Good for you giving that little girl a forever home!! Pics when you can!! Did you name her?
Thank you, I will try wrapping the outlets with electrical tape. As for the cover, it is one of the outdoor weather resistant types with the doors that flap open when needed and has oblong holes that fit over the screw heads for the outlets which are then tightened to hold everything in place. plus the screws are in blind holes on the exterior box so there is no way the screws can touch a wire.Inresponse, I hope you can figure out what is happening with that outlet to trip the breaker. Have you ever posted the sister site Houserepairtalk? There is an electrical section. Someone there might have an idea what is wrong. Are you putting electrical tape on the outside of the outlet? Sometimes wrapping the outside can help to prevent shorts. Is it possible the face plate screw is hitting something? Unlikely I know, but its the only thing I can think of.
Helped my son do some adjustments on his motorcycle. He's taking classes on high performance racing-based stuff and exploring some different riding techniques, so we did some suspension adjustments today. He's learning things like going into corners using braking and throttle at the same time to set your tires a certain way for increased traction. Way over my head. Sounds complex. I don't know what I'm doing ... I just measured various suspension movements using calipers and a tape measure, with my son on and off the bike, and recorded times to dampen movement. My son did all the adjusting. His bike is evidently known for being pretty fast, but on the squirrelly side regarding handling (it's a Yamaha FZ-09). With his upgrades and custom adjustments, along with racing techniques he's learned combined with his "ultra-light" body build, he's pretty happy with the bike right now. He's looking at putting on full racing suspension, but that's quite an expense, so it will have to wait a while longer.
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I'll eat the endsI cut up watermelon with a watermelon slicer, it work great, after you slice the ends of the melon, so it will sit still for you.
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I'd like to see LL and the chickens duking it out over the watermelon ends!!If you don't, our chickens would