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Welp...I came out of the bedroom on this icy freezing ass morning to find Landshark had finally destroyed her dog coat.
It was in shreds on the bottom of her crate and she was huddled on top of it in a tiny ball shivering.
I'm at a loss for words at this point.
The only thing I've got is..hey at least she didn't bust open the crate and get out pee, poo on my floor and destroy my house...AGAIN.
At this junture I'm 100% convinced that what we are dealing with here isn't so much a dumb dog...because she IS...but a very real form of mental retardation.
Given all her other issues due to the close inbreeding it's the only explanation that fits.

I have a very large, extremely strong mentally retarded dog.


Why didn't I buy that blue cattle dog when I had the chance?
Given all her other issues due to the close inbreeding it's the only explanation that fits.

I have a very large, extremely strong mentally retarded dog.


Why didn't I buy that blue cattle dog when I had the chance?
At one time my wife rescued a barely weaned pup from the ditch on the side of the road.
Since it was 4th of July weekend at the time, we named him Sammy. As in Uncle Sam.
He was tiny, hairless, pitiful, but he grew into a strong, and very strong-minded dog that several vets thought to be 1/2 Australian Cattle Dog, 1/2 German Shephard.
We had him his entire life until he let us know it was time. 16 years if i remember correctly.
He was my Best Bud, I still have scars on my arms from play fighting with him even today. And, he always wanted to herd me about. Very strong minded!! Man, I miss that guy.

I don't know how heaven works, but I hope that each and every one of our dogs are there, waiting for us!!!😍😘🥰
At one time my wife rescued a barely weaned pup from the ditch on the side of the road.
Since it was 4th of July weekend at the time, we named him Sammy. As in Uncle Sam.
He was tiny, hairless, pitiful, but he grew into a strong, and very strong-minded dog that several vets thought to be 1/2 Australian Cattle Dog, 1/2 German Shephard.
We had him his entire life until he let us know it was time. 16 years if i remember correctly.
He was my Best Bud, I still have scars on my arms from play fighting with him even today. And, he always wanted to herd me about. Very strong minded!! Man, I miss that guy.

I don't know how heaven works, but I hope that each and every one of our dogs are there, waiting for us!!!😍😘🥰

She's a 35kg ( That would be 77.1618 pounds) red nose pitbull of Redboy bloodlines.

She has all the "gameness" of that line and guard instinct in a massive, mentally damaged package.
Well I was back at the pea shelling game today :rolleyes: Another 10 pints in the canner now. Then I think we're done with peas. Next should be beans. I have 1 more day of normal weather then we are supposed to hit the triple digits - but hopefully only a day or two.
@Hooch Okay, now you're just taunting us! Would love that barn and parcel (assuming there's water somewhere.)
@Tank-Girl I'm sorry Land Shark is retarded. My brother had a dog that was retarded (for reals, not just saying a dumb dog). Finally had to have him put down when he tried running the horses over the top of my mom.
Poor doggie... :confused:

Well, I'm feeling a little better now, sure was a wasted day with that bug roaring back the way it did... but I'm now on a mission to exterminate it, and there will be no alcohol until I know this thing is dead. :oops:

Frankly, I don't think I've ever seen such a tenacious summer bug, maybe it's the new normal... sure has been a tough bug to eradicate. I think I have its number now, we'll see what happens tonight. :rolleyes:

Amish Heart, I hope your hearing goes well tomorrow... I know you've had to wait all weekend, and that's not so good, but maybe there will be some resolution tomorrow. Good luck to ya!!! :)
Welp...I came out of the bedroom on this icy freezing ass morning to find Landshark had finally destroyed her dog coat.
It was in shreds on the bottom of her crate and she was huddled on top of it in a tiny ball shivering.
I'm at a loss for words at this point.
The only thing I've got is..hey at least she didn't bust open the crate and get out pee, poo on my floor and destroy my house...AGAIN.
At this junture I'm 100% convinced that what we are dealing with here isn't so much a dumb dog...because she IS...but a very real form of mental retardation.
Given all her other issues due to the close inbreeding it's the only explanation that fits.

I have a very large, extremely strong mentally retarded dog.


