hitch. Sure enough, the locking pin is rusted up tight. Muddy back roads will do that.

Spent all afternoon cleaning it out and derusting it to get the key in, once I figured out I really did have the right key. A few smacks with a hammer and one afternoon wasted.
There is no harm in trying to do it right the first time. I can relate.

Using a hammer is like making a post with excessive exclamation points or foul language. Only do it if required.

Trying to line up some temporary help to shift a few items of furniture from the metal shop building to my living room, or 'great room' or whatever ya wanna call it. These are things I can't move by myself, even with a dolly (which I have), so I gotta find someone to help me. Thing is, I don't want any tweakin' crackerheads or Craigslist Flakes in my home, best choice would be some local hand who just wants to earn a quick $50. I tried asking some employees at the nearby Dollar General, but no dice... maybe I'll check the 'hood to see whether any likely prospects are available. I have some business cards for local handymen too, maybe I'll try calling them. I just don't wanna waste too much money on moving half a dozen items of furniture. No time limit either on this, but the sooner, the better... :confused:

Oh, yeah, I've also been trying to determine who does low-cost spaying & neutering in or near Alamogordo, and so far the results have been negative. I wanna adopt a couple of kittens, but I gotta be careful how I go about it, and I wanna make sure I have enough money to cover it without paying some astronomical vet bills, which I do NOT need. This whole fake 'socialist plandemic' scene has been particularly hard on small domestic animals, no telling how many perfectly sound animals have been put down already because everybody is struggling and services are sketchy... all due to dirty stinking globalist swine and their greed. I really wanna rescue some kittens and give 'em a good home, which I have just waiting for 'em, but I'm not made of money, so I gotta be careful. Wish I could rescue 'em all, but it just ain't in the budget. :(
Might try calling the co. extension agent and ask if there are any 4H'ers that would like to earn a few dollars. They are required to do community service. If you spoke with the leader, you might get a few and if you "tipped" the club, they might be even nicer.
As far as the kittens, our Humane Society will do barn cats for a very reasonable rate but pets or house cats at regular rate. If you made an anon. call asking how much it would be for your friend who has too many barn cats. . . .yadda yadda yadda - might get a better deal.
Tried to mow part of garden today. Push mower struggled. I have offered for my girls to pick beans and I will can them and they can take them home. All have mentioned wanting to learn. One girl said yes for weekend. On a sad note, the family that lost the grandfather and his four grandsons, ages 11-18, to an escaped convict who hid in woods four weeks. They came up for a day of fishing 2 weeks ago. They were found dead later in afternoon. He got in house and forced them to give him keys to truck and access to gun safe and murdered them. He was stopped south of San Antonio that night and died in a shoot out. Our area was in lockdown for a month while TDCJ searched with dogs, horses,.. Their funerals are tomorrow in Tomball. Monday there was a minor wreck on interstate. Our volunteer fire department were assisting. 18 wheeler saw right lane full and moved to left where accident was at full speed. Hit 2 firemen, DPS car and rolled over car in minor accident. Fireman life flight to Temple, lady in car killed and DPS car minor damage. 21 year old lost foot that night. Today they removed leg to knee. Other fireman with bumps and bruises released. Last night a man and wife found dead on road. Both had heart attack. Older couple. I just want to stay home! I know God is in control, but this is a lot at one time for our small town with one four way stop light.
All that is so sad, Txcatlady! Awful.
Am cracking up about the Cannabis Church, Weedy. I wouldn't go either, but if you ever do, I want the full story ha ha. I thought their webpage was a crack up asking for donations, too, to keep their building going.
Wonder if they all chant a praise to the "sacred flower"? Whackadoodles, really.
Soooo, Soooo glad to be home. It's rained so much everything grew during the four days gone.
Sis in law out of surgery, took almost 5 hrs. Couldn't get the whole tumor. It's a bad one, they got part of it removed, and she will need chemo and radiation, and possibly another surgery later, but they give her a couple of years at the most. Praying for a miracle for Cindy.
Gosh… it’s hard to keep up with everyone when I don’t check in everyday. Glad Denver went fine @Amish Heart .

