What's everybody doing today?

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Sitting out here on the back deck listening to the night sounds out in the woods. There's some coyotes yipping and yapping on the ridge just north of the house, and another pack on the ridge to the south. I can hear the cows off in the distance sounding content.
Got the garden and orchard watered today and started working on the smoke house. Got all the framing done. Tomorrow I'll work on putting the roof on. It hit 75 degs today, warmest day of the year so far. Now that the sun has been down for awhile its getting cold out here. Nice thing about it is theres no bugs.
I love sitting out at night! A whole different world of sounds and critters!
I'm with you on that one, Pearl. I've been doing the closing up the animals chore since the twins haven't been here, and I told husband that I'm enjoying that simple chore at night. He comes out with me on his scooter, and we just go from area to area. Last night we had a brief rain and the moon was almost full, and it was very nice. I think we'll keep that chore.' Getting ready to go get everybody fed and taken care of, the garden water started. Intending to get upstairs and get the cleaning started...spare room, family room upstairs, and helping little granddaughter with some stuff in her room. And of course, court time after lunch.
I'm with you on that one, Pearl. I've been doing the closing up the animals chore since the twins haven't been here, and I told husband that I'm enjoying that simple chore at night. He comes out with me on his scooter, and we just go from area to area. Last night we had a brief rain and the moon was almost full, and it was very nice. I think we'll keep that chore.' Getting ready to go get everybody fed and taken care of, the garden water started. Intending to get upstairs and get the cleaning started...spare room, family room upstairs, and helping little granddaughter with some stuff in her room. And of course, court time after lunch.
Good luck!! Hope all goes well!!
Short watering session this morning, as we had some rain yesterday and last night... ground was still damp when I went out there. :)

Library run later this morning, I have to return materials and grab fresh books, DVDs, etc. :rolleyes:

Still dealing with the pesky bug... last night it tried to migrate into both ear canals, but this morning it is being backhand-b!tchslapped, lol. Seriously, I have NEVER seen such a tough & resistant bug in my life, short of those where I had to break out antibiotics in the past. This bug keeps throwing curves at me, but I have its number now... and as long as I don't touch that demon alcohol, this thing is toast. If I hadn't gotten drunk the other night, the bug would be gone by now, but live and learn... no way I crack beer one until this thing is gone for good. It has been annoying me for over a week now, but it can't last much longer. I've been taking heaps of Vitamin C along with all those fresh juices, hot soups, chicken & rice plates, etc., and the very fact that the bug is shifting around in its efforts to survive tells me that it's taking some heat. I feel alright as I type this message, but I'll be glad when this pesky bug is gone for good. And good riddance... :confused:
Went up to the church coffee shop, and while there saw that a couple high school kids from church had fresh eggs for sale, $3/dozen. Heck yes, with the price of eggs these days I'm getting some! So I bought their last dozen. When I buy eggs from the grocery store, if they come in the good cardboard containers I save the container. I've got seven of them in the cupboard and I'm going to give them to those kids. Hopefully it helps them out a bit. Those flimsy Styrofoam egg boxes they are using suck...
how is the weather in your area?
Still so hot and humid here! I walk and then cool down and then walk dogs and then cool down...
I love sitting out at night!
I love the lightning bugs! They make me smile!

Walked first this morning.
Walked dogs.
Washed rugs.
Paid water bill. It was a normal one again, thank God!
Will bake ham in a few minutes and then package and put away.
Hoping that's all.
Short watering session this morning, as we had some rain yesterday and last night... ground was still damp when I went out there. :)

Library run later this morning, I have to return materials and grab fresh books, DVDs, etc. :rolleyes:

Still dealing with the pesky bug... last night it tried to migrate into both ear canals, but this morning it is being backhand-b!tchslapped, lol. Seriously, I have NEVER seen such a tough & resistant bug in my life, short of those where I had to break out antibiotics in the past. This bug keeps throwing curves at me, but I have its number now... and as long as I don't touch that demon alcohol, this thing is toast. If I hadn't gotten drunk the other night, the bug would be gone by now, but live and learn... no way I crack beer one until this thing is gone for good. It has been annoying me for over a week now, but it can't last much longer. I've been taking heaps of Vitamin C along with all those fresh juices, hot soups, chicken & rice plates, etc., and the very fact that the bug is shifting around in its efforts to survive tells me that it's taking some heat. I feel alright as I type this message, but I'll be glad when this pesky bug is gone for good. And good riddance... :confused:
Start smacking that bug around with some extra vitamin D. When I was taking about 600% of the daily recommended dose, I hardly got sick and if I did it didn't last long. I'm taking a little less now but it's still helping...
Amish_heart, I'm glad you're enjoying that chore and I hope the weather will stay nice enough for you to keep doing it easily.

Spikedriver, good morning!

Snappy, early in the morning is a good idea. I got up early enough that it wasn't too sweltering.

Wingnut, be careful not to take too much vitamin C. Too much is not good for your health. Hopefully you'll kick its butt and get back to feeling better soon. I agree with spike on the vitamin D. If you're having any aches and pains the magnesium and potassium should help too.

The people who wanted the dogs backed out so now I have to find someone else to adopt them. They have been knocking over all the trash cans and tearing up the bags.

This morning I put the new registration sticker on the CR-V and then took it for inspection sticker. Tried to take it through local carwash but it was broken. Picked up mail and dropped off a charger for the cordless drill battery for my friend. He misplaced his charger and I had an extra.
So I got home from urgent care a couple hours ago. When I got up this morning my face was more swollen and I suspected the bite was infected. Since it's my face and right near my eye, I decided I'm not going to wait so I went when they opened. Doc said it's definitely infected and started me on two antibiotics immediately, she didn't want me waiting until after work to pick them up, told me to go right away. Hopefully the swelling will be down tomorrow, it's really annoying.
Short watering session this morning, as we had some rain yesterday and last night... ground was still damp when I went out there. :)

Library run later this morning, I have to return materials and grab fresh books, DVDs, etc. :rolleyes:

Still dealing with the pesky bug... last night it tried to migrate into both ear canals, but this morning it is being backhand-b!tchslapped, lol. Seriously, I have NEVER seen such a tough & resistant bug in my life, short of those where I had to break out antibiotics in the past. This bug keeps throwing curves at me, but I have its number now... and as long as I don't touch that demon alcohol, this thing is toast. If I hadn't gotten drunk the other night, the bug would be gone by now, but live and learn... no way I crack beer one until this thing is gone for good. It has been annoying me for over a week now, but it can't last much longer. I've been taking heaps of Vitamin C along with all those fresh juices, hot soups, chicken & rice plates, etc., and the very fact that the bug is shifting around in its efforts to survive tells me that it's taking some heat. I feel alright as I type this message, but I'll be glad when this pesky bug is gone for good. And good riddance... :confused:
Extra zinc can help relieve sinus pressure within about 20 min. Not a cure, but sure more tolerable.
Wow! @Chaosdawn Hope that helps quickly!

Me? I'm just a workin', well sorta. I'm on here, but have already had a few changes in my days between yesterday and tomorrow so I now have a few to try to catch up a little.
I ended up with a day day off today, long story. Took Bear to the walking trails right after feeding/watering this morning. Not that I needed to walk two extra miles, but he sure enjoyed it, second time I took him. We worked on obedience training, lots of distractions, but he was excellent. Sometimes it's hard to believe he's 5 1/2 months old and I've only had him 2 weeks. Sometimes he acts like a bonehead puppy too!! He truly wears me out!!
Chaosdown, I hope the infection clears quickly. I keep triple antibiotic handy just bc of the amount of scratches and bites I get (mostly scratches). I also hope your doggy is feeling better.

LadyLocust, thanks for the info on zinc (I know directed at others and not me). I will have to try that. My sinuses are a mess today.

Brother is running late for his job thingy because he thought it was at 2:30 but I reminded him it was at 2 so he rushed out the door. I hope he drives carefully and makes it in time.

