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Tearing down the gravel ramp to the garage to get it set up for 2000 pounds of concrete that I will mix and pour over the reinforced frame. Wanna help? I have an extra shovel or two...
Well...I'd thought about helping...you shouldn't use ANYTHING without reading the instructions first and I've never seen a shovel yet that came with instructions. :D
Well, he'll be a month without it to start. Today was extra chores day after his regular chores and he didn't complain much. We'll be leaving Friday for the farm, and he'll hang out with all of his guy cousins for the week. He'll usually chore with them (dairy farm), they play rafter tag (barn rafters) and run on top of the big round bales of hay. Also pony riding cowboy style and pony cart, running around at dark with the flashlight headlamps on. He loves going, and he loves food - and there's usually lots of it. No electronics there at all. Just an old record player at our farm. I'm against video games all together, but husband insisted it's ok for a half hour a day, so I can't outlaw them.
That's too bad because I believe that a large portion of those games are designed by people whose desire is to bring people into the dark side, training people to be manipulated into thinking and doing things that are not good, these people don't need drugs to pull off an MK Ultra situation if they can get people addicted to games. There are many things I dislike about this electronic age we're having to deal with, like who ever figured we'd be driving around in what could be considered a computer on four wheels, it's bad enough that my home computer does crazy things on occasion, let alone a vehicle going into some sort of mode that causes it to go from a freeway speed of 65mph down to 35mph, this has happened to us a number of times to where we stopped driving the vehicle, scary situation, makes me want an old non computerized vehicle.
Be still my heart...went out to get the clothes off the line and there was a small copperhead lying right in my path....think they heard me all over the neighborhood....Benny checked it out, I was yelling at him to get the hoe and he explained to me the snake had rigor mortis and the cat had apparently killed it....OH MY.....the clothes are still blowing in the wind...LOL
Be still my heart...went out to get the clothes off the line and there was a small copperhead lying right in my path....think they heard me all over the neighborhood....Benny checked it out, I was yelling at him to get the hoe and he explained to me the snake had rigor mortis and the cat had apparently killed it....OH MY.....the clothes are still blowing in the wind...LOL
That sounds like when our former neighbors wife didn't think her husband did a good enough job of cleaning a concrete barn floor and she reached for a coiled up hose on a stack of empty feed sacks and ended up picking up a timber rattler, as she was screaming her husband told me he didn't know wither to hit her or the snake. She didn't get bitten, thankfully.
Started off the morning with DH putting on the garden drip irrigation system in the front vegetable gardens and then off after an hour.

We then headed into town after I went through some of the specials brochures last night. For our pantry stock up we purchased 24 tins of long life vegetables and meat on a 50% off special and coupled this with a further 5% off using our roadside assist club discount gift card saving $50.85 on usual prices. We also purchased 50 velvet covered coat hangers at a discount variety store on special saving another $2.05 on usual prices. Into IGA where we purchased 6 led light bulbs also on a 50% off discount saving another $27 on usual prices. We have them on now and they are much brighter than using our solar lanterns and cheaper to run than normal light bulbs and we have been waiting to see a special on these for ages as they are usually $10 ea and we paid $4.49 ea.

Into Rivers clothing store where they had some great clearance specials on clothing and purchased for DH 1 pair of ugg boots, 1 pair of leather zip up side ankle boots, 3 long sleeved cotton t-shirts, 2 x l/s white cotton dress shirts, and 1 l/s cotton t-shirt for us saving 61% or $201.06 on usual prices.

Got home and DH put in the led light bulbs in the light sockets and we dated and packed away our long life tinned veges and meat and DH put a load of washing on and hung it out on the clothes line to dry. I watered part of the back lawn with saved grey water from our washing machine and while I did this DH harvested 1.215 kg of cherry tomatoes from the gardens. We cut the price tags off our new clothing and put them in the laundry hamper to wash.

Shortly we will fold up the clean laundry and put it away and then wash the dishes and clean the benches in the kitchen and I will dry the dishes and put them away. Tonight's dinner will be homemade pizza using our freshly picked tomatoes and other frozen vegetables from the gardens and tinned smoked chicken.
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That's too bad because I believe that a large portion of those games are designed by people whose desire is to bring people into the dark side, training people to be manipulated into thinking and doing things that are not good, these people don't need drugs to pull off an MK Ultra situation if they can get people addicted to games. There are many things I dislike about this electronic age we're having to deal with, like who ever figured we'd be driving around in what could be considered a computer on four wheels, it's bad enough that my home computer does crazy things on occasion, let alone a vehicle going into some sort of mode that causes it to go from a freeway speed of 65mph down to 35mph, this has happened to us a number of times to where we stopped driving the vehicle, scary situation, makes me want an old non computerized vehicle.

We don't have that problem,ours are both old. I was thinking before they stop selling parts for these older vehicles we may need to stock up on some.
Phideaux, I’m so sorry for your pain. I truly think that sometimes that as we transition to our heavenly home that we become more and more aware of the heavenly beings and our new surroundings. She will get to bathe in the river of life soon. She may become more aware of loved ones gone before her. As a home care nurse, I’ve seen this several times as one of my patients made that journey. The one thing I do know is that she hears and knows you even though she may not be able to respond. I hope this gives some comfort.
Just finished the final touches on wifes jewelry business web page. That was a real joy. Now I get to mark that off the Honey Do list. Started on it Friday evening, quit working on it at 2 a.m. this morning and started back on it at 7 a.m.. Not having it done drove me crazier than I normally am.
Just finished the final touches on wifes jewelry business web page. That was a real joy. Now I get to mark that off the Honey Do list. Started on it Friday evening, quit working on it at 2 a.m. this morning and started back on it at 7 a.m.. Not having it done drove me crazier than I normally am.

:D I have one of those list, but some things sometimes gets put at the bottom.

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