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Well, just got back from Strawberry's vet.
Youngest son's dog bit her, drew blood.
4 stitches, round of antibotics later she is resting comfortably on the living room floor.
We're going to take a nap,just as soon as I stop shaking.
Son's dog is in quareentine until further notice.
She also bit small child that was tormenting her with stick, and the mail man.
Hour and half trip to go get her each way.
So oldest son will have the pleasure of getting the antibotics down her.
Taking care of her before and after work, cleaning the wound twice a day.
Ain't life fun.
All while I have knee surgery, rest and watch cable tv he tells me.
@MoBookworm1957 so sorry to hear about Strawberry and hope she will be ok is she a cat or dog ?, darn dogs can do some damage when they put their minds to it. Hope she heals well and fast.

@Tank-Girl get better soon friend and take it easy until your pain levels are in check.

@Meerkat you darling stress monger :huggs:, ignore the news as rarely is their anything any of us can do except when it comes to voting on legislature. Concentrate on taking care of you and yours and like us here just keep a general eye on what is going on in the world and prepare your own castle. High blood pressure is very dangerous and you must take things easy and calmly. Instead I shall give you some of my low blood pressure and take some of your higher and then perhaps I won't feel light headed and pass out all the time, and yours will come down to normal levels again :) .
@MoBookworm1957 so sorry to hear about Strawberry and hope she will be ok is she a cat or dog ?, darn dogs can do some damage when they put their minds to it. Hope she heals well and fast.

@Tank-Girl get better soon friend and take it easy until your pain levels are in check.

@Meerkat you darling stress monger :huggs:, ignore the news as rarely is their anything any of us can do except when it comes to voting on legislature. Concentrate on taking care of you and yours and like us here just keep a general eye on what is going on in the world and prepare your own castle. High blood pressure is very dangerous and you must take things easy and calmly. Instead I shall give you some of my low blood pressure and take some of your higher and then perhaps I won't feel light headed and pass out all the time, and yours will come down to normal levels again :) .

Thanks and your right about nothing we can do about any of it but vote. Hubby tells me all the time I can't fix it so why worry about it. He doesn't get into politics but he does vote.:huggs:

@MoBookworm1957 , Hope Strawberry heals really fast. And will be thinking of you on Thursday.:heart:
Trying to cool it and lay off politics and bad news for awhile.

Dr told me I don't want to have a stroke and that is where I'm heading with my BP at 178/ 103 yesterday. So I took the water pill script he gave me and trying to cool it for awhile.

Never get excited over something not in your direct control. Flip the bird at politics and politicians, and just drift down memory lane. Nothing worth a stroke.
Trying to cool it and lay off politics and bad news for awhile.

Dr told me I don't want to have a stroke and that is where I'm heading with my BP at 178/ 103 yesterday. So I took the water pill script he gave me and trying to cool it for awhile.

Be careful with that BP meerkat. You gotta be here to argue with me on occasion.
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Y'all are still on my daily Prayer List. I keep hoping that you'll post a valid diagnosis for us any day!

The endocrinologist called today and said the ACTH-S test, the one she was taking last time her blood pressure crashed, came back. Perfectly normal. She signed off on the cardiologist diagnosis of POTS.
Not really. Her autonomic system isn't regulating things properly. One day its her blood sugar the next her digestion or blood pressure. I continue weather to give her salt, glucose or a laxative from one day to the next.

So sorry that is so frustrating not knowing what to do. It is bad enough when we know what it is and how to fix it. . We always mention everyone ' all those at HCL ' here in our prayers at night. :huggs:
Not really. Her autonomic system isn't regulating things properly. One day its her blood sugar the next her digestion or blood pressure. I don't know weather to give her salt, glucose or a laxative from one day to the next.
Now that you have a diagnosis you can come up with a treatment plan. The not knowing is worse because there is no right plan.
Now that you have a diagnosis you can come up with a treatment plan. The not knowing is worse because there is no right plan.

If, WHEN, she falls out again I'll just give the glucose, salt and 90oz of water. Cover everything. The cardiologist said he believes her blood volume is to low. When we prick her finger or she gets a small cut she doesn't bleed much.
If, WHEN, she falls out again I'll just give the glucose, salt and 90oz of water. Cover everything. The cardiologist said he believes her blood volume is to low. When we prick her finger or she gets a small cut she doesn't bleed much.

