Went ahead and watered all the trees, though there's a chance of rain in the forecast. Filled the trash bin pronto with dried weeds from one of the huge piles in my yard. Despite my vow to not pull a single weed this morning, I wound up pulling goatheads galore... if I don't, I'll fall behind, ya just can't keep up with the damned things. I sure hope next season will be easier... I'm so tired of dealing with goatheads, I believe I'm gonna write a poem about 'em. 'ODE TO A GOATHEAD' or some such title, lol. These things are driving me round the bend...
Good news is I'm on light duty for the rest of the day: dishes, a little vacuuming, then some cooking, but cooking isn't really a chore for me, I enjoy myself and drink beer while I'm doing all the prep work and actual pot stirring, lol. Those burritos will be tasty too, I have everything I need to make a big ol' batch of burrito mix... so I'll be mackin' & cr@ppin' burritos for the next few days, lol. TMI? I think not... only REAL men & women hang out at H&CL, BWAHAHAHAHA!!! Dang, sometimes I slay myself... but it's all good, I still luv ya!!!
Boy, my feet are a little tired from all the yard work earlier, that's another good reason to take it easy for the rest of the day. Some days, I'm a white tornado and I get stuff done, pronto; other days, not so much, lol. I think age has something to do with it... that's my story and I'm stickin' to it, lol. Besides, I don't have anyone to impress here at the ol' hacienda, and the cats & kittens pay me no mind anyway, unless it's feeding time at the zoo. Hey, Zannej, I have the very same blue cat litter boxes in my home, the deeper ones! Great minds must think alike! Less mess too!!!