What's everybody doing today?

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We went fishing today. And had a nail-biting ride home. We had just pulled into the parking lot for the pond we like fishing at and the battery light popped on in our truck. DH looked under the hood and didn't see any loose connections or anything out of the ordinary. He guessed it was the alternator, even though we just had it replaced in Jan. But since we were already there we decided to fish and deal with it later.

When we were ready to leave, the truck started and we loaded the boat and supplies as quick as we could and took off. DH has a splitter in the cig lighter that also shows the voltage of the battery, it showed 11.8 when we left. It was about 20 mins to get home, DH was doing 60mph on some of it with the trailer. I couldn't look at the road, I just watched the meter and reported when it changed. It was at 8.5 when we pulled in the driveway. I don't know how we made it home but we did. I need a drink, I was stressed out the whole ride. lol
Frozen solid and humming. I'm letting it thaw a few hours before I try again.
Maybe, just maybe the motor isn't fried!
Like I was always told by my boss in HVAC, have you checked the air filters, usually 9 times out of 10 the issue of evaporator coils freezing, other than the possibility of a bad circulating fan, seen that happen a number of times, oilite shaft bearings that have dried up, run for a bit and then freeze up due to bronze from the bearing gauling onto the steel shaft, could be something that you need to check on as it's something a lot of people don't consider.
Like I was always told by my boss in HVAC, have you checked the air filters, usually 9 times out of 10 the issue of evaporator coils freezing, other than the possibility of a bad circulating fan, seen that happen a number of times, oilite shaft bearings that have dried up, run for a bit and then freeze up due to bronze from the bearing gauling onto the steel shaft, could be something that you need to check on as it's something a lot of people don't consider.
Cleaned with a stiff brush, going to pressure hose it tomorrow. Its working, but only on 1/2 power.
after dark I'll turn it off for the night and see if it comes back up. I've had others fire up after a rest overnight, otherwise, I'm off to the pawn shop Monday, then home depot if I can find any help.
We went fishing today. And had a nail-biting ride home. We had just pulled into the parking lot for the pond we like fishing at and the battery light popped on in our truck. DH looked under the hood and didn't see any loose connections or anything out of the ordinary. He guessed it was the alternator, even though we just had it replaced in Jan. But since we were already there we decided to fish and deal with it later.

When we were ready to leave, the truck started and we loaded the boat and supplies as quick as we could and took off. DH has a splitter in the cig lighter that also shows the voltage of the battery, it showed 11.8 when we left. It was about 20 mins to get home, DH was doing 60mph on some of it with the trailer. I couldn't look at the road, I just watched the meter and reported when it changed. It was at 8.5 when we pulled in the driveway. I don't know how we made it home but we did. I need a drink, I was stressed out the whole ride. lol
I've drove home too many times to even think of over the years, long ago it was usually bad brushes in the generator, but with an alternator it could be a number of things. I kind of liked generators because they could run me home even if the battery was totally dead, alternators can be tricky, some will generate even with a bad battery, others won't because they rely on battery voltage to energize their charging ability. Glad you made it home.
We took a little road trip today. It was rainy and we had 2 and a half inches overnight. We decided to get out and enjoy the day. We drove up to the mountains and went to Cades Cove in the smokey's. There is a one lane dirt road that has been closed for years that was reopened this year. One of my favorite drives thru the park. Cades Cove is typically a busy place, but with the bad weather the crowd was very sparce for the area this time of year. That was a blessing in itself. Once we got on the road heading out of the cove, we saw a grand total of 10 other cars. Had a great time, and lots of wild flowers and mountian laurel in bloom. With it being a dry as it has, we were surprised to see as many water crossing's as we did.
Delt with the geese moving. Their old run was so muddy from dumping their pools that I was covered from head to toe when I was done catching them. Then when I put all the animals to bed, they were not in their building, they were in their new run. Husband thought that would be dangerous, since we used cattle panel and raccoons can get in that, so I caught every single screaming goose and put them in the coop for bed. I hope I don't have to do that every night. I think the cats herd better than they do.
Delt with the geese moving. Their old run was so muddy from dumping their pools that I was covered from head to toe when I was done catching them. Then when I put all the animals to bed, they were not in their building, they were in their new run. Husband thought that would be dangerous, since we used cattle panel and raccoons can get in that, so I caught every single screaming goose and put them in the coop for bed. I hope I don't have to do that every night. I think the cats herd better than they do.
More stress, at least the geese can scream like crazy and they still have to do what you is best for them!!
Fertilized n watered garden, trees n blueberries,
PT hike with the dog in the mountains..a trail I havent reached the top yet.
Got a few groceries...
Hooked up a trailer
Took a lil break..
Fetched a ton of hay from down the road
Watched a severe thunderstorm roll in from the west as my hay was being loaded..
Jammed home to try n beat the storm n unload a ton a hay into the barn
Stacked 21 bales before wind n sprinkles..thankfully. 7 bales got sprinkled on alittle.
Unhooked trailer checked turkey chicks n critters. Storm barely touched my area but slapped the town just north of me pretty good.
Shower, dinner n a tad of news..
I'm tired..lol


