What's everybody doing today?

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So busy today! Watered garden first and then walked.
Walked dogs.
Made beef and broccoli (but with venison) in instant pot.
Pressure canned little smokies in BBQ sauce I made from leftover Candied jalapeno juice.
Shredded cheese.
Went on the new bookkeeping app (go daddy retired their site) and discovered I really dislike it, so will be changing that soon.
Harvested in garden and shored up some tomatoes.
Still have to water again tonight.
I don't like when online things change because there is no explanation or guidance as to what to do.
Magus, sorry to hear about the kitten. I hate that if a holiday falls on Saturday, the govt & banks shut down on Friday and if its on Sunday they shut down on Monday.

Tank-Girl, my dogs have been trying to catch up to LandShark with the chewing things. I cooked dinner and went to take a bowl to my mother and the rotten dogs stole the silicone serving spoon (which I had pushed to the back of the stove) and chewed it up. I have to put my shoes in a plastic bin to keep them from taking them.

Got up early & took my brother for his job interview. He was whining because I stopped at the post office and he thought he was going to be late. I got him there 10min early. Heard from my friend that his gf's car got repo'd. I'm surprised it took so long.

It was hot as hell so I stopped and got a large chocolate shake from McDonalds.
It was a boring day for the most part. Drove over to the remodel place to cut the grass. I took frequent breaks to drink lots of water. Did a minimalist job and skipped weed whacking completely.

Stopped and fot some luxury items like beer and whiskey on the way home.

I could have picked some strawberries but it was...

Too darn hot

I will dodge rain tomorrow to pick the strawberries for The Princess.

Did get some reading done. American Gunsmith and more of "The Lost Books of the Bible". About 75 pages to finish it.

It is too darn hot!
I got the animals done and some peppers planted, and we took off for the morning for in the bigger town errands. Husband had a doc appt, returned some Hughes net equipment, banking, Home Depot, and out to lunch. Came home to 99 degrees. Had to still spray the garden down, and I'll water it better in the morning.
Watered the beds after work. I love the drip system for that. hook up the hose, turn it on and go in the house till time to shut it down. Gave it 1.5 hours tonight. We've been in low/mid 90's so far this week. expecting 99 tomorrow, high 90's thru Friday. I'm gonna run the drip system an hour every night thru Friday.
too busy to post much...
went on trip to visit daughter in Virginia Beach, it was nice
very busy when we got back, got more hay, planted more stuff in garden, weeded, went to market ( sold 18 loaves of bread ) , canned 6 quarts of cherries, did laundry , cooked stuff from the garden, and so on....
hope everyone is doing well :)
Ventured out of the air-conditioned office (by which I mean the upstairs bedroom where my computer lives) just long enough to water the garden. Well over 90 here today and hard to breathe. Supposed to moderate tomorrow so maybe I'll get the grass cut.
All the news articles about how we might have "planned outages" this summer are making me nervous. Michigan's never had such a thing in my memory. Stupid politicians closed the coal plants and now we don't enough power to go around. I can't afford to run the generator to water my garden, let alone run the AC and freezers.
At 9:00 PM its still 81.
If it makes you feel any better, when you posted that, it was only 6PM here 😬

Exciting news ~ y'all can laugh at me. It's all good.
So for probably about 10+ years, I've had this thing about wanting to try Italian stuffed zucchini blossoms. Have never had the opportunity. Today Hubby said I planning a surprise for you but it will work better if it's not a surprise. He said "You have zucchini planted don't you?" The one year I've not planted a zuke! So I told him no. There is a client/friend/acquaintance (not a close friend, but have known a long time) who has a restaurant. His mom used to have an Italian restaurant & they are Italian. Hubby mentioned it and he said let's do it. Said he had a recipe he'd dig out. So today I bought not one, but two (that's 2, duex, :peace:) of them! If the stuffed blossoms don't happen, I am going to be feeding everyone I know zukes 😂 I am excited for at least the possibility though.
Today has been our warmest day so far this year 84*. Our gardens are behind. We had the heat dome last year so we've actually enjoyed the longer spring this year. It is supposed to warm up this week though.
My brother cooked red beans and rice with some pork ribs and salted pork. I ate too much. I'm really trying to cut back on carbs but having a hard time with it.

The zucchini stuff sounds interesting. I've had "pasta" made from zucchini and liked it.
After seeing all your posts about it being hot I will add that in the high desert of southern Utah it was a pleasant 80-ish. Created a block of wood to conform with the metal siding (metal roofing panels) so I can mount the electrical box and natural gas line for the patio to the side of the house. Straightened out a bit of the mess in the garage and then went to work. After the GF heads to work at about 2am I will take an ambien and get a good night sleep.
Went to work (Home Depot) early so I could pick up a couple things. Spray paint is very limited in quantities and selection, especially compared to pre-stupid-demic. I did find the last two cans of what I needed, I only needed one but took both because I will need the other one eventually. Grabbed a box of concrete screws that I need to complete my electrical project, I need to anchor things into the cement wall. Went to check out and there were 3 employees at self checkout but no staffed register and the light was off for the staffed register. I walked over to the service desk and there was a line and the person at the counter was returning several things so that would take a bit. Walked over to garden but that register was closed since it was after 6pm. Back to the service desk and waited. Told myself if it was longer than 5 minutes I was leaving my stuff and walking out. 4 and a half minutes later I was able to check out. Put my items in my car and walked in for work. Went to the mens room and it stunk bad due to an inoperable urinal, which has been inoperable for over 2 weeks now. On top of that the mens room is always filthy and rarely has paper towels even though there is a paper towel dispenser next to the air driers. Kicked the door open and walked into the break room to get towels to dry my hands. Clocked in to work and thought about it. I am a paying customer before I clock in and none of this is acceptable. I asked one of the assistant managers to come and look at the mens room over 3 weeks ago but no effort was made to clean the walls or get the sticky crud off the floor. Soooo, when I came home from work I used the emailed link to write up an appropriate review. I wonder two things. Was it really an anonymous review, but even if it wasn't I was a paying customer so if they find out it was me I guess we will see if they like me more as a customer who spends far more than my weekly take home pay or if they are miffed at me as an employee who "shouldn't" give bad reviews on the survey. And second, will anyone make any effort to fix and clean the mens room.

After I did the survey thing I used my newly purchased paint and prepped the block of wood I need to install tomorrow to hold the gas line and electrical box in place outside where the patio will eventually be. In between coats of paint I finished watching the old movie I started watching earlier. The Big Cat (1949) with Forrest Tucker. I have watched that movie several times, it takes place in 1933 during both the depression and a major drought in Utah where the movie was set and filmed on and around Cedar Mountain, not too far from here. It is a good, decent old film worth watching if you can get your hands on a copy, even though the reproduction quality isn't up to modern standards which I don't care about.
If it makes you feel any better, when you posted that, it was only 6PM here 😬

Exciting news ~ y'all can laugh at me. It's all good.
So for probably about 10+ years, I've had this thing about wanting to try Italian stuffed zucchini blossoms. Have never had the opportunity. Today Hubby said I planning a surprise for you but it will work better if it's not a surprise. He said "You have zucchini planted don't you?" The one year I've not planted a zuke! So I told him no. There is a client/friend/acquaintance (not a close friend, but have known a long time) who has a restaurant. His mom used to have an Italian restaurant & they are Italian. Hubby mentioned it and he said let's do it. Said he had a recipe he'd dig out. So today I bought not one, but two (that's 2, duex, :peace:) of them! If the stuffed blossoms don't happen, I am going to be feeding everyone I know zukes 😂 I am excited for at least the possibility though.
Today has been our warmest day so far this year 84*. Our gardens are behind. We had the heat dome last year so we've actually enjoyed the longer spring this year. It is supposed to warm up this week though.

I had to look it up, love cooking and never heard of that!

I have some growing right now, will try it
I hope it doesn't get too hot again here, it was horrible ( humid and in high 80s) last week, but this week has been really nice. It was 47 degrees yesterday morning and I actually put on a jacket for a little while outside. Warmer now but still ok. We could use some rain . I always worry that some day our spring will dry up. That would be a catastrophe
Going to bank and shopping today. I wonder how much gas will be , need to get gas.
I have a 3 month doc appt. at 8:30 this morning and then do a little shopping. Walmart and local grocery, then thrift stores. DH has an audiology appt. later.
Going to dig up a few potatoes this afternoon.
Bible study tonight at 6:30.

No walk or dog walk today! Too hot when I get back. Upper 90's here until Monday.
I started the day with a bicycle ride with my family. Then we went to a restaurant to have some breakfast. I had a french omelet. I love it so much. Then we went to a church nearby our house https://firstchurchlove.com to remember my uncle who passed on this day. I love him so much. Btw, he taught me to ride a bicycle. What a great man he was. Then we decided to prepare a dinner with the children. It’s said preparing unites people. I believe so.
I started the day with a bicycle ride with my family. Then we went to a restaurant to have some breakfast. I had a french omelet. I love it so much. Then we went to a church nearby our house https://firstchurchlove.com to remember my uncle who passed on this day. I love him so much. Btw, he taught me to ride a bicycle. What a great man he was. Then we decided to prepare a dinner with the children. It’s said preparing unites people. I believe so.
Welcome Rosty :welcome: Might hop over in the introduction thread and let us know all the sundry details of how you ended up here ;)
I remember the 'rolling blackouts' in Kalifornia... a sign of poor management. :confused:

I remember the big power outage in San Diego County that lasted 10 hours or more, THAT was absolutely ridiculous. :oops:

Aging infrastructure and utility systems, par for the course in the Brave New Fraudulent Third World, lol... :rolleyes:

Another slow day here with the cloudy & possibly wet weather... suits me, I'm feeling a bit slow, lol. I'm enjoying the large number of wild birds in my yard, the rain partially "melted" the quail blocks so there's food galore on the ground. :)

The birdbaths are all topped off with rainwater too, so the birds are hitting those pretty hard... my cats are outside, but they're not bothering the birds, I just saw Tiger lounging in the rocker on the front porch. He looks comfortable, lol. :cool:
@Bacpacker - we added drip to all our beds last year, what a difference it's made. Have about 1/2 of them on a timer so I don't need to do anything except check to make sure it's working occasionally. The others I'll turn on when I start my evening outside jobs and turn off when I go in for the night. I love not having to haul water or hoses around anymore!

@Magus - have you ever looked how breathing can induce those same brainwaves? It's a pretty interesting subject!

@LadyLocust - my grandma used to make a batter she'd use to stuff & fry squash blossoms and fry Queen Anne's lace which was absolutely delicious. Unfortunately none of my relatives have the recipe, and I've been unable to recreate it - yet!

Hope everyone stays cool - we've been lucky that it's been topping out in the mid 80's here, but that's going to change any day now and we'll be hitting the mid to high 90s any day now. Fortunately with low humidity it's not so bad!

It's been taking me all week to get done what I'd planned for Saturday, but we'll just roll with the punches. Both my water storage totes are topped up with fresh, clean water. I'm a little miffed because the totes look identical, but the hose adapter I ordered for them only fits one of them. I'd much rather of had the drained water in my grass than in the sandpit where the totes are. I'll have to figure out how to identify the size of the spout so I can do so next year. I guess I could have siphoned it as well now that I'm thinking about it. Our lettuce has been going crazy this year, so we've been eating it like crazy - salads for lunch every day and occasionally fried romaine with dinner. I forgot how good it is fried :) With the warmer weather it's sure to bolt, so the chickens will get their share too!
I have to go to my other dentist today so he can figure out why the tooth he recapped is hurting and super sensitive to cold.
Going to see my wife's sister and her husband.
He is on comfort care in the nursing home and has maybe 2 or 3 days to live.
If he had not ignored his symptoms years ago he would have been fine.
He let his BP go unchecked and it got really high. He went blind, had to have a leg removed, has kidney failure and heart problems.
He would skip going to dialysis or go and not finish the treatment.
It's sad for his wife but he did it to himself.
House sitting for 9 days with two dogs. Both dogs are rescues, one was feral. The first dog, part boxer, hurt his leg a couple weeks ago. It is hard to get vet appointments. They took him to urgent care and didn't get any conclusive results. They have an appointment for when they get back. I think it is ACL, and so does a neighbor who is a dr. The dog is very active. I probably toss the ball for him typically 100's of times a day, but not now. He is getting around on 3 legs. Yesterday I noticed some marks on the wall, and upon closer inspection, blood. The feral girl kept licking the marks. She also stalks flies to eat. I looked at his tail and sure enough, the tip is damaged. Too much wagging and whacking it. This is the second time he has hurt the end of his tail. Gorilla taped it up, and he has pulled some of it off, but not all of it. The damaged part is still covered.
I have to go to my other dentist today so he can figure out why the tooth he recapped is hurting and super sensitive to cold.
Going to see my wife's sister and her husband.
He is on comfort care in the nursing home and has maybe 2 or 3 days to live.
If he had not ignored his symptoms years ago he would have been fine.
He let his BP go unchecked and it got really high. He went blind, had to have a leg removed, has kidney failure and heart problems.
He would skip going to dialysis or go and not finish the treatment.
It's sad for his wife but he did it to himself.
Wow BL. Hope the tooth is an easy fix. Also, I think your family has had enough of the rough stuff. Maybe you folk can have a smoother summer. 🙏
Harvested strawberries broccoli and garlic today.


Watered the grape vine clone globes. I have my doubts about how well they are working.

Then escaped the heat in rime to watch the trees dance in the wind as the yellow and red stuff on the radar moved in. I will have to make a visit to the pond to see how the fish are doing tomorrow.


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