If it makes you feel any better, when you posted that, it was only 6PM here
Exciting news ~ y'all can laugh at me. It's all good.
So for probably about 10+ years, I've had this thing about wanting to try Italian stuffed zucchini blossoms. Have never had the opportunity. Today Hubby said I planning a surprise for you but it will work better if it's not a surprise. He said "You have zucchini planted don't you?" The one year I've not planted a zuke! So I told him no. There is a client/friend/acquaintance (not a close friend, but have known a long time) who has a restaurant. His mom used to have an Italian restaurant & they are Italian. Hubby mentioned it and he said let's do it. Said he had a recipe he'd dig out. So today I bought not one, but two (that's 2, duex,

) of them! If the stuffed blossoms don't happen, I am going to be feeding everyone I know zukes

I am excited for at least the possibility though.
Today has been our warmest day so far this year 84*. Our gardens are behind. We had the heat dome last year so we've actually enjoyed the longer spring this year. It is supposed to warm up this week though.