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Slept good last night and woke up at a decent hour. Decided to dig out the silk screen equipment and clean it off (the ex made a filthy mess of everything) and see what stuff I had to replace. Well, I needed 3 chemicals that I prefer for clean up so had to order those, decided to get 1 new screen to ensure I have one that is perfect, and I needed new squeegees and the tackee stuff to hold the fabric to the board. I am assuming the inks are all good since they are all properly sealed in their containers. Only cost me about $300, but $70 was for shipping. I was not happy about that but aside from 2 items from Amazon the rest came from one company, it was worth it to avoid searching Amazon and others for products I was not familiar with and I guess if they didn't charge shipping they would up the prices to cover the cost of "free" shipping.
I used the cleaning stuff I had to wash most of the mess off the press cabinet. I still need to wash the screens and tools but hopefully tomorrow I can make a wash tank out of a 55 gallon drum, I can't wash the stuff off down the drain into the septic tank and I don't want it all over the ground...... even though they claim everything is biodegradable.
Watched a couple movies while working, Tora Tora Tora and 30 Seconds Over Tokyo. Started watching Kelly's Heroes, will finish that one tomorrow.
Time for a quick shower and off to bed.
Delt with the geese moving. Their old run was so muddy from dumping their pools that I was covered from head to toe when I was done catching them. Then when I put all the animals to bed, they were not in their building, they were in their new run. Husband thought that would be dangerous, since we used cattle panel and raccoons can get in that, so I caught every single screaming goose and put them in the coop for bed. I hope I don't have to do that every night. I think the cats herd better than they do.
And did little granddaughter get to laugh at the whole production? 😁
Well, I drank a few beers while watching those Spaghetti Westerns last night, and the stupid bug tried to make a comeback... I guess I'm gonna go alcohol-free until this thing is dead. I'm beginning to think it likes me, lol... won't go away and STAY away, 10-4? Perhaps I should do a little cleaning today, reinfection might occur by touching the taps in the kitchen & bathroom, touching the flush levers on the toilets, touching the shower taps, etc. This bug will vanish like it's gone for good, then reappear like some sort of magician, pfffffffft. I'm gonna hafta draw a hard line: no alcohol for days on end until I know for sure this pesky bug is gone. I'm back on the hot chicken bouillon this morning, it does wonders for the throat. More juice & Emergen-C later, probably go light on food so my system hammers this bug for good. The only bright side to this situation is that it's summer and not the middle of winter (with subfreezing temps & snow on the ground). :oops:

This whole week has been shot, thanks to the stupid bug... oh, well, we start another week tomorrow, maybe I'll get some home rehab work done this coming week. :rolleyes:
A part of me wants to stay in the house all day and not face the heat outside but I was so exhausted from yesterday I didn't clean out the dog vomit.
Met with the potential adopters of the dogs. The husband wanted to take them home right away. The wife wanted to as well but then saw they have fleas and wants them de-fleaed and checked for heartworms first. I said I can get them dewormed but that I can't do much about the fleas as I've tried all sorts of treatments and none work out here. But her husband said they could take them to get a flea bath on a weekday before taking them home. They LOVED the pups and the pups were friendly with them. She said they were obviously attached to me and I said it didn't' matter bc I can't keep them regardless. It's either they get adopted or they go to a shelter. The wife is a bit neurotic but she's nice.
Got home & picked up my brother to take him to friend's house for a shower and then to his job interview. I spent his entire interview trying to find parking. Ended up parking very far away and walking in just as he was walking out. Got home after 9pm and was completely exhausted. Mom wanted food but tagged my brother in to cook for her-- gave specific instructions-- and then collapsed on my bed. My brother later told me she had a tantrum that I wasn't cooking for her but when he cooked for her she calmed down and ate. I talked to her later and explained that getting up earlier than usual, cleaning the truck out in the heat, & just driving so much and walking in the heat had really exhausted me. I wouldn't have been able to stand up and cook for her. She got her food so she was ok though.
Monday and Thursday are dental appointments for my friend. His insurance doesn't cover complicated tooth removal so its going to be expensive.
Thanks for the well-wishes on getting dogs adopted.
Wingnut, I hope you get better soon.
Yes! Lady L, little granddaughter laughed her head off. She was also the door holder when we were bringing them into their new place. Those geese are having a great time in their new run with their new pools. They are a riot to watch. Took care of the animals this morning, then cleaned out the old goose run, and move two juvenile turkeys into it. They are loving that. Cleaned out the indoor run that they were in, and then moved in seven baby turkeys that were still in brooders. So, cleaned out those brooders, and the 25 meat chickens that are in our dining room are going in the milkhouse tubs where the baby turkeys were. I am a mud mess from head to toe. Plan to finish the outdoor work in the next hour and come in and get cleaned up. Going to my favorite cousin's for dinner. There will be extra family there tonight for dinner, so that'll be fun.
K and I have been working in the garage to clear space. In the fall, winter and spring we want to set up some cage racks for the rabbitry. Not the breeders but weaned kits to be housed at night. With the coyotes here being aggressive at night and going after larger dogs that are left outside (heard recently they went after a horse just up the hill from us) I don't want to tempt them to go in our yard after the bunnies. I will put them in enclosed runs during the day and in the cages at night.

