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That's why we spent extra money on better made things when we could and even then, stuff happens, it's always good to have a few parts on hand for those things that act like they are going to give you problems in the future, we have a cold air automatic valve on hand for our large Kitchen-Aid refrigerator, it's been making a weird noise for a long time and the refer has been making longer run times than it should, found this really made a difference during the time our grid power was down and we were running on the solar backup system, I'm strongly considering going ahead and swapping out the valve as the run time of the refer is one of the things that really eats up solar battery storage time.

I have a set of replacement parts for my furnace. Control logic board, sensors, igniters.

We have worked pretty much a month straight. We decided to sneak off for a date this afternoon, we had a nice dinner a few drinks and bought a 1000 rounds of 9mm and little 22. It was really nice to spend a little time together other than working.

I’m so excited. Hubby and I just put a bid on a ranch house on 7.5 acres of land and it was accepted. We are buying it from a friend from church we’ve known for years. She needs to move into town because of her husband’s multiple health issues. We’ll take our time moving as we’ll not sell our house until we get fully moved out and paint our old house. We’ll also have time to paint the new house before we move in. I’m going to love living there. ❤
Spent some time in the hospital ... again! I had a total knee replacement done May 6 on my right knee. Had problems with the lower part of the incision seeping so they waited an extra week to remove the staples. About a week after that the incision split open. They said come in Monday (that was Friday afternoon ... nothing ever happens to me unless it's on the week end!) Friday night I had a terrible night. Rapid heartbeat and very short of breath. After calling the VA triage nurse she said go to the emergency room so we did. My wife planned on doing that no matter what the VA said but it's easier if jump through their hoops. By then I was delirious. Fastest they've ever got me in the ER. They did the preliminaries of name insurance etc. and the next thing I know I'm surrounded by doctors and nurses. My heart rate was 200 plus. They got that slowed using the paddles after drugs failed (knocked me out for that). Anyway once the heart rate was down to normal I could breathe again and felt 99% better. Next came doctors looking over the knee. They said the knee (infection) probably triggered the heart problem. Several doctors later they set me up for surgery Monday morning. They went in and took out the plastic spacer on the new knee and super cleaned it and everything else inside then stuck in some drain tubes and began pumping in antibiotics. It doesn't appear to be any super bacterial infection which is good. It did not appear to get to the bones in the new joints which is good. Got me on IV antibiotics for 6 weeks then oral antibiotics for 6 more. If this works the knee will be okay. If not I'll have to have a revision where they go in and take everything out, clean it out and leave it out awhile before putting it back in. We are talking of months of being bedridden so I sincerely pray that this fixes it. We should know in the next couple of weeks. Pain is not bad. Tylenol takes care of it. Sleep, like with many knee replacements has been elusive. I can walk normally (but slow) but still use a walking stick outside due to rough ground and catching my foot on the grass.

I have a special IV port in my left arm that's annoying. I asked him to use the left arm because I like to shoot rifles and didn't think the recoil and butt plate would be good against the IV line. Don't have much stamina yet but it's getting better. My knees have been bad for 3 years and I've lost a lot of muscle mass in that time. I was almost wheelchair bound before they did the first knee. There is hope on the horizon though. One day at a time! If you ever have this done the first couple of days after surgery will test the limits of your pain tolerance but it gets better every day.

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That looks like my left knee did after my total knee replacement.
Enjoyed it so much waited 2 years to do the right knee total replacement too.
Been awhile since I've posted. Preps took a hit when our boat got crushed in the storage building collapse after the winter storm last Dec. They had it marked as being in a different area so didn't know our boat was buried until the end of May when they were surveying the damage as the ice and snow melted and they could dig out.😔 We've been working with insurance and boat company since then but our boat was just one of many from all over the area so it's still in progress. Decided to advance our plans for a large car port here at the house by a year. Gravel pad is all done now. I have lot of trees to buck up now.😃 Planted a garden at the house for the first time in years. Been riding my bicycle and hitting the gym on occasion to keep me sane.🤪
Sunning the winter bedclothes.
If that don't make it rain, nothing will!

Should bring a cold front too, once those bedclothes are soaking wet, lol... ;)

Might rescue a young female cat today, still working on it... wanted a pair of kittens, but this young gal has already been fixed, so I might see how she does here. 🤔
Getting the house ready for our NEW DOG😃😃😃! Monday we are adopting "Bear", a Doberman/GSD mix!! We have missed our dear Dobe since we had to have her put down back in February. Bear is 5 months old and likes cats! A friend of a friend has him, took him from friends that had an unexpected litter. She has four other dogs and was looking for the right home for him. Hubby and I are VERY excited!! Updates Monday!😊
@Pearl I’m so happy for you!!! ❤️
We had to put down our sweet boy in March, and have missed him so much - I felt an affinity with you, knowing the struggle you had with your sweet girl.

A month ago our son moved back home and brought his dog, a sweet golden retriever. I still feel our Remington with us and miss him daily, but Griffey has melted our hearts in his own way. I just know Bear will be a blessing to you, and I look forward to your posts about him!
Prepping for the arrival of a new* cat tomorrow morning... a young female who has already been spayed, had her shots, etc. Poor girl was dumped near a cat lover's home, and she sits on the windowsill looking in as if she wants a home so badly... but there's a territorial cat in the home, so she has been stuck outside. That all changes tomorrow, when she goes with me and discovers her new home in the boondocks... all set up for cats, no worries. I'll be watching Tiger & Crackhead to be sure they're on their best behavior... Tiger is playful, I don't see him causing any real problems, but Crackhead might need some 'counseling' (as we called it in the Arrrrrghmy, lol). Worst-case scenario, the new kitty stays in my room for a few days and the other cats sleep elsewhere in the home. Crackhead will come around once he has been 'schooled.' :oops:

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