I just had a salad. The lady who told me not to contact her again contacted me again and apologized. Gave me a list of problems she's dealing with and I told her not to stress over the dogs and to just take care of her health. I'm hoping if she can calm down enough she might still take them, but if not, I do hope she reduces the stress in her life some. She said she still wants to help pay for heartworm treatment for the dogs. I appreciate it but I'm not going to hold her to it if she can't afford it.
The day job has been kicking my butt, we have a big project that's supposed to kick off 8/1 and is rapidly becoming quite a beast. The good new is, I just got off the hook for traveling to Texas for it - not that I have anything against TX, I'd just rather spend a couple weeks there in November than July. I also have a lot I want to do in the yard the next little bit, and have some things going on at home I don't want to be away for.

Harvested about a pint of black raspberries from our little patch the last week or so - so far I've been doing good staying ahead of the birds. The rest of my gardens are producing fairly lamely, but sounds like that's pretty typical this season.

And speaking of things not working, our washing machine has randomly started quitting mid-way through the wash cycle. Control board and door lock (the most likely causes) come to $750, so it's just not cost effective to repair. Having replaced an oven and a dishwasher last month I'm pretty grumpy about another appliance going out.
Scored some good books at the library, didn't bother with DVDs because I have the streaming stick. :rolleyes:

Bought some more juice & Kombucha drinks at the store, and I found an interesting fresh organic juice blend of cold-pressed cucumber, celery, grapefruit, green chard & lettuce, along with lemon, kale, spinach, parsley & mint tea. Not a bad blend, my body was craving some greens because I haven't had any salad recently... so this blend will make up for that deficiency. I just chugged a bunch of this blend, reminds me of the old 'Green Mix' put out by the Naked Juice Co. :)

Feeling better as far as the bug goes, my sense of things is that it'll soon be gone... but no demon alcohol until I know for sure, lol. No worries, I have some good books to read, and some excellent juices to drink to help my body get rid of the 'Southern Baptist Temperance Revival Meeting Bug!' Blasted nuisance, this goldurned bug, interfering with my summer party schedule, lol... but sometimes ya just gotta go on the wagon to let your system recover. ;)

Somehow this reminds me of 'The Colonel'---who helped build roads in Saudi Arabia after WWII. A truck was stopped at a checkpoint, and the guards got all worked up because it was a truckload of booze headed for the royal palace. Followers of Islam aren't supposed to drink... "Yeah, right." Thunder rolled down from the throne, the guards hastily shut the trailer doors, and the truck went on its way. Saudi "royals" probably claimed the booze was for visiting diplomats... the hypocrites. :confused:

Meh, they can pull the wool over the eyes of their subjects, but they can't fool this kid... bunch of freakin' boozers!!! Just another case of "Do as I say, and not as I do!" PFFFFFFT. I suppose some Islamic Pigs are "more equal" than other Islamic Pigs, lol. Oh, wait, we can't call 'em pigs, they're not into pork, lol... but in the royal palace, they probably eat more bacon than Elvis Presley, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! And THAT hand ate a pound a day! Those hypocrites ain't foolin' me... :oops:
Day 1 of the quad excavation.

Stuff had just been pilled and the left door could not open.


Trust me there is a quad under that pile


Rearranged enough to get the other door open.


Dug deep enough to see the back left tire is low. Not flat.


For the most part I will be moving stuff to that cleaned out back porch until I can get the quad out. Then it will get moved back into the shed on the shelving that there for fertilizers etc. It used to be a nice organized shed. A goal worth waiting for.

Went to town for errands, got a long over due haircut. Went to wallys for bulk items. On the way out of town I stopped for some slice meat at the bbq joint. I got out of my truck and fell down. Hard! I took 2 steps and tripped over a small divot in the asphalt, didn’t see it.

I bruised the heel of my right palm and blooded my right elbow, got blood on my good jeans. Some how I also managed to sprain the 2 smallest fingers of my left hand. Got them taped up as soon as I got home.

