It rained again last night, not as hard as before, but that kept the ground moist, so I pulled weeds for another solid 2 hours this morning, and NOW my yard looks SWEET... not counting those huge stacks of pulled weeds boxing the compass, lol. I also paid the latest water bill, washed my car at one of those quarter-fed car washes, recycled the old KLR oil at O'Reilly Auto Parts and tossed the empty plastic jug into the nearest trash can, dropped materials off at the library and grabbed some more Western novels, delivered some outgoing mail, and hit the store to buy a 40-lb. bag o' bird seed, some more beer, canned cat food (shelves mostly empty), some Cadbury chocolate bars (gonna split 'em & bag 'em, then take 'em with me on my trail ride manana), and some other BS I needed for the cats or myself, lol. Whew, that was a long sentence!!! But I'm man enough to handle the job, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
I also made things right with that cat litter box in my room, that situation definitely needed to improve, lol. After giving myself a Waffen SS haircut with the ol' electric hair clippers, I took another shower & did a load of laundry so I have the "good socks" to wear on tomorrow's bad boy trail ride, lol. Some of the heavy-duty wool socks & high-tech mountaineering socks I have aren't really suitable for trail riding in Forma Boots, which are NOT my first choice in riding boots... BUT they fit quite well, I got 'em for an extra C-note when I bought the bike, and that's what I'm wearing manana, lol. Anyway, I'm doing alright, I'll be macking another DELUXE BURRITO in short order, and baking some pot brownies while I watch a movie or DVD, lol. I kinda wish Magus were here to share this burrito fest and big screen TV action, I think he'd enjoy it, lol... I gave some bud to two younger guys who were demo'ing a trailer home a few blocks away, and those boyz were mighty grateful, lol.