Scored some good books at the library, didn't bother with DVDs because I have the streaming stick.
Bought some more juice & Kombucha drinks at the store, and I found an interesting fresh organic juice blend of cold-pressed cucumber, celery, grapefruit, green chard & lettuce, along with lemon, kale, spinach, parsley & mint tea. Not a bad blend, my body was craving some greens because I haven't had any salad recently... so this blend will make up for that deficiency. I just chugged a bunch of this blend, reminds me of the old 'Green Mix' put out by the Naked Juice Co.
Feeling better as far as the bug goes, my sense of things is that it'll soon be gone... but no demon alcohol until I know for sure, lol. No worries, I have some good books to read, and some excellent juices to drink to help my body get rid of the 'Southern Baptist Temperance Revival Meeting Bug!' Blasted nuisance, this goldurned bug, interfering with my summer party schedule, lol... but sometimes ya just gotta go on the wagon to let your system recover.
Somehow this reminds me of 'The Colonel'---who helped build roads in Saudi Arabia after WWII. A truck was stopped at a checkpoint, and the guards got all worked up because it was a truckload of booze headed for the royal palace. Followers of Islam aren't supposed to drink... "Yeah, right." Thunder rolled down from the throne, the guards hastily shut the trailer doors, and the truck went on its way. Saudi "royals" probably claimed the booze was for visiting diplomats... the hypocrites.
Meh, they can pull the wool over the eyes of their subjects, but they can't fool this kid... bunch of freakin' boozers!!! Just another case of "Do as I say, and not as I do!" PFFFFFFT. I suppose some Islamic Pigs are "more equal" than other Islamic Pigs, lol. Oh, wait, we can't call 'em pigs, they're not into pork, lol... but in the royal palace, they probably eat more bacon than Elvis Presley, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! And THAT hand ate a pound a day! Those hypocrites ain't foolin' me...