I’ve been very busy. Making tinctures almost daily, or hunting plants, or building fences, or…

Tonight I’m posting from a “new to me” computer, my old dell died a couple wks ago. Special thanks to @TeeJ who happened to have an old business pc in working order. He was kind enough to ship it to me! Many thanks!

After getting a video cable I played around with it last night. I loaded 5 different versions of linux mint, gave each a test drive. Decided this system can easily handle cinnamon 20.2. I had it running good this morning, been moving data files since. Still have to hook up the printer, just a usb cable, shouldn’t be an issue.

@Pearl I have a "swamp" rule for critters in a live trap. I take them across the river and swamp! Never had one make it back. But yeah, raccoons usually have a home range of about 4 miles across.
Gosh… it’s hard to keep up with everyone when I don’t check in everyday. Glad Denver went fine @Amish Heart .

I’ve been very busy. Making tinctures almost daily, or hunting plants, or building fences, or…

Tonight I’m posting from a “new to me” computer, my old dell died a couple wks ago. Special thanks to @TeeJ who happened to have an old business pc in working order. He was kind enough to ship it to me! Many thanks!

After getting a video cable I played around with it last night. I loaded 5 different versions of linux mint, gave each a test drive. Decided this system can easily handle cinnamon 20.2. I had it running good this morning, been moving data files since. Still have to hook up the printer, just a usb cable, shouldn’t be an issue.

@Pearl I have a "swamp" rule for critters in a live trap. I take them across the river and swamp! Never had one make it back. But yeah, raccoons usually have a home range of about 4 miles across.
Well, wow you caught up with us!! Always glad to see you here!!
Trying to line up some temporary help to shift a few items of furniture from the metal shop building to my living room, or 'great room' or whatever ya wanna call it. These are things I can't move by myself, even with a dolly (which I have), so I gotta find someone to help me. Thing is, I don't want any tweakin' crackerheads or Craigslist Flakes in my home, best choice would be some local hand who just wants to earn a quick $50. I tried asking some employees at the nearby Dollar General, but no dice... maybe I'll check the 'hood to see whether any likely prospects are available. I have some business cards for local handymen too, maybe I'll try calling them. I just don't wanna waste too much money on moving half a dozen items of furniture. No time limit either on this, but the sooner, the better... :confused:

Call local churches and ask if they have someone trustworthy to come help you. Offer to either pay the guys, or donate cash or food to the church. You don't have to be a member and in theory they should be decent folk.
Good luck.
That's actually a good idea... maybe those pastors know someone who could use a little extra money in these fraudulent times. I tried calling around with these handymen, but they're either too busy to respond or just don't care about schlepping a few items of furniture. I was about to bite the bullet this morning and call the local temp agency, but I think I'll try the churches first. I don't mind helping somebody who truly needs it, and the work isn't really that hard, it's just moving some furniture a short distance from my metal shop building (currently used for storage) to my home. Probably around 100', maybe 120' from the shop building into the great room of my home, with a few short steps leading up onto the front porch. :rolleyes:

Back in the day, you'd just find a couple of teenagers or young adults to help knock out the task, right there in the 'hood, but I guess those days have gone too, folks seem to think you're some kinda perv if you ask about husky young men, lol. Heck, I used to be one of those husky young men, and I never had any problem helping to move furniture for some quick cash, especially when I was with friends who also got hired for the job. But things are different today... and if I ask for a gal, folks still think I'm some kinda perv, go figure. I don't care if the gal is built like an Olympic Russian weightlifter, as long as she can pick up one end of the leather recliner couch with all that metal in it, lol. Whatever happened to the good ol' days? :confused:
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That's actually a good idea... maybe those pastors know someone who could use a little extra money in these fraudulent times. I tried calling around with these handymen, but they're either too busy to respond or just don't care about schlepping a few items of furniture. I was about to bite the bullet this morning and call the local temp agency, but I think I'll try the churches first. I don't mind helping somebody who truly needs it, and the work isn't really that hard, it's just moving some furniture a short distance from my metal shop building (currently used for storage) to my home. Probably around 100', maybe 120' from the shop building into the great room of my home, with a few short steps leading up onto the front porch. :rolleyes:

Back in the day, you'd just find a couple of teenagers or young adults to help knock out the task, right there in the 'hood, but I guess those days have gone too, folks seem to think you're some kinda perv if you ask about husky young men, lol. Heck, I used to be one of those husky young men, and I never had any problem helping to move furniture for some quick cash, especially when I was with friends who also got hired for the job. But things are different today... and if I ask for a gal, folks still think I'm some kinda perv, go figure. I don't care if the gal is built like an Olympic Russian weightlifter, as long as she can pick up one end of the leather recliner couch with all that metal in it, lol. Whatever happened to the good ol' days? :confused:
If you've got LDS missionaries in your area they are always looking for service opportunities as well. They won't take a penny, but if you have pizza or donuts on hand you'll make friends for sure :)
It's hot, here! And humid!
Watered garden.
Walked first, anyway.
Spent an hour and a half on the phone getting my online bookkeeping switched over.
Made an appointment for haircut at a new place. My usual lady is having health issues and may be retiring.
Weeded in potato patch.
Still have 3 VA related calls to make after 1:30 or so.
Bible study this evening.
Water garden. Seems like I will have to water a couple of time a day for a few weeks. It's very dry right now and hot!
@Wingnut if we lived close, I’d volunteer my 20 yr old. Actually, I’d just tell him someone needed the help and he’d volunteer himself. Neighbors should help out neighbors, it’s a shame that’s been lost.

To add to the LDS suggestion, my oldest son used to belong to Boy Scouts that was out of his friend’s LDS church - they used to do all sorts off odd jobs (including moving furniture and emptying out attics) for people in the neighborhood. So if your nearest LDS church has a Boy Scout troop, all the better.
To add to the LDS suggestion, my oldest son used to belong to Boy Scouts that was out of his friend’s LDS church - they used to do all sorts off odd jobs (including moving furniture and emptying out attics) for people in the neighborhood. So if your nearest LDS church has a Boy Scout troop, all the better.

I was talking to a guy last week about camping. He asked me how to wash dishes while camping in an area without water. I spoke without thinking. All boy-scouts know that, hand full of sand and a rag. poor feller looked like his feel feels were damaged. opps! simple knowledge or rather common sense is missing
@Wingnut if we lived close, I’d volunteer my 20 yr old. Actually, I’d just tell him someone needed the help and he’d volunteer himself. Neighbors should help out neighbors, it’s a shame that’s been lost.

To add to the LDS suggestion, my oldest son used to belong to Boy Scouts that was out of his friend’s LDS church - they used to do all sorts off odd jobs (including moving furniture and emptying out attics) for people in the neighborhood. So if your nearest LDS church has a Boy Scout troop, all the better.
The LDS and the Boy Scouts "broke up" a while back, but scouts are still a good idea and the LDS young men's groups still do scouting type activities, including service - just no longer under the auspices of the BSA.
Well I am knackered.

Went to pick up a trailer load of horse poop. He filled up my 16' x 6' trailer. It rained yesterday so it was wet and heavy. There was another trailer load left so I drove the one hour home, shoveled like a Tasmanian devil on sugar to off load it, drove back, half hour empty, and got there in time to watch his tractor getting loaded up to go to it's new home. So, shovel for another hour or more to fill the trailer and then back home.

The second load is still on the trailer. I am done for the day.
Well I tried out my wheelchair ramp..and...it's a death trap.

I tried it with my fly weight and it bowed....there's no way in heck that was going to hold 400kgs so the idea of moving a very large fridge down is laughable.

