What's everybody doing today?

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Round 2 of today I didn't buy any more sunglasses and decided to go with what I purchased the other day, picked up 4 tins of lychees from the supermarket and with my $10 off purchase paid $1 OOP and we did the postage too. Got home where I dated and packed away the groceries, DH put his medication away from yesterday in storage in the medical room dated, I wiped the lychees of the perpetual shopping list, put the money into the home E.K and updated the amount in there and then we updated our financials again on the computer and in my ledger.

Nothing else done today as we were tired by the time we had finished all that.

As of today for the year we are $560.40 in credit on our budget for the year to date and that is even after we purchased a new queen size mattress, a new not cheap steam station iron, 4 sets of sheets, 3 x 2pce sets of egyptian cotton bath towels floor mats and hand towels, 60 new tea towels to use over time with some spares, and a kettle for the year . We are on a mission to save a certain amount by Christmas this year for our house and land deposit and have a little under $16 000 to save to get there. Wish us luck everyone :) .
You'll do it, SC!
Overslept a little, and just now getting to my coffee. Two more days at work and we leave for the farm. This week's been busy...surprise State inspection of the school Monday (no demarits, hooray), and a very long tour of our operations yesterday to a lady who owns a very small place (27 students). She's interested in an investor buying the school and her leasing the business from us. Don't know if we'll do that, but she was professional and kind.
So today and tomorrow I guess I better get some work done.
Son found a lady wanting to trade one of those all black chickens. Even the comb, bones, and meat are black. It's a rooster. She's wanted a few baby turkeys, which I have a number of. I think they are exchanging birds Saturday. That'll be interesting. Husband surprised me by ordering 4 each of 5 unusual breed chickens (babies) due to arrive mid July. There's phoenix and jungle birds in the mix. He's a good man, surprising me with chickens.
... credit on our budget for the year to date... a mission to save a certain amount by Christmas this year for our house and land deposit and have a little under $16 000 to save to get there. Wish us luck everyone :) .

Good luck!

Actually luck has nothing to do with it? It's your financial responsibility that is making it happen!
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@Terri9630 stressing in my own saying causes more grey hairs, ulcers and causes you to get sick and in my view is really never worth it. I understand the Mum in us all and it is only natural considering your daughters bumpy start but you will not be able to look after her if you get sick either, fellow Mum grandmother hugs :huggs:.

Lots of good people here and full of knowledge. :thumbs:
Ranting at grandson. He received money for his bday from his mom and other gma and spent all of it on a Nintendo switch system and a game. We have rules about games...after chores and only 30 min a day. The Nintendo switch comes in a cute zipper case. After playing, he needs to turn it in to me. We had a problem for a month last year...oversleeping for school, not doing any homework, flunking, forgetting chores...and found he had hidden a gaming device in his room that he got from his friend. So last night, he returned the case. Husband asked me to check it, and to our surprise it was empty. He's been playing all night since he's had it. Just brings an empty case in to me. This kid is a true addict. I've had enough. He said he thinks it's ok to lie to us if it's something he wants. I told him you don't lie to people you love. Ever.
@Amish Heart & @The Lazy L thank you for your encouragement re saving for our home and land :) , it seems such a long road sometimes when you are on a low income to get enough saved and requires a lot of discipline and budgeting. The banks are getting really harsh here with the new financial stress tests on loans and the previous 20% deposit doesn't cut the mustard here any more, and you would well want to be saving 30 - 50% before they even look at you for a loan. The good part is by saving more as a deposit is the less you have to pay in interest payments when you do get your loan.

Sorry to hear about your grandson @Amish Heart it is a really addictive habit for them to deal with and you have to be hard on them with the old "got to be cruel to be kind" old saying coming to mind. My eldest had a similar problem and I got him out of it by being hard on him but that all changed when he told me he didn't like my rules and he moved into grandparents home where he was allowed to do anything he liked including turning their home into a drug selling and smoking den :dunno: . He now cannot even write his name or fill out a form or remember where he put his wallet even his brain has deteriorated that much through drug psychosis.
I have two nephews with gaming addictions. They really get to be jerks when they are playing. One joined the Army. They were not allowed games, phones, etc. in basic and he did well. He asked his dad to sent him his playstation when he went to AIT. His dad said, "NO" so he used his pay to buy another. He was doing well until then but eventually got kicked out of this school and was sent to another. I see the younger one developing the same problem.
Ranting at grandson. He received money for his bday from his mom and other gma and spent all of it on a Nintendo switch system and a game. We have rules about games...after chores and only 30 min a day. The Nintendo switch comes in a cute zipper case. After playing, he needs to turn it in to me. We had a problem for a month last year...oversleeping for school, not doing any homework, flunking, forgetting chores...and found he had hidden a gaming device in his room that he got from his friend. So last night, he returned the case. Husband asked me to check it, and to our surprise it was empty. He's been playing all night since he's had it. Just brings an empty case in to me. This kid is a true addict. I've had enough. He said he thinks it's ok to lie to us if it's something he wants. I told him you don't lie to people you love. Ever.