Good idea to cover it all and it kinda makes sense about the low blood level.
@Meerkat and an article on a blog just for you about taking it easy and ignoring the politics you should read from GDonna's website - http://gdonna.com/living-like-the-past/it-aint-no-easy-street/ , take note of how much better she feels by building her castle. I won't copy and paste it because it is long but it is a motto I live by too. Or maybe I should read more news to raise my already low blood pressure :dunno: .

@Terri9630 yep I thought so as a diagnosis for your daughter, the lack of blood flow is a postural thing just like I have so her circulation is sluggish too. At least you know how to treat it now and the salt solution will raise her blood pressure so it is good I can tell you I use salt and it helps a great deal after a fainting spell.
Started off the morning with DH watering the other half of the side of house lawns with saved grey water from our showers and washing machine. DH then washed all the benches and dishes and I wiped them and put them away. We both then went through our junk mail and threw it away in the recycling bin and the newspapers and not shiny advertising brochures went into the fire starting pile.

Then I put on a loaf of bread in the bread making machine and sent some emails off for another trade I am doing. Into the gardens we went as it is rubbish day and we got rid of a whole pile of bark from firewood cutting into the bin and emptied the kitchen and recycling bins. Did some finances and added up the home emergency kitty and what we need to top it up by. Just fed Tabatha the cat and shortly we will fold up 2 loads of washing and put it away.
Sewing...I love gdonna's website, too. I second that, that you should read it Meerkat. She also has issues with watching and reading the news. The only time I'm not knee deep in the news is at the farm. I don't have time, and we have spotty internet here. But I find that I'm not as annoyed. Unless mom is being annoying.
I need to get off my butt and make breakfast for a few of my cousins. They're coming over to listen to the Back to the Roots podcast. My favorite cousin's daughter did an interview on one with her husband on Amish organic farming. I found it by accident last week, so now she's excited to hear it. We have a houseful coming for supper tonight and for fireworks. So lots of cooking going on this afternoon, too.
Happy Fourth! I hope you and Strawberry heal fast, Mo
Going to put my garden to bed. Nothing is baring anything because of our heat wave. Watering is just too expensive for no return. I’m too tired to fight to keep it alive.

That's a shame. I can remember when if our garden didn't make we were in for a hard time. I pray all will be well for y'all!
That's a shame. I can remember when if our garden didn't make we were in for a hard time. I pray all will be well for y'all!
Thanks, Gumpy. I’m just an ole country gal who thinks a garden should just be a part of the landscape regardless of not even being a particularly good one. However, sometimes it just isn’t worth the trouble and expense of keeping it alive. Okla has had drought conditions for several years now. Hubby is Chickasaw Indian and an elder in age. We get some very nice perks from his tribe including vouchers for fresh garden produce from local farmers. God is always faithful to provide!
@Meerkat and an article on a blog just for you about taking it easy and ignoring the politics you should read from GDonna's website - http://gdonna.com/living-like-the-past/it-aint-no-easy-street/ , take note of how much better she feels by building her castle. I won't copy and paste it because it is long but it is a motto I live by too. Or maybe I should read more news to raise my already low blood pressure :dunno: .

@Terri9630 yep I thought so as a diagnosis for your daughter, the lack of blood flow is a postural thing just like I have so her circulation is sluggish too. At least you know how to treat it now and the salt solution will raise her blood pressure so it is good I can tell you I use salt and it helps a great deal after a fainting spell.

Thank you Sewing, I'll will read it. :great:
Sewing...I love gdonna's website, too. I second that, that you should read it Meerkat. She also has issues with watching and reading the news. The only time I'm not knee deep in the news is at the farm. I don't have time, and we have spotty internet here. But I find that I'm not as annoyed. Unless mom is being annoying.
I need to get off my butt and make breakfast for a few of my cousins. They're coming over to listen to the Back to the Roots podcast. My favorite cousin's daughter did an interview on one with her husband on Amish organic farming. I found it by accident last week, so now she's excited to hear it. We have a houseful coming for supper tonight and for fireworks. So lots of cooking going on this afternoon, too.
Happy Fourth! I hope you and Strawberry heal fast, Mo

An old freind of mine quit watching the news about 35 years ago. I mention news or politics to her and she gives me a ' shut up look and rolls her eyes '.:devil:.

I'll see if I can find the pod cast about gardening too, need all the shortcuts and organic ideas we can get.:Thankyou: