What's everybody doing today?

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Talked to my friend. I think he's home with the toddler while his gf is in hospital. He watched the surgery (c-section) and said they jerked her around the table like a rag doll and that she's extremely sore now. Even though she's awful to him, I still feel bad for her. I know she was terrified of surgery. And she'll probably be out of commission for weeks. Wish he'd send her back to her parents but he won't. Still waiting on paternity test results.

Light in my bathroom burned out so I need to put in a new bulb. Need to try to remember how to open the thing up. Also need to tackle some weeds outside to make it easier to get to the air conditioner.

Finished watching the Andor series. Trying to figure out what to watch next after I get some work done in the house.
We got another 6 inches of snow last night, and low 20's this morning. The sun's coming out right now so it's looking pretty nice. After today we're supposed to get snow until at least next Thursday.
Last week I noticed my tractor was leaking hydraulic fluid. I need to get it fixed before plowing the road, plus I need to do some welding on the plow, and put the chains on the tractor today too. A couple days ago I started building an addition on the chicken coop. I've got a couple rafters up and would like to get the rest up and the roof on today before we get more snow.
Last night I worked late in the fur shed getting my traps ready to go. I'll get a few set out later today for otter, muskrat and coon.
Sipping coffee, reading forums,crocheting blanket.
Working on Christmas.
I'm going to be a Granny again.
So will be sewing for that too.
Natives(neighbors) are restless.
Oh boy.
Our grandkids are coming down next weekend. The wife always does craft projects with them. She's been going out picking up pine cones for a Christmas project. The grand son is going to stay with us for an extra week. I bought him a kid sized pack basket that he can use with me on the trap line.
Our grandkids are coming down next weekend. The wife always does craft projects with them. She's been going out picking up pine cones for a Christmas project. The grand son is going to stay with us for an extra week. I bought him a kid sized pack basket that he can use with me on the trap line.
My grandchildren are 2,5,6,10 years old.
New grandson will be here in late April early May.
Reign is 2(girl), Estelle is 5(girl), Meredith is 6(girl), Memphis just turned 10 yesterday(boy).
Saw something new yesterday at work...
I was stacking my bins..enjoying a good flow when I hear a loud ,
"Crack...Boom!! Screachy bang!
I stop my machine n tilt my head waiting for more noise.
I knew it wasnt my machine..it was close but not my machine close. I looked out back wondering if a forklift dropped something for the construction crew outside working on the cogen.
Nope..nothing out back.
I hear another boom..n slowly peek around the building iron support n watched another 2×6 16 foot wet pine fly through the hole newly created in the wall n hit more wall on it's way out.
The bin I've personally wrote up 3 times for malfunctioning in the last month ..its bin floor cable on the catwalk side busted n half the bin dropped to the chains sending it crashing out through the wall.
Thousands of pounds of lumber shoved through a wall is a sight to see..of course I had my phone in my truck charging..
What a mess. I had disabled that bin. The main maintenance guy made sure it was disabled n turned the cylinder off last friday.
Someone disregarded our efforts monday, enabled the bin and cylinder n filled it with lumber.
Now that it the main maintenance guy got dissed..I have a feeling someone's going to know they messed up even if they dont fess up. And I feel validated..I told them it was screwed up 3 fracking times!
The 3rd time was a nasty note on the main computer with copious amounts of potty mouth language to not enable this bin!
Someplace needs a refresher on Lock Out Tag Out .
Drove to San Antonio Tuesday night for conference that started yesterday. Husband called this morning to warn me about possible weather tomorrow when I head home. Only 3 rd time to be in San Antonio. Born here almost 69 years ago while dad in Army and Mom taught school, 30 years ago visited Alamo, and this week. Have my carry with me. Usually I have beans and rice for emergency in my truck. Didn’t this time. No way I could walk home. 5 hour trip driving. Ready to be home now
Why would a wood stove have electric on it? Electric lighter?

Urban, hope you feel better soon!!

I cleared out the hall closet, it smelled , found a dead rat in it YUCK!!!
We stuffed odds and ends and camping stuff in it when we first moved here and haven't touched it since. I found my old rollerblades....lol they went in the trash. Can't use them anymore and even if I could there would be no place to use them. Hiking backpack over 30 years old: asked son if he wanted to clean it and keep it he said yes. Old shoes went in trash, tents went somewhere else.
All of you ladies with the stash of cleaning supplies need to come to my house!!!