Why didn't I buy that blue cattle dog when I had the chance?
I was wondering how she had been doing!! Can't change the brain wiring!! If she only knew how good she has it!!
Thanks, Wingnut. I hope it goes ok, too. Not sure what to expect with this meeting. Hope you start feeling better, you've been sick awhile.
Poor old retarded Landshark who ate her coat. Sorry, Tank, but I'm laughing. I've never understood dogs that chew up their blankets in the winter. We have one that does that. But both our dogs like their coats on in the wintertime.
Had a great dinner with the cousins and extras tonight. Of course, the topic was the twins, since word's gone out. We'll drop little granddaughter off with my favorite cousin in the morning to play with her cousins the same age while we're gone. Same for the next day when we go to the hearing.
I brought samples of food I freeze dried to play a taste test game after dinner. Favorite cousin was amazed. We rehydrated: beets (her favorite), cottage cheese, chicken and fried rice, and a hamburger patty.
Today was tree and bush trimming. We're having the house painted and the painters need good clearance everywhere. Didn't realize how badly some of the foliage had overgrown. I have determined that I hate evergreen bushes. It was super hot today. Supposedly we hit 100 (but when I checked once with my Kestril it was only showing 98). The Accuweather app on my smartphone said the "Real Feel" temperature was 105! I'm not sure why they said it was that high, because our humidity wasn't bad until late in the day when it started sprinkling a little rain. But it was still plenty hot for me none-the-less. I had my boonies hat soaked in water before putting it on my head, and I was wearing one of those Frog Toggs neck cooler things (basically just a chamois that you soak with water). As I was throwing branches into the bed of the truck I was burning myself every time I touched the metal. I've go more work to do tomorrow, but it's supposed to be a lot cooler.
An old man that lives up the road gave me this little generator. It hadn't ran since the 90s. Had the carburetor apart 3 times before I got it running right.

Looks like a handy little generator.

Those oscillating tools you were testing it with are awesome. I don't use my oscillator all that often, but when you need a tool like that, they are fantastic.
I cleaned up dog mess, stepped outside and put food out for the dogs but it was too hot to stay out long. Then we had thunderstorms. Dogs were all hyper. I cleaned the hallway only for the dogs to knock over the trash can and scatter trash again.
Cooked dinner but my brother finished it off (he apologized bc he didn't know I wanted more).
Friend's dental consultation is in the morning. I'll stain his new door after we get back.

TankGirl, sounds like Landshark has some sort of nervous disorder or oral fixation where she needs to chew constantly. I hope she will eventually stop it. She might need some sort of "job" or task to do to divert her energy. I wish I could find something for the pups.

Good news is the lady said she will take the pups but we will have to see how much it costs for any sort of treatments. At this point, I'm willing to pay for the heartworm treatments & spay/neuter just to get them off my hands. They were really jumping all over Mom today and she was screaming in the kitchen until I came out and dragged them away. She overreacts majorly, but they were jumping worse than usual.
@LadyLocust I do catch quite a few if that's what you mean. lol We don't keep them currently but once we get the bigger boat DH inherited, I'll be keeping the eatin' fish.

@Wingnut The cyclic nature of that bug sounds very familiar to me, I hope you shake it soon.

So had an incident last night. I was getting some more chicken to put down for dog for the overnight and DH walked by dog, kissed him on the head and the dog growled at him. I did not know this, I came by a min or two later and went to kiss the dog on the head. He lunged and bit me on my face. I was so shocked I just slapped my hands over my face and DH ran back asking what happened, I said he bit me and moved my hands and blood poured on the floor. I trailed blood to the bathroom as I ran to get something to stop the bleeding. It took a few mins but when I was able to see the bite clearly, it wasn't that bad. He missed my eye by maybe a half an inch and got my cheek on other side of nose. DH was freaking out and son came running. I had to calm them down. lol

I'm fine obviously, both eyes are really puffy this morning and there's bruising around the one with the puncture. I'm not mad at him, he's not feeling well and it was just unfortunate timing. I did call out of work so it's an excuse to get some stuff done around here that I didn't have time to finish this weekend. Silver linings? Maybe a cool scar?
@LadyLocust I do catch quite a few if that's what you mean. lol We don't keep them currently but once we get the bigger boat DH inherited, I'll be keeping the eatin' fish.

@Wingnut The cyclic nature of that bug sounds very familiar to me, I hope you shake it soon.

So had an incident last night. I was getting some more chicken to put down for dog for the overnight and DH walked by dog, kissed him on the head and the dog growled at him. I did not know this, I came by a min or two later and went to kiss the dog on the head. He lunged and bit me on my face. I was so shocked I just slapped my hands over my face and DH ran back asking what happened, I said he bit me and moved my hands and blood poured on the floor. I trailed blood to the bathroom as I ran to get something to stop the bleeding. It took a few mins but when I was able to see the bite clearly, it wasn't that bad. He missed my eye by maybe a half an inch and got my cheek on other side of nose. DH was freaking out and son came running. I had to calm them down. lol

I'm fine obviously, both eyes are really puffy this morning and there's bruising around the one with the puncture. I'm not mad at him, he's not feeling well and it was just unfortunate timing. I did call out of work so it's an excuse to get some stuff done around here that I didn't have time to finish this weekend. Silver linings? Maybe a cool scar?
He's definately not feeling well!! They can sure act differently when they are not well. Glad you are ok!! Heck of a way to get a day off!😉
An old man that lives up the road gave me this little generator. It hadn't ran since the 90s. Had the carburetor apart 3 times before I got it running right.

