What's everybody doing today?

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Today I found out why I haven't been getting many calls on my phone. Seems that it is damaged and can't pick up a cell signal for anything. At home it can work on my WiFi, but walk away from the house and nada... When I took the phone out of the protective case I noticed that one corner of the screen is popped up about 1/16" away from the metal case, you can push them back together but they just spring apart again.... Not good. I though about buying a replacement phone, but the sim card slot is also tweaked and will not open. I looked up the model and they quit making it in 2017 so I'm kind of up a creek.

I am not a big fan of smart phones and this is not helping my perspective. If I can get this thing replaced I think I will be taking it out to the gun range....
Hell, yeah! That 'Firing Range Therapy' works wonders with Big Tech Devices... they'll never look better, lol. ;)

I charged my *new* 4G flip-phone today, but I spent the entire afternoon running around and knocking out some errands, and now it's already friggin' dark, so I'll mess with the phone tomorrow. I like broad daylight when I'm activating these stupid devices, no need to strain my eyes with all the fine print under artificial light, 10-4? 😒

I just checked the NOAA Weather forecast and they changed it, it WILL drop to 32* F and not the 34* F listed earlier, so I gotta go out and throw the plastic sheets over my fruit trees & blackberry vine, pfffffft. Quick question: is it worth trying to save a Jalapeno bush, or will it die ANYWAY over the winter? I'd like to save it, but if it can't be done, I won't waste any more time on it, aye? :rolleyes:

The good news is that I don't have to cover the fruit trees right away, I can drink a few beers first, then don my headlamp and go knock out that chore, lol... the plastic sheets are in the large metal shed right near the trees and vine, so it AIN'T NO THANG to grab 'em and toss 'em over the plants! I tie off the plastic or use rocks to weight it down! 🙃

Right now, after dealing with that crazy crowd in WallyWorld, then returning home to unload stuff, check on the cats, do the watering I should've done earlier, etc., I'm in the mood for a few cold beers, lol. I bought a basketload of cr@p at the store too, so it took me awhile to unload it all and put it away... even the lower rack on the basket was full! 😳

But I manned up and dealt with the situation, and now my pantry & kitchen cabinets are looking good, lol. Plus the fridge is jammed with food, even though I've taken pains to transfer leftovers into smaller containers! Ah, the sacrifices I make as a lonely bachelor, nobody to help schlep the groceries, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Life's rough at times... :eek:

The GOOD NEWS is that I just grabbed another cold beer, as the first one vanished faster than David Copperfield or Harry Houdini in his prime, lol. I'm talking SECONDS here, not minutes, lol... Guinness World Record time for pounding beer, the poor suds had no chance! [Sob!] Poor little 12-oz. beer, to be slammed hard & suffer such a fate! 😢

Meh, I'm over it... "NEXXXXXT!!!" Lol. That last one tasted pretty darned good, and this one ain't gonna hang around much longer either... like an unwanted house guest, the thing will be drop-kicked shortly like I'm STARRIN' in the NFL, lol. BTW, who won that Cowboys & Packers game? I caught a little of it on the radio in the car... maybe I should check my TV and see if I can find any football action! 🤔

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Today I found out why I haven't been getting many calls on my phone. Seems that it is damaged and can't pick up a cell signal for anything. At home it can work on my WiFi, but walk away from the house and nada... When I took the phone out of the protective case I noticed that one corner of the screen is popped up about 1/16" away from the metal case, you can push them back together but they just spring apart again.... Not good. I though about buying a replacement phone, but the sim card slot is also tweaked and will not open. I looked up the model and they quit making it in 2017 so I'm kind of up a creek.

I am not a big fan of smart phones and this is not helping my perspective. If I can get this thing replaced I think I will be taking it out to the gun range....
Tannerite works quite well for giving those old electronics a final attitude adjustment...
Morning church service.
Restaurant of the wife’s choosing.
Give MIL‘s caregiver a break for the afternoon and evening.
Stopped on the way home for some ice creme, wife had a salad.
Home in time to watch Greenbay win in overtime.
Currently debating falling asleep in the recliner or heading to bed?
Recliner all the way. Why bother getting up? 😁
Super lazy weekend, but I guess I'll give myself a pass since I'm still fighting this cold.

Added plastic to 3 sides of both chicken coops to give them some shelter from the cold. Once of the waterers I'm using for my quail is leaking which is the worst because the quail only smell if their bedding gets wet... Hoping I can source some replacement nipples for it so I don't have to replace the whole thing. IDK what they do different, but this brand seems to freeze up less easily than most other nipple waterers which is great for winters here.

Slept in yesterday and today & missed church for the 1st time in forever, which was too bad because it was the children's service this week which is mostly the kids singing and giving adorable little talks. Probably was better to stay home than to share my bug with all the grandparents coming to see the little ones. Made some chicken soup and OJ which have me feeling better at least mentally.

