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Quietly reading and giving my system more time to eradicate this bug... it sure is a persistent bug, just doesn't wanna go away. I feel alright, but the bug is still with me, so I'm still on the wagon. At some point, the bug has to give up the ghost... it can't go on forever. I'm beginning to think my once-powerful immune system has weakened with age... in years past, this bug would've barely been a blip on the illness radar. I can't recall ANY summer bug EVER giving me this much grief, but I'll keep hammering it until it surrenders its grip... meh, if anything, the bug is saving me money which would've otherwise been spent on beer, lol. There's still beer in the fridge too, but I'm a man of my word when it comes to such promises, so it'll be another dry night at the ol' hacienda, lol. Good thing I have a stack of library books to read, haven't really been in the mood for TV or movies the past couple of days. I might try to get out and do something tomorrow, just to test the ol' system and see how the bug reacts... perhaps a jaunt to the mountains is in order, I've been meaning to recon the Rim Trail. Maybe some fresh mountain air will help drop-kick this stupid bug... :confused:
Quietly reading and giving my system more time to eradicate this bug... it sure is a persistent bug, just doesn't wanna go away. I feel alright, but the bug is still with me, so I'm still on the wagon. At some point, the bug has to give up the ghost... it can't go on forever. I'm beginning to think my once-powerful immune system has weakened with age... in years past, this bug would've barely been a blip on the illness radar. I can't recall ANY summer bug EVER giving me this much grief, but I'll keep hammering it until it surrenders its grip... meh, if anything, the bug is saving me money which would've otherwise been spent on beer, lol. There's still beer in the fridge too, but I'm a man of my word when it comes to such promises, so it'll be another dry night at the ol' hacienda, lol. Good thing I have a stack of library books to read, haven't really been in the mood for TV or movies the past couple of days. I might try to get out and do something tomorrow, just to test the ol' system and see how the bug reacts... perhaps a jaunt to the mountains is in order, I've been meaning to recon the Rim Trail. Maybe some fresh mountain air will help drop-kick this stupid bug... :confused:

I hate a summer bug. Always hangs around much longer for me.
Yeah, that seems to be the case with this one... guess I won the 'persistent bug lottery' this time around. :oops:

At least it's not that bad, just annoying more than anything else... hopefully it dries up soon and disappears. :confused:

In the meantime, I have plenty of tasty non-alcoholic beverages in the fridge... reckon I'll grab one now, lol. ;)
*huge sigh*

The mite/mange/fungal cootie infection the Landshark had on the right side of her upper thigh/ butt has spread to the left side..of course it has..*face palm*
The liquid ivermectin controlled it and the hair is starting to grow back on the right side so I know it works.

Now we have a problem...trying to apply anything..anything at all to her puts her into mega charged spaz mode.
I have a 1ml syringe of ivermectin with the sharp removed and she see's it it's time to knock me down and chew it up, sit in the middle of my chest, rake me with her claws and lick my face....oh and pee.....there's always a LOT of pee involved and a tail that acts as a broadcaster.

I got the ivermectin rubbed into her butt, into me and my clothes and the floor....prob got a lot of mange/ cooties whatever the hell it is.. rubbed onto me in the process as well.
No dog coat to put on her to stop her licking it off.
Don't ask about dog cones...we've tried that rodeo and it ended badly.

I'm bruised, badly scratched up....I need a hot shower and a scrub to get the icky dog cooties off me.
The darned dog has prob already licked the ivermectin off her butt already.....and you know what?
I'm not even going to go look.
Daughter and I went for a bike ride on the Raccoon River Valley trail. It was a 7 mile ride and we checked out the new bridge over the Raccoon River. The old one had been destroyed in a flood a few years back and the new one was finished last fall...

People have hung homemade wind chimes on the bridge and of course I had to mess with them to hear what sounds they make...

After the ride, a visit to A&W was in order because I had to promise my daughter a root beer float to get her to go riding with me...