Those little Hondas are tanks! You can mod it with a stronger fuel pump and pipe it right into a barrel, put a transformer, breaker and splitter on it and it could power your entire camp!
Cleaned out the fridge which led me down a rabbit hole of cooking. The random pack of sour cream - I think I was going to make a dip- ended up as raspberry and white choc muffins. Leftover ham is now chicken and ham pie for dinner. The veg box is empty -everything peeled chopped and ready to go, and an apple pie made also. Ready for a restock on Wednesday. The afternoon will be all paperwork unfortunately
Haha, Magpie, I never waste ANYTHING in the fridge, unless it has already turned into a 'science experiment.' As long as the food is still good, it gets used, which leads to some... er... unusual combinations. ;)

Turned the corner (again) last night, for a while it felt like the bug was trying to morph into strep throat... ugh. But I tamed it down and now I feel alright, I'm just gonna ride it out for a few days with zero alcohol. :confused:

Funny that this bug should come roaring back just because I drank a few beers... I'm gonna name it the 'Southern Baptist Temperance Revival Meeting Bug!!!' :oops:

Gotta get out and water before it gets too hot... trash man came early this morning, good thing I put the bin out yesterday afternoon. I missed last week's pickup due to the 4th, but now I have a nice empty bin. :cool:
Walked pretty early this morning.
Harvested okra, peppers and eggplants in garden.
Did 2 loads of laundry.
Pruned all around property. Darn it's hot out there. Glad to be done outside!
Called usps and ordered envelopes.
Called Social security and left a message.
I think I get to mess around the rest of the day!
We visited my folks for the holiday and it was 2 days too long! My dad and I started butting heads the last night there and everyone could feel the tension. Not to mention my dogs were getting cranky being around my folks' dogs. They have an 8 year old male Brittany who is spoiled but pretty decently behaved. I did do a chunk of his training when he was a pup because I was working with their senior Brittany at the time (she passed years ago). They also have a 2 year old female Brittany who is a royal pain in the arse! She is pushy and very badly behaved to the point she is dominant in the house above the male AND both my parents! She tries to dominate my girls (my dogs and my daughters) but I will not have it! She does not push my buttons or try to push me around as I will put her in her place fast but my old lady, Winter, does not like the pup and growls and has bitten her when she gets pushy. Summer has also taken to growling at the pup when she tries to be the top dog. My dogs are just too old to deal with that spoiled rotten dog.

The worst of it is my dad is planning to get a new pup once their male passes (Brittanys have short lives before they go downhill and fast). This means my senior folks will have 2 dogs in the house that are spoiled and poorly trained that will end up being dumped on me when they pass (my folks). I offered to take the young female for biweekly trips to our house to prevent them from getting a new puppy. I figure if I can get the female at my home without my parents around I can start training her and maybe she will not be so pushy and prone to hurt my parents.

It should be said the female likes to assert herself by climbing on top of my folks when they sit watching tv and pawing at the hard enough to bruise and forcing them and the male to move so she can have the spot. Seeing how badly she acts first hand upset me. I really don't want them to get a new pup they will not train properly. To be fair my dad does nothing to help train any of their dogs (past or present) and my mom did the minimum since she has a heart condition and shouldn't be doing it.

I have always trained their dogs for them starting with the second Brittany they got back when I was in middle school. She was the best dog they have had that I got to see first hand. The first Brittany was an instinct driven dog that was able to run wild in the wheat fields of Kansas and hunt wild rabbits and ducks before I was born. She needed no training to be my dad's hunting dog and he even tried to prevent her from going with him until she proved she was better than his buddies trained dogs.

But I have my own family and home to take care of and can't put in the time to train their dogs the way I have in the past. (I trained their 3rd and 4th Brittanys before I married and had kids). Any ideas to stop them from getting another dog that will end up hurting them?

Sorry for the rant.

Just thinking about what I need to do to move forward with the move out of state.
Today was a weed whacking day. That completed the work the granddaughter started by mowing the grass and clears an area for the next strategic move. Relocating the quad from the shed to the backyard.

The Princess insisted I store the quad in the shed a while back. I was experiencing issues with it that I have been told were carb related. Not having experience motorcycles it made me nervous. Not throttling down and the brakes not able to stop motion. Scarry for a novice like me. So the quad fit in the shed but with little to spare.

The quad has effectively canceled out the natural use of the shed. Now the quad it the bottom of a pile and I can access what I can reach from the door. I have had to send in the granddaughters to get stuff for me.