Hydroponic system is on hold while I rest up, but I did grab the liquid fertilizer and clay pebbles at the hardware store, so everything I need is on hand when my get up and go returns :) I'll probably start some lettuce seeds and herbs tomorrow so we're ready to rock and roll when it's up and running.
Winter has arrived looks like, yuck

Went to farm club meeting yesterday, not very many people there compared to pre-covid
( but more members )
cleaned barn while sheep were out ( rest got rotated around the barn until it was clean, we have 4 areas) then put everyone back in since it was raining and windy.
Now it is windy and supposed to be below freezing all day. So everyone will go out for a little while since it is not raining while we clean, and then we put them back in. Such a huge temp change is not good for the animals. We went from 70 degrees to below freezing in just a few days
Baking bread today, made dough yesterday
I keep putting off cleaning the house because we have another rain day coming.
Sometimes I really hate the weather

forgot: we stopped by the walmart to get bananas on the way yesterday and they had turkeys on sale for .89 a pound , I got 2 , they will probably not last long
What is crazy about the Turkey price is I live in Arkansas ( AKA) home of Walmart and Tyson and poultry houses as far as the eye can see. And you could not find turkey breast in a deli if your life qas dependent on it? Now we have whole turkeys crazy.
Well today is exciting in many ways the first is my girl comes home from 3 day baking class she went to in Alabama, but the real exciting news is next Monday I close escrow so moving from my 8 acres to my new 23 acre farm. So I already have barn and everything packed I just need to pack the house which I will get into today. Y'all have a great day.
What is crazy about the Turkey price is I live in Arkansas ( AKA) home of Walmart and Tyson and poultry houses as far as the eye can see. And you could not find turkey breast in a deli if your life qas dependent on it? Now we have whole turkeys crazy.
We have been there, chicken houses as far as you can see in some areas but Arkansas was a potential place we might have moved to. We went to Eureka Springs , Hot springs, and a bunch of other places on a camping trip many years ago but enjoyed it very much.
I close escrow so moving from my 8 acres to my new 23 acre farm.
Congratulations!!! A new adventure!

Today, I will walk first (in the cold). Hopefully 34 by the time I start.
Wash rugs.
Clean house.
Print a few recipes for later in the week.
Work on bookkeeping.
Amish: I can relate to the church thing. Back when we were LCMS Lutherans and went to church every Suday we always got up early to go to the first service because it was the only traditional one. Next one was modern and we didn't like it as much.

It is very cold, husband already started a fire in the kitchen stove. I finally after 6 winters figured out how to get the heat out the kitchen and in the living room yesterday!!! I put a fan on top of the fridge. We have tried putting it on a cart that has the microwave on it, but it kept falling off and we actually broke one, then on a chair, not high enough ( heat rises) but the fridge actually works. It's on the far side of the kitchen, so this is kind of surprising but I suppose it just pushes out the hot air . Very happy about that since the kitchen gets miserably hot and the living room is still cold

Put plastic on the rest of the barn and other animal housing windows including the chicken house. I hope nobody is sick today.

Today I am going to do laundry before the hose freezes . Not sure what we are going to do with our new laundry set up. The line to the hose we installed this year is above ground outside the house . It will definitely freeze. I guess we will have to go back to using a garden hose from the hydrant in another building to fill it. Not looking forward to that, you have to constantly watch it or it will run over
Ha! I'll try the fan technique, Sonya. Same thing here....woodburning stove in the kitchen, family room gets warm, but kitchen gets too hot. Do you have hot water for your hose in the outbuilding? I wish we did. Looks like there was a water line in our old milkhouse, but isn't working now. My cousin has hot water in his milkhouse (probably because it's still used as a milkhouse), and they run a hose off that to the wash house next to it.
Need to get the two girls to school, then animal chores done, husband's breakfast. I know the waterers are all frozen, and we are expecting snow this afternoon. Also this afternoon is the two hour child services meeting in the other town. No idea what the agenda is. Just know the twins have to be there, too. New accusations from them? I really don't know, unless they are going to discuss when grandson almost died.
Got the fun stuff done this weekend meaning I got work with the fleece. Got more o fit washed. Can only get about 10-15 ounces a week washed. I’m getting behind on the combing and spinning. Did make samples for finished. I’m amazed how it’s going from dIrty to yarn.


I’m planning on an Aran sweater. Just need to find a pattern so I plan how much to spin.
Got the fun stuff done this weekend meaning I got work with the fleece. Got more o fit washed. Can only get about 10-15 ounces a week washed. I’m getting behind on the combing and spinning. Did make samples for finished. I’m amazed how it’s going from dIrty to yarn.

