Quietly reading and giving my system more time to eradicate this bug... it sure is a persistent bug, just doesn't wanna go away. I feel alright, but the bug is still with me, so I'm still on the wagon. At some point, the bug has to give up the ghost... it can't go on forever. I'm beginning to think my once-powerful immune system has weakened with age... in years past, this bug would've barely been a blip on the illness radar. I can't recall ANY summer bug EVER giving me this much grief, but I'll keep hammering it until it surrenders its grip... meh, if anything, the bug is saving me money which would've otherwise been spent on beer, lol. There's still beer in the fridge too, but I'm a man of my word when it comes to such promises, so it'll be another dry night at the ol' hacienda, lol. Good thing I have a stack of library books to read, haven't really been in the mood for TV or movies the past couple of days. I might try to get out and do something tomorrow, just to test the ol' system and see how the bug reacts... perhaps a jaunt to the mountains is in order, I've been meaning to recon the Rim Trail. Maybe some fresh mountain air will help drop-kick this stupid bug...