What's everybody doing today?

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It's snowing again this morning. Got up at 4 am, let the dogs out and now just sitting by the wood stove with a cold drink. Need to go start a fire in the fur shed soon. Later this morning I'm going down to the valley and set some otter, coon and muskrat traps before the creek and lake freezes solid. If I get home early enough I'll finish putting the roof on the chicken coop expansion.

Snow already? I hope we don't get any until at least Christmas .
It's raining here. I found a Youtube short video that showed how to get the light casing down. Dirt fell in my eye while I was pulling it down but I changed the bulb. It is much brighter and thus far hasn't flickered. I hope it stays that way. I found a video with 10 different troubleshooting methods for the problem I'm having with my AC. I'm not really comfortable doing them as I suck at using a voltometer. I once made a voltometer in electronics class but I don't trust myself not to touch the wrong things with the wrong sensor thingy.
Last night I made a béchamel sauce and boiled some cheese tortolini from Sams. It turned out OK. The sauce was better than some I made in the past.

I really need to do some more cleaning today but I'm trying to get myself motivated.

I got up and watched the DVR of Broadchurch and then Sister Boniface Mysteries with my brother. We both enjoyed them.
The oddly warm weather continues, though I guess it's supposed to break later today. Can't remember a November this warm since 1983. Took advantage of it yesterday to scrape and paint the mailbox post. It's amazing how that brightened the cub appeal of the whole place.

Amish I can sympathize; my dad's dementia has accelerated and seems to have emphasized the selfish and paranoid parts of his personality. It's been hard dealing with it and not taking it personally. We finally had to move him into a care facility after he had another fall, my brother just couldn't do the 24 hour care when dad was viciously uncooperative.

Still wishing I had my motorcycle back from the mechanic. This warm weather makes me want to ride.
We have warm weather too. They predicted a cold snap a couple of weeks ago but it never came. I kinda wish I had a motorcycle too.
Bake sale pans of brownies out of the oven and cooling, we had breakfast out. Rain and cold all morning (and still) so animal chores were not fun. Farm neighbor's dog "Wolf" was running our place all morning, so got him on a tie out on the tree line between our places. They arent' home right now, and he's young, still learning. Had to remember commands in German. Must of done ok, because he went back to the tree line and sat. Then when I would turn my back, he would run the length of our turkey runs again. So he's on a tie out. Going to work on the mess that is our walk in closet, till these brownies are cool enough to cut.
Back to The Ridge to dig more holes for the tree transplanting next month.


I then cleaned some more nasty jagger bushes and logs to make it easier for the side by side.

I will be heading back to the house soon to pick up The Princess so she can join me for what may be our last sunset to be viewed from the top of the orchard due to the clocks change this weekend.


Goofing off this afternoon after a fairly productive morning... meh, it's going on Friday Night, gotta live it up sometime! ;)

At least I ordered my cider-making equipment and special cider yeast, so that ball is now rolling... :cool:

Haven't had any beer yet today, but I intend to later, lol... might read for awhile first, I'm in the middle of a good book! 🤓
I too, drilled holes today for some Russian pear trees and three pie cherry bushes that I ordered two years ago and which never showed up.

I got a notice from a trucking company that they had a package for me yesterday. It turned out the nursury on the other side of the country is going out of buisiness and decided to honor the order.

The only problem is, there is eight inches of snow on the ground with more coming down.
The ground isn't frozen yet and neither is my compost pile so I shoveled the snow, drilled the holes, filled with good dirt and a tree. I put tree guards on them, wrapped loosely with burlap and mulched deep with hay.

Now we wait for spring to see if they survive.
Work, Work, and more work. Got thru a module of my class I was behind on, mostly math that is advanced from my learning. But I was able to work thru a bunch of problems and figured out enough that I made 100 on my test. That thrilled me. Got the next module studied up and will test on Monday.
Picked up a few tools and supplies at Harbor Freight last night, had several coupons for most of the expensive ones.
Work, Work, and more work. Got thru a module of my class I was behind on, mostly math that is advanced from my learning. But I was able to work thru a bunch of problems and figured out enough that I made 100 on my test. That thrilled me. Got the next module studied up and will test on Monday.
Picked up a few tools and supplies at Harbor Freight last night, had several coupons for most of the expensive ones.
Congratulations on the whole day!!😃
We have been so short-handed at work. Brain is sizzling.
Plus life stuff with family. What'd I do today? Worked. Ran the dog when I got home, took her for a walk too. Came across a cluster of branches that broke off from the wind today, it was near the middle of the street but in front of a truck. I started moving it but a guy came out from his house and said he'd get it. Took a brief nap. Kitty is snuggled up against me. She sleeps longer now that she's getting older, she's about 12, but she still likes to mess with the dog.
Been working all day on processing meat for the canner (scored some discounts - turkey, beef roast, chicken, and pork chops) and dealing with some pharmacy issues (system kerfuffle, not employee mishap). It's now after 11:30PM and I'm just starting my last canner load....

Think I'm gonna sleep well tonight. I'm tuckered out!
Been working all day on processing meat for the canner (scored some discounts - turkey, beef roast, chicken, and pork chops) and dealing with some pharmacy issues (system kerfuffle, not employee mishap). It's now after 11:30PM and I'm just starting my last canner load....

Think I'm gonna sleep well tonight. I'm tuckered out!
geeez, sleep well. I never sleep well when the wife is gone, even if it's farmsitting
Right, well, I've been posting up some pics at the other site while drinking beer and smoking a bowl, lol... smoking a bowl on the front porch, I mean, it is "RAUCHEN VERBOTEN!!!" in our cat & ape home here at the ol' hacienda!!! 🤣

Feeling good, not even hungry yet though there's all kinds of grub in the fridge... I believe I will work on my 'Road Safety' thread this weekend, as I've been lagging in that regard, lol. "DON'T WORRY, BE HAPPY!!!" The thread is on the way! 😉

I came here to grab some video link numbers of riding, so don't mind me... I'm posting pics & videos at this Kawasaki rider website to share 'em with like-minded individuals, riding is important to me and it keeps me relatively sane, lol. 😳

Alright, youse H&CL Hee-roes, "CARRY ON!!!" I still luv ya, lol... I'm just on a mission to STYLE OUT some dirt bikers, as well as road riders, that other site needs some juice, somebody to ENERGIZE IT, aye? So that's what I'm doing tonight... 😁

Damn, while I'm here, I believe I'll have a big ol' chug of that Jack Daniel's Tennessee Apple, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Why, you ask? Well, I can think of at LEAST two reasons: it's Friday Night, and BECAUSE I CAN, lol. CHEERS!!! 😎
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4am Saturday morning and I'm up!! Bear got up, I had to get up. We went to bed by 10 last night. Hubby is sound asleep so it's just me and the critters, who are NOT having breakfast before 5am!! Doing some laundry, messing around on the internet, and planning my day off! Always have a big "to do" list.
We are supposed to be half way to Seattle (yuk) by now. They are working on trailer light issues so we've not even left yet. It's going to be a long day. Praying for good roads, efficiency loading and strapping, and uneventful conditions - and to get on the road soon.
Please be safe in your travels, be careful in Seattle, I left Seattle in the late 60's for a very good reason for which I am now very grateful. Now that we live in S.W. Oregon, we will not go to Portland unless we absolutely have to, large "Blue" cities are a bane to mankind, I believe they're strongholds of demons, going to them puts your life in danger.

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