I wouldn’t watch if my hubby didn’t. I don’t like the negativity. Our local news is bad enough.
I wouldn’t watch if my hubby didn’t. I don’t like the negativity. Our local news is bad enough.
Thanks, Gumpy. I’m just an ole country gal who thinks a garden should just be a part of the landscape regardless of not even being a particularly good one. However, sometimes it just isn’t worth the trouble and expense of keeping it alive. Okla has had drought conditions for several years now. Hubby is Chickasaw Indian and an elder in age. We get some very nice perks from his tribe including vouchers for fresh garden produce from local farmers. God is always faithful to provide!
Finally got that fridge cleaned out.. Now time to tackle the floors again.
Come clean my floors next if you want.just leave my fridge n freezer alone.if you don't want a nuclear war on your hands.lol
Such a great day....Weaver was here...just saying that makes me laugh...he brought fried chicken, cole slaw, and macaroni salad...….I had lime tarts with whipped cream for dessert...and he and Benny told funny stories till I was laughing so hard, I almost cried....since Weaver was an auctioneer, he has sold items all over the U.S. and he told about selling bag balm...told them how it worked for jock itch...and we were in stitches..."Just grab half a hand full of that stuff and smear it on like Crisco on biscuits"...Oh my....a joyful day...just sent him home with okra, and blackeyed peas, and I pulled up some fresh onions for him.
How do you get the extra salt in your diet? She's eating every salty thing we can find we're not up to what the Dr said. Salt pills?@Meerkat and an article on a blog just for you about taking it easy and ignoring the politics you should read from GDonna's website - http://gdonna.com/living-like-the-past/it-aint-no-easy-street/ , take note of how much better she feels by building her castle. I won't copy and paste it because it is long but it is a motto I live by too. Or maybe I should read more news to raise my already low blood pressure.
@Terri9630 yep I thought so as a diagnosis for your daughter, the lack of blood flow is a postural thing just like I have so her circulation is sluggish too. At least you know how to treat it now and the salt solution will raise her blood pressure so it is good I can tell you I use salt and it helps a great deal after a fainting spell.
Husband had to add salt to his diet and drank V-8's and Gatorade. That helped.
@Terri9630 good suggestions from @Amish Heart on the gatorade and V8 juice too as both are high in salt. Another suggestion is just straight salt in the crook between the thumb and second finger and eating some of that after fainting followed by water. I found this for me anyway was the most effective after passing out. Another suggestion is putting vegemite on her toast each morning which is also high is salt, another suggestion salt dissolved in water and drunk as well. Salt on foods as well work.
Hope this helps.
Heres the ramp part of the porch. The more gray boards are the newer ones we had to buy ( great discount down to half price! $11 a foot) to finish the ramp.
The porch deck part. The different tints are because some were apparently out in the sun so that was why that batch was only $6 foot. I don't care. Its better than what was there lol
Of course Bella had to see what Mom was doing . She's a momma's girl. When I sit she's between my legs wanting hugs and petting. And people say pitbulls are mean phfft! oh and thats her brother's big head at the bottom of the pic lol He's a goof
I'm sure in another year or so we'll get to the rails but for now they'll do. They work and thats all I care about