But now that I have the back porch pretty much clear I am looking at the straw that broke the camel's back. I have a good supply of burlap and a high wheel cultivator that need a proper home. The shed.

So shuffling will be starting to restore the shed to a proper shed and get the quad out so I can acquire a new set of skills and get it running again. Getting older the quad will make work on The Ridge easier. I am not going to be able to haul tools and gear on my back forever. Need to turn the quad into the asset it is supposed to be.

One step at a time but keep stepping...

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Hey you all!
Long time no see.
Been busier than cat on hot tin roof.
Picking up new stuff on new position at American Legion.
Starting to pick up stuff on the formula to how determine pots sizes for Bingo too.
That's been a slow process for the most part when missing a portion of the formula.
Been to Dad's about everyday for the last several weeks.
Went grocery shopping for him today.
Mediacom has fixed the Internet, phone service this morning finally.
Dad had a little talky person visit yesterday.
Miss Reign about talked his leg off.
Hard to believe Miss Reign will be 2 years old in a few weeks.
The way Miss Reign talked yesterday, reminded Dad and I how her Daddy was growing up.
He talked all the time too.
We had a good visit.
Went back to check on Dad several times today.
Make sure he wasn't worn out from the excitement of yesterday.
Chores early morning, dropped little granddaughter off at my favorite cousin's house to play with her little cousins all day. They had a great time making crafts and having water balloon wars. Off to the twins "meeting" and was there at least three hours. Had to sit in the car and get my head together for awhile to absorb all the crazy. We drove thru Chic fil a for food, realized I hadn't eaten anything at all. Picked up little granddaughter and had to come in and tell favorite cousin what all went on. That took awhile, and she's pretty angry, I hate to upset her like that. Came home to do chores and dinner. Long day.
Sitting out here on the back deck listening to the night sounds out in the woods. There's some coyotes yipping and yapping on the ridge just north of the house, and another pack on the ridge to the south. I can hear the cows off in the distance sounding content.
Got the garden and orchard watered today and started working on the smoke house. Got all the framing done. Tomorrow I'll work on putting the roof on. It hit 75 degs today, warmest day of the year so far. Now that the sun has been down for awhile its getting cold out here. Nice thing about it is theres no bugs.
Chaosdown, Yikes! I'm so sorry your doggy isn't feeling well and bit you like that. I'm glad you have a good attitude about it. I've gotten a few bites and scratches over the years. Can't really stay mad at them over it. I lost a tiny chunk of my nose to a cat panicking when I picked him up to put him out of a room he wasn't supposed to be in, but I don't care about how my nose looks or about having scars. I hope you will heal fast and that you put antibiotic cream on the bite. I know it is weird, but whenever I get a bite or scratch I sort of spit on it and my saliva starts to make it heal up a bit. I know human saliva contains a ton of bacteria, but it's my bacteria and it usually helps me heal faster. I do also put antibiotic cream on after, but sometimes just licking a scratch keeps it from raising up and getting red.

Wingnut, I wonder if it was the alcohol or something else in the beer that revived whatever is making you ill. Good that you are keeping a sense of humor about things and I hope you recover quickly.

Snappy, how is the weather in your area? I hope it's not too hot when you're harvesting. Just reading all that you did is making me exhausted. LOL.

Grimm, its tough dealing with dogs that haven't been trained properly. The pups I'm dealing with are very badly behaved but are also very sweet. I can't wait for the people who want to adopt to take them, but it will be at least another week or two. I hope the dog will not end up hurting your parents and that you will not get stuck with them. No need to apologize. It's a frustrating situation.

Ben, I'm glad your granddaughter helped out and that you are making progress.

MoBookworm, good to see you back! I just thought of the expression about how someone "could talk the leg off a mule". I'm glad you are getting to spend time with your dad.

Magus, sorry you had a rough day. I hate when places get my order wrong, but the back going out is worse. I hope you heal quickly. I know how that feels and how much it sucks.

Plainflatlander, sorry your power went out but glad it was back quickly. I hope it wasn't too hot while you were harvesting. I love blueberries. We never could get them to grow.

I'm posting late. I got up early and my brother came along so we could take my friend to a dental consultation. They did a mold and I will be picking up temporary dentures for him on Wednesday so they will be ready to put in when he has oral surtery on Thursday morning. We grabbed some food from Wendy's afterward (and they thankfully did not screw up the order).

Tomorrow (okay, technically today) I need to put the registration sticker on the CR-V and take it to get the inspection sticker so my brother can drive it without getting ticketed. Car sat not running for over a year so it will need fuel cleaned and oil change. My brother also has to get drug tested and find his birth certificate for his new job.

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