What's everybody doing today?

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Visited a different church this morning. It was a non-denomination church. It was ok but I like the one I've been visiting better. Cooked some fresh vegetables from the farmers market for lunch and dinner. Cleaned my apartment. Thinking about going fishing. That fresh catfish I had yesterday was pretty good!
hubby and daughter went to grocery store a few miles from us . she picked up 2 bear creek packages ,rice and pasta. they had them in a buggy marked at 1.00 each. both great grandkids are going to school this year ,so they had kool-ade jammers on sale for 1.00 each,10 count box. she bought 16 boxes. i stayed home and went to work on maters and peppers so i can make rotel maters tomorrow. i got 4 gallons.we also have some soup and okra to put up along with a bunch of stuff to vacuum seal.
hubby and daughter went to grocery store a few miles from us . she picked up 2 bear creek packages ,rice and pasta. they had them in a buggy marked at 1.00 each. both great grandkids are going to school this year ,so they had kool-ade jammers on sale for 1.00 each,10 count box. she bought 16 boxes. i stayed home and went to work on maters and peppers so i can make rotel maters tomorrow. i got 4 gallons.we also have some soup and okra to put up along with a bunch of stuff to vacuum seal.
My sister loves the Rotel tomatoes. What recipe do you use?
Ouch @jimLE how are your fingers today ? I hope they are feeling better.

@WVDragonlady that looks horrid that sting and the swelling is huge :( . We commonly use witch hazel lotion straight away on stings or pour white vinegar over it and both work although I would say the witch hazel is better at relieving the pain and swelling.
Jumped in the car and....it won't start!

Cranks but ...nothing.....then I realised my headlight switch on the column was on.
I was so tired, pained and upset coming back from my late physio and surgeons visit
I must have forgotten to turn them off when I got home.
It's been sitting there like that since last Tuesday.
Flat battery...I hope.
I put it on the battery charger all tonight and hopefully
it'll start with no dramas in the morning.
Kind of one of those days of what the heck didn't we do today :) as it was so busy.

Started off the morning with picking up some jam jars from 2 different friends who live a couple of blocks away from me as we were out after making 4 jars yesterday. While I was at one friend's home I had a look at her bathroom as a community group that help them around the home came and told them that their whole bathroom needed to be gutted and turned into a full disabled bathroom. I gave her some advice on how to just adjust the shower by pulling out the shower base and screen and replacing it with a cement plinth and using tiles to go up the slight slope with disability rails and then it sloping into the shower and gave her the name of a local builder we both know to do the work for them. $30 000 versus I would think under $2000 in costs a huge difference I would think.

Back home again and DH washed the dishes and cleaned the benches and I dried them and put them away. After a bit of a break I got all the ingredients measured out for the first batch of strawberry jam and DH cut up the strawberries and got it going. While he was doing that I started separating a huge batch of thyme we had dried and DH joined me which we did for a while. Back inside where we washed, heated up and sterilised the jars for the jam and DH filled them and put the lids on. Back outside and we finished the rest of the thyme and weighed it coming to 319 g. DH had a bit of a break and I swept the veranda and wiped over the work table ready for the next use. Then eBay messaged the customer who wants to buy all the thyme we had dried with a discount for bulk purchase price.

Back inside again and I washed the dishes and bowls we used for the jam making and DH wiped them and put them away. DH then went outside and watered some of the back lawn with saved grey water from our showers and washing machine while I watered some of the canna lilies with the dish rinsing water.

Tonight's dinner will be a mince stir fry with tomatoes and vegetables frozen from the gardens which will last for 2 nights.

Plan A
Build a retaining wall for the ditch at the back of the property. Ordered the the blocks on July 4th, on sale plus a rebate! As soon as they hire a qualify delivery driver they will bring them out. The number of trips back and forth I'd have to make, cheaper to have them delivered. Mailed in the relate ($200) but no blocks.