The event did wonders for my disposition…:rolleyes: Not a happy camper at the moment. But hey, gonna have pulled pork sandwiches for supper!

I like an old fashioned barber shop, very few of them left. Don’t know if the sign can be read… at the bottom it says “Est. 1905”. It’s 117 yrs old. One grandfather and two of my great grandfathers got their hair cut here, history. I used to take dad here sometimes, haven’t stopped in a few years. Way things are going it may not be here much longer so I wanted to stop by today.

Northport Barber Shop 03a.JPG
Northport Barber Shop 01a.JPG
Ben, I like your plastic shed. I need to get a couple of those to store more stuff.

Brother just got back but hasn't talked to me yet. Lady who wanted the dogs messaged again and apologized and explained more about what she's going through. I'm letting her vent. She needs an outlet and I'm playing therapist. LOL. I don't mind. I hope I can help her calm down and feel better even if she doesn't take the dogs. Apparently her husband still wants them.

When I was at the post office earlier I noticed they painted the bottom step with yellow (like the kind they use on roads for fire lanes). I've been told I wasn't the only person who missed that last step because it looked like normal sidewalk and fell. I wonder how many people fell while carrying packages before they decided to paint it. I met one other person who did it but he fell differently than I did and ended up crushing a package.
Went to town for errands, got a long over due haircut. Went to wallys for bulk items. On the way out of town I stopped for some slice meat at the bbq joint. I got out of my truck and fell down. Hard! I took 2 steps and tripped over a small divot in the asphalt, didn’t see it.

I bruised the heel of my right palm and blooded my right elbow, got blood on my good jeans. Some how I also managed to sprain the 2 smallest fingers of my left hand. Got them taped up as soon as I got home.

The event did wonders for my disposition…:rolleyes: Not a happy camper at the moment. But hey, gonna have pulled pork sandwiches for supper!

I like an old fashioned barber shop, very few of them left. Don’t know if the sign can be read… at the bottom it says “Est. 1905”. It’s 117 yrs old. One grandfather and two of my great grandfathers got their hair cut here, history. I used to take dad here sometimes, haven’t stopped in a few years. Way things are going it may not be here much longer so I wanted to stop by today.

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Wasn’t sure to like your post or make a sad face post. Like won out because you did get a pulled pork sandwich and a trip to a great barbershop.
Mostly it was annoying, my hands will be sore a couple days but no biggy. But this makes twice in the past year that I've fallen down for no apparent reason... a little divot? Barely 1/2 inch tall on one edge yet I fell hard. Is it my age, my shoes or something else? I guess I can look forward to more of the same, seems to be a pattern. :( (I don't count falling in a river or creek, I sometimes go to dangerous places hunting plants, getting soaked is expected)
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Mostly it was annoying, my hands will be sore a couple days but no biggy. But this makes twice in the past year that I've fallen down for no apparent reason... a little divot? Barely 1/2 inch tall on one edge yet I fell hard. Is it my age, my shoes or something else? I guess I can look forward to more of the same, seems to be a pattern. :( (I don't count falling in a river or creek, I go to very dangerous places hunting plants, getting soaked is expected)
Do you scuff when you walk? It will sound funny to mention to a fella, but there are foot and knee exercises for ballet that help strengthen the muscles in your joints. If that's not your thing, you might try being cognizant of picking up your feet - even that sounds bothersome. Falling in the creek at least makes a good story. Hope you heal quickly :confused:
Do you scuff when you walk? Hope you heal quickly :confused:
No, don't scuff. In fact I'm at the other extreme. I make almost no sound while walking normally. I've been startling people since I was a kid because they didn't hear me walk up next to them.

No, this a relatively new thing. Twice walking across an asphalt parking lot. Not a place I'd expect it to happen.

Maybe I'm losing my balance for a couple seconds and don't realize it. A weird blood pressure drop or increase that happens instantly and disappears just as quickly?

If this happens again... there's a problem.

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