People don't realize just how dangerous these games are for the youth. A special on Gamers in China shows kids actually dying of hunger and thirst while playing games. 4000 addiction centers in China alone.
Good for you for caring enough to try to help your GS. My daughters are now doing the same for theirs. And it is hard.
Well, he'll be a month without it to start. Today was extra chores day after his regular chores and he didn't complain much. We'll be leaving Friday for the farm, and he'll hang out with all of his guy cousins for the week. He'll usually chore with them (dairy farm), they play rafter tag (barn rafters) and run on top of the big round bales of hay. Also pony riding cowboy style and pony cart, running around at dark with the flashlight headlamps on. He loves going, and he loves food - and there's usually lots of it. No electronics there at all. Just an old record player at our farm. I'm against video games all together, but husband insisted it's ok for a half hour a day, so I can't outlaw them.
Started off the day with getting on a load of washing and hanging it on the clothes line. Then I went to visit my friend with Parkinson's Disease in an aged care facility and we spent a few hours together and had a good time reading and discussing scriptures and life in general.

Back home again where I watered part of the back lawn with saved grey water from our showers and washing machine. DH swept around the fireplace while I was away and then we sat down and separated the other half of our dried French and English lavender and put them in containers in the storage room.
Started off the day with getting on a load of washing and hanging it on the clothes line. Then I went to visit my friend with Parkinson's Disease in an aged care facility and we spent a few hours together and had a good time reading and discussing scriptures and life in general.

Back home again where I watered part of the back lawn with saved grey water from our showers and washing machine. DH swept around the fireplace while I was away and then we sat down and separated the other half of our dried French and English lavender and put them in containers in the storage room.

First thing this morning daughter calls to tell me my granddaughters water broke,she is in emergency C-Section surgery. So waiting and praying her and baby is ok. Daughter is probably there at hospital by now.
Not sure what I'll do today.
First thing this morning daughter calls to tell me my granddaughters water broke,she is in emergency C-Section surgery. So waiting and praying her and baby is ok. Daughter is probably there at hospital by now.
Not sure what I'll do today.
Good luck and let me be the first to congratulate you... soon I hope!
Baby is born and both are fine far as we know. Delivered 10 am..Named him Zane, # 12 .

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@Meerkat Zane is a little darling! I always wonder what their future will hold!

First thing this morning I made chili in the crockpot and then vacuumed out my jeep and swept the carport. Supposed to be 96 here in MS today so mostly done outside except for watering this evening and goat chores.

:Thankyou:. Hubby is texting daughter now now. It is her 4th grandchild and our 12th great grandkid.
Me too, worry about that too.

Funny how we are having left over chili again today. Along with whatever else we find.

I am going to clean out fridge I'm been putting off today though.
Kids 4yr old Boer weather had an abscess so we took him up to the vet. We've been using this vet for 12 yrs now so when he came out he asked how the kids were doing. I told him about the kids issues and he grinned and told her "Anyone that passes out around here wakes up in the dog kennels with pictures drawn all over their face and a shaved head". Had her laughing her rear off.
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Black rooster arrived this morning (Ayam Cemani) and boy is he cool looking. Lady took in trade 2 baby slate turkeys and 1 royal palm. Her husband told her she couldn't buy any more turkeys, so she traded for them. Son just sold our huge Jersey Giant Rooster. A guy wanted a big rooster to protect his flock, so Mr Jersey Giant went pretty quick (a half hour on Craig's List). Someone else coming by to buy all other spare roosters. I have 1 old one and 3 five month olds. Too much crowing around here. Replacing our old Americauna rooster with a young Copper Moran rooster.
Need to get packing. Leaving in the morning.
Bit more of an active day in the mountain cottage today :) .

Finally a still and sunny day without icy cold cyclonic winds so we decided to deep clean and wash the car and all I can say it is amazing how much country dust, grass and chainsaw timber dust you can get in one car. It is amazing how clean and sparkly it is now compared to before after we cleaned the glass inside and out, vacuumed and washed it. While we had the car out of the 3 bay garage DH moved the mowers and wheelbarrows and cars out and swept it while I finished the rest of the car.

Back inside again where I deep cleaned the bathroom and toilet for the week and DH swept the house. The house looks great now inside too.

Done a bit of prepping ahead and gone through various specials brochures from a few stores and we will pick up some LED light bulbs for the house so we are not using our solar lanterns so much, pick up 20 long life tins of vegetables and meat, some more coat hangers and look at some clothing for DH also on special.

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