I made her drive home. She turns 16 in a couple weeks and she needs the practice. All in all, it was a beautiful evening!
Thought about this last night... researched Meniere's syndrome because dad had it. But less than 5% of the cases have a genetic connection. And it almost never happens to people over 60... I'm pretty sure it's not memieres, which affects people for 20min to several hours.

This event is too quick, in fact I don't feel dizzy at all. I'm not ruling out a physical issue as a cause but I have no noticeable physical symptoms.

Funny... I woke up this morning wondering what else happened, my neck hurts, skinned my knee and my left collar bone hurts. Did I fall down again during the night and not remember it? 🤣

I did nothing today. A lady did come and take a look at my horse and donkey. She's interested in giving them a home. I don't want to let them go but it'd solve up coming family issues. One less thing to worry about and care for.
*huge sigh*

The mite/mange/fungal cootie infection the Landshark had on the right side of her upper thigh/ butt has spread to the left side..of course it has..*face palm*
The liquid ivermectin controlled it and the hair is starting to grow back on the right side so I know it works.

Now we have a problem...trying to apply anything..anything at all to her puts her into mega charged spaz mode.
I have a 1ml syringe of ivermectin with the sharp removed and she see's it it's time to knock me down and chew it up, sit in the middle of my chest, rake me with her claws and lick my face....oh and pee.....there's always a LOT of pee involved and a tail that acts as a broadcaster.

I got the ivermectin rubbed into her butt, into me and my clothes and the floor....prob got a lot of mange/ cooties whatever the hell it is.. rubbed onto me in the process as well.
No dog coat to put on her to stop her licking it off.
Don't ask about dog cones...we've tried that rodeo and it ended badly.

I'm bruised, badly scratched up....I need a hot shower and a scrub to get the icky dog cooties off me.
The darned dog has prob already licked the ivermectin off her butt already.....and you know what?
I'm not even going to go look.
WOW, she would be dead without you!! You make me appreciate my big 5 1/2 month old GSD pup!! You are very tolerant TG. I always say Red Nose Pitbulls are good for one thing ...HOG HUNTING!! I'm almost speechless!! (Yeah, "almost")🙄😁🤔
WOW, she would be dead without you!! You make me appreciate my big 5 1/2 month old GSD pup!! You are very tolerant TG. I always say Red Nose Pitbulls are good for one thing ...HOG HUNTING!! I'm almost speechless!! (Yeah, "almost")🙄😁🤔

You know how here in Australia we hunt/ catch feral pigs with dogs.
Most of the pigs that are caught go for human consumption in Europe where "wild boar' meat sells well.
The various companies who brought the pigs were called "the Chillers" because you would take them to a refrigerated chiller....hence the term.
The dogs that catch those feral pigs have to catch the feral pigs by the ears so the handler can slide a pig sticker knife just behind one of the front elbows and into the heart.
The hog inspectors do not want bite marks on other parts of the pig except the ears.
Landshark's sire was epic at catching feral pigs the only problem he had he always grabbed them in the middle of the back, braced up and shoock them..a lot of the time breaking their backs.
They weren't able to break him of the habit and so he wasn't able to make money for them on Chiller pigs.

I think Landshark would excell at pig hunting.
You know how here in Australia we hunt/ catch feral pigs with dogs.
Most of the pigs that are caught go for human consumption in Europe where "wild boar' meat sells well.
The various companies who brought the pigs were called "the Chillers" because you would take them to a refrigerated chiller....hence the term.
The dogs that catch those feral pigs have to catch the feral pigs by the ears so the handler can slide a pig sticker knife just behind one of the front elbows and into the heart.
The hog inspectors do not want bite marks on other parts of the pig except the ears.
Landshark's sire was epic at catching feral pigs the only problem he had he always grabbed them in the middle of the back, braced up and shoock them..a lot of the time breaking their backs.
They weren't able to break him of the habit and so he wasn't able to make money for them on Chiller pigs.