I did use it to move large wheelie bins of spoilt grain out of my living room.
The same bugs that got into my storage cupboards also got into my wheat and corn storage.
I had to support the middle of the ramp by putting large breezeway blocks under it so it wouldn't bow.
Then I had to drill through the lip of the ramp and my top step and drop some very large bolts through them to act as anchor pins.
These bolts stopped the ramp from moving off the edge of the top step and sliding down and causing a huge accident while I was moving the bins (and myself) down the ramps.
They worked..and I'm 100% glad I added the breeze blocks and the length bolts I did because the ramp moved a lot.
I managed to move all 3 100+ kilo bins outside and next to the chicken pen without incident even though it was as stetchy as heck.
I have no idea how I'm moving that fridge...maybe I'm just have to strap it to the tri-wheel removalist trolley and eat my wheeties that morning.....and pray.
Are you getting another fridge? I know around here, if a company delivers a new one for you, they often times will get rid of the old one.
My chickens would love your buggy corn, Tank.
Lots of laundry today, put a ways, moving the brooder chicks to the milkhouse...too stinky indoors right now. We're expecting a big rain tonight, so granddaughter is mowing the main yard grass, and throwing the grass cuttings in the runs for the chickens and geese. They are all worked up about it. Putting my feet up before making dinner. Did the salvage store, lots around the house and yard, did Aldi, and got it all put away.
Are you getting another fridge? I know around here, if a company delivers a new one for you, they often times will get rid of the old one.
My chickens would love your buggy corn, Tank.
Lots of laundry today, put a ways, moving the brooder chicks to the milkhouse...too stinky indoors right now. We're expecting a big rain tonight, so granddaughter is mowing the main yard grass, and throwing the grass cuttings in the runs for the chickens and geese. They are all worked up about it. Putting my feet up before making dinner. Did the salvage store, lots around the house and yard, did Aldi, and got it all put away.

This one has been broken for a long time and because it's HUGE it sat there.
Now that space is valuable to store more food.
I replaced it with a bar fridge that I was able to move myself.
I didn't need a huge fridge because I live by myself and when I had a HUGE fridge it prompted me to over spend on fruit and veg that I didn't get around to eating before it went bad...chickens were happy though.
My food wastage and electricity went down when I went to a bar fridge.
No progress in my search for a helper, though I did leave a few messages and I'm giving folks time to respond. Maybe the LDS/Boy Scouts are next, lol... ;)

Jeez, didn't think it would be this difficult, but I AM living in the boondocks, and the times they are a-changing... might still go the temp agency route, last resort is the man on the street (think Monty Python here). :confused:

I'd probably get that same guy, lol... John Cleese, I think it was. He was pretty funny in 'SILVERADO' too, as the English sheriff or town marshal or whatever... "Today, my jurisdiction ends here!" 🤣
Well I tried out my wheelchair ramp..and...it's a death trap.

I tried it with my fly weight and it bowed....there's no way in heck that was going to hold 400kgs so the idea of moving a very large fridge down is laughable.

I did use it to move large wheelie bins of spoilt grain out of my living room.
The same bugs that got into my storage cupboards also got into my wheat and corn storage.
I had to support the middle of the ramp by putting large breezeway blocks under it so it wouldn't bow.
Then I had to drill through the lip of the ramp and my top step and drop some very large bolts through them to act as anchor pins.
These bolts stopped the ramp from moving off the edge of the top step and sliding down and causing a huge accident while I was moving the bins (and myself) down the ramps.
They worked..and I'm 100% glad I added the breeze blocks and the length bolts I did because the ramp moved a lot.
I managed to move all 3 100+ kilo bins outside and next to the chicken pen without incident even though it was as stetchy as heck.
I have no idea how I'm moving that fridge...maybe I'm just have to strap it to the tri-wheel removalist trolley and eat my wheeties that morning.....and pray.
dunno if this will help, it is how I move my safe
tilt it, shove a blanket under it. grab an end of the blanket and drag that sucker to the door. open the door and tip the fridge over. out the door. controlled crash onto a tarp
I am a hurting unit.

Work was absolutely brutal today. Our foreman was tying up some loose ends this morning and was late to the job site. So, several of us decided we would anchor the outside rails on an entire #20 switch. We thought, we won't have to do it later if we do it now, right? So we hit anchors on an entire switch, 240 feet long. That's 129 ties, 4 anchors to a tie, driven on with sledgehammers...and two hours later we found out it was measured wrong. 129 ties, 4 anchors to a tie, drive them back off - with sledgehammers.

