What's everybody doing today?

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Recuperating from Estelle's 1st birthday yesterday.

She doesn't like cake.
But she loves watermelon and vanilla ice cream.
Early this evening before sundown my wife was out watering her flowers. She had just knocked on the window to show me the herd of elk outside. I really did not pay attention because we see elk all the time. A few minutes later she came running in crying because the elk had crossed the road and someone had hit one of the baby elk. The guy never even stopped. We walked out to the road and I saw the baby elk was dead in the middle so I pulled it off to the shoulder. Then I called the state police so they could send someone out to pick it up. What a waste. In AZ I am not allowed to process the meat, only the driver that hits an animal can do that and then only with the permission of the police.
I did find out that all the road kill in this area is used to feed the wolves here. They feed the wolves to draw them away from where people live to help prevent any wolf/human problems. Still a sad loss. My wife loves watching any baby animals and it really bothered her to see one killed.
At the farm. We've got a light rain going on this morning. It's a church Sunday today (every other), so we should see some buggies going by soon. Nephew and his wife have been here from Oklahoma, but are leaving this afternoon. Yesterday we picked up mom and my uncles (he's 93), and hung out at our place, and went to a birthday party at my cousins for her granddaughter. Will be picking mom up again today, probably taking her grocery shopping. We're hosting supper tonight, probably for 15-20. Will be cooking lots of bratwurst.
Sitting beside mom at nursing home.
I can't imagine how she is feeling.
Alive , but not alive.

Don't understand why God is leaving her here in this condition.

I do have wifi here.

I understand. My Aunt has been in the nursing home for over 10-15 years with Alzheimer's and hasn't really known what's going on for over 7 years but she's still hanging on,she's in her 90s.
Sitting beside mom at nursing home.
I can't imagine how she is feeling.
Alive , but not alive.

Don't understand why God is leaving her here in this condition.

I do have wifi here.

I'm so sorry you and your family are having to go through this Jim. I requested prayer in Sunday School this morning for y'all. God's plans are usually not discernible here on earth.
I made breakfast, then while hubby mowed I did his laundry ( work clothes smelly!! lol) and the dishes. Then I cut his hair for him. After that he weed whacked while I sprayed along some of the fence lines with weed killer.
It is hot as hades outside today. Heat index is 105. We took many breaks in the ac in the house.
I made supper and we watched some baseball on tv while we ate.
After I cruise the net I'll do the dishes again *sigh* and get hubby's lunch ready and the coffee maker setup to go off in the morning. Then its bed for me. 8pm every night
I'm thinking of heading into the bigger town 25 mins away to go to a restaurant supply store tomorrow before it gets too hot. They have some really good prices on frozen foods ( what restaurants feed you) and on supplies. I got my half sheet pans for only $5 each a couple of months ago. And hubby is crazy for their frozen peanut butter cookies I bake for him when I'm feeling lazy
Found out today that some jerk stole our sonic mole repeller from our lawn and replaced it with their broken one. The clue was ours had an on/off switch and this one did not. It was also the model below ours. I only bothered with it because I noticed an increase of gophers this week and not hearing it when I walk by it to get the mail. I mentioned to K we needed a new one now and I am opting for the one in the shape of a flower. I also plan to engrave the families birthdates in the stake so we can identify it if our neighbors end up with a new flower stake.

Other than that just dealing with this nasty desert heat.
Found out today that some jerk stole our sonic mole repeller from our lawn and replaced it with their broken one. The clue was ours had an on/off switch and this one did not. It was also the model below ours. I only bothered with it because I noticed an increase of gophers this week and not hearing it when I walk by it to get the mail. I mentioned to K we needed a new one now and I am opting for the one in the shape of a flower. I also plan to engrave the families birthdates in the stake so we can identify it if our neighbors end up with a new flower stake.

Other than that just dealing with this nasty desert heat.

Hi Grimm where ya been? :huggs:
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Round 1 of today I put a loaf of bread on in the bread making machine. DH has mulched all the egg shells up for me and I put them around half of the cauliflowers in the gardens and weeded around them, it is supposed to deter cabbage white moth as they think they have already laid their little caterpillar eggs on them and also fed lambie next door some bread ends which he gets so excited about and dances for.

DH has watered part of the back lawn with saved grey water from our showers and washing machine and brought up the seasoned pumpkins from the top of the shed roof. Meanwhile while he was doing that I swept around the fireplace and the carpet wood chips leading to the fireplace and on the veranda and got off the wood chips and put them in the still going fireplace. Then I swept the other end of the veranda off that had the sweet potato dirt all over it and DH put the pumpkins on the veranda behind shade cloth for storage for our meals.

Shortly DH will wash up the dishes and clean the benches and I will wipe them up put them away.
Overnight we got 8.6 mm of glorious rain which filled up our rain water tanks :) .

Round 2 of today is I put on a load of washing and hung it on the clothes line and watered half of the side of house lawn with saved grey water from our showers and washing machine. DH covered up the cow manure with plastic, knocked down the nails on the front veranda and trench composted the vegetable scraps in the gardens.

Just finished taking some more photos for some eBay listings and listed 14 items using a free listing and final auction value fee promotion.
Today I'm gearing up to do some micro-scale haying. Micro-scale haying using a walk behind tractor, sickle saw, hay rake, and hay baler all driven by a 13 hp walk behind tractor. I like this technique since I can hay around trees and get an up close look at what is being cut and baled. I know what my yaks will be eating. The bales are 2 ft diameter and easy to move around via lifting or rolling.

Hay for the yaks-lores.jpg
Just cleaned out the upstairs bedroom. Getting ready to paint, but taking a lunch break. Husband and twins are heading into town to look at 4 wheelers. Grandson supposedly was sweeping out cobwebs in the basement. I say supposedly because he said he swept out the ones where people walk. Sent him back downstairs.
Today I'm gearing up to do some micro-scale haying. Micro-scale haying using a walk behind tractor, sickle saw, hay rake, and hay baler all driven by a 13 hp walk behind tractor. I like this technique since I can hay around trees and get an up close look at what is being cut and baled. I know what my yaks will be eating. The bales are 2 ft diameter and easy to move around via lifting or rolling.

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Man that's pretty cool. When I was a kid, back in the early 60's, we had a walk behind tractor with plows. But no other attachments with it. We called it a mule. It was a lot easier than harnessing up a mule and dragging a plow or scratcher springs or planter over to the garden!

One of my brothers still has it and says he still uses it.
Watching a loved one fight to live is a bad gut feeling. I'm still praying daily for y'all.

Heavenly Father, we bring our brother Jim, his mother, and the rest of his family before your throne of grace. Be with Jim's mother and if it is in your will and it's time to bring her home we ask that you ease her passage from this life to Everlasting Life. If it's not in your will we ask that you share with Jim the reason for her suffering. You know the past, present, and future, and we bow to your wisdom. Continue to support all who are caring for Jim's mother and bless them with wisdom and a caring spirit.
These favors we are asking in Jesus's holy name,

If there is anything I can do to help all you have to do is call!

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