View attachment 98045View attachment 98046

I’m planning on an Aran sweater. Just need to find a pattern so I plan how much to spin.
That is amazing!!
We have been there, chicken houses as far as you can see in some areas but Arkansas was a potential place we might have moved to. We went to Eureka Springs , Hot springs, and a bunch of other places on a camping trip many years ago but enjoyed it very much.
Next time y'all ever come our way let us know we are in Siloam Springs on top of what we call a mountain 😂, 9 miles to Oklahoma boarder and about an hour and 15 minutes to eureka springs my in-laws live in hot springs not sure if I don't care for it because of in-law or the city 😂
I delivered some hay late yesterday. My customer had a novel idea for keeping stock tanks from freezing?

She buried a three inch galvanized pipe, vertically, in the middle of her stock tank. The tanks are made from old ag tires with the bottom six inches filled with cement. The pipe goes about 40 inches below grade and extends above the water line. Idea being the warm earth conducts heat up the pipe and prevents freezing water.

It's been in the 20s for mornings. She had a conventional tank nearby and it had an inch of ice on the top of the water. The two she made with the pipes in the middle had zero ice. Will be interesting if it works as it gets colder?
Slow morning here, I was up late partying, lol... and after all the trouble I took to wrap the fruit trees & blackberry vine & hot pepper plant in plastic last night (in the dark with the wind picking up), the temp didn't even reach freezing, pffffft. I'm tellin' y'all, I should've been a weatherman: the only job where one can CONSTANTLY F/U and STILL keep his JOB, lol. 😒

Meh, I'm over it, I had a good time last night, as I hadn't really partied heavily for awhile... and now it's another day, sunny but breezy and a bit cool, I already removed the plastic wrap from the plants and I also watered them to get that chore outta the way. The trees and plants look good, we're supposed to have more chilly nights ahead, so I'll go ahead and wrap everything again tonight. Amish Heart, I've been thinking about what you said, and I may be able to put the pepper plant in the 'mud room' for the winter... it gets cold in there, but I don't think the temp will reach freezing at 32* F or less. 🤔

Gonna set up my phone today, and also get that hard apple cider brewin' now that I have everything I need. Breakfast first, I'm in no particular hurry today... if the wind doesn't kick up too hard later, I'll clean the bike and get some shots for Magus, depends entirely upon the weather. I don't wash my bike in a gale, lol... no future in that. We'll see what happens... :rolleyes:

AR_Country, you're JUST the sort of hand we need here at this site, welcome to the club! I've been to your neck o' the woods many times, back when I was pullin' a reefer wagon and loadin' it at those very same poultry plants you mention, lol. I believe I've been to every single one of those plants, though not by CHOICE, lol. And I remember Siloam Springs very well, must have driven through it 100 times or more, lol. Pretty country in that whole area, though I'm not much for the humidity in summer... but seasons turn, and other times of year are awesome over there! :)

Later, when I was draggin' dry boxes all over the country, I had a regular run to a Sanyo plant in Forrest City, AR, and we always ran the 'Southern Route' out of San Diego, which meant taking I-8 to I-10 to I-20 to I-30 to I-40 to Forrest City. Not a bad run, as a driver could legally log the entire trip there and back to San Diego without too much hassle in doctoring the 'Comic Book' or Driver's Daily Log as required by the D.O.T. We used to haul TV tubes over there, back when they had tubes, and backhaul plastic racks for more tubes later... the tubes came across the border from a plant in Mexico. The racks were light, so the run home was easy. :cool:

P.S. AR_Country, I just looked at my trucker's atlas to refresh my memory, and you're in a good location to access the lakes in that area, not only in AR & MO but in OK as well. I almost bought a home in eastern OK, back when I was camping in the field for 109 days with three cats, lol... but somebody else beat me to it, ya had to jump on a property quickly or it'd be gone, just like that. Crazy real estate market... I'm glad I'm DONE with that BS for now, lol. :oops:
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Well, I just wasted about an hour trying to activate my *new* 4G flip-phone... turns out that the lowest prepaid card 'plan' for this phone is $35, which means I have to take my unused $30 card back to Walmart and buy an 'open card' with $35 on it to activate the new POS. In essence, this means that the so-called "upgrade" from 3G to 4G or higher is just another way to screw me out of an additional $5 per month, PFFFFFFFT. I should've known that money would be a factor in dealing with these dirty Big Tech swine... they'll nickel & dime ya to death, any way they can, lol. Greedy b@stards! I'd like to simply chuck the phone and go back to making smoke signals with a Mexican blanket, lol, but I need the piece o' junk to talk to my friends & relatives who are still in the Socialist Republik of Kalifornia (and elsewhere), no way they can read my smoke signals from that distance. Meh, I'll ride the bike up to town manana and exchange the phone card, I gotta dump fuel into the bike anyway for my next ride. I sure don't have much luck with these modern devices, it's always SOMETHING, and usually it costs more too, lol. :confused:

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