I think Landshark would excell at pig hunting.
Hog hunting is done with dogs here too. Neat to see them in their suits of armor!! Pretty amazing!
Dumpster puppies have their vet apointment this morning. I think we finally decided on names for them. Dozer for the male and Indie for the female. I'll probably take them for a walk in the pasture before we leave to hopefully burn some of their endless energy off. See what the Vet thinks as far as age and breed. My guess is 8-10weeks and boxer, based on the shorter snouts with the slight upturn of nose and minor underbite, mixed with lab, shepherd, or cur. Thankfully they don't seem to have pitbull in them.
Woke up at 0500 for no reason whatsoever...gah!

What happened to the emojis? Nothing shows up in the tool bar this morning...

Today I've got to drive the kid an hour to Ankeny for another orthodontist appointment. Then we're going to Sportsman's Warehouse, Bass Pro, and Scheel's to look at bows. She's always had an interest in archery and wants a bow for her 16th birthday. Her phys ed class did archery last year and she really got into it. I'm not an archer so I'm trying to figure out the best balance between whats good for a petite beginner, and what doesn't cost an arm and a leg.

We also have to run to the Red Wing store to get me some new work boots. My #4402 boots are finally giving up the ghost. I got a year and a half out of them so I don't feel too bad about it. I also need to get a new pair of my North Face 110 GTX shoes. Somehow I put a rip in the side of mine.

If I'm not careful, it's going to be a thousand dollar day...😯
I might try to get out and do something tomorrow, just to test the ol' system and see how the bug reacts... perhaps a jaunt to the mountains is in order, I've been meaning to recon the Rim Trail. Maybe some fresh mountain air will help drop-kick this stupid bug... :confused:
Fresh air and sunshine have always been the best disinfectants.
Posted last night about given a 35 minute notice to come to a meeting for the twins, but that's when the forum was glitched and am seeing half a message now.
But that's what child services said, and we live 25 min away. So no babysitter for little granddaughter, no pulmunary therapy for husband. Sat in a 2 hr family meeting where the banana sign was with therapists and the twins, then left to get their stuff from the place that they were put, and home. Too late to cook dinner, the second night running. So pizza. Twins grabbed a piece, took it upstairs with their phones to their rooms, and viola! That's what they do. Grandaughter wants to get her license today, and asked the boyfriend to drive her. She came down once last night to say she can't find some papers to take in her messy room. Oh well. Then she wants to spend the day with the boyfriend, and come home tonight sometimes. Wondering if grandson is going to work? No clue.
I haven't had emojis for a week; but presumed it was a newbie thing.
Nothing exciting here, only cleaning! Did gather a load of free nasturtium seeds though. Theres a local 'tidy towns' group (note: we do not live in a town) and they asked me to water the planter on our road. Just scored a packets worth- which is about €3.35 last time I looked.
Thank you!

I may start a thread when that time comes. Not to share my knowledge but to invite feedback and suggestions. Internal combustion engines are not my strong point. :rolleyes:

I have a 1989 king quad which is what yours looks like.
The stock carburetor can usually be cleaned or rebuilt with a kit. The aftermarket carbs can be problematic even when new. Whatever you do don't throw away the stock parts.
Posted last night about given a 35 minute notice to come to a meeting for the twins, but that's when the forum was glitched and am seeing half a message now.
But that's what child services said, and we live 25 min away. So no babysitter for little granddaughter, no pulmunary therapy for husband. Sat in a 2 hr family meeting where the banana sign was with therapists and the twins, then left to get their stuff from the place that they were put, and home. Too late to cook dinner, the second night running. So pizza. Twins grabbed a piece, took it upstairs with their phones to their rooms, and viola! That's what they do. Grandaughter wants to get her license today, and asked the boyfriend to drive her. She came down once last night to say she can't find some papers to take in her messy room. Oh well. Then she wants to spend the day with the boyfriend, and come home tonight sometimes. Wondering if grandson is going to work? No clue.
I feel your frustration with the teenagers. The young man we have been raising just turned 18 and just doesn't get it about life. Video games, phone and not working. So now he has more or less moved out and is living at one of his friends houses. We shall see where this goes. Meanwhile his driving test date has come and gone.
I feel your frustration with the teenagers. The young man we have been raising just turned 18 and just doesn't get it about life. Video games, phone and not working. So now he has more or less moved out and is living at one of his friends houses. We shall see where this goes. Meanwhile his driving test date has come and gone.

Dealing with the same issue with my oldest grandson.

He's 18 in a month, not in school, doesn't leave his bedroom, has zero useful skills and no desire to learn any.
His mother is an enabler and doesn't enforce anything, but who does she call when she can't get him to go to the dentist? My wife! She even had the nerve to ask if I would take him next time!

We've spent the last 2 years trying to get through to him, coming over and teaching him how to cook, trying to get him interested in ANYTHING but that darned computer, but his mother stymies us every time. She throws out the "He's on the Autism spectrum" card at us at every turn, like it's something nobody can do anything about.

Her husband (not his father, that's a whole other story) is threatening to kick him out when he turns 18 because he's "not going to have a "man-child" living under" his roof. I can't say I blame him, but if he does kick him out, she's going with him.

Sorry, this should probably have been put in the Ranting thread...

Anyway, today I get to design "universal" storage totes for a bunch of products I have almost no information on.
Can't even visit the site to take measurements because the company is in Asia!
I was going to reply to some posts last night and took notes in Notepad when the forum went down. But cat stepped on keyboard and managed to close notepad without saving.

Got up at 5:30am. Picked up friend at 6. Got him to dentist a little early. Went in around 7. He was taken to the back around 7:15. Out around 8am. Drove to pharmacy for his pain meds & got there at 8:50. Had to wait til 9 for it to open, then another 10 to 15min for them to fill it. Got some ice packs and denture cleaner. Dropped him off at home and made sure he made it in safely. Went to nearby store to grab some salt (so he can soak his mouth in warm saltwater-- he didn't have any salt for some reason). Brought it back and brought in instructions from the dentist. He was in very bad pain. I stayed with him until his mother showed up. I'm sure she will ask him for $. He let me know it was ok for me to go home.

Talked to husband of the lady who has been wanting to adopt the dogs. He said they want to get them on saturday, but I need to get them heartworm tested and they will pay. She wanted flea bath and other stuff but he told me not to worry bc they don't do that here and I don't have a place to bathe them. Tempted to get warm water in buckets, take them outside, soak them, put Dawn on them, and then dump more water to rinse. I doubt they would hold still though. And we don't have any working hosebibbs (aside from one hooked to waterer for the cows).

Hoping my brother will wake up after 1 so we can take them to the vet and get them tested and dewormed. Might take a nap.
Made it home from the vet with the puppies. Both got clean bill of health, confirmed wormless and their shots. Also picked up another set of nail clippers so I could do their nails and save me some pain. I only have about 3 sets floating around but could not find any of them. Really needed to trim theirs because my legs look like I took a fall from a horse into a thornbush lol. Got the kiddie pool filled so hopefully they will swim in that instead of the drinking buckets. I finally fell asleep around 12:30 and woke up at 4:30am and couldn't fall back asleep so I'm really tired and still feel cruddy with the same as yesterday so I think we'll have some lunch and try for a nap. Too dag blamed hot out to much of anything right now anyways.
My grandson is a lot like that. When he was down here for a visit, just stayed on his phone or slept. We're boring, I guess.

Busy couple of days.
Walmart yesterday for a few items $50. Yikes!
Thrifts shops. no local grocery sales of any note.
Harvested in garden. Down to okra and assorted peppers. And 2 squash.
Went to business meeting at church and was informed we will be merging with another Church in the town about 10 miles up the road. Hah! Not sure if I will hang around until they move or shut the doors or just go on to the Church I believe I will go to.