Plan B
Borrow front end-loader from work. Front ditch I had dug deeper and now I want to slope the banks so I can mow it. Front end-loader is out on a job site, not available for my use.

On to Plan C
Reload 40 S&W until I'm out of bullets. Plenty of primers, brass and primers. Why can't I run out of all 4 at the same time? Online order for more bullets.

Plan D.
Take a nap. Watch a western. Chicken chores. Chicks are almost 6 weeks old. Open the door so they have access to the run. Move their feed and water from the coop to the run. Take a nap. Load the truck for Sunday.


Drove 2 hours (further then I normally drive) to a firearm competition. Placed in the top ten (out of 17 participates). Got back home early evening, unload truck, clean and put the tools away. Tempted to soak in the horse trough to see how much of the day's sweat I could soak back up. Problem is don't have a horse or a trough. Ate a bowl of ice creme instead. Can't believe how many folks don't want their brass. I brought home more then I used! While I watched a western I manually popped the spent primers, sorted the brass and put the first batch in the wet tumbler for cleaning. Wife was still on the phone so I headed to bed.

Plan A
Build a retaining wall for the ditch at the back of the property. Ordered the the blocks on July 4th, on sale plus a rebate! As soon as they hire a qualify delivery driver they will bring them out. The number of trips back and forth I'd have to make, cheaper to have them delivered. Mailed in the relate ($200) but no blocks.

Plan B
Borrow front end-loader from work. Front ditch I had dug deeper and now I want to slope the banks so I can mow it. Front end-loader is out on a job site, not available for my use.

On to Plan C
Reload 40 S&W until I'm out of bullets. Plenty of primers, brass and primers. Why can't I run out of all 4 at the same time? Online order for more bullets.

Plan D.
Take a nap. Watch a western. Chicken chores. Chicks are almost 6 weeks old. Open the door so they have access to the run. Move their feed and water from the coop to the run. Take a nap. Load the truck for Sunday.


Drove 2 hours (further then I normally drive) to a firearm competition. Placed in the top ten (out of 17 participates). Got back home early evening, unload truck, clean and put the tools away. Tempted to soak in the horse trough to see how much of the day's sweat I could soak back up. Problem is don't have a horse or a trough. Ate a bowl of ice creme instead. Can't believe how many folks don't want their brass. I brought home more then I used! While I watched a western I manually popped the spent primers, sorted the brass and put the first batch in the wet tumbler for cleaning. Wife was still on the phone so I headed to bed.

Shooting, loading boolits, and ice cream. Sounds like a perfect day to me!
Today I finish the regrading to my ramp on the garage. It turned out very good considering that I did all the prep and got a couple of neighbors and my son to help with the pour. That was a big help in getting it done quickly. I can now look forward to having a ramp that will last as long as the building it is connected to and very little maintenance.
I went this morning and got my hair cut lol A nice cool layered cut. Before she got to layering it the amount she cut off first was even nice. That must have been a good 6 inches. It looked like a dead animal was on the floor when she was finished lol

Swelling and redness of the wasp sting has gone away but both knuckles hurt just a tiny bit still when I bend them. The skin feels tight also. Hopefully it won't last much longer

Have some day old italian bread to use up for garlic toast so I'm making spaghetti and meat sauce.

Just been picking up around the house and washing up the few dishes I had.

Yesterday as I was picking more raspberries I noticed that the blackberries are starting to turn black (ripening) so hopefully tomorrow I can start picking them. I can also see that I may have some more cherry tomatoes ready to pick. I haven't checked the cukes or the zukes yet
Was called in to work two hours early this am by my morning lady, as she was all alone. Two ladies called in. So, threw on some clothes and woke up the twins and out the door we went. The whole day was busy like that. First day back from vacation, so I should of known. Need to get a few things picked up around the house, and then go to the airport in a few hours to get granddaughter who is staying for a few weeks from California.
Well I got the filler hose out of the '94 Ford Ranger,talk about a PITA!!! It's got a small rubber hose going through the inside of a bigger rubber hose
. The whole assembly is $135
!! Just to replace the bigger hose is $66 and I'd have to pull out the small hose and somehow slide it back through the new bigger hose
. Since I've only got a $25 gift card for Advance Auto it'll have to wait until August 3rd when I get paid again
. Good thing I have the F150.
Ouch @jimLE how are your fingers today ? I hope they are feeling better.