We filled the truck bed with boxes of toys and books for goodwill. I have been treating this as part of the great purge so it is less we have to do when it does come time for the move out of state. While I was going through the boxes of books I came across 4 quilting books I don't think I will ever use and thought I'd give the ladies here a chance at them if any are interested. For context these came from my mom's collection and she loves quilting and folk art. She is an artist herself in the style of Old American Folk Art and primitive country. Not how she decorates but how she creates and paints.

I am also working to set up the school room for the fall. I had to buy 2 new chairs and move the desks around. The table Roo and Juju would sit at is on a different wall now and I will be sitting there with Juju and Roo will have her own desk on the other wall. She can't sit with her sister as they poke and pick at each other even when I am there. I got heavy duty contact paper used to cover countertops in kitchens but is removable. This type of contact paper is common in Japan in the rental market so renters don't get dinged for damage or stains when they move out of a rental. Smart product and great to protect my tables and desks from the girls drawing and carving on them.

Roo's desk has a white top and knowing her she will draw on it and damage it. The other desk is an oak library table my parents gave to us. They were getting rid of it since my dad changed the layout of his study and it no longer fit the space. He is also a bibliophile and lined 3 walls with bookcases. He also gave us his barrister bookcases from that room because he needed storage that didn't require a stool or ladder to reach the top. Knee replacement will do that. I'll have to figure out what to do with almost 20 glass door amish made bookcases when they both go. They have them all over the house! (You can imagine how littered with books my own home is...!)

We will do some more work in the garage this afternoon when the sun moves behind our neighbor's tree and shades the garage. For now I am in the school room and digging through boxes to purge.
The dog n I reached the top of the trail today ..its .75 miles to the top..not far but a steep mf..omg! The whole trail is a tad over 3 miles one way. It follows a little creek ..kinda.
But its steep n deep. Comming down is as much as a workout going up. Plenty of shade thankfully .
This am I watered n made the chick nursery better for the escapees. Seems they always find a book to get out.
Ended up missing church after I made a cake to share.
I'm bad at keeping time on my weekends. I get into a project n two hours later...
Chores, laundry n now time to work on my rug n chill..
On day #10 of post surgery for a total knee replacement.
Got rid of the walker 4 or 5 days ago, and I can get around the house just fine without a cane.
Pain level has dropped below what it was on a normal day before the operation.
The best part is I'm getting all the rest I was praying for.

A 4 man crew from my American Legion post came out and replaced the deck boards and steps on one side of the enclosed porch for us. Free of charge - money for boards came from our Veteran Relief Fund.
After I get back to work I plan to make donations to the fund to help pay it back.
I did the boards on the other side when I was still mobile enough, but ran out of steam before i could do the steps. They will come back and do them too.

The bad part is, 100% of my Social Security money goes into the house account - I get not one thin dime. My spending money comes from a $250/month pension from Georgia Pacific, and with a truck that gets 14.3 MPG that money does not last long.
So, I really need to get back to my part time job delivering auto parts. And even then, $200/month of THAT goes to the house too!!
I saved $400 for the month or so I'd be out of work, but post-op appointments in the Big City and twice a week PT in the next town down the line (32 mile round trip) is sucking up that Biden gasoline, and doesn't leave much for my Cheez-Its and Hershey Bars.

But, God is good. So many men in my unit in Vietnam are either dead from Agent Orange or are fighting some of the 15 diseases related to it. So far, He has spared me from that. Thank you, Lord Jesus!!!

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