In the meantime, we clipped two more switches, about 600 clips per switch - with sledgehammers. Then we aligned the frogs on those switches and lagged them down. Then we did the same with 4 guard rails, we lagged and clipped those. By this time it was after 2:00 and I was shot. Sunburned, dehydrated, and completely out of energy. But, you keep going because you don't want to let the rest of the guys down.

I think maybe I'm getting too old for this physical labor stuff. I haven't hurt like this in ages. I hope there's a thunderstorm tomorrow just so we get a break...
Finally finished one of the last two sprinkler systems for the yard. Bought the parts needed a couple days ago, made the last connections on the 1/2" irrigation tubing, put 4 metal anchors in the ground to hold and support the uprights the sprinkler heads are connected to and ran the line down the side of the house. The pop up sprinkler heads are each designed to water a path 5 feet wide and 30 feel long and the 4 of them are covering an area about 70 long. I let them run about an hour in the afternoon and because the ground was so to start with I have them going another hour tonight after work. The few feet right next to the house has a drip irrigation already and the Iris's and ground cover are doing great but as soon as the ground cover tries to spread further away it dries out and dies. I plan to use this sprinkler line once or twice a week until things spread and get established then hopefully once there is good ground cover it will hold in the moisture and keep the ground cool and maybe then I can get away with just once a week. I was concerned the water from the sprinklers would blow against the side of the house and leave calcium deposits but the wind keeps a buffer against the wall and the water does not even touch the house, even when the winds picked up just before I turned them off.
I was going to finish the last sprinkler line but I ran out of hose end connections. I will try to remember to pick up a couple more tomorrow and get that one finished on Saturday.
Tomorrow/today/Friday it is supposed to hit the high 90's here and 107 in the city 30 miles south of me. It will be hot this weekend then windy Sunday and down into the low 80;s Monday and Tuesday. I got all my important irrigation lines done in time so hopefully everything survives the heat wave, Usually we don't hit the high 90's until the end of June.
I wish it would rain, a good 2 or 3 days thunderstorm system would make me happy.
Forgot, here is an update to yesterday....
The past few weeks with the temps rising in southern Utah we have noticed the AC in the GF's GMS Acadia has not been as cold as it should be. We drove down to the city together today/last night and decided to hit the auto part store to get a can of freon to recharge the system. I bought a can of "the good stuff" at about $60 and in the parking lot I opened the hood and saw an AC port up on top staring me in the face. The hose would not connect as the port was too large. Asked inside the store and they shrugged and said new cars have a different size port and they don't know when things changed for each vehicle. Ugh!!! They wouldn't take the new can back because I cut the zipties but didn't break open the seal. Well, it will be helpful for the other cars at least. When I got home tonight I looked it up on YouTube and the obvious AC port is the wrong port and the correct port is way down deep in the engine bay, amongst the hot stuff. Watching a few videos i should be able to connect the can to the correct port and charge the system. It will be a struggle as the port is near the next to impossible to replace oil filter but with a cool engine I will try to connect it and add some freon.
Dang it all to H-E-double-hockey-sticks I hate automotive engineers who design this crap. And, as I say this I remember my niece is a rather new engineer for GM. I have to remember to exclude her from all my less than friendly rants against engineers responsible for all this new high tech pain in the butt stuff on the new cars. Why can't the auto industry have 2 or 3 various styles of every part and be required to use those parts for every thing they design? Even if each manufacturer has their own 2 or 3 parts there is no need for 15 different brake pads or alternators or fuel pumps. If the darn morons would get their ducks in a row and reduce the number of parts to small, medium or large it would greatly cut the costs and make things easier and more affordable for repairs.
Its TAKE THE 90+ YEAR OLDS TO LUNCH day!! Going for catfish at our favorite mom + pop cafe!! When I called them last evening they were sitting outside (they are neighbors) one telling the other she was being crabby!😃 Should be an interesting lunch!! Have only one cleaning job before lunch! Hitting the pool later!

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