What's everybody doing today?

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Round 1 of today is that I have watered half of the back lawn with saved grey water from the showers and washing machine then put on a load of washing and hung it on the line. DH so far has put on the drip irrigation system on to water the front and back garden beds and turned them off once finished and currently has the second load of washing on in the washing machine and will go and hang that out and water the other half of the back lawns with saved grey water from our showers and washing machine. Marvelous how much grey water you have in a house that you can water lawns with and it waters 1 square metre per litre and you can use it on fruit trees as well if you are in drought conditions like we are here.

Good news is we now have about half green grass happening instead of hay after a combo of a little rain and the use of a lot of grey water watering :) .

Planning on harvesting herbs, cooking and preserving this afternoon.
Strawberry was to go to YS(youngest son) while I was in hospital.
His Austrialian Herding shepard bit her, 4 stitches internal and 4 external stitches. She stayed with OS(oldest son) at my apartment.
I got home from hospital on Sunday about 1530 hours, wore slick.
Mom and dad brought home cooked meals for the first day or two.
Absolutely exhausted.
Pain medicine puts me out like a light.
Just starting PT tomorrow.
Too hot to eat.
It's all I can do to walk across LR with walker.
They take stitches and staples out internal and external ones out on 17th Of July.
Off to take nap for medicine 375 mg Aspririn for blood clots.
My luck PT will be pain and Torture.
Part 2 of today is that we went out to the front gardens and picked another huge load of thyme we washed and put on a wire screen to dry, did some weeding and got rid of the bumpy bark path in around the side of the house and put it in the bin ready for pickup tomorrow and both bins went out to the footpath. In hindsight the bulky bark path was not a good idea but worked well to dispose of the large pile we had near on inspection time that we didn't have time to get in the bin.

Got both loads of washing off the clothes line this afternoon. Then into the kitchen where we made a quadruple batch of honey, oat, coconut, almond, sultana and honey granola to last about a month. Incidentally that is all we felt like for dinner so we had that because we can :) . Shortly we will fold up another 2 loads of washing and put it away.
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Taking the incubator rods out this morning for the silkie eggs. Hopefully some are fertile, we have a few people that want to buy them. Need to feed the animals and make husband's breakfast and lunch to take. Am hoping today I'm not called in to work early because of one of my morning staff not showing up. I half suspect I'll be firing one of them today because I'm sure she'll be very argumentative. We'll see, it's not my favorite things to do. Young granddaughter is going with the flow and enjoying hanging with the twins, but she's not an outside girl. I'll see if I can turn her into one before she leaves. Have the dehydrator filled with apples (50 cents a lb), and maybe will make a store run after work to get more, and Roma tomatoes for 50 cents a lb. Our son keeps bringing in gobs of zucchini and Armenian cucumbers from his garden. They are growing like crazy.
Strawberry was to go to YS(youngest son) while I was in hospital.
His Austrialian Herding shepard bit her, 4 stitches internal and 4 external stitches. She stayed with OS(oldest son) at my apartment.
I got home from hospital on Sunday about 1530 hours, wore slick.
Mom and dad brought home cooked meals for the first day or two.
Absolutely exhausted.
Pain medicine puts me out like a light.
Just starting PT tomorrow.
Too hot to eat.
It's all I can do to walk across LR with walker.
They take stitches and staples out internal and external ones out on 17th Of July.
Off to take nap for medicine 375 mg Aspririn for blood clots.
My luck PT will be pain and Torture.

Thank goodness the worse part is over hopefully. And hoping you have a quick recovery MoBook. :huggs:
my dad passed away thus morning. i haven't seen hom in 25 years, his choice. he remarried and raised her 2 children as his own and forgot about us. i feel the man my dad was died 25 years ago because that man would have never have left any of us. he has 6 biological children. i am fighting an inner battle with my feelings toward him now. at least he is in no pain,yet he left a lot of it.
I'm with you there, Timmie. I had a similar situation with my "dad", and he passed last November. I was told a week after the fact. Weird feelings, he was a mean old man, and I didn't even meet him till I was in my late 30's. Had another set of kids he wasn't nice to either. I was a little sad, but not really, then felt bad about not being really sad. Guess you can't win.
Sorry for you loss @timmie, but as another who does not have a good relationship with my father either, is that the merit and role of "a father" is did they supply you with a loving and nurturing childhood environment ?, if not, it may seem hard, then they don't qualify for the "father role" in my eyes.

