Right, well, I've been posting up some pics at the other site while drinking beer and smoking a bowl, lol... smoking a bowl on the front porch, I mean, it is "RAUCHEN VERBOTEN!!!" in our cat & ape home here at the ol' hacienda!!!
Feeling good, not even hungry yet though there's all kinds of grub in the fridge... I believe I will work on my 'Road Safety' thread this weekend, as I've been lagging in that regard, lol. "DON'T WORRY, BE HAPPY!!!" The thread is on the way!
I came here to grab some video link numbers of riding, so don't mind me... I'm posting pics & videos at this Kawasaki rider website to share 'em with like-minded individuals, riding is important to me and it keeps me relatively sane, lol.
Alright, youse H&CL Hee-roes, "CARRY ON!!!" I still luv ya, lol... I'm just on a mission to STYLE OUT some dirt bikers, as well as road riders, that other site needs some juice, somebody to ENERGIZE IT, aye? So that's what I'm doing tonight...
Damn, while I'm here, I believe I'll have a big ol' chug of that Jack Daniel's Tennessee Apple, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Why, you ask? Well, I can think of at LEAST two reasons: it's Friday Night, and BECAUSE I CAN, lol. CHEERS!!!