Hell, yeah! That 'Firing Range Therapy' works wonders with Big Tech Devices... they'll never look better, lol.
I charged my *new* 4G flip-phone today, but I spent the entire afternoon running around and knocking out some errands, and now it's already friggin' dark, so I'll mess with the phone tomorrow. I like broad daylight when I'm activating these stupid devices, no need to strain my eyes with all the fine print under artificial light, 10-4?
I just checked the NOAA Weather forecast and they changed it, it WILL drop to 32* F and not the 34* F listed earlier, so I gotta go out and throw the plastic sheets over my fruit trees & blackberry vine, pfffffft. Quick question: is it worth trying to save a Jalapeno bush, or will it die ANYWAY over the winter? I'd like to save it, but if it can't be done, I won't waste any more time on it, aye?
The good news is that I don't have to cover the fruit trees right away, I can drink a few beers first, then don my headlamp and go knock out that chore, lol... the plastic sheets are in the large metal shed right near the trees and vine, so it AIN'T NO THANG to grab 'em and toss 'em over the plants! I tie off the plastic or use rocks to weight it down!
Right now, after dealing with that crazy crowd in WallyWorld, then returning home to unload stuff, check on the cats, do the watering I should've done earlier, etc., I'm in the mood for a few cold beers, lol. I bought a basketload of cr@p at the store too, so it took me awhile to unload it all and put it away... even the lower rack on the basket was full!
But I manned up and dealt with the situation, and now my pantry & kitchen cabinets are looking good, lol. Plus the fridge is jammed with food, even though I've taken pains to transfer leftovers into smaller containers! Ah, the sacrifices I make as a lonely bachelor, nobody to help schlep the groceries, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Life's rough at times...
The GOOD NEWS is that I just grabbed another cold beer, as the first one vanished faster than David Copperfield or Harry Houdini in his prime, lol. I'm talking SECONDS here, not minutes, lol... Guinness World Record time for pounding beer, the poor suds had no chance! [Sob!] Poor little 12-oz. beer, to be slammed hard & suffer such a fate!
Meh, I'm over it... "NEXXXXXT!!!" Lol. That last one tasted pretty darned good, and this one ain't gonna hang around much longer either... like an unwanted house guest, the thing will be drop-kicked shortly like I'm STARRIN' in the NFL, lol. BTW, who won that Cowboys & Packers game? I caught a little of it on the radio in the car... maybe I should check my TV and see if I can find any football action!