It's foggy and humid outside. I want the sun to come out

Made Chinese lo mein with pork for lunch
Well, I'm glad I saw Pearl's post on windy weather, as the wind is kicking up here... but I got the watering done, so no worries. Already did my routine chores, so I'll be tackling indoor projects for the rest of the day. Oh, yeah, some wood stoves (like mine up in Show Low, Arizona) have an electric fan to help get fires started. :rolleyes:
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Mine has an electric squirrel cage blower on the back, it blows heat up through the hollow area on the back and top of the burn box and forces warm air out into the room.

Maybe mine did that also, it seemed to help with starting fires, but that was a big stove and it had those hollow areas or channels too. Lemme find a picture of the stove... :rolleyes:


Okay, Curmudgeon, maybe all my fan did was blow hot air through those holes you see to either side of the burn box. I thought it helped start fires, but maybe I'm wrong. That was a great stove though, it cranked out the heat till the whole house was 90 degrees, lol. Good for when the weather was like this:


That's when friends & I would stay indoors and use THIS, lol, my sweet 8' table:


Sometimes I miss that Show Low home, but I had good times there for two years, and I'm not far from the mountains & tall pines here in New Mexico, so no worries! :cool:


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I saw 7:45 for the first time in the almost 3 years since I retired. The driver delivering the refrigerator was calling to give me an estimated delivery time.. 9:00! That gave me 1:15 minutes to wake up take care business then get coffee in my head disconnect the water line and transfer all of the frozen stuff into insulated chests.

I am not a morning person since I retired. Oh bother!

I got it done then sat doen to check the time to see it click over from 9:00 to 9:01. And rhen I waited and waited... The Princess came up from her dungeon office to witness the disaster of a kitchen. She produced 3 large baskets (only God and her know where those were stashed :confused2: ) that she sorted all of the over-flow into during an interlude between her Zoom meetings.

Meanwhile I am finishing off my coffee and pondering if I should have a second mug as I watched her work. While I was sitting and she was buzzing about I have a suspicion she was quietly giggly watching me suffer from the 9:00 hour.

Come 10:35 I get a courtesy call telling me they are 35 minutes away. The delivery was good. I had run some errands (pick up beer whiskey and donuts) so after I hooked up the water line I ran out to take care of those tasks. When I got back the fridge was filled! Soon thereafter she returned to restore the refrigerator magnets to make it official.



Philosophical observation...

As more and more products are made from plastic the refrigerator may be a last hold out. Refrigerator magnets don't stick to plastic.

I saw 7:45 for the first time in the almost 3 years since I retired. The driver delivering the refrigerator was calling to give me an estimated delivery time.. 9:00! That gave me 1:15 minutes to wake up take care business then get coffee in my head disconnect the water line and transfer all of the frozen stuff into insulated chests.

I am not a morning person since I retired. Oh bother!

I got it done then sat doen to check the time to see it click over from 9:00 to 9:01. And rhen I waited and waited... The Princess came up from her dungeon office to witness the disaster of a kitchen. She produced 3 large baskets (only God and her know where those were stashed :confused2: ) that she sorted all of the over-flow into during an interlude between her Zoom meetings.

Meanwhile I am finishing off my coffee and pondering if I should have a second mug as I watched her work. While I was sitting and she was buzzing about I have a suspicion she was quietly giggly watching me suffer from the 9:00 hour.

Come 10:35 I get a courtesy call telling me they are 35 minutes away. The delivery was good. I had run some errands (pick up beer whiskey and donuts) so after I hooked up the water line I ran out to take care of those tasks. When I got back the fridge was filled! Soon thereafter she returned to restore the refrigerator magnets to make it official.

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View attachment 97389

Philosophical observation...

As more and more products are made from plastic the refrigerator may be a last hold out. Refrigerator magnets don't stick to plastic.

So later I saw I screwed up!

I was supposed to pull the water solenoid assembly out!