@WVDragonlady that looks horrid that sting and the swelling is huge :( . We commonly use witch hazel lotion straight away on stings or pour white vinegar over it and both work although I would say the witch hazel is better at relieving the pain and swelling.

Witch Hazel? Thanks Sewing, didn't know it could be used for pain too. Know women liked it for the face.:cool::)
Most welcome @Meerkat we like to use what we have in every day use here in the home for medical uses too. Great to use as a toner too Meerkat and really gets the impurities out of the skin especially if it is hot or you are grimy from a good workout in the garden, kitchen or housework.

Thanks @Amish Heart didn't know it was good for undercarriage problems either so learnt something new :) .
Started off the morning with well doing nothing except sitting in front of the fire. I did send a couple of eBay messages to give a bulk price for some herbs to finish a customer order. He accepted the new bulk price and now we have no dried thyme left but will harvest more tomorrow.

We packaged that order to go with the other eBay sales and swap packages and went in with an armful of postage to the post office where we had to buy more stamps as we were out again. Packages all sent off now and winging their way to their destinations. Whilst in town we picked up 1 more 250 g punnet of strawberries to make another 3 jars of strawberry jam and 2 packets of almonds to make some homemade granola tomorrow. I give one jar of strawberry jam to each of my lovely friends who wash and save them for me each time I need more jars as a thank you. Preserving or jam jars cost $10 per pack of 12 x 300 ml jars here new :eek: . We can afford to pay for them but would much rather re-use the ones others don't need.

Back home again and I logged all the expenses in my notebook and soon DH and I will go through them all and do the books. DH just brought up a wheelbarrow load of firewood and handed up 3 large buckets of kindling to me on the veranda and I stacked them all. Been so cold today we have had it going all day as it hasn't warmed up with the icy mountain winds.

Tonight will be the other half of our mince and garden vegetable stir fry and shortly we will fold up 2 loads of washing and put them away as well as wash the dirty dishes in the kitchen ready to mess it all up again tomorrow :) .
going to a town about 30 minutes from here. local store there has tea on sale 2 for 1.00. gonna get as much as i can. also going to a bread store and see my daughter and great grands. that will be fun as i haven't seen them for awile. then when we get back it's canning mode again.
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View attachment 8083 View attachment 8083 I'm sitting here with some ice on hand because some type of wasp stung me while I was grilling the burgers out on the back deck.
We've just seen these type this year. They've been killing insects and storing them for food apparently. Saw one go in an old carpenter bee hole and then stuffed it closed with dried grass and pine needles.
Darn thing has my middle finger red and swollen from one knuckle to the other and I can hardly bend it. This is the first I've been stung for decades.
Hurts like the dickens!!!!

I find that it helps a great deal,to remove the stinger soon as possible. Even if it means scratching it,as if it was a itch.
Ouch @jimLE how are your fingers today ? I hope they are feeling better.

@WVDragonlady that looks horrid that sting and the swelling is huge :( . We commonly use witch hazel lotion straight away on stings or pour white vinegar over it and both work although I would say the witch hazel is better at relieving the pain and swelling.

Doing better.i put aloe vera on 2 band aids.then put then bandageed the burns.

Jumped in the car and....it won't start!

Cranks but ...nothing.....then I realised my headlight switch on the column was on.
I was so tired, pained and upset coming back from my late physio and surgeons visit
I must have forgotten to turn them off when I got home.
It's been sitting there like that since last Tuesday.
Flat battery...I hope.
I put it on the battery charger all tonight and hopefully
it'll start with no dramas in the morning.

Thats why i keep a portable jump starter in the car.

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