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Reciprocating saws are great for tree work, as long as the trees aren't too large. They're also good for cutting roots, where a chainsaw would gunk up and get dull. Big bad demo blade or something similar, and your reciprocating saw becomes a very useful tool. :rolleyes: :oops:
I hate to ruin a chain. The decades old homelite's oil tank split in two. 5 bucks from a yardsale, it did well :)

Here are my pruning blades:
I just finished up a 20 page PowerPoint presentation on comms. Myself and a couple others in the group are kinda frustrated that we can't get everyone to take an interest and making them understand how important comms will be in a SHTF scenario. We are highly encouraging them to get a license so they can participate in a network, or a relay chain if need be. A lot of them will listen in and then post on our chat I heard so and so, well can they hear you? Since you can't legally key up and speak, we'll never know.

Without the license they can't really join in if they want to remain legal. Then it's, "well I won't need a license if things go bad", correct you won't. But will you know who you can reach? Will you even know how to operate your equipment. The best way to learn, is to do it.

I dunno, so I'm trying a different approach at training on Sunday, lol.
I do get their hesitation. I will weakly justify/explain/snivel etc. There seems to be so much to do - especially this time of year. To exert the effort to become licensed for something I currently wish to avoid (communicating with people) seems like an exhausting endeavor. I'm concerned about fuel and food which scream of importance. In attempt to try to help you convey your message and get them to become active (because I actually see the benefit of it)~ once something such as a grid down event occurs, towers no longer transmit cel. ph. signals, batteries die, you have family you are worried about, you are possibly traveling, you are stuck where you are or a hundred other scenarios, you might actually welcome the voice on the line. (I think pointing that out might be helpful) Knowing who they are now might save a lot of stress and struggle at a time when you are already stressed and struggling over other things. If there is a schedule of events to get licensed, that might help also (you might already have this) but X numbers of hours by such and such date, X number of logged contacts etc. Make the steps easy and doable so checking the box for the license is little more than a menial task. Just my meager input. I'm not in comms, but when restoring my bronco I told them I'm keeping my CB - they looked at me sideways 😋
I had responses in my head but they flew out when I got to this page. I use the air fryer and microwave a LOT. Oven doesn't work and I'm not much of a cook. They sell microwaves that double as air fryers.

Went to Samsclub. They were out of water and cat food so I'll have to go back another time. It was 98°. I overheard a woman at the gas station complaining about how hot it was. Someone suggested she get a fan. She said "Then I'd just feel like I'm in an oven!"

Friend got his stuff back from the repo place with no problems. He let the clerk know that he knew the laws about how they couldn't charge for the stuff. The gf was fuming because they had already removed all of her the stuff and gave it to her in a garbage bag. She said they wouldn't let her clean it out herself. Well duh. People take radios and stuff and vandalize vehicles. That's why the repo place cleans it up. The baby spent a few days with the adopted grandmother and is sick again (happens every time he goes over there).

The owner of the Chinese restaurant has his cast off his arm and has a gnarly scar on his forearm. He's supposed to wear a brace but he said it was too sweaty and itchy with this heat. I'm glad he's healing up though.
Made a really awesome lunch today, pork tenderloin wrapped in bacon, stir fried veggies from the garden, smashed potatoes, blueberry muffins for dessert. I picked blueberries for an hour, had to chase away birds trying to pick also but still got a large bowl full.

People around here are getting weirder and weirder.....still trying to get more hay, firewood and get our vehicles maintained.
I told husband today that he just needs to do it himself. I am really good at growing goats and veggies, baking , cooking and managing the farm, but I REALLY REALLY hate any sort of equipment maintenance and repair ( trucks , tractor, UTV, ATV, weed eater, don't even get me started on those...electric fencing crap and so on). I just hate it. Nobody does it and stuff breaks.

Tomorrow we will be super busy again. Have to give the lambs their second pneumonia vaccine shot ( NO, not covid, lol!!!) , ear tag some and then take them to the auction truck. I am going to send the old doe that has produced tons of kids but is too old now and also has really bad hoofs, no matter how often I trim them. I feel bad about it, but...she is a livestock not a pet. I always thought I would let old animals live out their lives on our farm but in reality, they eat a lot of hay and this one is a ton of work trying to keep her walking.

Oh and it looks like I might be a grandma next year. Wish my daughter luck! I hope all goes well
The other week the car died, the one the youngest son drives (an Integra).

If I would have to pick my top pet peeve hate thing it would be vehicle problems....is that weird? I think the only thing I hate more would be a hospital visit. Too bad we don;t live in a world where stuff doesn't break and nobody gets sick
I just finished up a 20 page PowerPoint presentation on comms. Myself and a couple others in the group are kinda frustrated that we can't get everyone to take an interest and making them understand how important comms will be in a SHTF scenario. We are highly encouraging them to get a license so they can participate in a network, or a relay chain if need be. A lot of them will listen in and then post on our chat I heard so and so, well can they hear you? Since you can't legally key up and speak, we'll never know.

Without the license they can't really join in if they want to remain legal. Then it's, "well I won't need a license if things go bad", correct you won't. But will you know who you can reach? Will you even know how to operate your equipment. The best way to learn, is to do it.

I dunno, so I'm trying a different approach at training on Sunday, lol.

Are you talking about ham radios? My brother has been doing this ( in Germany and France) for many years. He is actually the president of his local ham radio club, and been trying to talk me into it. But I have no interest in this at all....
If cell phones stop working after shtf I guess I won;t be able to talk to any of my relatives in Europe anymore or anyone else not living here
My washer is not spinning right so I guess I'll have to take it apart and check the filter and the drain pump hose. It is a samsung. I've only had this machine for 2 or maybe 3 years. Couldn't buy a smaller one, noooo, forgot my household size has shrunk drastically over the past 12 years. Last washer lasted 12 years. One before that was ancient.
Sorry, not don

It most likely needs a new belt
If I would have to pick my top pet peeve hate thing it would be vehicle problems....is that weird? I think the only thing I hate more would be a hospital visit. Too bad we don't live in a world where stuff doesn't break and nobody gets sick

To be fair, this vehicle is 23 yrs old with a lot of miles, so I really can't complain. I've got a few years an a lot of miles, too - I can empathize. 😊

But I'm with you regarding things breaking down. Some days it seems like it's always something.

And I'm totally there with you on the hospital/sick thing! Grateful for the docs and nurses and all the staff (BEYOND grateful!), but I'd be really, really happy if no one in my family needed to go to the hospital again.
I just finished up a 20 page PowerPoint presentation on comms. Myself and a couple others in the group are kinda frustrated that we can't get everyone to take an interest and making them understand how important comms will be in a SHTF scenario. We are highly encouraging them to get a license so they can participate in a network, or a relay chain if need be. A lot of them will listen in and then post on our chat I heard so and so, well can they hear you? Since you can't legally key up and speak, we'll never know.

Without the license they can't really join in if they want to remain legal. Then it's, "well I won't need a license if things go bad", correct you won't. But will you know who you can reach? Will you even know how to operate your equipment. The best way to learn, is to do it.