Walked first yesterday and today. Found a tiny feral Siamese kitten next door on doorstep. Neighbor is in New Orleans. Let him know and called animal shelter and PALS rescue. No one will take it. I have a friend that takes in ferals so I will take it over to him later this afternoon and hope he is overcome with it's cuteness!
Anyway, came home and walked dogs.
Shoveled out gutter across the street again.
Took Ebay photos.
Waiting on a fellow to come replace two faucets for us--we already bought them.
Still need to cut up a watermelon, but that will wait until handyman leaves.
Bible study tonight.
And my jar sealer works great!
*huge sigh*

The mite/mange/fungal cootie infection the Landshark had on the right side of her upper thigh/ butt has spread to the left side..of course it has..*face palm*
The liquid ivermectin controlled it and the hair is starting to grow back on the right side so I know it works.

Now we have a problem...trying to apply anything..anything at all to her puts her into mega charged spaz mode.
I have a 1ml syringe of ivermectin with the sharp removed and she see's it it's time to knock me down and chew it up, sit in the middle of my chest, rake me with her claws and lick my face....oh and pee.....there's always a LOT of pee involved and a tail that acts as a broadcaster.

I got the ivermectin rubbed into her butt, into me and my clothes and the floor....prob got a lot of mange/ cooties whatever the hell it is.. rubbed onto me in the process as well.
No dog coat to put on her to stop her licking it off.
Don't ask about dog cones...we've tried that rodeo and it ended badly.

I'm bruised, badly scratched up....I need a hot shower and a scrub to get the icky dog cooties off me.
The darned dog has prob already licked the ivermectin off her butt already.....and you know what?
I'm not even going to go look.
Tank, I think you’ve gotten all the joys of raising a house full of kids for 18 plus years compacted into about 2 with the Landshark. Can you at least say, aw, she’s so cute when she’s sleeping? Prayers for you.
I am recovering from either a pinched nerve or sciatic nerve pain in my left leg/hip. I was stuck yesterday. I couldn't sit or stand for too long before I was in vomit inducing pain. I had Roo helping me and kept trucking and getting things done around the house and rabbitry. I had a hard time sleeping last night from the pain and ended up having bad sleep but I can move more and need Roo less than yesterday.

Trying to keep the rabbits cool as the temperature gets in the high 90s. Yuck! It is only going to get worse through August.

Planning our fall feed plot for the next batch of kits. I plan to breed after the heat cools a bit in September and have the kits in grow out pens over the feed plots starting at 6 weeks. They reach fryer weight by 10-14 weeks so having them outside during the day will be good. I did send the last kits to 'bunny daycare' when they were 4 weeks until 8 weeks when we took them from the does. It gave the does a bit of time to themselves and recover. Plus I could feed the does treats the kits were too young for.
I have a 1989 king quad which is what yours looks like.
The stock carburetor can usually be cleaned or rebuilt with a kit. The aftermarket carbs can be problematic even when new. Whatever you do don't throw away the stock parts.
Owww you are good!


I didn't think I would be asking so early but I started this thread because the brake seems to be locked up.

@zannej That'd be good if they take the dogs, saves you from having to try to hunt down another home for them. I hope it works out!

@ABR Good to hear the pups are healthy, hope you feel better soon!

@snappy1 Oooo, nice. How long does the seal last? Are they hard to open?

@Grimm Ugh, sciatic pain is awful. Try to take it easy and hopefully it'll improve soon.

@Magus Enjoy your smoke. lol

My face looks and feels better today. Much less red and the skin isn't warm to the touch anymore. There's a lovely shade of yellow like healing bruises around my eyes though. Getting ready to leave work, if it's not raining when I get home, I'm going to harvest more raspberries. Getting towards the end of them.
@zannej That'd be good if they take the dogs, saves you from having to try to hunt down another home for them. I hope it works out!

@ABR Good to hear the pups are healthy, hope you feel better soon!

@snappy1 Oooo, nice. How long does the seal last? Are they hard to open?

@Grimm Ugh, sciatic pain is awful. Try to take it easy and hopefully it'll improve soon.

@Magus Enjoy your smoke. lol

My face looks and feels better today. Much less red and the skin isn't warm to the touch anymore. There's a lovely shade of yellow like healing bruises around my eyes though. Getting ready to leave work, if it's not raining when I get home, I'm going to harvest more raspberries. Getting towards the end of them.
Next bowl is for you CD! :)

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