Urban? You ok?
We're on day 2 of wind storms. Makes me think of the "dirty 30's" that my favorite cousin talks about. Did 8 loads of laundry, hung, dry, and folded. Still behind a few. Rain supposed to be at 5am. Emptied and filled the dehydrator, still tomatoes. Talked to my sis that was just here about ideas on handling mom and her meaness. Lately she's been freaking out about having money, but everytime I give her some, she hides it, and hides it real well. She hides everything. She found the lemon pie we bought last week in the linen closet. She yells and berates me for keeping her ID, CC, and cash, so I thought about buying a bunch of wallets at the thrift store this weekend, getting about $100 in fives and ones, and putting some in the wallets. I can give her a wallet when she gets all ticked off at me. Finding a wallet would make her happy, too. Planning her 90th birthday party in a few weeks. She is a pain in the butt. Maybe this should of gone in rants. I'm not bringing her out for Chinese food again.
It's snowing again this morning. Got up at 4 am, let the dogs out and now just sitting by the wood stove with a cold drink. Need to go start a fire in the fur shed soon. Later this morning I'm going down to the valley and set some otter, coon and muskrat traps before the creek and lake freezes solid. If I get home early enough I'll finish putting the roof on the chicken coop expansion.
I'm so glad we don't have snow yet. But it is supposed to rain today. Taking the two girls to their schools pretty soon. Husband wants to go to the amish place for breakfast, so we'll go after I get all the animals taken care of. Not many plans today....more laundry catch up to do, I need to bake for little granddaughter's school bake sale tomorrow. Our small town's Christmas open house is tomorrow, which means our three stores will be doing something with discounts and raffles. The school will have it's bake sale to raise money for some meat chickens they are buying and raising Hoping to empty out our bedroom walk in closet completely today so I can put new clothes racks up. Stuff is all over the place.
Urban? You ok?
We're on day 2 of wind storms. Makes me think of the "dirty 30's" that my favorite cousin talks about. Did 8 loads of laundry, hung, dry, and folded. Still behind a few. Rain supposed to be at 5am. Emptied and filled the dehydrator, still tomatoes. Talked to my sis that was just here about ideas on handling mom and her meaness. Lately she's been freaking out about having money, but everytime I give her some, she hides it, and hides it real well. She hides everything. She found the lemon pie we bought last week in the linen closet. She yells and berates me for keeping her ID, CC, and cash, so I thought about buying a bunch of wallets at the thrift store this weekend, getting about $100 in fives and ones, and putting some in the wallets. I can give her a wallet when she gets all ticked off at me. Finding a wallet would make her happy, too. Planning her 90th birthday party in a few weeks. She is a pain in the butt. Maybe this should of gone in rants. I'm not bringing her out for Chinese food again.
The wallet idea is great. I knew a lady who did that with purses for her mom who his stuff. White purses, all her mom would carry, she lived in assisted living and would carry her purse until she thought someone was after it. Then she would hide it, gripe at her daughter who would then produce another white purse with a little cash and cheap jewelry in it. When she died they found many purses and a total of 425$ in her apartment. Kind of like money in the bank!!
I'm doing much better than yesterday. The son is visiting this weekend and wife reminded me that I need to get all the laundry done before he arrives....

Yesterday afternoon I took the wife to the hair place, as we were leaving she promised them that next time we come I will bring them some indoor tomato plants... I guess I need to start some seeds, 6 weeks comes fast... I have a bunch of herbs that need to be harvested and dried.

I was planning to rebuild the battery box/potting table in my greenhouse, it currently holds 9 batteries and I am debating going for 12 or 16. I assume that it will be decided by my tape measure.....

Head is still draining, but the throbbing gone, thank goodness. I can't stand to be around me when I feel like that... ;)
The oddly warm weather continues, though I guess it's supposed to break later today. Can't remember a November this warm since 1983. Took advantage of it yesterday to scrape and paint the mailbox post. It's amazing how that brightened the cub appeal of the whole place.

Amish I can sympathize; my dad's dementia has accelerated and seems to have emphasized the selfish and paranoid parts of his personality. It's been hard dealing with it and not taking it personally. We finally had to move him into a care facility after he had another fall, my brother just couldn't do the 24 hour care when dad was viciously uncooperative.

Still wishing I had my motorcycle back from the mechanic. This warm weather makes me want to ride.
I am going to make pumpkin soup for lunch and trying to figure out what could go with it. I'm thinking some sort of bread thing, maybe meat pies.
I wished the sun would come out, it's not cold but so gloomy outside. Typical Appalachia weather , we get lots of fog here and it can last half the day
Going to bake another pumpkin roll later to take to some friends we plan on visiting tomorrow
Animals are ok, buck is still limping but the injury is healing up well, no infection or anything so far so good. I just hope he didn't damage himself permanently, would hate to try selling a limping buck