I dunno, so I'm trying a different approach at training on Sunday, lol.
I tried to participate in a group, local, but not close, to learn and have help getting started. I drove there. It was super dark. I drove around and drove around and couldn't find the place at the address listed, which was on a large h.s. campus. I drove home. I emailed the group. "You were close, but we were in this building." Okay! Next meeting, I drove there again. Still super dark. I looked and looked for the building in the place they said it was. I had no luck. If it was closer to home, I might have driven there some day and find the building, maybe. I went home and emailed them. Where the HECK is the building? One of the people in the group wrote a nasty reply. Another person apologized for his nasty reply. I was done! Next closest place to go was well over 50 miles away.
So I hope your meetings are not in some obscure building in the dark of the evening with poor lighting and jerks who just want to be rude, rather than helpful.
Hey Curmudgeon, years back husband and I did a few comm presentations for prepper groups. The younguns (everyone under 50) didn't see the point of it since they had a cell phone in their hand. We also heard: I'll buy the cheap Chinese handitalkies, stick them in a metal garbage can, and figure it out when SHTF happens.
Went to the salvage store for "bin" shopping day. They had a good deal on canned food with the expiration dates out 18 months...45 cents a can for Pork and Beans (van de camps), Italian style green beans, and Ranch beans. Got all they had of each, about 40 cans total. Went to Dollar General to get mom some milk, ice cream, and apple juice, and they little granddaughter and I went to her place to visit and drop that off. Came home for lunch, chores, and husband, little granddaughter, and I went to a steakhouse for dinner, and Braums for ice cream afterwards.
Can I tell a good news story or do all stories these days have to be ugly?
Gonna tell~
I stopped into the farmers market after work today. I only needed a loaf of bread. There are some folks there who sell loose leaf teas that I have quite a collection of. They are delicious teas. So I got my bread then said Hi to them as they've sorta become friends. We were chatting and I mentioned I was going to look for apricots. They live only about a mile from me as the crow flies. They said probably not since theirs are hard as rocks. They said they have thousands of them. I asked what they do with them. They said they eat a few but I could have the rest. I offered to pay them but they said they'll just let me know when they're ready, and I can go pick them. I am so excited. The past two years, it's been really difficult to find apricots here and that's about the only fruit I really eat (not solely but mostly.) I will of course either pay them or do something nice for them. So unbelievably kind!
Now I need to get a hog lined up for fall.
I just finished up a 20 page PowerPoint presentation on comms. Myself and a couple others in the group are kinda frustrated that we can't get everyone to take an interest and making them understand how important comms will be in a SHTF scenario. We are highly encouraging them to get a license so they can participate in a network, or a relay chain if need be. A lot of them will listen in and then post on our chat I heard so and so, well can they hear you? Since you can't legally key up and speak, we'll never know.

Without the license they can't really join in if they want to remain legal. Then it's, "well I won't need a license if things go bad", correct you won't. But will you know who you can reach? Will you even know how to operate your equipment. The best way to learn, is to do it.

I dunno, so I'm trying a different approach at training on Sunday, lol.
I just looked to see our local group. I haven't looked for them in years, since I gave up on being able to find their meetings. It looks as though there is a national type of meet up on air this weekend, called a field day. We could have a thread about that! I am really not knowledgeable about hams, but I am starting a thread about the annual field day.
Thank you. I will research that too if I ever open it up. One of the offspring used it today and it did FINE. Maybe I'll just have someone else do my laundry. :rolleyes:

I have a belt waiting to be installed in the old washer sitting there waiting patiently since about ....January.....I bought a new washer ....we still use the old one for really dirty barn clothes to prewash before they go in the new one to spin ....
If I would have to pick my top pet peeve hate thing it would be vehicle problems....is that weird? I think the only thing I hate more would be a hospital visit. Too bad we don;t live in a world where stuff doesn't break and nobody gets sick
Especially when one of my plow trucks went down in the middle of the storm, not fun.
Up all night last night with husband and his blood sugar, and am surprised I'm standing right now. Spent the morning out with the animals, then with the garden. Came in to make lunch, husband is now napping before his PT appt, and I need to get stuff cleaned up. The twins left for their jobs in a huff this morning, so their messes, too. Ugh. Little granddaughter and I will go to the farmer's market and amish salvage store in a while. Fowl sale tonight, but doubt I'll have the energy, probably pass this time.
Walked first this morning.
Did the "Company is coming" cleaning again. Extended family stopping on their way to vacation in FL--just for pizza and a visit.
Went to lunch with Sunday School ladies.
Started applying for SS online but stopped for today as I have a question for accountant. Will continue Monday.
Still have to water garden this evening.
100 degrees right now not including heat index.
The Princess wants more salad so it was a garden day. Grabbed some radishes, purslane and a big head of lettuce.


I cleared out room for more lettuce radishes and carrots. Purslane plant itself. I also pulled my wild garlic experiments. Not bad.


The bulb at the top left is domestic and is there for comparison.

That coming from someone that is on record saying...

I REALLY REALLY hate any sort of equipment maintenance and repair

That's why we spent extra money on better made things when we could and even then, stuff happens, it's always good to have a few parts on hand for those things that act like they are going to give you problems in the future, we have a cold air automatic valve on hand for our large Kitchen-Aid refrigerator, it's been making a weird noise for a long time and the refer has been making longer run times than it should, found this really made a difference during the time our grid power was down and we were running on the solar backup system, I'm strongly considering going ahead and swapping out the valve as the run time of the refer is one of the things that really eats up solar battery storage time.

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