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I tried to use the dishwasher to clean my canning jars before I filled them but the dishwasher is attached to the broken mixer tap in the kitchen sink.
Nope..water everywhere!
I'm def going to have to replace it....so I went looking for the taps to turn off the hot and cold water lines that feed the mixer...not under the sink....not outside....not under the house.....in fact there are NO shut off taps from the mains water feed or the hot water system.
This means that I'm goin got have to open up the mains water feed on the footpath and turn it off there, and then turn on every tap in house to empty the lines before I can begin to remove the mixer tap and replace it.

Just as well I'm handy and I'm able to fix things myself but it just chaffes my butt to see where people have been lazy and cut corners like in this instance of not installing isolation taps.

These people should apply for a job at HYundai because they've all got the same attitude and mindset.
THey'd fit right into the culture with no issues at all.
I tried to use the dishwasher to clean my canning jars before I filled them but the dishwasher is attached to the broken mixer tap in the kitchen sink.
Nope..water everywhere!
I'm def going to have to replace it....so I went looking for the taps to turn off the hot and cold water lines that feed the mixer...not under the sink....not outside....not under the house.....in fact there are NO shut off taps from the mains water feed or the hot water system.
This means that I'm goin got have to open up the mains water feed on the footpath and turn it off there, and then turn on every tap in house to empty the lines before I can begin to remove the mixer tap and replace it.

Just as well I'm handy and I'm able to fix things myself but it just chaffes my butt to see where people have been lazy and cut corners like in this instance of not installing isolation taps.

These people should apply for a job at HYundai because they've all got the same attitude and mindset.
THey'd fit right into the culture with no issues at all.
If tou use Shark Bite shut off valves under the sink you don't have to drain everything.

The other week the car died, the one the youngest son drives (an Integra). Timing belt went out and took the engine with it, needs the engine replaced. Initially our mechanic said we'd be lucky to get it fixed for under $2k. After he looked more for engines (in the current market), that was revised to $3.5k. So we were figuring that essentially totals the car, and told son he needs to buy his own car (he's 20).

He spent a lot of time with his dad looking at used vehicles, and I spent yesterday test-driving with him. In the end, given the prices of everything, he decided to go with the old car that he knows rather than the old car that he doesn't. We're giving him the Integra (we can't afford to repair it), and he'll get it fixed and make it his own.

A win-win in my book.

And the best part? I didn't have to go out test-driving any more cars today! 😀
My washer is not spinning right so I guess I'll have to take it apart and check the filter and the drain pump hose. It is a samsung. I've only had this machine for 2 or maybe 3 years. Couldn't buy a smaller one, noooo, forgot my household size has shrunk drastically over the past 12 years. Last washer lasted 12 years. One before that was ancient.
Sorry, not done.
I'm concerned about my regular sized oven so got a countertop oven in case the regular one goes bad. I own the countertop oven.
I'm STILL being tested.....my microwave oven just died and is going in the bin.

I'm in two minds to buy another one or make do without one.
I'm leaning strongly towards making do without one.
We don't have a microwave or a dishwasher at this house - suits me just fine. I'd rather have the space. The other thing I don't see us replacing when it goes is the dryer.

So I had to go to Wmart this morning. In the front of the store, they had a side by side for $1000 and some of those little motorcycles that look like toys. I'd never seen them there before - struck me as odd.
Filled a cart at Aldi today. Prices on flour and sugar there went up since last week. I really shouldn't be surprised. Grandson is still working late every evening with the harvest going on, so I've been hustling doing his evening chores, too, and granddaughter is either with the boyfriend or working evenings. I am getting the silent treatment tonight (she just got off work) when I said no to her going out tomorrow night. The last evening she's been home was Father's Day, and that was mandatory. She works Friday and Saturday night as it is. Ha. I'm such a mean granny.
Pulled a few more items out of the shop, I'm working my way through boxes to determine what stays and what gets donated. Thankfully I'm nearing the end of this box-sorting business... and my donation pile is growing. Otherwise, I'm hanging more wall art & posters on a cloudy day. :rolleyes:

Oh, yeah, I just tossed the last piece of funky carpet in the trash: rolled it loosely, folded it in half, and into the bin it went. It was on my front porch, and I've been meaning to toss it prior to pulling some maintenance on the porch itself. Gonna roll elastomeric coating on the old plywood as a stopgap measure, I have plenty of that left. Later, some vinyl flooring. :confused:
Haha, I've been dealing with the funky double-sided tape... nail polish remover is pretty good for removing glue and similar gunk, I actually keep a bottle of it handy just for that purpose. No nail polish, mind you, that would be... er... weird. :oops:
If that changes let us know😁😉
Funny, I mentioned to Hubby that the past week or so, town has been a little nicer. Then I realized the college kids went home. We have 2 universities and a JC so it makes a big difference.
I can relate - we live just south of BYU and the town north of that (where I work) has another large (mostly commuter) college. Between the two they have over 70,000 students and when school is out, you can really tell the difference. The highways, stores, restaurants, etc. are all way less crowded. :)
Reciprocating saws are great for tree work, as long as the trees aren't too large. They're also good for cutting roots, where a chainsaw would gunk up and get dull. Big bad demo blade or something similar, and your reciprocating saw becomes a very useful tool. :rolleyes:

Funny y'all should mention acetone, which is also a good solvent, but hard on the skin. I have a quart can of acetone and nearly a gallon of polyester resin set aside for a fiberglass project here at the ol' hacienda... but I figured most women will have nail polish remover handy, which works well for removing glue & gunk. :oops:
Reciprocating saws are great for tree work, as long as the trees aren't too large. They're also good for cutting roots, where a chainsaw would gunk up and get dull. Big bad demo blade or something similar, and your reciprocating saw becomes a very useful tool. :rolleyes:

Funny y'all should mention acetone, which is also a good solvent, but hard on the skin. I have a quart can of acetone and nearly a gallon of polyester resin set aside for a fiberglass project here at the ol' hacienda... but I figured most women will have nail polish remover handy, which works well for removing glue & gunk. :oops:

Define woman. 😁

Sorry, bad hair day. I just had to remove and repair my truck tire. The man was taking a nap.
The Princess got a burr under her saddle about clearing out the side yard of construction debris.


So I attended to the most important thing. :rolleyes:

I cut it up into bite size chunks and stacked it up ready to load in the truck.


Afterwards the mess looked like this.


The only thing left is a collection of marble which is planned to be integrated into the fireplace and mantle of the Hobbit Hole.

She is happy so I am happy.

Went and volunteered at the old cemetery before it got real hot. Was given a new book to read from one of my fellow volunteers.

Got the nosepads changed on my glasses.

Went to the gun range and shot what was my brother in law's pistol. Wasn't a great shot but it all went down range. Consider the fact it was a CZ and not my Ruger, but given that we know where the shots went, we can find a way, with practice, to correct that.
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I just finished up a 20 page PowerPoint presentation on comms. Myself and a couple others in the group are kinda frustrated that we can't get everyone to take an interest and making them understand how important comms will be in a SHTF scenario. We are highly encouraging them to get a license so they can participate in a network, or a relay chain if need be. A lot of them will listen in and then post on our chat I heard so and so, well can they hear you? Since you can't legally key up and speak, we'll never know.

Without the license they can't really join in if they want to remain legal. Then it's, "well I won't need a license if things go bad", correct you won't. But will you know who you can reach? Will you even know how to operate your equipment. The best way to learn, is to do it.

I dunno, so I'm trying a different approach at training on Sunday, lol.

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