There are lots of good fathers out there and lots that never should have been parents in the first place in my view but this still doesn't stop us hurting when they pass.
thanks everybody. the thing is when we were kids he was the best dad around. he always had time for us no matter what. he has 16 grandchildren and he only knows 3 of them . and that's not counting great and great-great. i still love him very much, i just war with myself why he left us to raise someone else's children. i guess i'll never know now'
What a stressful day.

I got battery world in to check the battery and it's fine.
Even using their battery starter it cranked and still wouldn't start.

RACQ jacked up their prices for their Road Side Assist towing because I was honest and said the car had broken down to double their advertised price.

A tow from another operator will cost me $130 just to get it to the workshop before they even look under the hood.
Then it's open ended.
I checked the fuel system and injector related fuses and none are blown in the fuse box but who knows about in-line fuses or modules.

I'm not happy.
Ok Tank-Girl if you haven't had it towed yet I have a few suggestions to try to get the beasty operational. Firstly is it clicking when you turn the key, a constant click click click rather than the motor turning over ?. By the way is beasty car a Ford ?, because they are particularly known for the dodgy starter motors on them.

My suggestion is that it could well be the alternator or starter motor bendix that is stuck on it meaning you may need either of these replaced. This is going to sound weird but get a heavy object and bang the side of the starter motor and try and start it, if it doesn't start do it again this will free up the bendix and get the car to turn over, all fingers crossed here. If it is what I think it is it is a stuck worn bendix in your starter motor that is needed to turn the motor over. If this works it will get you going so you can get it to the nearest garage to fix it and you know your starter motor needs replacing.

Alternator is a maybe because if that is faulty it will usually flatten the battery which isn't the case but still a possibility.

Basic one but not a lot of people think of it is to clean your battery terminals in case there is a build up around them causing it. Other than that I am out of ideas and think it might be some electrical fault.

I hope this helps :) .
Started off the morning with warming up in front of the fire and a couple of cups of hot chocolate.

DH then vacuumed the whole house and I mopped the floors as with all the preserving and dried herb and flower separating that has been going on the carpets and vinyl were filthy as well as dusty. After that DH washed the dishes and cleaned the benches. Then outside into the yard we went and DH got a load of firewood from under the house and handed it to me on the veranda where I stacked it. He also had to split some logs which he also handed up to me to stack. In between DH splitting the logs I went around the front lawn picking up cut branches, bark and wood chips off the front lawn and garden where we used to have the wood splitting log and put the cut branches and twigs in the kindling barrel on the veranda, wood chips in a bucket for the BBQ smoker and threw the bark in the now empty bin and took both the recycling and normal bin around the back off the footpath.

We did have plans to get the last batch of strawberry jam happening but that didn't happen but at least quite a bit of cleaning up got done and it looks better and there is always tomorrow.

Tonight's dinner will be garden vegetable burgers made from frozen garden produce we preserved from the gardens.
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Just finished watering the raised beds. Been awhile since we had rain ( but we got drenched in the spring. go figure lol).
Got another cuke and some cherry tomatoes
Have a load of my things in the washer
Going to be ruthless and chuck a whole bunch of food magazines that I'm not using anymore and they're just taking up space on the shelf in the kitchen. Have to make sure my name and address isn't on them. I plan on putting them in a box with a "Free" sign on them, set them at the end of the lane and I can bet they'll be gone before the day is out when I do it. lol
Everybody likes Free!

Will be baking some chicken today for supper. I think I'll make baked potatoes and steamed broccoli go with it.
So far today I have deep cleaned the bathroom and toilet, put on a load of washing in the washing machine and hung it out and watered half of one side of the house and some canna lily and canna lily flower beds and just brought the washing back in. I then set up the ingredients for another batch of strawberry jam which DH chopped the strawberries and made the jam while I hung the washing and did the lawn watering.

Just about to take some photos of some handmade items to list in my eBay store to take advantage of free listings and then do more listing posts. Tonight we shall wash up the dishes in the kitchen and put them away.

Tonight's dinner will be the other half of our garden vegetable burgers heated up.

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